ERASES 01? THE MOON. AUGUST. Day. lit" m. first quarter 5 9.10 Full moon 12 429 p.m. Last quarter 10 8.55 New mooa ... ... 27 10.29 a.m. HIGH WATER, To-day, 4.25 a.m.; 4.15 p.m. To-morrow, 5.7 a.m.; 5.30 p.m. . SUN. Sun rises to-day, G. 21 a.m.; sets, 5.20 p.m. ARRIVALS. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 26.
• TAKAPUNA, s.s. (3.55 a.m.), 1036 tons, Evans, from Onehunga and Now Plymouth. Passengers: Saloon —Misses Billens, Osborno, Mesdames Cross; Morgan and infant, '■ Roberts, Peacock, Stanley, Martin, Messrs. Paterson, Match, Moss, M'Gaw, Broad, Bernecke, Peacock, Simpson, Stanley; 5 steerago. MAORI, s.s. (6.50 a.m.), 3399 tons, Hunter, from Lyttelton. Passengers: Saloon —Misses Hoskins, Saunders, Panic, Campbell, Powley, Scales, Divine, Fox, Nathan, Malcolm. Chapman, Britlger, Buckley, Raymond, Barnett, Preston, Sandford, Whitelaw, Inglis, Wilson, Mesdames Lomax, Loe, Q'uiim, Hamilton,' Gray, Cox, Birch, Davie's, Lucas, Ellingham, Bridger, Kerr, Smith and 2 children, Cooper, Blake, Cullen, Purdy, Eliind, Piper, Faults, Cousins and child, Hon. T. Y] Duncan, - M.P., Dr. Sibbald, Messrs. T. M'Kenzio, M.P., Loe, Louden, Andrews, Lincoln, Green, Reed, Stein, Ryiner, Hamilton, Cooper, Price, Tomiant, Chceseman,' Hulme. Grigsby, Motz, Haslam, Birch, Cox, Gore, Caccia, Hart, Fisher, Usher, Duncan, Hartman, Barrett, Skuro, Jennings, Levcrsedgo, Hawker: (2), Halliday (2), Fox, Coffey, Scales, Ellingham, Pine, Kagg, Cairns, Manning, Atkinson, Williams, Piper (2), Le Cren, Rev. Dunklev, Henderson, Bryce. M'Lean, Pyne, Davidge, Whittcr, Stalkey, M'Caskey, Miller, M'Kenzie, Cameron, Sawyer, • Fraser,Phillips, Beaumont, Faulks, Henderson, Barr, Brown, Smith, Norris, M'Cartney; 80 steerage. RIMUTAKA, s.s. (7.40 a.m.), 77G5 tons,'Greenstreet, from Lyttelton. KOONYA, s.s. (9.30 a.m.), 1091 tons, Nicholson,: from Dunedin, Oamaru, Tiinaru, and Lyttelton.
ULIMAROA, s.s. (10 a.m. in stream), 5777 tons, \Vyllie, f rora Sydney direct. Passengers: For Wellington—Saloon: Misses Russell, Cruclen, Davidson, Card, M'Rao (2), Beggs, Hangout, Bell, Skinner, Ray, OsLmie, Mesdames Poarso, Glasson, Vance, Reid and two children, Mawloy, Donald, Hale, Jones, Beggs and boy, Porter, M'George,; Lane and four children, Gilbert, Dixon, Rev. Dart, Messrs. Richards, Savage, Brown, M'Dermott, Moiklejohn, Merrigan, Rhodes, Hill, Irwin, Brice, Fordyce, Reid, Henderson, Pollock, Chapman, Edwards, Mawloy, Fowler, Vance, Taylor, Brown, Mawley,-Smith, Munro,. Beggs, Hay, Ellis, Porter, Jones, Hale, Card, Owen, Bell, Woodhead, M'Kenzie, Donald, Thompson, Beverley, Anz'on, Bell; Dixon, Macintosh, Williamson, and .95 steerage. For Lyttelton—Misses Allen (2), , Dixon (2), Mesdames Dixon, Harding and 2 children, Ready, St'ace, Messrs. Hewitt, Clarke,. Gowanlock, Wagstaff, Ambler, Pekrse, Orr, Chapman, Cowan, Chapman, Arnst. Jackson, Greenfield, Harding, Ready (3). For Dunedin—Mesdames Morris,' Kerr and child, Messrs. Williamson, Mason, Walton, Wilson, and Mason. LIZZIE TAYLOR, ketcli (12.5 p.m.), 77 tons, Peterson, from Timaru, TONGARIRO, s.s. (1.35 p.m. in stream), 7600 tons, Sutcliffe, from London, Plymouth, Teneriffe, Capetown, and Hobart. NAVARINO, s.s. (2.15 p.m. in stream), 5103 tons, Crichton, from. Newcastle: MANAROA, s.s. (3.20 p.m.),.. 122 tons, Hart, from Motuoka. STORMBIRD,' b.s. (10.40 p.m.), 217 tons, from Wanganui. • ( . ■ ABAHURA, s.s. (11.55 p.m.), 1596 tons, Lambert,/from Westport, Nelson, and Picton. Passengers:. Saloon—Misses Richardson, Flynn, North, Turner, Blackmore, Clinch, Doek, Eraser, Morris, Mesdames Ahern, Jamieson, Martindale, Andrews, Bray, Lucas; St. John, Beveridge, Lee and' 2 children, M'lntosh,' Armstrong, Paterson and child, Messrs. Father Molloy, Nichols, Phelan, Reakes, Hcycock, Young, Swain, and child, Jones, Maxwell, Mann, Ballin, Broome, Mullar,' Cook, Milne'r, Levien, Smith, Frank, St. John, Giblin, Welch, Gardner, Beveridge, Lee, King, Sotheran, Robertson, Armstrong, Shelton, Raven, Andrews, Wnrno, Stephens, Stuart, Peak'o, M'Cormiek, Griffin, Hendy, Jolfries, Hirara.
DEPARTURES. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 26. OPAWA, s.s. (10.25 a.m.), 110 tons, Nicholas, for Blenheim. KAMONA, s.s. (11.45 aou.), 1425 tons, Lindsay, for Westport. POHERUA, s.s, ! (noon),; 1175 tons, Robertson, for Greymouth; ' : PENGUIN, s.s. ('l p.m3, 824 tons, Stewart, for Picton and Nelson, : • CLYDE, schooner (1.20 pjn.), 90 tons, Smith, for Greymouth. DEFENDER, s.s. (1.25 p.m., from Heads), 190 tons, Jamieson, for Kararaea. CORINNA, s.s. (1.50 p.m.), 1271 tons, . Cameron, for Timaru, Oamaru, and Dunedin. PUKAKI, s.s. (4 p.m.), 1444 tons, Crawfordj for Greymouth. KOONYA, s.s. (5 p.m.), 1091 tons, Nicholson,: for Picton and West Coast. TAIUPUNA, s.s. (5.10 p.m.), 1036 tons, Evanfe, for New Plymouth and Onehunga. Passengers: Saloon—For New Plymouth: Messrs. Scotland, Healer. For . Onehunga: Miss' Bowon, Mis. Finlayson and child, Messrs. Sawyer, Gibson. •MANAROA, s.s. (8 p.m.), 120 tons, Hart, for Havelock. MAORI, s.s. (8.10 p.m.), 3399 tons, Hunter, for Lyttelton. Passengers: Saloon—Misses Epson, Morrison, Jacobson, Scott, Billens (n), Matthews, Thomas, Lyons, Ward, Bowden (2), Mesdames Robinson, Rule, Birdling, Gillies, Epson, Lane;, Popplev.'ott, Cross, Mantan and child, Bowden, Thompson and three children, Edie, Halley and three children, Messrs. Usher, Gray, Brown, Stead, Matheson, Beverley, Epson (2), Lane, Blackman, Foster, Mills, M'Neece (2), Broad, Fraser, Ridland, Knight,'Coster, Turnbull, Egan, Small, Brown, Baird, Aitkinson, Duff, Douglas, Larkin, Williamson, Jackson, Cutlet, Morrison, M'Kenzie, Owen, Jenkins, Smith, Coffey, Waymouth, Hugo, Evans, Watson, Gibson, Jamieson, Prico, Campbell, Wearing, Billons, Mantan, Bowden and two boys, Thompson, Jamieson, Ambler, Lees, Manson, Jenkins, Pyle, Geddes, Thornton, Orr, 'Edie, Halley.
BLENHEIM, s.s. (10 p.m.), 120 tons, Watson, for Blenheim.
EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Huia, Wanganui, August 27. Queen o£ the South, Foxton, August 27. Mana, Patea, August 27. Aorore, Patea, August 27. ; Pateena, Lyttclton, August 27. Waverley, Motueka, August 27. Komata, Westport, August 27. - ' Talune, Dtmeriin, Lyttelton, August 27. VVaipori, Greymouth, August 27. Penguin, Nelson and Pioton, August 27,. ■ Opawa, Blenheim, August 27. 1 Maori, Lyttelton, August 28. Blenheim, Blenheim, August 28. Waihi, Blenheim, August 28. Charles Ethvard, Picton, August 28. Kamona, Westport, August 28. Wimmera, Sydney, via Auckland, August 28. Maheno, Melbourne, via South, August 28. liotoiti,Onehunga and New* Plymouth, August 28. ■ Mapourikn, Nelson and West Coast, August 2D. Poherua, Greymouth, August 29. Ngunguru, Karamea, August 29. Wakatu, Kaikoura, August 29. Kotuku, Southern ports, August 30. Hinemoa, Onehunga, August 30. Waikare, Southern ports, August 30. ■Monowai, Northern ports, Septembor 1. lakapuna, Onehunga and New Plymouth, September 2. • Mocraki, Sydney, September 2.
' PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Kaliu, Napier, August 2". Koromijco, AVestport, August 27. Opawa,'Blenheim, August 27. Stonnbird, Wanganui, August 27. AVakatu, lvaikoura, August 27. ' Pifeshirc, Avonmouth, August 27. Queen of tho South, Foxton, August 27. Aorere, Patau, August 27. Mana, Patea, August 27. ' Pateena, Lyttelton, August 27. Waverloy, Nelson and Motueka, August 27. Huia, AVanganui, August 27. Talunq, Napier, Gisbome, and Auckland. August 27. ■ . Ulimaroa, Molbourno, .via South, August 27.Maori,: Lyttelton, August 28. Penguin, Picton and Nelson, August 28. " ' AVaihi, Blenheim, August 28. Blenheim, Blenheim, August 28. ■ •.Charles Edward, Nelson and West Coast, August 28..- - ' . . , .... ..: . - . Wimmcva,. Lyttelton,...Dunodin,. August ; 2B.'. IWwjio, Sydnoy direct, August 28, '
Riinutaka, London, August 29. Arahura, Piclon, Nelson, and West Coast, August 29. llotoiti, Nelson, .New Plymouth, and Onehiinija, August 30. . Manaroa, Motueka, August 31. Wakatu, Kuikoura, August 31. Kotuku, "West Coast, August 31;: Waikare, Northern ports,' August 31. ' Monowai, Lyltelton, Dunedin, September 1. Mapourika, Nelson and West Coast, September 1. Takapuna, New Plymouth and. Onehunga, September 2. Moeraki, Melbourne,,via.South, September 4. . INTERCOLONIAL SERVICE. STEAMERS TO ARRIVE. WIMMERA, s.s., left Sydney, August 19, for Wellington, via Auckland, Gisborne, ■ and Napier. Duo Wellington August 28, and leaves 6arae day for Lyttolton and Dunedin.
MAHENO, s.s., left Melbourne,. August 19, for Wellington, via Hobart and Southern ports. Due Wellington August 28. . Leaves same day for Sydney direct. Due Sydney September 1. ' ULIMAROA, s.s., left Sydney August 22, for Wellington direct. Arrived Wellington August 20. Loaves August 27 for Melbourne, via Southern ports and Hobart. Duo Melbourne September 5. MOKOIA, s.s. left Sydney August 2G for Auckland, where sho tranships to the Talune, which arrives and leaves Wellington, for Lyttelton and Dunedin, September 4. MAITAI, s.s. loft Melbourne August 26 for .Wellington, via Southern ports and Hobart. Arrives and leaves Wellington for Sydney direct, September 4. 'MOERAKI, s.s., leaves Sydney August 29 for Wellington diroct. Due Wellington September 2. Leaves September 3 for Melbourne, via Southern ports and Hobart. Due Melbourne September 12. VICTORIA, s.s., leaves Sydney, September 2 for Wellington, via Auckland, Gisborne, and Napier. Due Wellington September 11. Leaves sanio day for Lyttelton and Dunedin. WAERIMOO, s.s., leaves Melbourne September 2 for Wellington, via Hobart and Southern ports. Due Wellington September 11.. Leavos same day for' Sydney direct. Due Sydney, September 15.
OVERSEA SHIPPING. STEAMERS TO ARRIVE. From London. MARERE (due Wellington about August 25), sailed on June 18, via Australia, Auckland, and Napier. (Tyser Line, agents.) lONIC (due Wellington about September- 8), sailed on July 23, Plymouth July 25, >.via Capetown tfnd Ilobart. (Shaw, Savill, agents.) 1 ' , WHAICARUA (duo Wellington about September 10), sailed on July 15, via Australia, Auckland, and Napier. (Tyser Line, agents.) TURAICINA (duo Wellington about September 24), sailed'on August 7,Plymouth-August 9, via Capetown and Hobart., (New Zealand Shipping Company, agents.). KIA ORA;(due Wellington about October 5), sailed on August 10,' via Auckland. (Shaw, Savill, agents.) NIWARU (due Wellington about October 21), sailed on August 12, via Australia, Auckland, and Napier.. (Tyser Line,, agents.) . From Manchester. OSWESTRY GRANGE (due Wellington about September 4). Sailed on June 30, via Australia and Auckland. (F.H.S. Line, agents.) From Liverpool. CEVIC (due Wellington about September 3), sailed on Juno 20, via Australia ana Auckland. (Shaw, Savill, agents.) HAWKE'S BAY (due Wellington about September 14),. sailed on July 11, via Auckland. (Tyser, Line, agents.) . RIPPINGHAM GRANGE (due Wellington about September 26), sailed on July 25, via Auckland. (F.H.S. Line, agents.) From New York. JEANARA. (due Wellington about August 27), sailed on; Juno 26, via Australia and Auckland. (A. and A. Line, agents.) INVERTAY (due .Wellington about September 30), sailed on June-26,-.via Australia and Auckland. (U.S.''and" A.;*Lino,-.agents.)''
BRIEZ HUEL (due Wellington about September 18), sailed on July 1, via Australia and Auckland. (U.S. and A. Line, agents.) INDRALEMA (due Wellington; about September 13), sailed on July 4 via Australia and Auckland. (Tyser Line, agents.) CLAN MATHESON (duo Wellington about October 20), sailed on July. 25, via Australia and Auckland., (A. and A. Line, agents.) ENGLISH MONARCH (due Wellington about October 23), sailed on August 12, via Auckland., KAZEMBE (due Wellington about October,. 28), Bailed on' August 13, via Australia and Auckland. (A. and A. Line, agents.) STAR OF SCOTLAND (due Wellington about October 26), sailed-on August 12, via Australia and Auckland. (Tyser - Line, agents.) From Calcutta. ITAURA (due Wellington about August 29), sailed on July 26. (Union S.S. Co.; agents.) APARIMA (due Wellington about September 9), sailed on July 31, via Auckland. (Union S.S. Co., agents.) . SAILING VESSELS EXPECTED.' ' MARJORY GLEN, barque, left Liverpool May 10, for Wellington. (Levin and Co., agents.) CARACCIOLO, ship, left Marseilles, June 27, for Wellington. (Johnston and Co., agents.) GLADYS, barque, left Liverpool August 8, for Wellington.. (Johnston; and Co., agents.) BY TELEGRAPH. ' OVERSEA. LONDON. August 25. - Arrived.—Olivia, barque, from Ivaipara. Sailed.—lndraghiri, for Auckland. SUVA. • August 26. Arrived;—Tofua, from Sydney, en route to Tonga, Samoa, and Auckland. : 'NEWCASTLE. . August 26. Sailed.—'Whangape, for New Zealand. • Sailed.—Flora, for Napier. Sho searches for the Ilawea. " ' :'. SYDNEY. : v August 26. Arrived.—Jap/' from Greymbutk." Sailed.—Mokoia (3-p.m.), .for Auckland. Sailed.—Jeanara, for New Zealand. Sailed.—Pendelhill, for New Zealand. : MELBOURNE. ' • ■ ■ ■' August 26. Sailed.—Louisa Craig, for Auckland. ADELAIDE; August 26. Sailed.—Taieri, for New Zealand.
COASTAL. ■WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28. KAIPARA HEADS... Sailed.—Lily, schooner, for Lyttelton. AUCKLAND. Arrived.—Squall, from Gisbome. Arrived—Joseph Craig, from Melbourne. Sailed.—AYaitemata, for Newcastle. Sailed.—Southern Cross, barquentine, for Sydney. ONEHUNGA. Sailed.—Rotoiti, for New Plymouth. Passengers: Saloon—Misses Booth, Morsley, ICidd, Lovell, Ponney, Mesdames Bertram and child, O'Connor and child, Wilkin, Meier, Anderson, Manson,. Stevens, Booth, Gray, Nicholls, Ludbroolc, Bluott, Messrs. Manson,' Woodhouse, Clifton, M'Kenzie, Carr, Maffey, Metcalfe, Robertson, Cooper, Ramsay, Morrison, Hopkins, AVillco.v, Morrison, Eiulay, Andrews, "Weston, Zohrab. NEW PLYMOUTH. Arrived.—Rarawa (i a.m.), from Onclnmga. Sailed—Rarawa (8.55 p.m.), for Onehunga. WANGANUL' Arrived.—Huia (9 a.m.), from Wellington. EOXTON. Arrived—Queen of the South (9 a.m.), from Wellington. Sailed. —Queen of the South (8 p.m.), for Wellington. WANGANUI. Sailed,—Huia (8.40 p.m.), for Wellington. PATEA. Arrived.—Mana (8.30 a.m.), from Wellington. Arrived.—Aorerei(B.4s a.m.), from Wellington. To:sail.—Aorere and-Mana (9 p.m.), for Wellington. NAPIER. , Jb gaii.—Marere (10 p.m.), for Wellington.
BLENHEIM. Arrived.—Opawa ((3.3(1 p.m.), from Wellington. To sail.—Opawa (midnight), for Wellington. PICTON. Arrived.—Penguin (5.15 p.m.), from Wellington. , To sail.—Penguin (9.30 p.m.), for Nelson. ' NELSON. Arrived.—Mapourika (5.30 a.m.), from Wellington. Arrived.—Wavorlov (12.10 p.m.), from Wellington. Sailed.—Waverley (5.15 p.m.), for Wellington. WESTPORT. Arrived.—Torgauten (3 a.m.), from Foxton, Sailed.—Den of Ruthven (9.15 a.m.), for Suva. To sail.—lComata, for Wellington. ' LYTTELTON. .. Arrived.—Talune (7.50 a.m.), from Port Chalmers. Arrived!—Waikaro (8.30 a.m.), from Wellington.
Arrived.—Patoena (10.10 a.m.), from Wellington. i Sailed.—Pateona (G. 5 p.m.), for Wellington. Passengers: ■ Saloon—Misses Francis and Winstanlev, Nurse Bowman, Mesdames Lynch, Brittain, James and infant, Parata, and Cnnipbell and 3 children, Messrs. Dickinson, Lynch, Brittain, Campbell, Lumsden, Neale, Revcll, Lee, Scott, Morey, Richards, Biackweil, J. F. Arnold, M.P., Gardiner, Reed, Holdernoss, Douglas, Power, Dimant, Corey, Tucker, Sibbard (2), Budd, Criehton, Hamilton, Duggan, Lumsden, M'Cartney, Martin, and Ivaretare. Sailed.—Taluno (7.50 p.m.), for Wellington and East Coast ports. Passengers: Saloon— For _ Wellington—Dr. Cockayne and Mr. P. Isaacs. For Napier—Miss Diamond, Master Strouts. For Gisborne—Miss Nolan, Mrs. Gale, Messrs. Ormerod, Nolan, and Law. For Auckland—Misses Bell and Kinderdine, Mrs. Bell, Messrs. Lake and Wilkinson, and Master Mills. DUNEDIN. Arrived.—Kotuku, from Oamaru. Sailed.—Mahono (3 p.m.), for Sydney, via L.vttelton and Wellington. Passengers for Wellington—Misses Williams,: Spraggon, tEano, Stowell, Reid, Guthrie, Mesdames Thomson, Curie, Kilkinson and 2 children, Messrs. Oswin, Eville, Gilkinson, Drummond, Master Ramsay. I PORT CHALMERS.. Arrived.—Moana (7 a.m.), from Lyttelton. FIFESHIRE, FOR AVONMOUTH. To-day at noon the F.H.S. liner Fifeshire has been fixed to leave Wellington for Avonmouth. CANADIAN-NEW ZEALAND LINE.' ' ■. Yesterday". morning tho Canadian-New Zealand liner Dei) of ; lliithvcn left Westport for Suva and Vancouver. RIMUTAKA, FOR LONDON. On Saturday .at 11 a.m. the New Zealand Shipping Company's steamer Rimutakais fixed to leave Wellington for London, via Monte Video.
MARERE DUE TO-DAY. Mossrs. Bannatyne and Company received advice yesterday that the Tyser liner Marere was expected to leave Napier at ten o'clock last uiglit for Wellington, and should accordingly . arrive hero' this afternoon. ' JEANAEA; LEFT SYDNEY. . Advice received by the New Zealand and African Company reports that the A. and A. liner Jeanara left Sydney yesterday morning for Auckland, in continuation of her voyage from New York. The Jeanara is expected to arrive in AVollington about September 7. . U.S. AND A.S.S." COMPANY. It is . announced that the British steamer <Da!dorch has been- chartered to load a cargo of general merchandise at New York for Australian and Neu Zealand -ports. The Daldorcli is timed to leave the American port on October 14.' The Daldorch was built at Greenock last year, and .is of 4662 tons register.
•NAVARINO, FROM NEWCASTLE. : After a passage of-six days from Newcastle , thp piion (-Company's steamer Na'variho arrived'bai'ly'yesterday afternoon. Tho vessel was granted pratique and berthed at tho Railway Wharf to discharge part of her cargo of coal, tho balance being for Southern ports. Tho first day 'out from Newcastle north-east winds prevailed, thence strong south-west gales were experienced till passing Farewell Spit. . From this point to Cook .Strait, light, north-east winds,set in. ARRIVAL OF THE .ULIMAROA. Well up to scheduled ■ time, tho HuddartParker Company's liner Ulimaroa arrived from Sydney direct yesterday morning. : Pratiquo was granted, and the vessel berthed at the Queen's Wharf. Departure was taken from Sydney at 3 p.m. on Saturday, and after clearing the; Heads unpleasant weather set. in. and accompanied the vessel till her arrival in port at 10 a.m. yesterday. Tho Ulimaroa's imports include tho following items:—l9ll cases fruit, 140 bags flour, ,275 cases soup, 375 bags maizo, 119 steel plates, 212 bars leacT, 160 sacks, rice, 172 packages tea, 200 pieces timber, 240 bags fodder, 500 cases onions, IGO cases schnapps, 400 bags red lead, 3055 cases kerosene, and a largo quantity of sundries. ' At four o'clock this afternoon the Ulimaroa is timed to leave for Hobart and Melbourne via Southern ports;
. NELSON- SAILINGS. UNION COMPANY'S SEPTEMBER TIMETABLE. The Union Company advise the.following sailings from Nelson foi September:— For Picton and Wellington. ; i Tuesday, September I—Pateena, 10 a.m. Wednesday, September 2--Arahura, 1 p.m. Thursday, September 3—Pateena, 10 a.m. Saturday, Septembei s—Pateena, 11 a.m. Tuesday, September B—Pateena, 8 a.m. Wednesday,' September 9—Arahura, 8 a.m. Thursday, September 10—Pateona, 9 a.m. Saturday, Septembei 12—Pateena, 8 a.m. Tuesday, September 15—Pateena, 10 a.m. Wednesday,- September 16—Arahura, 1 p.m. Thursday, September 17—Pateena, 10 a.ui. Saturday, September 19—Pateena, 11.30 a.m; Tuesday, September 22—Pateena, 8 a.m. Wednesday, September 23—Arahura, 8 a.m. Thursday, September 24—Pateena, 9 a.m. Saturday, September 26—Pateena, 9 a.m. Tuesday, September 29—Pateena, 0.30 a.m. Wednesday, September 30—Arahura, noon.
For Wellington Direct. Saturday, September s—Mapourika, 10.30 a.m. Saturday, September 12—Mapourika, 7 a.m. Saturday, September 19—Mapourika, 11 a.m. Saturday, September 26—Mapourika, 6 a.m. B.M.S. TONGARIRO, FROM LONDON. A PLEASANT VOYAGE; Yesterday afternoon'-the New Zealand Shipping Company's It.M.S. Tongariro, from London, via Capetown and Hobart, arrived in the stream. Pratique was granted, and shortly • before four o'clock the liner was berthed 1 at No. 1 South, Queen's Wharf. The ship's report of tho voyago is as follows:— Left London on July 9, and Plymouth on tho 11th. After clearing the English Channel very fino weather was experienced to Tcncriffo, which port was reached on July 16 at 7 a.m. Proceeding on tho voyage tho same day at 5 p.m., made. a fine passage to Capetown, arriving there on July 31 at 7.45 p.m. After embarking passengers and mails continued tho voyage tho following day at 1.30 p.m., encountering a succession of south and westerly gales until tho meridian of IOOE, thence to Hobart fino weather. Hobart was reached on tho evening of August 20, but, the ship was'not berthed until 8 a.m. on the 21st. After embarking passengers for Australian ports, and discharging about 450 tons of cargo, sailed for Wellington at 5 a.m. on the;22nd, arriving at Wellington at-1.35 p.m., having experienced fine weather with fresh south-west, winds across tho Tasman Sea. Tlie Tongariro brings 239 passangers, and about 5000 tons of cargo, for Now Zealand ports. Captain Sutcliffo is still in command, and with him aro tho following officers:—Chiof, Mr. A. 11. li-yley; second, Mr. Cairns; third, Mr. Rivers j fourth, II r. Porrv. Tho chief engineer is Mr. Thomas; second, Mr. Thompson; third, Mr. James; fourth. Mr. Gammon; fifth, Mr.- Read; sixth, Mr. Gillett; first refrigerating engineer, Mr. Collinge'; second. Mr. Graham. Electrician, Mr. Bissett. Dr. Dunklo3', IJ.R.C.S., F.R.C.P., is tho surgeon. Mr. P. Cornfoot is the steward-in-chief. The following loading time-tablo has been drawn up for tho Tongariro:—Leave Wellington on Tuesday for Lyttclton, completing'her discharge there on • September 5 ; at Timaru from September 6 to 8; at Port Chalmers from September 0 to 10; at Bluflt from September 11 1 to .13; at .Wellington from September .16.t0: 18;'-at' Napier from September 19 to 22;.' at from September 24 to 26.: She takes 1 her departure from the Northern port on the I last-named date for tho return voyage to ,London.
COLLIER NGAHEJII3, LEFT ENGLAND. A privato cable message lias been received 7 stating that tlio large' collier. Ngaliere, 1500 tons, left England last Thursday for the Blulf dircct.- Tho vessel, which was built to tho order of the Blackball Coal Company, expected to roach' tho Bluff about Octobor
This morning the Kai tuna and Hauroto are Uprated to leave Westport for Timaru and Auckland respectively. On Tuesday night the Union Company's steamer Whangapo left Newcastle, coal laden, for Napier and -'Wellington. I' l is reported that the . work of repairing the Blackball collier Petone, at Lyttelton, has been entrusted to Messrs. Andersons, Ltd., who expect to complete tho work in thirty-six days. Another attempt to refloat the Kapiti, which is ashore at Patea, was to be made last night. On luesday the vessel's position was considerably improved, and it is expected she will be got off during this week. On Tuesdny the Defender, left Wellington for Karamea, but adverse weather'compelled the vessel to shelter in Kan Bay. / At 1.30 yesterday afternoon the Defender cleared tha Heads aiid resumed the voyage to Kararnea. The "Sydney Commercial News" says:—Wo have been advised that the scow TJruroa has been purchased by the Union Box and Packing Case Company, Ltd., of Sydney,! and was. dispatched from Wanganui (N.Z.) for Brisbane with a cargo of pino on. August 11. Mr. J. Miller, of Lyttelton, has begun, a general overhaul of tho Antarctic-exploration ship Nimrod in order to fit her for her trip to the Far South early in December. Caulking is being carried on at present, and it is expected that the vessel will be put into dock early next month. From inquiries made on Monday by a. "Lyttelton Times" reporter it appears that so far. no definite date 1 has been fixed for tho departure of the Blackball Coal Company's hulk Black trail for Wellington. Owing to thePetone being, laid up, it is possible that one of the Union Company's steamers may be engaged to tow tho hulk to Wellington. 1
Some changes of officers on the kuddarfcParker liner Ulimaroa are reported. Mr.' Ox-* ford has rejoined the vessel as second engineor, and Mr. Sonnerdalo • has transferred to the Riyerina' as chief engineer. Mr. Foulis, late chief officer of the steamer, has been ap-pointed-master of the Company's s.s. Excelsior. Mr. Jones is now mate of the Ulimaroa, and Messrs. Luke and Dalziell second and third olricers_respectively. Some anxiety for the safety- of the Union Company's barque Loch- Lomond is now being oppressed in shipping circles, says a Southern exchange. Forty-one > days have now elapsed since the vessel left Newcastle;, N.5.W.,. for Lyttelton, but up till tho' present no news of her has been received. So fir 'as is' known, the :vessel has not been sighted' since' she left -Newcastle on July 15, but it is. thought that she may possibly have been driven away to tho .northward by the southerly and south-easterly winds' which were prevalent in" the Tasman Sea' -for some weeks.' The Loch Lomond, which is considerably overdue, is commanded,' it is understood, by ■ Captain Thompson.' I The' German Australian-S.S: Company have decided to dispatch two steamers • loading at Mediterranean ports for Australia during tho .coming fruit season. The: first steamer, s.s. Kiel or substitute, is intended to 'load at Patras about September 10, and Smyrna afterwards. This steamer will also load at\Calania previous to calling at Patras, and'will, call in Australia at Fremantle, Adelaide, Melbourne, ■and Sydney. The second steamer, s.s,, Meissen, or substitute, will probably be some few weeks-later. This second steamer twill also load at Patras and Smyrna, and call only at Melbourne and Sydney. The rates of- freight on fruit will be, from Patras 40s. I 'net, and from Smyrna 475. Gd. net per 100 kilos by both steamers. At present it is not the intention 'of the North German Lloyd to dispatch: any ■steamer this season from tne fruit ports.
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Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 286, 27 August 1908, Page 10
Word Count
3,706SHIPPING NEWS. Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 286, 27 August 1908, Page 10
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