PHASES OF THE MOON. - ," FEBEUARY. ..-.'. v ',' ■_■.-.-■•. Day- Hr.m. Full moon. ... .' ... ... .5 755 p.m. . Lost quarter ... ... ... 14 ,0 17 aim., I New moon ... .... ... 20 10 22 p.m. -■" I First anarter .... .... ... 27 ,219 D.m;. > .;,. Hion WATER. ■'■■,-■:''• 1 To-day,' 10.25 a.m.; 10.48 p.m.' To-morrow, 11.19 a.m.;, 11.40. p.m. , ..-.■■■■.. [ s ™- ■••' | Sun rises to-day, 5.28 aim. j seta, 6.39 p.m. ARRIVALS. > : -FRIDAY, FEBRUAEY 26. '/ • KAPITI, 5.5.,-(1.15: a.m.), 242 tons, Sawyers, from i Foxton. : ■ \.\ -.- ; > ■■, WOA,'s.s." (5.25 a.m.), 188 tons, Gibbons, from Picton. -. .•■;.;.'..'. WABP.IMOO, b.s. (5.50 'a.m.), 3529 tons. Smith, , from Melbourne, Hobnrt.. Bluff; : Dunedin, and Lyttelton. Passengers—Saloon: Misses Kennedy, Liburn, Bobs. Flirt;-Sinclair/Fucll.Finnorh.ln-r nes (2),,.Dewar. Mesdames Hidden, Eoss; Or'owski and child. Jtuir, Scott, Bnchanan.'.Oolfey, Rowae, Fealoy. Nicholson and 2 children, Swannel. Olney, Hall, Ridden, Messrs; Doogan, -.Kennedy. O'ney, Hall. Bidden: .Scott,. Buchanan,'Coffey, Eenolds, Henderson,. Pay, Michelsen; 38 steerage: - VICTOEIA; s.s. (6.30 a.m.).: 2969 tons, -EiifmMe.' from Sydney. Aucklnnd; t and Nppier. Passengers: Saloon—Misses- Silverlock.. : M'Lean, Eostell, Mellsop, King, Mes-dames-iDobbs, Smith. :Henderson. Dr. Fell, Messrs'. B. Hanna, M'Ponn.ld,' A. Bryant. Bnllock. M'Lean; Eeim'er. G. Glover. H. Sandtland, D.Fnirbairn, J..A. Eitchie; 2 steerage. ■ MAOEI, s.s.: (6.50 : a.m.),. 3399 'tons. Hunter, from Lyttelton.—229 passengers. ..: ' OANOPUS, s.s. (9a.m.), 1337 tons,. Sellars, from Westport. ,■'■• ■:;•'-. •.:,-'.-."■■ '.TEBAWHITI,. s.s.' (12.30 p.m.), 230 tons, Holmesi from Oane Terawhiti-. '■■(■' STOEMBIED; s.s. (12,55 .p.m.), 217,t0n5, M'ln-. tyro, from Wanganni. : MANAEOAj s.s. (4-30 p.m.),. 122 tons, Hart, from Motucka. ■"•: ..•.'. ■ ' AOEEEE, r s.s. (6.25 '.p.m.),; 77. tons, Fish,- from ■ Patea. .;-..■ ::■ '.-■..■•.''•; .■ I'-;. : ■-.'; FEBBrjAEY 26; '.;.'..'.. BLENHEIM, s.s. (4 a.m.), 120 tons,, .Watson, for.. Blenheim. ■ s .-.'■-."■ ■"'.''-.:' ; TEEAWHITI, s.s. (5.10 a.m.), 230 tons,. Holmes, for Capo Terawhiti.'' '''..;■'.-''■■.". -.': :'■..'■': KAPrrt-b.s. : (9' a.m.), 242 'tons, Sawyers,, for Lyttelton. ■', : WHAKATANE, s.s. (12.10 p.m.),. 5902 tons.Hemming, for: Picton and. Wnitara.; ■-.'■,'■;■• ■WAEEIMOO,, s.s. (5.20,; 3529 tons, Hutohings, for- Sydney, direct. .Passengers: SaloonMisses Richards/Clayton. (2), - Richmond,' Brown (2), 'Gnrnoy,; Kohn, Eowe, ■ Cohen . (2), 'Dantry, Withers, Mesdames Dunning, Henderson, Kowe, Nathan,'. Drury, Watts and child. Swift, Adams, Mathiaon, Williams and infant;' Vincent, Dimant, Lind, Henderson, Brennan, Messrs. Silly,; Bowe, Watts, Swifts .Adams, Lorthois, Laycock,; Williams, Montalk, ; Silby/ - Dovidson, .Holliday, Brook, Fulton, Hatherley/ Drumraond, Paterson, Claxton;'Clayton, M'Gregor (3), Cook, M'Donald, ■Llewellyn;' Alexander, Linder, Bloomfleld,. Parks, ■Fildes, Downing, Jarman, Hussell, Seddon,-Smith, Boyd,i Brennan.:,Danby.-. '■, ;>->,.'.'.-;". J ' JANE,, DOUGLAS, ■ s.s. x (5' p.m.),-95'itons.Irnne, for .Westport. .' ~•..,.'>. \>- v.'■■-..' 0 ~:■ '.VICTORIA,'s.s. (5.40 p.nO,\2969Vton's; Entwisthv for'. Lyttelton and Dunedin. Pasßengers-Saloon: For. 1 Lytteltbn-Misses M. : .Collier,.Taaffe, Joyce, Mca'damcs.- E. Collier, '^Pavitt,■■••. Messrs... Saxon,; Co'ateß, ■ Pavitt. . For: Dunedin—Misses Donne,: Donald, M'Lcan,:Mesdaraes. A. E; Donne,'O.Bremnor, Wright, . Cartney and., infant, .Donald,- . Messrs.' A. Bryant, ¥:: Stewart, M'ljoan, Miller,-. Shanks,-. Jameson,' M'Donald, .Brcmhpr,.,Wright; 9'-steerage; : ■■'■;■'-'. •.-.'■'■' : ''; '',' '~''■!:'■-.■'.,':■■ .■PATEENA, s.s. (6'p.m.), 1212 'tons,-..Stewart,- for' Nelson. 'Passengers: Saloon—Misses, Williams, Wastney,: Parsley, ' Mesdames Matthews, M'Donald, - M'Kee,' Kniggoiand child; -Bruswitz,: Lieut; Glendinning; Lieut.'. Shelley,. Major Scott,... Dr. Polleny Messrs. Knigge.i Frater;' Hollier, Eobln : son; Gilbert, Jackson, Hamilton. '..': ■:.,.•.>.;',:■ : ; -..MANA.'s.s. (8'p.m.),..134;t0n5, Jackson,;for,Pat(ja.', ' MAOEI, B.s.' (8.5. p.m.),' : 3399, tons,. 'Hunter,, for. Lvttolton.—Paasengors':' Saloon—Misses Hayward, Paterson, Fisher, Smith,-Howard, .Eobinson, Nelson; Cooper, Greenwood; Eastick, Aster.- Ford, Ellison,; Lynoh, ! Campbell,-' Beanohamp, /Cox, ■ Haynes, .Adkin, Excell,, Douglas,: Wood; Temple'; - Webb, vCollin, Grierson;" Meredith; Oassin.'Ball, (2); 'Mesdames : Brittan; ■ Smith,' Bro6ke,-.'-M'Kech-nie, Evana, Patrick, Wilkie-. andiinfant, Flower, Warning, Nelson, Isaacs,.and .2 children, .Percy, 'Barclay, Haynea, 'Wright',-. Excell,, Maxwell, Ir,vlno,; Joblin,' Cassin, Stsphens,.' M'Lean, Anderson,'Hall, Hon. M'Nab, Messrs,- Myers; Morison (2), Chilton, .Diamant, Davies; Calcorn,. Stead, Dim, '-Wright;,Nelson, Brown; Bickerton, Parata, ,Oook;. Qardnor,'Whitcombc, Thompson, Wright, '.Curtis, Wilson; Brooke;.'Prouse,- rEusßell,:.Anderson,; Evans, Burt, Turner, Campbell,-' Glahville, , Wakelin, Jack,, Buchanan, Young,: l Welsh, Simpison, Pettit, Eyder,- Metson, Soott,'Maddorn, Exicell, Wild, Cole, Bayfield, .M'Lean,- Gray; Howard, (Wells; Anderson, Campbell. - .■.'.-. ';. ' ■ . ~; ECHO, .s.s. (9.55 p.m.), 99 tons, .Seeley, for West-"' .':-.-.•,■-..•.',-:.■ .'',';!'.' ■~-:'.-.-.;;-/■."■'■ ,/.
:-','■ '■': EXPEGTEp' ARRIVAtS. .Vv •; Ngahere,: Greymouth.'.February 27.' ; Mapourika, West Coast, Nelson, 1 February' 27. ' Putiki, Lyttelton, February -27. ■ i' ; r' : Poherua, Qreymouth, February 27.-I.'. -,;.:■ Mararoa, Lyttelton, Fbbrnary 27. .-, •' •■' -,-.■ Wairau, Nelson, February 27. ■.-:'• V'-' ,'Mana,-. Patea, February. 27. i. ' .", ' Blenheim, Blenheim, February 27.... . -'■:- • ' To Anau, Picton, February 27. ' ■':■■; - '■'■' Opawa, Blenheim, February i Maori,: Lyttelton,: February -28.',;' •: . -.l - ■ IWhangape,.Westport, February. 28.i ■ 'Kapiti,! Lyttelton; February'2B.. > Pateena, Nelson, February 28X' , ■■-:■; ~'. Waverley.-.Nolson,.February 28. (■:■.' ■-.-.-■■ Arapawa; Wanganui, February 28.;. :,'.-'.'. . Wakatu, Kaikoura, February: 28.. . '■. - . Queen of the South; Foxton, February 28. ~ i, Huia,. Wanganui, Febrnary 28,'..'■-■:••■ ■■ ■:.■-.- .' Whangape, Westport;: J?ebruary v 28. , ..: Kotuku, Napier,' February 28.:. . :,- Pukaki, southern porta.-February 28/' - Waikare, southern ports/February 28., Takapuna, Onohunga, Now Plymouth, .Febrtiary.2B. ;' :. :'. •■;■',-■■- ..;■■•.' : ■-:. i : ' :-•// Kahii, Napier, March il. ~ ...... .--. Monowai, : northern ports, -March 2. '.. : ~' Ebtoiti; Onehunga. New Plymouth, Maroh 3. : Maheno; Sydney, .March/3. ; .;: •:■,■. ■■-.- ': Corinna, ■. southern ports, March 4. ■-.. ,■''. Viotoria, Dunodin,, Lyttelton; March 4.. ~ ■Marama, Melbourno, via' south,"March 5. ■-. Mokoia, Sydney, via Auckland, March 5. •:•
PROJECTED DEPARTURES.;■; ;;, Kiripaka, Patca, February 27.' :; •'"' ; ' l ;':■:'-' Tongariro, Lyttelton,-,l'ebruary ,27. •: . Stormbird, Wanganui,.February : 27.;" ' Abrero, Patea, February 27. '•'.•... ■'-/ ".-,, :, : ■Wairau,: Nelson, February 27. ' ' : ■' -'-. .•'.-,': •: ', Mararoa, Lyttelton, February 27. r •-.■:■.■ '" ' ; ManaVPatea, -February 27. v'' ; : ■■ V; Fifeshire. Lyttelton,-February 27. .:: , Athenic, Lyttelton, February. 27. ■ ■' .'<.':'.•■;■, Arahura, Nelson,, and West Coast, February. 27 : Olan Maclaren, London, February 27. : . Oanopus, TVestport, February 27. '•■" Te'Anau, Picton, February>27.;•.'". .•■•■.'".■;.■'.'■■ ■ .Moa,.,Westport;'February 27.-: V' : -To Anau, .Nelson, February 28.:' .V ~' ~;-: ,'■ N Moori, Lyttelton, March 1.; ■ ! 'V ."•■' ••;.' ■■'•',--',i':'•,•■'■ ' 'Kapili,,Westport,>March:l.' ' ' ■■■■ '/';-■'. 'Patecna,' Picton, Nelson,: March 1. ■ / -':.:■.: Blenheim,: Blenheim, March 1.- '■'-.■'■•'.'-''. ' Mariaroa.Motueka, March'l... v ■ :■• ''.■•■.■]-. •Opawa, Blenheim, March 1. ' :/ :!':.' v,' ! , Lauderdale, Greymouth, Maroh 1.-•■■ • ,'-■ ■• 'Kahu. Napier, .March 1.,... . •:..'■'..'. Pukaki, West Coast, Marobl.:'. .Waltntu,' Kaikoura. March 1. '■--; .Queen of the South, Foxton, Maroh 1, Hula, Wanganui, March 1. Arapawa, Wanganui, March'li ; ••'.'-.' .•".'■■■':'.■.' . .-'•■■ .Waverley, Nelson and .West Ooasti- March'l. Waikare.vNapier, Gisborne, Auckland, March!.' Monowai, Lyttelton, Bunedin, March-.2. .' Mapourika, Nelson. West Coast, March 2. To Anau, Picton, March 2.'"'■■"'.• - : '-, Victoria,' Sydney, via Auckland, March 4.'. ■ i • ; Maheno, Melbourne,- via south, March 4, "-' •" . Eotoiti; Picton, Nelson, New Plymouth, March 4. ■'•.'Mokoia,. Lyttelton, Dunedin, Maroh 6. .-.-'., .Marama, Sydney, '■'March's. . : • ;■'"' Arahura,'Nelson and WestCoast,March .6.'. '.■:'•.' :;''',' BY TELEGRAPH, ' •--;/":; ;,. OVERSEA. '..'"'■ '■!-'!■.;'"j : ■ ■ SYDNEY-.■'■■'>.■ -A-:- " A <:'- •-'•'•'. ...''■■.-■.:[ V February 26. >. : Arrived.—Wimmera (7.30 a.m.), from Auckland. '.-'.-.■■■•.,; ;-..>.-. COASTAL. ';■ FRIDAY,''FEBRTJABY 25. v.. ,y ■ '■:',.'':'■■]■■.■■ ■ heads; ;;'' : f '. .Vv Arrived,—Aratapu,' brigantine, from Lyttelton; ■''■''■.'.'■'':■ :■"..'■ ■> ATJOKLAND/ /- '■'■[■ ' Sailod.—Pakeha' (2 p.mO, for. London; Hinemoa,: Government, steamer, for northern lighthouses 'and Wellington. :.!'.■-■.- "',■.'■'„.■ ■'■■.;'.,','.'onekdnoa;.'.' .'■ ■'"./;■-',:.. ■'• Arrived.—Takapuna .(8.5 a.m.), from New' Plymouth. :.-..' ■ " ', Sailed.—Takapuna ,(3.20 p.m.), -for Now Plymouth.. Passengers: Saloon—Misses Short .(2), Messrs. Carrington, Loinas, and Eov. O'Dwyer. Sailed—Takapuna, for Now Plymouth. Passengers—Misses Short (2), Messrs. Oarrington, T. Lomas, Bev. Father M. O'Dwyer, and 10 steerage. NEW PLYMOUTH. ■;■ ' Arrived.—Earawa (4 a.m.), from Onehunga. Sailed.—Earawa (9 p.m.). for Onchunga. ; WANGANDI. V; Balled.—Stormbird'll.s a.m.),'for :: ■Arrived.—fluia (12:35 p.m.) and Arapawa (12.40 p.m.),,from Wellington. , .- ■'.■"'■.••' PICTON. Arrived.—Whakatario (6.10 p.m.), from Wellington r.Te Anau (7 p.m.), from Nelson.-' .' To'sail.—To Anau (8.15 p.m.), for Wellington. NELSON.- - Arrived.-To Anau (2 a.m.), Wairau. (5.15 a.m.). from Wellington; Eotoiti (S a.m;), from Picton. ,Sailed.—To Anau (12.10 p.m.), for Picton. , ■'; BLENHEIM.' . i\ ', ; : . .Sailed.'-Blenheim (12.35. p.m.), for Wellington. .v;;:■:';; •''■ ■•-MOTOBKA,.- ;, ■ '- ' , (1 p.m.l, for Wolllngton. . \
GEEYMOUTH. ..'.';;.'.' Bailed—Ngahore (1.10 a.m.), and.Pohcrua. (2.25 a.m.), for Wellington. ■ ■.;.'■"•',■:' ■ kapieb. v 'Arrived—Manuka .(10 a.m.), from Wellington; Kahn (1.30 a.m.), from Wellington. , ..- Railed.—Mamari (4.30 a.m.), and Lauderdale (5 p.m.), for' Wellington. ,-' .'. • .''■;.'-■; ■ .■'.'■ ~ kaikouea; ' ■';■ ■/''■:.;.:; Arrived—Wakatu (4.45 a.m.), from Wellington. /IYTTBLTON. '-••': Arrived.—Moeraki (8.10 a.m.), and llararoa (8.15 a.m.), from Wellington; Eipple- (11 a.m.), from Chatham Islands. •■-. Sailed.—Mararoa (6.25 p.m.), for Wellington, with.l2o naasengers." ! . ■' ... /'•'..;.;/'': ' -DTJNEDIN. Arrived.—Turakin'a, from northern' ports; Corinna,'from Onehunga. ' ■; 6ailed.—Waikaro- (5 p.m.), for northern ports. Passengcra for Wellington—Misaea- Larner, Clark, Hoare,. Mesdaines Easton, Baeyortz, Brown, Hendry and child, Sneddon, Phillips, Easton, Hodd, Peacook, Smith, Wilkic, Logan, Master Baeye'rtz. LONDON..;. Oahied advice received by the local agents of tho Shaw-SavilT steamer Aotea reports that she arrived in the • Thames from Wellington on Thursday afternoon. She loft Port : Nicholson on January 6, and called at Monte Yideo on January 30. .. . ' '■■■. ". •.'•;.-■" "V.'.-.-'.INVQTJBST OP THE EIO LOSE; ■ .' :' 'Early yesterday the Government' steamer Amo-, kura called at Cape Campbell. She left there' again at 11 a.m. to continue her search for what is supposed to he the missing; Bio Loge. During tho week six'.pieces of sawn timber have come ashoro on 'thai'beach Via the vicinity of'the Clarence Eiver and: Cape Campbell. ■.-;■ " "'■.'.'" -[TEE DEEDQE MAWHEEi..:':'/ ry, : [ ■■', The Greymbuth-.vHarbour7; Board's V'dredge Hawhera. was expected, to .leave. Lyttelton''for Groymouth yesterday, where she is to 1, employed. Her original orew was paid off on .arrival, so a; fresh crew! of."runners"-.will have to be s engaged.'for,. the run to-Greymouth. A goodi number, of ;men offered their services, .but most of them were ready, to.withdraw from "application as the wages' offered for, the trip were below what they considered afair remuneration..' .. -the ktjmaea'at FOET;CHALM'ees:T:'. f ; The. Shaw-Savill- steamer , Kumara,; which.-;ar-. rived; at Port. ;Ohalmera 'on* Tuesday evening, made a smart passago of' 44 days from London. Heavy .westerly weather prevailed in the Bay "of. Biscay, after which flno weather ensued till about.a..week-after passing. the Oape; :A heavy.- ' gale was; then encountered from the south-cast, whioh ,was followed by thick,: dirty-'weather ■fromithe northward for..' a-.couple.of..days.- On February; 26 .two small icebergs were seen, in latitude 44.25 south, and longitude 46.48 east:. The, remainder of .the .voyage- was- uneventful.' Cap-' tain A. -Morton-'has- with -him: the following officers-—Chief t :Mr.'- V. Barrisdale;. second, Mr.' H. Solomon (late Arawa) ;■ third, Mr.-rC. Gordon Canning: (late Siberian navy); fourth, Mr. A.- S: Verity; fifth, Mr... G. Silver (late Matatua);' chief engineer,.. Mr..A. Naiamith;.-'• Bteward-in-charge, Mr. G. *Eussell.' The vessel has about-3400 tons of cargo for Dunedin. .;;.:;.' "■-.' ■.-.-■' '. :■
:"■:-/' ,neeehana's' ; otjtwled':caego/. ;5v '.Exports';:BM?ped by- the . Tyser.''Line steamer Nereh'ana,,which: left 'Wellington' on. Wednesday, morning; -wore.: aa -follow:-From Napier—l9,B7s carcasses' lamb, .4072 ■carcasses', mutton, BGO 'shoulders mutton, 881 quarters beef, Incase' coffee pots,. lG.casks "tallow, -9 ■ cases preserved : Meats, 16 bales, skins,, 1 838. bales'(wool.. OFrom ;21,968 carcasses.'mutton,.'-17,401 -carcasses- lamb, '2393 Quarters beef, 623:piec53:mutton, 4 cases sundries,..7l' oasks pelts,,-11:casks casings, 1- octave casings, > 2 , bales -' skinß, 1740; bales '■■ wool. Prom Wanganui—l6o9Xquarters'beef, 12,486- "carcasses: lamb,-6275 .carcasses muttoni 141. crates legs mut-ton-110-orates'shoulders mutton, 59 crates frozen mutton, -5 • crates frozen-,ox-tails; 8. bags frozen kidneys, 373 casks'. tallow,':!*) casks 'pelts, 15 casks margarine;- 400-cases 'preserved :• meats,; 33 casks casings,.. 672 bales wool.: From Auokland--274- bales ".wool;.;: From : .'Wellington-1618 '-. bales :'wool, -93 bales-flax, '54.casks casings',: 335 Casks tallow,. 200: oasks'pelts, 1400 cases, meats, 13,752 carcasses, mutton. - -i !; V: •;•:■'":;\ ■.■''■":■ ■: .'; • i C/: 0': expoets -foe/london. 'ci ''!' ; ; 'l::'. : l ; /.^;^;^'.lV^THEilONip'Si'bAEGO;:;:'^ ''The'Shaw,'SaviU,' ; and'Albion-Oompany'siliner. lonic;.:which :left.Wlelington'''.bn Thursday for, London, to addition, to -: a large number of ~~ passengers,.has: on,board:the following-.Dominion exports:—From':Timarii-2992 bales wool,' 30 casks premierUus.'lvcask l .pelts,.'2l7 boxes' kidneys,'lE49 .carcasses., mutton,'-; 4675 carcasses lamb.; 'From Auokland—lo,B.9l.; boxes .butter,; 537 -oases cheese. From. Lyttelton—B277 carcasses mutton,' 14,098 carcasses lamb, 163.'boxes-kidneys,-'25 cases tongues; .13 oases, meat extract, 848.boxes 1 butter!-488 : cases cheese,- 3560.; : bales:woolK^63fbale3>'j8heepskihs,i2 ;bales horsehair,'sol casks fallow. 126. casks'-pelts, 62 casks "oasings;' 146. saoks : oocksfdot,-- 36 packages ts.undries.-.vF l or"Eio,.'de-Jane'lro- i^O' carcasses mut-. ton, 20 legs mutton,.lbox kidneys, 2'crates'hares, .1' crate rabbits.. ■-.'■' From;. ■■ Dunedin—l27o. , cases cheese, .133 boxes' butter.' From: cases ,'oheese. From" -Wellington—3.sacks 'horns.i'W packages' sundries,'9s2l boxes butter; 3016 oases oheose, 8351 carcasses mutton; 13,887: carcasses lamb; 212vtegs,. 1321 quarters beef, 6"pieces beef, 600. bags mutton,'73-hauucbes, iNbag;legSrl4 bags shoulders; 4410 bales . wool,' ■.-38 bales'. skins;'' 66 casks' tallow,: 1057 'bales 'hemp, 23/casks■'■'lard. From Patea—42ss, boxes' butter, 5603 cases cheese. Erom,.New":;Plymouth—lo,942, boxes.\butter,;249o cases : cheese.; .From .Wellington, ?for Monto rams.' From Hobart,'.for Bio de.;, Janeiro-rlolß. cases ;apples..y ; -Vy: ;i i-vW- : '-\ .'. Mr. ■W'. B. Cunningham, iate purser iof-the War-, rimoo, and Mr. Shaw.'late-purser of the Paloona, have exchanged positions. ■..,'■:. .-""-*"■ .-i-V-- :'."-'■ At-. 2.';'aint- '^yesterday' "the ;TJnioh.Company's rsteamer.' Mapourika leftVGreymouth:- for-West-port, : Nelson; and Wellington., '.She is -due': here this morning about 11, being timed to'leave'Nel-' :son at 2 a.m. t6 : day:for. Wellington;..:'-.■;.' .';..:", - Captain' .Bob'ertson 'took' charge -of the Whangape, 'which-, left'; Port ■•: Chalmers' on Tiiesday. night;for Westport to load for;Wellington.;Mr. Foster joined as"'chief ; officer, Mr. Bruce second, and Mr. Eobertaon:third. ;• The.vessel is'due hero ::/:: .-'y " ';;•-; -V.'.. ; -" : ;..■'•:'. : ..y-' '. jMr'.iF; Jeiley, late -chief.'. officer ottheiWarri,moo, Joined. .the;.Talune at.,the- Bluff, on 'Tuesday as acting-master for the: trip to Melbourne and back;" Meanwhile the'other, officers of : the-,War-rimoo'have been . promoted ft' step,-, and Mr. : Scales has joined as fourth officer. ; : . . ;i, . . It is reported .that .appendioitis attacked Mr. G..H,Dodd,. purser of the Union Company's steamer: Moeraki.. just'-before '■■'. the: vessel -'left Sydney for Wellington last Saturday. - His place was taken; by Mr.-,H..;C.:F.' Williams,' purser of tbo-Mokoia. A cable.from .Sydney, advises, that Mr. .Dodd has undergone,a successful, operation, and is well on. the, way .to .recovery.' :•-' ■ ~Advicos from the/West'Coast state that.shipping 'matters -at Groymouth "remain In'a very alack .state;- the' TJnion:,'Oompany,--only.dealing with average, of. one boat per day. In a .few, 'days,;'however, a 'timber, steamer' for New Zealand ports will be in that port, ;r whilst at the end'of tho month, two vessels-will be, on the.berth for Australia. . ■."'■;•'::'■• , -Under' date '•; of January '• 15, : the London correspondent '.'of -the". "Christchnrch Press" writes:— An important'step which.foreshadows'apossible" combination, among-'shipowners is announced; '■ The.Tyne.and. Wear.'shipowners, at' a private meeting in Newcastle,'' at-'an . early: date c a.,.meeting: of North-country ship-' owners for.:.the. purpose of considering, the'present serious:position of the and to; take. stops ;to promote 'the' formation .of an .international 'union .'of■.shipowners.'.-' Such - a union, .if: formed,.-would, probably concern itself with,; minimising the effects of excessive competition and as a-corollary would aim at main-' taihing freights-at. a certain remunerative level." Possibly,-too,- some arrangements .might' be at-' ' .tempted 'on -the- lines' of;the *'worklng , agree-' : !ments',:.'now.;being entered, into :among railway : companies. ':At-;the. present, time.many-vessels-are laid up ..owing, to the lowness 'of freights. .
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Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 443, 27 February 1909, Page 8
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2,120SHIPPING NEWS. Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 443, 27 February 1909, Page 8
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