(FROII OCR SPECIAL CORRESPONDENTS.) j f MASTERTON. j •fho present dryness of the season is shown ' by tho fact that already there is n water famiiio at Lansdowne, a Masterton suburb, i Water is now being conveyod from town to I Lansdowno in big tanks, the cost being cart- ' ago only. The rainfall hero in September ! was a little over l}in., and was the driest ' September month daring tho past .27 years. There were four cases of bankruptcy in the < \\airarapa during last month, against none ' for the corresponding period ill 1907. So far, the list of bankruptcy oases in the district during the current year shows an increase of six on tho same nine months term of 1907. Tho following is the syllabus in connection with tho class of instruction that is being held by tho Masterton Rifle Volun-teorsWednesday—-Musketry; instructions in the use of the sword. Thursday—Outposts ; advanced flank and rearguards. Friday—Company and battalion drill; practical lecture by the officer commanding district; preparation for the attack. Saturday-rStaff ride. Monday—Mobilisation, semaphore sig- . nailing. Captain T. W. M'Donalcl, District Adjutant, is superintending the instruction: Twenty-sis births,., four marriages, and' eight deaths were recorded in Masterton during last month. The Masterton Y.M.C.A. team, which is to conduct a debate against tho Wellington Y.M.C.A. at Wellington to-night will comprise Messrs. 11. Rigg, J. Cole, and D. Hebenton. The subject will bo "That the Human Race is Degenerating," the visitors taking tho negative position. The increase in the Government valuation of tho borough has resulted in.a corresponding increase in rates on those of last year, the difference being something over £3000. There is general complaint at what is considered an excessive demand, but as the overdraft now stands at a record sum it appears that tho ratepayers will, have to foot their bills, and mako the best of a bad job.
PAHIATUA. A largely-attended meeting of settlers was held at the Scarborough schoolroom on Wednesday night to hear, the delegates' report on the interview with the Parliamentary Stock Committee, anent the dairy regulations. Mr. Brechin said ho thought the proposed regulations had practically received their deathblow, and fresh ones would probably be drawn up. The meeting also dismissed the question of representation on the County Council, and a committee was appointed to interview one or two gentlemen, with the object of getting them to stand. A. successful social was held at Hamua in aid of Catholic funds on Wednesday evening. The hall was packed, and dancing was carried on to an early hour yesterday morning. Interspersed with the dancing, Mrs. G. 'Hirst, Misses Hannan and' Milligan, and Messrs. Hawkins, Woodley, Gordon, and Smith, con-, tributed songs; ,and Messrs. Oxley, Burns, and Mansou recitations; and Mrs. P. Quirk n mandoline solo. Dean M'Kenna thanked' those contributing. Mrs. L. Ogdon, assisted by Miss Stewart, supplied.the dance music, and Mr. D: Kelly acted M.C. Yesterday afternoon' a friendly game of football was played on the recreation grounds between the Eketahuna and Pahiatua Foresters. The former, after an amusing game, won by nine points (three tries) to sis (two penalty-goals).
CAUTEIITON. A memorial to the late Rev. William Booth is to be placed in St. Mark's Church, Carterton, by a private donor. It will take the form of a two-manual pedal pipe organ, the order for which, says the "Wairarapa Daily News," has been placed with Messrs. Wadsworth, of: Manchester, .England. r '. A ; meeting'! UP th<r 1 was held on Wednesday ijyeriing to bid farewell to cxM'Kenzie presented 31r. ; L'umleyj on' Dolialf of the with a silver inkstand; as a parting gift. Mr. Lumley Has been associated with the brigade for the past ten years, and has represented it-at three conferences, and acted as judge for two demonstrations ' Entries are coming in freely for. the volunteer sports from Masterton, Greytown/and 1 Featherston. ;In view of,the competition, the local corps, under Lieutenants Toomathand Hart, hold special' practices at Wednesday night's parade. LEVIN. A large number of dairy inspectors and veterinary students visited Levin on Wednesday,' so as to inspect the experimental farm. Tlieso gentlemen are going through a months' study in Wellington, and visited the farm so as to get practical illustrations of some of the work they have been doing. The concert, hold "in the Century Hall on Wednesday night in aid of the' Anglican Church funds, proved a success in every way. There was a packed house, which enjoyed lengthy programme, well arranged by Mr.' J. Hayfield. The programme was contributed to by Miss F. Hitclungs, who;sang "Summer Rain" and "When; the Birds go North Again"; Miss Netta Smith, who rendered "Lovo the Pedlar," and other singers were. Mrs. Fitzlierhert, Mrs. Gappor, and Messrs. Winchester, Hayfield, and l)eviue. A very good nigger minstrel show was given by Messrs. J. C. Burns, J. Devonshire, H. Oharlesworth, A. Ross, Morgan, and T. Hall. There was also a series ' of pretty tableaux, arranged by Miss Bo wen, to represent Tennyson's "Fair Women." Mr. J,, W. Bowron, also amused the audience with'a' few of his well-told.funny stories. Nearly every performer had to answer an encore. . Air. J. G. Hankins, who has been seriously ill, as tho result of a severe heart attack, is now able to leave his bed for a few hours during the day. • Several cyclists were fined on Wednesday by Messrs. Gardener and Levy, J.P.'s., for riding oil the footpaths.; _ Tho local firo brigade is going to wait on the Borough Council at its next meeting with a petition to ask for. a . gasoline fire engine. As the small hand-engine, at present in use, is not capable of . much, it is hoped that the council will assist tho brigade as far as possible. It is reported that the purchase money has already been guaranteed by several local citizens. . SHANNON. V . The bazaar in aid of the funds of tho brass band is likely to take place in November. Mr. Byron Brown, tlie Opposition candidate for the Otaki electorate, is circularising tho electors of this district. Competent authorities here are of opinion that tlie recent typhoon in the Philippines is not likely to appreciably advance the price ' of New Zealand nerap for some considerable time. As a matter of'fact, its immediate effect may be to depress tho market ■ owing to the necessity of Philippine producers milling the damaged leaf as soon as possible, and the. consequent loading of. it .on the market. The bowling green will be opened on Wednesday next. It is unlikely tho new green will "be played on till Christmas. Tho re-cently-formed asphalt tennis court should be fit to play on in about a fortnight. . Messrs. Waring-Taylor; Law, Kelsbie, Nye, Wallace, and Barber brothers, provisional directors of the Co-operative Dairy Association, and Mr. Woodmass, provisional secretary, conferred with Mr. Bliiikhorn, solicitor, Levin, about tho affairs of the association on Tuesday afternoon in tho Druids' Hall. A definite arrangement with Dalgety and Co. is likely to be arrived at very shortly. FEATHEI?STON.„ Tho annual meeting of the Gun Club was held on Wednesday evening,- Mr. C. Burt presiding, ten members, being present. The balance-sheet, showing a credit balaiico of £15 4s. 7d., and assets and liabilities £41 4s. Id., and 355. respectively, were ad-jpted. The election of officers 'resulted:—Patron, Mr. A. Matthews; president, Mr. W. Barton; vice-presidents, Messrs. W. C, Buchanan, A. Donald, J. S. Cundy, and C. Matthews; auditor, Mr. E. 6. Robertson; management committee, Messrs. C. Burt, M. Ilyland, T, Skipago, C. Elliott, C. Skipage; treasurer,
Mr. S. Murphy; secretary, Mr. F. E. Merlefc. The secretary was appointed delegate to confer with delegates from the Greytowii and Carterton Clubs in regard to holding a championship for the Wairarapa. It was re-: solved to bold the shoots on Saturdays, and to arrange Thursday shoots when deemed' necessary. It was decided to write to tho Carterton Club in regard to the return inter--club inatch. Mr. A. Matthews presided at the annual meeting of the Featherston Literary Institute on Wednesday evening, when the . balance-sheet and report, the former showing, a credit of £21 4s. Bd., were adopted.' The■ election of a committee resulted:—Mesdamoß Palmer, W-. Benton, Miss Cox, Messrs. A. Matthews, G. Fcnwick, F. C. Everton, A. J. Toogood, A. H: Knowlcs, J. G. Cos, and Dr, Deamer. • . ; . The local Tennis Club held its annual meeting on Wednesday evening. The report and balance-sheet showed receipts £25 125. : lid.', and expenditure £19 10s. 6d., leaving a credit balanco of £6 2s. sd. Mr. C. Burt was elected n member. Officers as follow were elected Patron, Mr. A. Matthews; president, Mr. J. G. Cox; vice-presidents, Messrs. W. E. Eidwillj W. Barton, J. O. Bidwill, and Dr. Falmer; committee, Messrs; J. W. Card, J. M'Carty, C. Burt, G. T. Allen, and,. A. W. Gray;. auditor,-Mr. G. Fenwiplc;,secretary, Mr. G .T. Alien; treasurer, Mr. J. G. Cox. It was decided to open the season on November 4. The. Wellington, Provincial Lawn Tennis Association is-to be invited to play a match here on a date to be'fixed. The annual- report of the • local' gun: club shows., that the'-year closes . with '--thirty-two paid-up members, as compared with" twenty last year. Tho club has a credit balance of £15 4s. 7d., as against £6 lis. 4d. last year. The assets of the club tota'l £41 4s. Id., while the figures for 1907 were £27 2s. lOd. - During the,year Mr. W. Barton presented the club witn a clay- pigeon trap, and Messrs. F. Pearce and A. J. Toogooa presented trophies. Tho first was'.won by Mr. C- Burt , and the second by Mr. A. G. Rhodes. For the coming year Mr. M. N. Hardie has promised a medal, and' Mr. P. M'Donald a boar's head for competition. The'club has £2 2s. in hand, which has been "given by Mr. W. C. Buchanan for a trophy.
otaki: At a meeting of members of the, Otaki Ladies' Hockey Club several.of the prominent members, including the president, - secretary,, and captain, resigned,- owing to unpleasantness arising oyer the receipt; of anonymous letters. The resignations were received-with great' - regret. WOODVILLEj- ' • " At the local Foresters' Court on Tuesday night the members presented Mr; Jessen,'district representative, with a travelling rug, and Mrs. Jessen with a' silver' cr.uetf i : ■ 51 AItTINBOROtJGff. , There is a rumour to the olfect' that Councillors A. Matthews, .■ Benton', Consi:dine, Jackson, and Evans, will'not bo candidates at the forthcoming-Featherston,Covnty > Council election here in November. <■ Councillor Matthews has practically been 'a member of the' council ior'tho past thirty-five years, and the news of his expected retire- . ' meat has been received with geneVal-regret; Amongs those who are mentioned as probable candidates are Messrs; G. Donald and F. Wall. : • ' • = \ ; Work on Martinborougli's high pressure . water supply contract has noW been' l fairly . commenced.' All the water -pipes have: been , delivered along the various . streets- Al--though very good progress is now " being made with the work, it is not thought, the , contract will be finished before Marcli. It is very likely that then' the Town Board will make arrangements to' take a poll for a drainage service, which is - wanted' very badly.
PONGA.KOA.' ; . ; • The Rev. Mr. Humphries was presented on Tuesday with a travelling,rug 'anaa .silvermounted '"umbrella 1 6fi'''thd lu fcitfe~" of his departure. for AramqhOi - Mr. Ligertwood'mads the premutation. •'■'"ThriOearty cheers weregiven for' Mr. Humphries: ■' ) ' . WAIKANAE ■ AND ; REIKORANGL The local Natives aro dissatisfied over the removal of "the, boulders. ■ from the'.beach at Paekakariki, and they consider it- should be stopped, as the removal of the boulders will spoil their kuku bed,, which. thi] late Wi . Parata always protected. " ...i A narrow escape fronr.a Eeriou6 'accident through, a motor car was. experienced on Sunday last by Mr. and Mrs. A. G. AVilliams and Miss Bird out for. a drive they had the misfortune to meet, a motor car ou the Otianga'Hill.—The whole party was thrown over' tilts side through their liorso shying, Mrs. Williams being severely shaken and bruised. -'I'll? others were more "fortunate, and-got off iHfch'.a few > bruises. ' • : , \ v.' ; "- r The dance held at tlie.Reikioraugi -schoolroom in aid of the new.piano was well'attended.. It is expected now.vto be aMe to ivipe the debt off, and, thanks-. to' i'Jlisa . Banks, the .school has a-piano, nvhich was . badly needed.. : ,Wo are-likely to lose, our.populnr teache; (Miss Banks), as she has -been ti . Wellington, and I believe; will bo.; relieve- ! : _ . in about five weeks'-time. ' The, Ngatiawa Rifle. Club fired a friendlj match against the -Paraparaumu ■ Club.; Tha latter team proved- victorious by . a good margin.. The Kgatiawa rßifle Club fired the second round-for tho Fresh Food and Ice Company's trophy, .. when. J... Monk' got a . ''leg-in.: . . • Farmers are indignant a,t .the dairy 1-egu. lations, and- consider they are unworkable as . far, as they are., concerned.:., • ' \ Tho Post Office'is to! undergo another change from. October... 1. Mrs. Becker takea it over, Mrs! Campbell having resigned;- •.
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Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 317, 2 October 1908, Page 2
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2,130PROVINCIAL NEWS. Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 317, 2 October 1908, Page 2
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