Wedding. l : At St.- Andrflw'q'Pl"esbytemn'Church,-ye3-terday/ Miss Emily' Best, daughter, of Mrs. / Digby Best/of Bowen Street,, was married to 'Mr.> Andrew Jack, the Rev. X -Gibson Smith "■ v: . officiaitiqi;/-•-The onde;«wlio; was given away '.' by Mr. 'Jv' Thompson, wore ai charming frock-. ■ of white'silk; trimmedrwith:-white-lacey.and vav bridal wreath and; veil; Miss. Benson, her ! bndesmaid,-wore white silk muslin and-hat ■ ' y ' ■ i of'-pink' crmdline straw..- Mrj; C./Stewart-.:was : bost nian.': *After, thoweddmg- a reception . was held, at St. Andrew's Hall, by tho mother of ;tbe bride, i.who. receiyed.m a frock ■: of'black brocade,i with bonnet to match. . Tho bride's travelling-frock was- a brown tailor-: ' ' , :■, made, with. - which - sho wore ,a- sable- toque and set of sable furs> 1 1 I, A Mangatainoka Wedding. , At Mangatainoka: yesterday afternoon-.Mr. ■ - 'Arthur Jonrr Wakeford,' youngest son. of Mr. - H.i'A. Wakeford, :amold;resident of tho.dis-tnot-jvwas i.marned -to;. Miss ■ MaryT. Harris ■, v . eldest-daughter: of Mr./ John Harris,,. chair-. ! ;--:-'-.-'":--inan : '-ofv.the''Woodvill0.'.County- Council., The ceremony was .performed by the Rev:., Mr. ■ : l'he oride ,wore ,a, frook of cream silk;-'trimmed .with oream lace, .with veil ,and ; orange,; blossoms. ,■ ,-The bridesmaids were .the' - : Misses' Harris/ and Wakeford,: both of whom wore oream moußSeline frocks.:trimmed, with * cream- insertion. Mr. H. T. Mexted was best man. A reception was * afterwards ■'■v hold at the 'home of the Dridegroom's parents, and a dance was -given at the Mangatamoka j - Library Hall -last'.night' in honour of the occasion, 'and' also in-honour of'Miss.-Daisy "twenty-first - birthday. ' r -'>0n- Wednesday afternoon-a reception .was held r in -the< Waikanae. Schpol •by :the . Ideal iladies to ,meet:-Mrs. .J.-/Edwin. Jones,. • vtiie'Vife'bf'thei 'Rer.''J:'.Edwra of the pinsh. J The school,, was most charmingly decorated for. the'occasion,: the; tables being adorned -with blue- anemones, jpnquils, and roses, and afternoon tea was served.'After Mrs. H. R. Elder had. introduced Mrs.. Ed- ' wm Jones to-jthosevpresent-she,,in,a charm-: ing- little speech,; presents.Mrs:i Jones (on behalf''of 1 of ■ the,/parish) with/a . beautiful silver rosebowl and bouquet of pink carnations. .--The .Rev/ ; J.' Edwin Jones thanked -Mrs. Elder :and ladies for the. beautiful gift, and also' for their kind wishes and' reception. < ' Fre'e| Kindergarten Dance. The friends of the Free Kindergarten havo'fjeen disappomted by having very wet - ' Weather for the 1 last two - teas 1 that, have . been;given ,m aid .of, the. funds of-the. schools,, but #6 success ;0f the. dance that was: given - for-them last knight, at : tho very top of AVinder'.s inew building, must go far to compensate for thoso , earher- disappointments. ': v'- .- r■: Over tbree hundred guests were present, and, from hrst to lasty .thf; dance-proved >to be a. very .enjoyable one. , The whole of the ~' upper fiat had been given up to .tho.--council • for tho occasion/ Part of it Was soreened off lor dressmg-rooms,,. and supper-room, and the rest was gaily-decorated; with flags and ' with longJestoons of: lycopodram,''while each • \ window' (giving some glimpse of tho Jigllts of 1 the -city)- provided a certain.-decorative eltect. ' At .ono end-carpets jhad .ibeen laid down, and- chairs and . codches were placed ; ' about for those who preferred to talk rather than ' dance.' : -Tho -numerous-:- stairs, -and !'■ rooms on: the different .'landings, .were fopnd to afford excellent places for sitting out, and one - saw that- the carpet-room m particular i ' . was popular as a . resting-place :. between | •; dances. . The - 'committee.had carefully selected i ■ 'a moonlit-■ night, .as one of -the charms of the building-is tjie -wide . roof-garden, but. , for once, the moon was not -working, and - the -venturous ones who walked about-on the roof-amid.'sparsely'scattered rain-drops, ' ■ ' wjnje charmed with the view of the city.'s v lights, .had the .moon. ;-.... - Great;credit is" due, to the .committee .for .the'.-excellence .of -their'-arrangements,; ; and : to tbe many helped ■ J vto-' mako-'the dancer such .-a'-: success. - Miss Burnett was'thosecretary,- "and the'other " members ;were: -Miss-1 A. ' 'Hursthouse, ..D. . Biilkley,-. and-Winder,.. while the chaperons were : Mrs. Bulkley, Mrs;-, Burnett, . -Mrs: ' Chatfiold, Hursthouse,'Mrs. Fell, : ,Mrs. Jamiesonj Mrs.' Winder, ana Miss. Riohmond. . "■:.:-Miss*.-Burnett.'.wo_re.i-a/frock ,'-riet* over :whito :silk. jet - trimmings-Miss Hursthouse, pale,-blue; .silk; - Miss ,Winder, • white embroidered robe;; with gold fringe; . Miss D. Bulkley, pale pink:chiffon-taffetas. Mrs. -.Winder wore - a - frock of . black'- satin • with'ci'eani lacA;-'Mrs. 1 Pell, rblack silk and point lace bertha; Miss Helyer,' purple velvet / : ■• : with white. lace j' Mrs/Cohen, black silk' and •cream lace; Mrs.-Burnott, black silk trimmed, with; jetted 'blaqlc lace -over, white;- -MrsijjF. M.: B.- pale pink- silk; Mrs.: Arnold t • 'Atkinson, heliotrope; silk-}.-, Mrs. Latty, eillt; .Miss Jones (Oamaru),,black silk;' Miss • Staoe,'. whiter,chiffon; with: white- '.lace .- and - 'touche!s;.of--cerise > velvet;- ■ Miss Greenish, . white,.silk; Miss;:E. Greenish, whito Silk;. Miss 'M. i Fell, .white satin ;"Miss Putnam, ■' rose pink silk;-Mjss. Poynter, green chiffon * .. -. taffetas; Miss .Travors, -wnite, oMon taffetas'; Miss Hamilton,* blue: silk - with whito V lace and.girdle'of black velvet:ribbon ; Mrs. Gtay; palo-green silk; Mrs. -R. Hursthouse, green silk-with cream ; net blouse; Miss ; -Miss Tondall, ' white: satin ; Mrs. ... . Orr,--reseda green silk taffetas; Miss E. Hoby;- heliotrope silk; Miss R, -Hursthoitse, white -messalino silk ' with silver , trimmine';' MiSs-L.- Atkinson; black silk ;-Miss Pollock; white satin ; Miss Gill, whito satin with . touches of brown; - Miss Tingey,' white silk; Mrs. Bristow;. black spotted net"_witlr Wack lace : insertion' Over white silk; Miss Devine, white muslin with scarlet sash-and-ribbons ; i' MiSs 'Bendall, .wliito" chiffon , with bands ,bf black velvet; Miss Lingard, white silk;with floral sash ;-Mrs. Macdonald, black silk, and. : h«r tiifo'•.daughters in . frocks . of-, flowered : " muslin ; Mrs. r Thundor, violot.velvet. •.!
Oriental Football j Club. Danes. A'-vorv enjoyable-dance-, was- given last evening -in tho'Sydney- Street Schoolroom ,by the' Oriental Football Club. Tho - hall and stfpper-room 1 wore decorated jvjfch flags - and foliage, and. adjoining rooms were furnished and 'decorated: lor sitting out. ■ Ihe chaperorifcs were •.' sMesdames Morton, / Gardiner, tsievers, and Nimmo.- The members of comriittee present" woro: .Miss Gardiner, who wbre- white silk 1 muslin;' Miss A.- Gardiner, pink muslin;: Miss E. Gardiner, pale- bluo frock Miss -Hegmbotham, black net over whito silk,' with crystal .trimming;: Miss- A. Hegmbotham, palo pinlt; rMiss .Alexander, green 'silk; Miss'Birrell, cream silk; Miss Strickland, tfhite sdk ; Miss Roskrugo, whito eilk';' -Miss- Cunningham, .whito- silk;- .Mrs. ' Gardiner 'wore' rose-coloured -, velvet, with cfeam' - lace; ■ Miss' MellßopJ • hehotropo.: silk; ond'Mtss Hildreth, crcam lace.'
Mrs, Bengough. t ■Mrs. -Bengough, who- arrivediby the-Syd-. neyboat on Wednesday with her [husband on a. I'tour -of New Zealand, is'a: lady - who hasj i greatly interested the Australian, women with whom she.has come in contact,.for sho hersolf is 1 interested in all sorts of matters affecting .-the-, happiness of women and children, and; she is' keeping -her. eyes, open .'osVshe; travels round' .to.note: ;what are tho i activities of-.women- in. these, lands. Scotch i by descent, Canadian by birth, and Amorii cain by/virtue of twenty yoars' residence ,in. i Chicago; Mrs. Bengougn (whoset home is now | [ in Toronto) has hild wide opportunities.. of studyirig modem: methods of dvic: .service, | and; finds the to. be. got. oilt of; settlement' work. MiSs JaneAddaips of Hull House, Chicago, ■. is ■ tho, famoub leader- of this work in the: States,. and Mis. Bengough teils m-.aV very interesting.i Way how people .of education and means go ' -,to ! liye!-.,m;.'thft : settleinent are. free to devote themselvw to different •brandies of work.- Those whose family ties preventtheir';.'joining ; the jhouses,, devote so'many days a week to .workj from? i the outside,-and that is how Mrs. Bengough cbmes'lM-bei; associated-with-the i., settlement' movement,' which concerns itself '-with a; great. Variety of ■ tens' for;; the babies, Vlecture rboms^theat'res',-. and 9 ' s fhails-.'rfo*: the-youth-' and maiden aud' the quite grownup, and playgrounds for the children—all these; things.come under : the : care' of the-set', tlement.houses. / Last ycar:a'.conventionof settlement workers met at Chicago, and; Mr.Bengough, who . was a representative, from Toronto,-returned to his town so full of ideas ;how. lias.jil-s settlement ;house3i . 'n'orking 1 , of course, .. in a speller': w'ayyvbut. very' effectively'.'' One fears that' it: .will be - a long-'time', before: Wellington wakes to;' the. necessity. .of. providing proper:, playgrounds for its children, and by :tliat ■ time probably there will" be' no people left who ■ will know - what to -do witlfthe grounds once they get them.. | The. art of play: will' have been lost. Then I we'rshall "have to send across fo the States, . where ■the''.full 1 importance of play ;is thoroughly understood, and learn tho. things I that' Mrs. Bengough. talks; about, now—about pools,.:jflaj'r grounds" with; proper' appliances; in short, all; the !;for... healthy ■■ amusements that '-help ) toYinake happy 'little citizens, ,- . • Mrs.' Bengough was very, much .interested I m'hearing what Wellington was doing in the way of? free kindergartens; and hopes to see 1 something! of .'their .work: while; here;-.; ._ V Speaking of: the -'.suffrage' -movement; ■ in - America,-. Mrs:' Bengough said that'as' yet only four States possessed the franchise, but thore' was a steady', movement in : favour of it', throughout, the other. States and in. Canada, ana the women, while not yet possessing the vote, were preparing for it,-and were very clearly stating tho reforms that they hoped ito. obtain. ■ One.often hears' the complaint that women use their- votes fool-, ishly, but. very' Mrs;- Bengough pays littlo. attention'to a statement-of that kind, and' nays calmly. that women must of. course make mistakes in voting, and so do men.
Flower Sale at Nurses' Hostel.:, " An excellent little -sale, .sweets, and cakes was ~- held ;. on . Wednesday, at the Trained' Nurses'y Hostel, in ,Willia :t Street,. spring flowers had been sent in-from-,'the country' and from 'the Hutt—daffodils, vior, jets;'; iiarcissl;' wattle,'; daphne, rarid,/anemone? of every oolour making tho clubroom fragrant and' beautiful—r'and 1 - very .early in the afternoon these were snapped' up by eager buyers. In another'room",-were'other attractions in the - shape of home-made cakes,' sweets;' and' preserves,- with, oddments', of other articles for'salo; . Tea served both m the dining-room and the'"drawing-room; iand ono'of the friends of the hostel,,who was skilled in ! tolling fortunes, spent a Y btisy. afternooir'With;; her' clients.'.: thomatron hostel, superintended : all. ar'rangenients,- and had reason to bo pleased r with;-the'''success .of, the afternoon. 1 The' flower' room 'was ;• under the caro.of.Mrs. ■Thompson, sweets and cakes wore in, charge of 'Miss Payne, and Miss Maclean and . the ■nurses 'took charge of the .tea-room., At the beginning of the afternoon, Dr. Agnes: Bennott made a'brief; speech explaining .the objects, and attractions. of :the sale,-and introducing Mr. Fmdlay, who declared tho sale op.en. .Among others presont wero Mrs. Ken.'dall, Mrs, Wallis, Miss Coates, Dr. Elizabeth Macdonald, .Mrs. Mackin, Mrs. and Miss Gibbs, Mrs: Butts,; Mrs. W. Hislop, Miss Dunlcp, and Miss Maclean. ,• A Kitchen Tea. r r : ' v.Yesterday .afternoon a verv pleasant litllo kitclien tea was given bv Miss Bertha Miles for; -Miss 'Estne, Someryille, whose : marriage" i tikes . place, next : week.' •; Among.-. the guests present weroMiss Somerville. and her- sister. Miss Duncan, Mrs. Biss, Mrs. Shand, and /Miss Hislop, Mrs. and Miss ' Head, Mrs. Nelson, .Mrs.i and Miss Kennedy/ Miss ~Watsqn, i Mrs. Robertson,: and the .Misses Beauchamp.
Hospital Ball 'at Hastings. . v v. , '.The hospital.bafe held on Wednesday night in 'the Drill 'Hall,l,Hastings,; ":was' -; a;.-great success, over 159 couples taking: part-.- - Manyof the, ladies ';present 'HworeV- fa-ricy-^'s.■ During 'the 'eveiiing Mx.' J.'. A. Miller ' (t.l)o Mayor),' oh behalf .of the Hospital'.Trustees, •thanked ' those ' present' for -helping -'On"; the hospital;work.' An exhibition ;of- Hungarian dancing, 'by 'pupils .of Misses'' Beere' and -Wellw'Ood's'daricmg' school,: was';-given' 'and musical' items • were ■ also ' 'cbn't'ributeu ■ ; b'y Misses Basil Jones/; arid -Ppddie,.: Messrs. Evans,-, and Absolum',': and . a recitation- : -,by Miss Darby.'-' Amongst those who wore' fancy dresses. were: Miss' Mrs.' Landells(Powder- and Patches);' ,Miss Baird V(Pierrette).; Miss - ; ißeehaii'- (Fencer); Mrs."Newbigin' ■ (Duohess ' ■ ,of■ Devonshire); Miss' Humphries (Night)T Miss Baird (Folly); Mrs.' Robertson" (Maid of- the 4 :Mill)'; Mesdames ;Reid * and Watts- (Powder and Patches) ; (Nurse). ',-' Other ladi& present were:\Mr3. 'J. H.' Williams, in, •.blac£ N with white lacej'Mrs. -Nairn, :in--black sjlk'withjetj'Mrs. .Woodward," black.chiffon-; Mrs. Gascoyne, - black silk' : with-' black Maltese : lace; Mrs. :H. Thomson,; black silk j Mrs. De- Lisle, blac^:; Mrs. pink silk; :Mrs.':Basil'Johes,:black over white; Mrs; ■ Wallace,'': black- satin; Mrs. Stronach, cream-silk; Mrs., Beamish, black taffeta; MrsT Murray,' white satin; Mrs. J. 'A. Miller, white lace over silk chiffon;; Mrs.. Brooke Taylor, black silky Mrs. MacDonnell, rose Viehna silk Mrs. M'Kibbin, whito' silk ; Mre.:-,GilleSpie; • .mauvo; - Mrs; Ellingham,. black-satin; Mrs. Bull, bluo; Mrs. H. S. Strattori; white satin; Mrs. -Halse,. black; -Miss Mason, pink silk and green Miss Earle,: silk; .Miss' 1 Robertson, blu© silk; Miss | Basil! Jones, silk ; Miss Wellwood, red I velvet jMiss .Preddie, white muslin and laco; I Miss: K: Freddie, pink Chinese silk; Miss Keith/ white satin; . Miss- Evans, lemon 'satin,'. : .. v '
Tho marriage of Miss Katherine St. Clair i Lnglis, Pahiatua, -to Mr. Lan Malcolm, will .take place, next, Tnontli. ' Mrs. It. H. Boyd, from Wanganui, is visiting Wellington for a week' or two,- and is tho guest of Mrs. Neil Galbr.aith. Mra. and Miss Kidman, who arrived from Sydney on Wednesday for a, short - stay in Wellington, are the'guests of Mrs. J.'llott. Mr Moroland, the principal of Chrißt's College,' Christchurch;: . has g6ne ; : t-o Wanganu' with ,' his' : wife,' ,I'or, tho holidays, and will spend a few in AVellington on his return. -V. "••' Mr. and'MrSM'Geo.'-Richardson and family; who have.lately como from 'Christchurch to live m Wellington, have taken tho houso recently occupied by Mr.; Coleridge, in lala■vera Terrace. - - . Mrs. Sprott has issued.invitations for an "at "tome,-"'to ; be'given- in' -tho ' Sydney Street SoHoolroom on Saturday afternoon, t:i tncet .the Rev. AV- G. and Mrs... Ivens/ of :the Molanesian Mission.; • '! A' very amateur actor, who hps been; taking part in the. production of "Sweet Nell of OW Druryi 11, is Miss Beere's beautilul little King";'Chatles ; spaniel, , who r appears with 'qiiite'professional sang, froid. in ■ all the Kjug (uijirlea sceuea* , VN' '■ -V'
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Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 597, 27 August 1909, Page 3
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