PHASES OF THE MOON. JLYROH. Day. Ilr.m. Full moon ' - Last quarter « sif New moon f \ First Quarter " HIGH WATER. To-day, 11.24 a.m.: 11.48 p.m. To-morrow, noon, D.ia p.m. SUN. Sun rises to-day, 5.47 a.m.; sets, 6.11 pan. arrivals, MONDAY, MARCH 15. • "DAPAT7OA hi (12.30 a.m., in the stream), 6563 tonf CHffoV from London' and Plymouth. via Capetown and Hobart. • NGAHERE, s.s. (7-10 a-mJi 1100 ton 3, 0h l from Greymouth. ' MANA, s.s. (8 a.m.), 134 tons, Jackson, from Patea. TUESDAY, MARCH 16. TE ANAU, s.s. (1.45 a.m.), 1652 tons. Aldwell, from Nelson and Picton.
departures. MONDAY, MARCH 15. MANAROA, s.s. (12.55 p.m.), 122 tons, Hart, for PATEENA, s.s. (12.55 p.m.), 1212 tons, Stewart, fnr Picton and Ncl.»on. Passengers—Saloon. For Picton-Misses Lcckie, (2), Mesdames Robinson, TTnrd Aroa, Mahoe, Seymour, Messrs. .Mflold, Hard inf Nelson, Atkinson, Poole, Kooinson Vanderburgh, Mahoe. For Nelson-Misses Lindsay, Mesdames Richmond, Messrs. Pcmbcrton, Clarke, Bichmond. PUTIKI, s.s. (2.10 ..pan.), 4C9 tons» Dowhurst, for Greymouth. m , • PUKAKI. s.s. (3.15 p.m.), 1444. tons, Tate, for Picton and .West Coast. KAIIU, s.s. (4.45 'p.m.), 182 tons, Carlson, for ' 'I'AKAPUNA, s.s. (5.20 p.m.), 1036 tons, Hutchintrs for Now Plymouth and Onehunga. Passcn* Kcrs—Saloon: For New Plymouth-Mrs. Strang' and Captain Strang, For Onehunga-Miss Brennan and Mr. "Wat Kins." BLENHEIM, 8.5. (5.25 - p.m.), 120 tons, Watsoil, for Blenheim. KIRIPAKA, s.s. (5.35 p.m.), 133 tons, Dixon, for Patea. ' CANOPUS, s.s. (6 p.m.), 1337 tons, Sillars, for Westport. , . WAICATU, s.s. (6.5 p.m.), 157 tons, Wills, for Kaikoura. WAIICARE, s.s. (6.10 p.m.), -3071 tons, Bernech, for Napier, Gisborne, and Auckland. PassengersSaloon: For Napier—Mesdamc3 Wilson, Williams and chUd, Messrs. Gibbous (2), Berry, Wilson. For Auckland—Misses Barkas, Wyatt (2), BarUas, Mesdames' Walker,. Exley, Messrs. Walker, Barkas, Exley. AORERE, s.s. (7 pan.), 77 tons, Fisk, for Patea. KAPI,TI, s.s. (8 p.m.), 242 tons, Sawyers, for Wanganui. • /MAORI, .s.s.' (8.5. p.m.), 3399 tons, Hunter, for Lyttelton. Passengers: Saloon-Misses Knox, Crcs'swell. .Longrigg, Waters, Bowron, ,Mosley, Martin, "Peppercorn; Jl.'Qrath, Brown, Small, Button, Bnchan, Dickenson, Gray, Mesdames Mosley, Knox, Tanner', Wall arid infant, Buthan, Bean, Komp, Roberts, Hodgson,. Tytler,' Robb, Muskor, Dickenson, White, M'Cabe; Harrison, Hall, Hansard, Gilmouri Coldicutt. and child, , Lieut.-Col. Oreswell, Hon. Mackonzie,' Dbtectivo Kemp, Sergeant Stevens, Messrs. Klirigo, Knox,'. Tanner, Hodgson, Batt, Harrowell, Nathan (2), Otley, Johnston, Wall, Turtle, Roberts, Hodgson, Bowron, Waters, White, Hall, Tytler, Robb, Pratt, Musker, Hunt, Holdgato (2), Johnston, Keys, Peppercorn, Barker, Bird, Smith, Ongley, Dcwar, Moorhouso, Kennedy,' Wynn, Pollock, Harrison (2), Gilinour, Coldicutt, Drayton. STORMBIRD, s.s. (10 p.m.), 217 tons, "M'lntyre, for. Wanganui. . QUEEN OF THE SOUTH, s.s. (11 p.m.),' 198 tons, Harvey, for Fonton. MANA, s.s. (10' p.m.), 134 tons, Jackson, for Patea. ■ •
expected arrivals. To Anau, Nelson, Picton, March 16. Kaiapoi, Newcastle, March 16. Monowai, northern .ports, March 16. Wairau, Nelson, Motueka, March 16. Mararoa, Lyttelton; March 16. Pateena, Nelson, March 16. Opawn, Blenheim, March 16. , Tongariro, Picton, March 16. Arahura, West Coast, Nelson, March 17. 'Maori. Lyttelton. March 17. ' Kennedy, Picton. March 17. Kuril! Napier, March 17.' Marama, Sydney, March 17. ■ Eotoiti, Onehunga, Now Plymouth, March 17. Corinna, southern ports, March 17. Ennerdale, l'imam, March 17. Stormbird, Wanganui, March 17. ICahu, East Coast, March 17. Blenheim, Blenheim, March 17. Manaroa, Motueka, March 17. . Wakatu,, Kaikoura, March 17. Queen of the South, Foxton, March 17. ■ Mana, ..Patea, March 17. Kirip'aka; Paten,,' March 17. Kapiti, Wanganui, March 17. Aorore, Patea, March 17. Komata, Westport, March 17. • ' Indradevi, Dluif, March 18. ■ ; Pohcrua, Grcymouth, March 18. v Wimmcra, Dunedin, Lyttelton, March 18. , Moeraki, Melbourne, via south, March 19. Manuka, Sydnoy. via Auckland, March 19. Athenic, Lyttelton, March 19. Kaituna, Oreymouth, Lyttelton, March 19. Takapuna, Onehunga, New Plymouth, March 21. Koonya, southern ports, March 21..' Monowai, southern ports, March 21.' Waikare, Auckland, Gisborne, Napior, March 23.
PROJECTED DEPARTURES. ' Defender, Greymouth, March 16. Jane Douglas, Wost Coast, March 16. Huia, Wanganui, March 16. Fifeshiro, Timaru, March 16. Manapouri, Earotonga, Tahiti, March 16. Tongariro, Napier, March 16. Monowai, Lyttelton, Dunedin, March 16. Mapourilia, Picton, Nelson, and West Coast, March 16. Wairau, Nelson, Motueka, March 16. Mararoa, Lyttelton, March 16. ' Opawa, Blenheim, March 16. Aorere, Patea, "March 17. , Mana, Patea, March 17. Kiripaka, Patea,. March 17. . Stormbird, Wanganni, March 17. Kahu, East Conßt, March 17. Blenheim, Blenheim, March 17. Manaroa, Havelock, March 17. Maori, Lyttelton, March 17. I Delphic, Lyttelton, March 17. Tongariro, Napier, March 18. Ennerdale, Auckland, March 18. Wakatu, Kaikoura, March 18. Queen of the South, Foxton, March 18. ■ Kennedy, Nelson and West Coast, March 18. Arapawa, Wanganui, :March-18. Wimmera, Sydney, via Auokland. March 18. Marama, Lyttelton, Dunedin, March 18. • Corinna, New Plymouth, March 18. Kotoiti, Picton, Nelson, New Plymouth, March 13. Moeraki, Sydney direct, March 19. Drayton Grange, Lyttelton, March.l 9.. Arahura, Nelson and West Coast, March 20. Koonya, West Coast, March 22. Takapuna, New Plymouth, Onehunga, March 22. Monowai, Napier, Oisborne, Auckland, March 22. Waikare, Lyttelton, Dunedin, MBarch 23.
INTERCOLONIAL SERVICE. MOVEMENTS OF STEAMERS. MOHEAKI, s.s. left Mclbourno March 10, for Wellington, via southern ports.and Hobarts. Duo Wellington Marcn 19. Leaves same day for Sydney direct. Duo Sydney March 23. YICTQEIA, s.s. leaves Sydney March 17, for Wellington, via Auckland. Oisborne, and Nanier. Due Wellington March 26. Leaves same day for Lyttelton and Dunedii. MAHENO, s.s., .leaves Melbourne March 17, for Wellington via llobart and southern portß. Due Wellington March 26. Leaves samo day for Sydney direct. Due Sydney March 30. MAUAMA, s.s., left Sydney; March 13, for Wellington direct. Due Wellington March 17. Leaves March 18 for Lyttelton and Dunedin. WAEEIMOO, 8.5., leaves Melbourne March 24 for Wellington via llobart and southern ports. Due Wellington April 2. Leaves samo day for Sydney direct. Duo Sydney April 6. MOKOIA. b.s. leaves Sydney ' March 24 for Wellington, via Auckland, Gisborne, and Napier. Duo Wellington April 2. Leaves same day for Lyttelton and Dunedin. - MANUKA, b.s., left Sydney March 10, for Wellington, via Auckland. Gisborne, and Napier. Duo Wellington March 19. Leaves some day lor Melbourne, via southern ports and llobart. Duo Melbourne March 28. WIMMEUA, s.s., leaves Dunedin March 16. for Bydnoy, via Lyttelton, Wellington, Napier, Gisborne, and Auokland. Arrives and loaves Wellington March 18. Due Sydney March 26. EIVEEINA, s.s., leaves Sydney March 20, for Wellington direct. Duo Wellington March 24. Leaves March 25 for Melbourne, via s'outhoru ports and llobart. Due Melbourne April 3.
OVERSEA SHIPPING. STEAMERS TO .ARRIVE. From London. WAIMATE (due Wellington about March 15), Bailed on January 9, via* Auckland. (New Zealand Shipping Company, agents.) . INDItALEMA (duo Wellington about March 24), sailed oil January 23, via Australia, Auckland, and .Napier. (Tyser Line, agents.) COKINTHIO (duo Wellington about March 23), Bailed on February 4. Plymouth February 6, via Capotown and Hobart. (Shaw, Savill, agents.) ; NIWARU (due Wellington about April 16), sailed on February 12, via Australia and Auckland. (Tyser Line, agents.) RUAPEInj (due Wellington about April 6), sailed on February 20, via Capetown and Ilobart. (Heir. Zealand Shipping. Co., agents.) TOKOMAP.U (duo Wellington about April 10), s&iled on February 12, via Auckland. (Shaw, Savill, agents.) AItAWA (due Wellington about April 20). sailed on March 4, Plymouth March 6, via Capotown and Hobart. (Shaw, Savill, agents.) KAIPAEA (due Wellington about April • 30), sailed on March 6. via Auckland. (New Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) From Cardiff. OPAWA (due Wellington about April 25), Bailed on Harcli 11. (Now Zealand Shipping Co., agents.)
From Liverpool. DRAYTON ORANGE (due Wellington about March 16), sailed on January 9, via Australia and Auckland. (F.ILS. Line, agents.) HAWKE'S BAY (din Wellington about March 22), sailed on January 24, via Auckland. (Tyscr Line, agents.) LANG'I'ON ORANGE (duo Wellington about April 13), sailed oil February 6, via Australia and Auckland. (F. 11.5. Line, agents.) KIA ORA (duo Wellington about April 14), sailed on February 20, via Auckland. (Shaw, Savill, agents.l NAIRNSHIRE (due Wellington about May 15), sailed on March 7, via Australia and Auckland. (F.H.S. Line, agents.) From Nov; York. MASHONA (duo Wellington abont March 30), sailed on January 1, via Australia and Auckland. (Al and A. Line, agents.) / WHAICARUA (duo Wellington about April 12), sailed on February 6, via Australia and Auckland. (Tyser Line, agents.) BUORAINA (due Wellington about April 23), sailed on February 11, via Australia and Auckland. (A. and A. Line, agents.) BY TELEGRAPH. OVERSEA. SUVA. March 15. Arrived.— Lcipsig and Kolya. The first-named is tho Gorman cruisor mentioned, in this morning's cables. I COASTAL. MONDAY, MARCH 15.. AUCKLAND.' Arrived.—lndravelli (2 a.m.), from Wellington. Sailed.—Mokoia (5.30 p.m.), for Sydney. ONEHUNGA. Sailed.—Hotoiti (3.15 p.m.), for New Plymouth. Passengers: Saloon— Miss Discombe, Mesdames Lees and Warren, Messrs. Salmon, Lees, Anderson, Hale, and Hugo. . NEW PLYMOUTH. , Arrived. —Rarawa.' (5.13 a.m.), from Onehunga. Sailed.—Kcrawa (9 p.m.), for Onehunga. GISBORNE. To sail.—Waimate (midnight), for Wellington. NAPIER.' Sailed.—Monowai (3.30 p.m.), for Wellington. PICTON. Arrived.—Alexander (7 a.m.), from Nelson; Pateena (4.45 p.m.) and Pukaki (7.25 p.m.), from Wellington; Te Anau (7.35 p.m.), for Nelson. • Sailed.—Alexander (2.40 p.m.), for Nelson. To sail.—Tongariro (daylight, Tuesday), for Wellington. NELSON. Arrived.—To Anau (2 a.m.), from Wellington. Sailed.—Wairau (10.40 a.m.), for Motueka .and Wellington; Te Anau (12.5 p.m.), for Picton and Wellington. MOTUEKA. ' Sailed.—Wairau (2.30 p.m.), for Wellington. BLENHEIM. To Bail.—Opawa (10 p.m.), for Wellington. LYTTELTON. Sailed.—Storm, for' Wanganui, via Waipapa. Mararoa, for Wellington. Passengers-Misses Cobb, Lill, Berry, Adams, M'Phail, MCarthy, Cole, Smith, Robb, Bremuer, Bergman, Williams, Eggleton, Burt, Nancarrow, Thomson,- Richards, and Harris, Mesdames Harcourt, M'lntosh, Whitcombo, Sheffield and 2 children, Kingston, M'Govcrn, Goldsmith, Norrish,'Evans, Bagshawe, Withors, I Doyle, Fitzgerald, Berry, Nairn, Cole, Ouinming, Seed, M'Kinnon and 2 children, Carroll Blair, Scotter and famiiy, and Paterson, Rev. Father M'Dermott, Capt. Bagshawe, Dr. llarty, Dr. Withers, Eev. Scotter, Capt. Monro, Messrs. M'lntosh, Brown, Crichton, Evans, nickenbotham, Doyle, Pitman, Fitzgerald, Roberts, Hewitt, Dean, Davie, Anderson, Stead, Bowles, Whitehead, Hogg, Owens, Mouldey, Smith, Symes (2), Wallace, White, M'Carthy, Stewart, Bcatty, Edwards, Milne, Diamond, M'Lennon, Wilson, Dickson, Scott, Thomson, Telford, Brown, Berry, Blair, and Peterson. TIMARU. Arrived—Ripplo (5.30 p.m.), from Chatham Islands. BLUFF. Arrived.—Mooraki, from Melbourne and Hobart. Passengers for Wellington: Saloon—Mesdames Daley, Georgette, Misses Knox, Shirley, Georgette, Davis, Lcggie, Messrs. Barclay, Daley, Madden, Canter; aud 37 steerage. • , Sailed.—Warrimoo (5.30 p.m.), for Hobart; Mooraki, for Duncdin.
BARQUE SIGHTED. (HI TELEGKAI'U—I'IIESS ASSOCIATION.! Ciirlstchurch, March 15. A largo barquo was sighted from Lyttelton lleaus beating north ' this morning. Tho wind was north-east, light. The vessel was too far oil to be identified. It was possibly tho barquo Lady Wolsoley, 125 days out from Liverpool to' Wellington. . ' , EUAPEHU LEFT CAPETOWN. '. ' In continuation of her voyago to' Wellington, the New Zealand Shipping Company's steamer ltuapohu left Capetown du Sunday, for' Hobart. Tho vessel is duo in Wellington about April 8. MASHONA, AT SYDNEY. Tho A. and A. liner Mashona, frpm New York, arrived at Sydney on Sunday , morning. Sho is expected to leave, Sydney about the cud of tbo week for Auckland and Wellington, being duo hero aboat March 30. THE FIFESHIKE. This ovoning the F.-H.-S. liner Fifesliirc leaves Wellington for Timaru in continuation of her loading. She is fixed to sail finally from Lyttelton on March 22, for West Coast United Kingdom ports. CANADIAN-AUSTRALIAN LINE. Tho Union Company's popular passenger steamer Marama, on arrival at Sydney on April 2, withdraws from tho intercolonial service, and re-enters the Vancouver service. She is timed to leave Sydney on April 12, and Suva seven days later, being due at Vancouver on May 5. THE SYDNEY BOAT. Cabled advice received by the Union Company states that tho Marama lel't Sydney at 6 p.m. on Satui'day for Wellington direct, and is due hero to-morrow morning. Sho has on board 78 Baloon and 92 steerage passengers, there being 50. saloon and 58 steerage passengers for Wellington., THE NEW 'FEISCO SERVICE. At noon to-day the Union Company's steamer Mauapouri will leave Wellington on her third trip in tho new Wellington-Papcete-'Frisco service. , Sho arrives at llarotonga on March 22, and Papeeto three days later,/ connecting with tho Mariposa, which leaves. Papeete' on March 26. Tho Mariposa left 'Frisco last Wednesday morning, and is d,ue at I'apeeto next Monday: The Manapouri.will take the following passengers, all of whom are booked through to San Francisco:—Mr. and Mrs., Ben Fuller, Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell, Messrs. W. R. Butter, M'Grcgor, A. Gabriel, M. Gabriel, J. Fernandos, Haddrell, Smith, S. Hislop, E. Wilson, D. It. Jones, Carl Arvidson, J. Railly. r On the return trip to Wellington the Mnnapouri leaves Papeeto on March 27, Barotonga on March 29, arriving here on Tuesday, April 6.
PAPAEOA, FEOM LONDON. As previously announced, the. New Zealand Shipping Company's' steamer Paparoa arrived from London via Cape Town and Ifobart early yesterday, • morning. I'ratiquo was granted, and the vessel berthed at 9 o'clock. She left London on January 22, and after a call at Plymouth sailed for Tencriffo the following day, clear weather and smooth seas being experienced. After leaving l'eneriife, the vessel encountered north-east trade winds. The equator was crossed on February 4, jind then there was a smooth steaming ■ u4itil Cape Town was reached on February 15. Until tho .vessel was off .Capo Leeuwin,,flue weather provailcd, but from there she ha!d to contend with strong • westerly gales and high seas until, llobart was reached on March 9. After discharging cargo, the voyage was resumed on the morning of March 10, and Farewell Spit was passed at 1.30 p.m. on Sunday. Captain E. C. Clifford is in command, and lias associated with -him the following officers:— Chief, Mr. C. J. Church, E.N.E.; second, Jtr. D. Gordon-Stables; third. Mr. G. E. Fox; fourth, Mr. F. E. Gaul ton; surgeon, Dr. P. Butler; chief engineer, Mr. W. Brown; second, Mr. A. White; third, Mr. J. Morgan; fourth, Mr'. A. E. Coleman; iifth, Mr. J. W. Cameron; electrician, Mr. S. E.Pearcc; steward-in-chargc, Mr.-F. Adcock. The original passenger-list was supplemented by tho following bookings from Capo TownsMrs. Duddcridgc, Misses Dndderidgc, Dickcrson, Messrs. R. S. Bradshaw, A. W. Evans, 11. S. Atkinson, F. W. Good, It. Montgomcrie, J. P. Scott, D. Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Hall.. , On completing discharge :of 3100 tons of cargo, the vessel will leave for Lyttelton, probably on Thursday. It is expected that the Shaw-Savill cargo steamer Delphic will leave Wellington to-morrow for Lytlullon. Messrs. Bannatyno and Co., local agents of tho West Coast trader Jane Douglas, report' that sho will not leave Wellington till Wednesday, proceeding to AVestport and Greymouth. To-morrow tho Union Company's steamer-Pohe-rua leaves Greymouth for Wellington, and it is expected that tho Kaituna will leave there today for Lyttelton and Wellington. The Koinata is fixed to leavo Westport for Wellington this morning.
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Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 457, 16 March 1909, Page 8
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2,381SHIPPING NEWS. Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 457, 16 March 1909, Page 8
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