PHASES OP TnE MOON. AUGUST. Day. hr. m. First quarter 5 9.10 p.m. Full moon 12 4 2!) p.m. Last quarter 19 S.SS a.m. New mooa 27 10.29 a.m. HIGH WATER. To-day, noon; 0.3 p.m. I'o-morrow, 0.33 a.m.; 0.52 p.m. SUN. Sun rises to-day, G. 33 a.m.; sets, 5.15 p.m." ARRIVALS. THURSDAY, AUGUST 20. HUIA, s.s. (3.50 a.m.), 127 tons, Dowell, from Wcngatiui.r' . WAVE RLE Y, s.s. (1.30 a.m.), 157 tons, Wildman, from Nelson and Tonga. PUTIICI, s.s. (5.50 a.m.),' 405 tons, Dewhurst, from Wanganui. BLENHEIM, s.s. (5.50 a.m.), 120 tons, Watson, from Blenheim. MARAROA, s.s. (G. 50 a.m.), 259S tons, Manning, from Lyttelton. Passengers: SaloonMisses M'Halo, Meadows, Mesdames Eraser, Goss, Fitzpatrick, Bell, Simeon, Gordon, Mander, Hon. Anstey, Rev. Bull, Messrs. James (2), Milne, Bostock, Christie, Hannah (2), Nixon, Captain ICirk, Fraser. Goss, Best, Fitzpatrick, O'Brien, De Beer, Charlton, Buddo. Harper, Lockhead, Butler, Reed, Bell, Catherail, Cooper, Fitzpatrick, Ganner, Scott, Stringleman, Whittaker, A nicy, Arlow, Pine, Court, Halley, Geddes, Heckler; 32 steerage. ,
CORINNA, s.s. (9 a.m.)! 1271 tons, Cameron, from Dunedin, Oamaru, Timaru, and Lyttelton. KENNEDY, 6,5. (10.45 a.m.), 22G tons, Vickerman, from Nelson.
HAUROT.O, s.s. (7.35 p.m.), 1988 tons, Jordan, from Suva via Auckland. FRIDAY, AUGUST 21. PATEENA, s.s. (1.5 a.m.), 1212 tons, Stewart, from Nelson and Picton.;
INDRADEYI, s.s. (7.10 a.m.), 5683 tons, Hollingsworth, for Gisborne. AMELIA SIMS,' schooner (9 a.m.), 9S tons,' Johnson, for Hokianga. WARRIM'IO, s.s. (4.20 p.m.), 3529 tons, for Lyttelton, Dunedin, Bluff, Hobart, and Melbourne. Passengers—Saloon; For Lyttelton— Mrs. Jordan, Messrs. Asher, Muskett. For Dunedin—Miss Johnston, Mrs. Richardson and boy, Mr. Silvester. For Bluff—Miss Asher. For Hobart—Mrs. M'Connon. For Melbouruo— Misses Schultze, Whitehead, Buckman, Johnston (2), Mesdames Worthington and 3 children, Jordan, Mr. Carney. HARAUOA,'s.s. (8 p.m.), 2598 tons, Manning, for• Lyttelton. Passengers; Saloon—Miss Mullins, Mesdames Hay and infant, Cowpeiv M'Leod and infant, Rev. Isitt, Capt. Kirlc,' Messrs. Hay, Turner, Plant,' Hoskins, Smith, Blackwcll, Webb, M'Leod.
KAMONA, s.s. (11.15 p.m.), 1425 tons, Lindsay, for Westport.
EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Araliura, West Coast, Nelson, end I'ieton, August 21. Victoria, Lyttelton, Dunedin, August 21. Moana, Sydney, via Auckland, August 21. : Moeraki, Dunedin, Lyttelton, August 21. Rotoiti, Onehunga, New Plymouth, August 21. Alexander, Greymouth, August 21. ' Kahu, Napier, August 21. Maori, Lyttelton, August 21. Taliuie, Melbourne, via South,-August 21. ; Stormbinl, Wanganui, August 21. Ttitanekai, Auckland, August 21. Mararoa, Lyttelton, August 22. Waverley, Nelson, .August 22. Mana, Patca, August 22. Penguin, Picton, Nelson, August 22. Manaron, Pelorus Sounds, August 22. Mapourika, West Coast, Nelson, August 22. Monowai, Dunedin and Lytteltou, August 23. Queen of the South, Poxton, August 23. . •' Amokura, Auckland, August 25. ICoonya, Southorn ports, August 25. Waikare, Northorn ports, August 25. • Takapuna, Onehunga, New Plymouth, August, 26. , . Ulimaroa, Sydney, August 2G. Wimmeva, Sydney, via Auckland, August 28. Maheno, Melbourne, via South, August 28.
PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Aorere, Paten, August 21. Huirt, Wanganui, August 21. - Kennedy, West Coast, August 21. Blenheim, Blenheim, August 21, Waihi, Blenheim, August 21. i Opawa, Blenheim, August 21. Wakatu, August 21. Victoria, Sydney, via Auckland, August 21. Maori, Lyttelton, August 'A. Penguin, Picton, Nelson,- August 21. Stormbird, Wanganui, August 21. ■ Moana, Lyttelton and Dunedin, August 21. Moeraki, Sydney, August 21. Curinna, Nelson and New Plymouth, August 21. Hauroto, Westport,' August 21. Talune, Dunedin, >August 21. Pateena, Lyttelton, .August 22.Waverley, Nelson and Motueka, August 22. Mana, Patea, August 22. Kahu, Napier, August 22. Arahura, Picton, Nelson, and West Coast, August 22. Rotoiti, Nelson, New Plymouth, and.Onehunga, August 23. Monowai, Napier, Gisborne, and Auckland, August 21 Manaroa, Motueka, August 24. Queen of the South. Foxton, August 24. lvoonya, Nelson and West Coast, August 25. Waikare, Lyttelton and Dunedin, August 25, Mapourika, Nelson and West Coast, August 25. Takapuna, New Plymouth, August 26. Ulimaroa, Melbourne, ,via South, August 27. Wimmera, Lyttelton, Dunedin, August 28, Mahono, Sydney direct, . August 23. Eimutaka, London,-August 29. INTERCOLONIAL SERVICE. STEAMERS TO ARRIVE. MOANA, s.s., left Sydney August 12, for Wellington, via Auckland, Gisborne, and Napier. Due Wellington August 21. Leaves same day for Lyttelton and Dunedin. . TALUNE, s.s., left Melbourne August 12 for Dunedin, via Hobart, Bluff. Tranships to Moeraki, which is duo hero on August 21, and leaves for Sydney direct the samo day. Due Sydney, August 25. : WIMMERA, s.s., left Sydney, August 19, for Wellington, via Auckland, Gisborne, and Napior. Duo Wellington -August 28, and leaves same day for Lyttelton and Dunedin. MAHENO, s.s., left Melbourne, August 19, for Wellington, via Ilobart and Southern ports. Duo Wellington August 28. Leaves same day for Sydney direct. Duo Sydney Septembor 1. ULIMAROA, s.s.,' leaves Sydney August 22 for Wellington direct. Duo Wellington August 20. Leaves August 27 for Melbourne, via Southern ports and Hobart. Due Melbourne September 5. VICTORIA, s.s., left Dunedin August 19, for Sidney, via Lyttelton, Wellington, Nafiier, Gisborne. and Auckland. Arrives and eaves Wellington August 21. ' Duo Sydney August 28.
MOKOIA, s.s., leaves Sydney August 2G for Auckland, where she tranships to tho Talune, which arrives and leaves Wellington for Lyttolton and Dunedin, Soptcmber 1. MAITAI, b.s., leaves Melbourne, August 26 for Wellington, via Southern ports and Hobart, Arrives and leaves Wellington for Sydney direct, Septomber 4. OVERSEA SHIPPING. STEAMERS TO ARRIVE. From London. MARERE (duo Wellington about August 25), sailed on June IS, via ■ Australia, Auckland, and Napier. (Tyser Line, agents.) . TONGARIRO (duo Wellington about August 26), sailed on July 9, Plymouth July 11, via Capetown and nobart. (New Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) lONIC (duo Wellington about September 8), sailed on July 23, Plymouth July 25, via Capetown and Hobart. (Shaw, Savill, ngonts.) WIIAKAUTJA (due Wellington about September 10), sailed on July 15, via Australia, Auckland, and Napier. (Tyser Lino, agents.) TURAKINA (duo Wellington about September 21), sailed on August 7, Plymouth August 9, via- Capetown and Hobart. (New Zealand Shipping Company, agents.) ICIA ORA (duo Wellington about October 5), sailed on August 10, via Auckland. (Shaw, Savill, agents.) NIWARU (duo Wellington about October 21), sailed on August 12, via Australia, Auckland, and Napier. (Tyser Line, agents.) From .Manchester. OSWESTRY GRANGE (due Wellington about Septeinbur t), Sailed on Juno 30, via Ausliulm and Auokluud, Lino, agents. 1
From Liverpool. CEVIC (duo Wellington about Soptembor 1), Bailed on Juno 20, via Australia and Auckland. (Shaw, Saviil, agents.) HAWICE'S BAY (duo Wellington about September 14), sailed on July 11, via Auckland (Tyser Liuc, agents.) RIPI'IiNGHAM .GRANGE (duo Wellington about September 26), sailed on July 25, via Auckland. (F.H.S. Line, agents.) From Now York. JEANARA (due Wellington about August 27), sailed on Juno 2G, via Australia and Auckland. (A. and A. Line, agents.) INVERTAY (duo Wellington about September. 30), sailed on Juno 26, via Australia and Auckland. (U.S. and A. Line, agents.) BRIEZ HUEL (due Wellington about September IS), sailed on July 1, via Australia and Auckland. (U.S. and A. Line, agents.) INDEALEMA (duo Wellington about September 8), sailed on July 4, via Australia and Auckland, (Tyser Line, agents.) CLAN MATHESON (due Wellington about October 20), sailed on July 25, via Australia and Auckland. (A. and A. Line, agents.) ENGLISH MONARCH (due Wellington about October 23), sailed on August 12, via. Auckland. ICAZEMBE (due Wellington about October 2S), sailed on August 13, via ~ Australia' and Auckland. (A. and A. Line, agents.) STAR OF SCOTLAND (due Wellington about October 20), sailed on August 12, via Australia and Auckland. (Tysor Lino, agents.) From Calcutta. ITAURA (due Wellington about August 20), sailed on July 2G. (Union S.S. Co., agents.) APARIMA (due Wellington about September 9), Bailed on July 31, via Auckland. (Union S.S. Co., agents.) SAILING VESSELS EXPECTED. MARJORY GLEN, barque, loft Liverpool May 10, for • Wellington. (Levin and Co., agents.) OARACCIOLO, ship, left Marseilles, June 27, for Wellington. (Briscoe and Co., agents.) GLADYS, barque, left Liverpool August 8, for Wellington. (Johnston and Co., agents.)' HELEN DENNY, barque, left Newcastle August 12, for Wellington. (S. Brown, Ltd., agents.) BY TELEGRAPH. OVERSEA. MONTE VIDEO. 1 August 19. Sailed.—Ruapehu (G a.m.), for London. SYDNEY. August 20. J Arrived.—Kaiapoi, from Kaipara. Sailed.—Wimmera (last night), for Auckland. \ MELBOURNE. August 20. Sailed.—Manono (yesterday), for Hobart and tho Bluff. Arrived.—Oswestry Grange, from Liverpool. She firings 235 immigrants for New' Zealand! COASTAL. \ 1 THURSDAY, AUGUST 20. ' ONEHUNGA.' ■
Sailed.—Rarawa. Passengers—Misses Chard; Carr. Judge, Wither, lan re nee, Walsh, Puller (2), Gulpin, Cutfield, Taylor, Essex, Mesdames Newell and 2 children, Eeiohel, Puller, Shields, Stewart, Sivituson, Loughlin, Clarke. Gulpin, Hood and 2 children, Robinson, Old. Edinborough. Morse, Nurse Proude, Messrs. M'Lean, Morse (2), Shields, Old, Johnston, Holmes, Beals,Watts, Wither, Robinson, Crane, Holmes, Nash, Gulpin, Litchfield, Robinson, Hescott, Dicker, Matthews. Epostein, Summer, Bowler, Cutfield, Scott, Sly, Kiblr, Louprhlin, Wilkin, Rev. Carr, Captains Robertson, Hood.
. NEW • PLYMOUTH. Arrived.—Rotoiti (4.15 a.m.), from Oijohiimrn. Arrived.—Takapuna (10.45 a.m.), from Wellington. Sailed.—Tnkapuna (9 p.m.), for Onehunga. 'WANGANUI. V Arrived.—Stormbird (3.25 p.m.), from Wellington. NAPIER. Arrived.—Kahtf (3 a.m.), from Wellington iviaSailcd.—Kahu (4.15 p.m.), for Wellington. To sail.—Moana (9.30 p.m.). for Southern ports. Passengers—Saloon: Por Wellington— Mesdames Smith, Harvey, Messrs. Smith, Harvey, M'Grath, ■ Morris. PICTON.' Arrived—Pateena (6 p.m.), from Nelson. , 1 To sail.—Pateena (8.15 p.m.), for Wellington.' NELSON. Sailed.—Pateena (11.30 a.m.), for Picton. To sail.—Arahura (3 a.m., Friday), for Picton., 1 WESTPORT. Arrived.—Mapourika (7 a.m.), from Nelson. ;Arriyed.—Aralinra (7 a.m.), from Greymouth. Arrived.—St/ Louis (3.40 p.m.), from Noumea. •Arrived.—Waipori (7.40 p.m.) and Kotuku (7.15 p.m.), from Wellington. ■ Sailed.—Mapourika (2 p.m.), for Greymouth. ' Sailed.—Arahura (2.30 p.m.), for Nelson, Picton, and Wellington. GREYMOUTH. Arrived.—Pukaki (7.50 p.m.), from Wellington. Sailed.—Aloxander (5.15 p.m.), for Wellington. . LYTTELTON. , . Arrived.—Maori (6.55 a.m.), from Wellington. Arrived.—Storm, from Dunedin. Sailed.—Talune (3.50 p.m.), for Wellington. , Sailed.—Kaituna, for Westpurt. Sailed.—Cygnet, for Kaikoura. Sailed:—Storm, for Wauganui. Sailed.—Moeraki (5.5 p.m.), for Sydney via Wellington. Passengers for Wellington—Mesdames Clumpton, Johnston, Knight, Bethune, Bornio and child, and Fairbairn and infant. For Sydney—Messrs. Phimpton,- Knight, and' ■Corbauld, Misses Devenish, Meares, Rattrav, Haise, Joyce, Mesdames Thomas, Garriclc, Tarlor, Poore, Corbould and child, and Richarclson, Messrs. Morton, Chisholm, Nettlefold, Rattray, Simpson, Orborne, Glurdon; Bishop, Thomas, Garrick, Brooke, Pearce, Franklin, Short, Juriss, Mulholland, Poore, and Richard'son.■ ' Sailed.—'Victoria (7.30 p.m.), for Sydney via ports. Passengers for Wellington—Mesdames Robson, Connolly and child, Messrs. Blundell, Morris, Sampson. For Napier—Mesdames Crab: ble, Rae, Messrs. Raynor, Colollo (2), Rne, Poroival, Rangi Tomoana, Rollo, West, M'Carthy, Kyler. For Gisborne—Misses Townend, Wright] Mesdames Ensor, Birss, Messrs. Birss, Wrightj Reed, M'Donald, Matheson. For AucklandMisses Graham, David, Messrs. Lee, Holt, Bowers. Potheringham, Morton. Sailed.—Maori (8.10 p.m.), for Wellington, with about 120 passengers. . DUNEDIN. , Arrived.—Koonya, from the West Coast. Arrived.—Monowai, from Auckland. Sailed.—Rimutaka, for Timaru.
PoW '-CHALMERS. " Sailed.—Rimutaka (4.50 p.m.), for Timarn. BLUFF. , Sailed.—Koonya, for Dunedin. NOTICE TO MARINERS. _ It has been reported to the Marino Department'that the Jackson's Head light is not showing. • RIMUTAKA, FOR LONDON.' ' Tlic Now Zealand Shipping Company advi=e that the departure of the Rimutaka for London from Wellington, is now fixed for Saturday' August 29. ruapehu, Left monte video. On Wednesday tho Now Zealand Shipping Company's steamer Ruapehu left Monto Video, in continuation of her voyage to London. Sho left Wellington on July 30. KARAMEA AT LONDON. A'dvice received by the local agents reports that the Shaw, Savill liner Karamoa, which left Auckland on June 28, arrived in London on Wednesday, August 19. SHAW, SAVILL AND ALBION LINE. THE TAINUI. It is understood (says an exchange) tlint tho new passenger steamer Tainui (10.500 tons) will take up the mail running shortly, and that Captain Moffat will be her commander. The Tainui is anticipated to start on,her maiden voyage ..from London on November ia (due -Wellington 'December 29), and thenceforward will replace tho the mail service, of which steamer Captain Moffatt has at present command. With the advent of .the Tainui the Shaw, Savill, and Albion Company, will have a completo fleet of mail and passenger steamers of a. very high class—viz., Alheiiir, Corinthic, lonic,. Aruwa, and Tainui. The most recent addition is said to bo an even finer vessel than the new Arnwn, being replete with every convenience and comfort for passengers that thu latest.innovations can supply.
GOVERNMENT STEAMERS. Tho Government steamer Tutanekai left Auckland yesterday for Wellington, and is expected to reach here to-morrow. Tlie training ship Amokura got away from Auckland yesterday morning, and is due here nn llon'day. or Tuesday. The llinemoa was at Kaipara yesterday, and was expected to leave for Manulcau. IMPORTS BY THE KIA ORA. Advice has been received that the SbawSavill steamer Ivia Ora, which sailed from London on August 7, is bringing the following cargo:—For Auckland, 3700 tons; for Wellington, 1000 tons; for Timnru, 2500 tons. Tho Kia Ora is expected to reach Wellington about October 5, after calling at Auckland. RIPPINGHAM GRANGE, FROM LIVERPOOL. It is reported that instead of making Auckland her first port of call, the I'cdcral-lloul-der-Shire liner Rippingham' Grange is bound for Wellington direct.. Consequently she is now duo to arrive at this port'qbout September 16, and will afterwards proceed to Auckland, thence to Southern ports to complete unloading. THE ARAHURA. Bad weather has delayed tho Arahura on her customary trip to tho West Coast this week. Generally 6he arrives in Wellington during Wednesday, but this trip only arrived in Westport from Greymouth at 7 a-m. yesterday. She left Westport at 2.30 p.m. for Nelson, where sho is fixed to leavo at 3 a.m. to-day for Picton and Wellington. The Arahura leaves for. Picton, Nelson, and West Coast again tomorrow... MOANA AND TALUNE. Yesterday afternoon, the Union Company's steamer Talune left Lyttelton for Wellington, and is due this morning. The vessel, which "■made a trip to Melbourne in place of the Moeraki, is fixed to return to Dunedin direct this evening, and leavc-s thero again, on Tuesday for Auckland ,v;a ports, where she tranships to tho Mokoia, which returns to Sydney. The Moana, due from Sydney via tho North to-day, oiv arrival at Dunedin withdraws for overhaul, and it will'be in her running that the Taluno visits Wellington next Thursday. EXPORTS BY THE INDRADEVI. ' 1 Early yesterday] morning tho Tyser Line steamer Indradevi left Wellington for Otisborne, Napier, and Auckland, which ports she loads at in the order named. She is fixed to sail finally from Auckland for London. • While at Wellington the Indradevi loaded the following exports:-401 bales wool, 2 bales rabbit skins, 130 bales i'.as, 1032 casks tallow, 108 casks pelts, 419 cases tinned meats, 41 casks casings, 14,338 carcasses mutton, 484 carcasses lanib, 39,708'1egs of lrntton. 2005 quarters 1 beef, 426 bags kidneys. ■ •
PASSENGERS: FOR SYDNEY. ■ ■ This morning the Union Company's steamer Moeraki is expccted to arrive from Dunedin and Lyttelton, having been overhauled since her last visit here. . She leaves for Sydney direct this afternoon, and is taking the following passengers from Wellington:—MissesNickle, Palmer, Finley, Reid, Roles, Wood, 'MesdamesFaire, Finley, Roles, Thompson, Bien-Yenu, Johnston and 2 children, M'ltinnon, M'lntyre, Hewitson, M'lntyre, Thomas, Phillips. M'Bwen, Gray, Carruthers; Whitworth, Reid, Hon. J. D. Ormond, Dr. Newman, Messrs. Chisholm, P. H. Morton, F. C. Corbett, Faire, H. H. Vassall,. Falconer, M'Kay, J. W. Lowe, Kahn, Watson, Thompson, P. Campbell, Johnston, M'Kinnon, \V. S. Higham, Hewitson, Maelntyre, Newman, Ford, Thomas, Phillips, Dulling, A. Gray, G. E. Harris/ Crisp, L. A. Dimant, Ramsay, Geo. Buller, Tancred, Whitworth, Gaulton. ; > THE PETONE.' ' The" Blackball Coal Company's s.s. Petone, which had the ill-luck to break her crank shaft and fracture tho bed plate of her engine off Motonau on Saturday night, has been surveyed at Lyttelton by Mr. C. Ferrier, on account of Lloyd's and Mr. Carman, Govern-, nient Inspector of. Machinery (says the "Lyttleton Times"). It, is understood that the damage to the bed plate is of a serious chancer, it being cracked in no fewer than fivo places, /renders will be called for! tho necessary repairs. ' It is not yet known how long these will take, but it will be a considerable time. It has been said,'indeed, that the vessel will have to. bp co"uple' of months. No arrangements, so far as is'known, have yet been madei- jn> inference.)to.'ctaking• to-Welling-ton the Blackball Coal Company's hulk Blackwall, which was to have left Lyttelton in tow of the Petone on Friday.. . . - THE OSWESTRY GRANGE: : The F.H.SI Lino steamer' Oswestry Grange, from Liverpool, lias on board tho following passengers for Wellington:—First-class: Mr. and Mrs. Murdoch. Third-class: Misses M. and S. Stevenson, M. Riddell, N. Bolton, Wilson (2), M. M'Nairn, A/ and N. Dunipace, Miller (3), M. Baylee, A. Moore, Mesdames N. Dick and- child, L. Bolton, Dunipace, M. Milne and 2 children. Miller, M. Baylee, Wilson and child, Ewcn, Messrs. A. Cumming, W. G.i Bennett, A. and W. Bagle.v, E. Hill, T. Spencer, J. Digglo, J. Metcalfe, J. M'Nair, G. Dick, A. Murdoch, R. Dunipace, J. Graham, W. Scott, W. Milne, J. Stevenson, Wilson, W. Harwood, Miller (3), J. Baylee, G. Barnett, J. Jones, J. Wilkie, D. Miller, ■ T. Horryr, J. M'Mahon, C. Hunter, G. Kerr, J. Ewen, Jiasters A. Bolton, R. and J. Dunipace, Milno (3), G. and J. Baylee. 1
• The vessel, which is due in 'Wellington early in September, has on board G620 tons of cargo for the Dominion, 1900 tons.being for discharge at "Wellington. CARGO BROACHING. ' A Sydney exchange says:—"Until our local magistrates inflict more severe punishment on persons convicted of pilfering or broaching cargo, there is not much likelihood of the, practice being at all minimised. Whenever a case is placed : before them the shipping companies concerned make known that their losses, through tht)'evil, run into huge figures annually, but still the offenders only receive • a comparatively small sentence, with the option of a fine. The chance of being caught redliaYided is slight, and the punishment when caught being so meagre, makes, the business a very profitable one, and it is not probable that the oft'once will bo stamped out, or in fact lessened until culprits receive harsher treatment, or are dealt with like two at Napier (N.Z.) two weeks ago.' In this case, two sailors wore charged with stealing cargo of the value of .£25, and after being informed that tho New Zealand magistracy had determined to putdown offences of this kind with a firm baud, they were both sentenced to twelve months' imprisonment, without the option of ( a fine. A sentence like that will surely act as a deterrent, and we hope that tho course now being followed by tho magistrates iu tho Dominion' will have the much desired effect, and will bo purfiied by the local justices, who up to the present treat offenders in such cases so lightly." , THE OTAKI. The new steamer which has been built for tho New. Zealand Shipping Company by "Wil-. liam Denny Bros, is a similar boat to the Orari and Opawa, and will be employed in tho direct trade between London and Now Zealand. She is of 11,000 tons register, says an exchange. Tho Otaki is, however, a distinct innovation in one respect on any other steamer on this side of the line, as she is furnished with triple screw's. Reciprocating engines drive her twin screws, anil she is also provided with a low-pressure turbine, which drives a third propeller—this arrangement being known ns a combination of a reciprocating engine and a turbine. This does away with the difficulty which has hitherto hampered the, manoeuvring of turbine steamers in confined-Waters, and when the OtaM is berthing she will berth as an ordinary twin-screw boat, w-hereas when out at sea, he rturbino will be put in action. Tho builders claim_ that this type of engine should efl'ect a considerable saving in tho consumption of. coal. Another addition is also to be made to- the company's fleet in the way of a passenger steamer, arrangements having been made with Messrs. William Denny Bros, to build a new twin-screw passenger steamer, 4Soft. x COft. x 35ft. to the order of this company. , Her speed will be 13 knots when fully loaded, and she will have accommodation for 5G first-class, 75 second-class, and 105 third-class passengers; but tho third-class accommodation can bo extended to hold 400 if required. , Captain Drewetto is to rejoin the Ivomata within a few days. Captain Stringer is at present in temporary command. Tho wrecked steamer, Mareeba is fast going to pieces on Stockton Beach, and a largo quantity of cargo has been washed ashoro (reports tho " Sydney Commercial News "). She broke completely in two recently, and tho fore part has now almost disappeared. Tho stern, with. the main hatch, still holds together, though the holds havo 'opened up, and the lighter cargo has been washed out. A quantity of ore, however, is loaded in tho main hold. Amongst tho cargo washed ashore are bales Of wool, hay, and chaff. This is strewn along the beach, but it is so damaged by water as to be' of little value. The sugar and molasses havo apparently all dissolved.
.Yesterday tho Union Company received ad.' vice that the Mapourika, ivjiioli left Wellington iucsday evening, arrived in Wc *iort at 7 a.m., and left for Greymouth at £ o'clock in tiio afternoon.
Ijast night the Union Company's steamer WW 00 le P W , c »i«gton for Melbourne via Hip fniii 1 • Holiart. The vessel brought, ton m w"i g " n , ports from S y dn( =y Wellingnerior ll^'^^yr 2o , s ca « es tea > 43 SlTnwi 1; t sto^ r , hnks ' 300 bags ricemeal, tartnr rn »•! er ' ° s fi° ur > 69 kogs cream tin 4 ,? 1 ® oocoanut, 037 bags rice, 91 ingots rf- S ' omons • 150 boxes butter, i 025 3GO mws Mn i? eSB , J!. I(: , rc handise, 100 cases oil, 180 coke ' 120 ba B s b ean S ; ags ochre, 131 rails, 3,ca])s, and sundries. may hare been the Union OTOr thh-tv r r n 0 a l cqu ' l r l ed Locll Lomond, now Newpnitln fn t (-? u a coal cargo, from kl <1,» L P' ttelton f, ps sighted in Cook 11 Vf ,U ie f , scho .?? ei ; J F 1 a l lcou on Sund ay. AugHtL V 3 Lyttelton Times"). At tha thTwmf« ? S a sou llorl J' pi", before which the barquo was running She is described as having painted ports, and'm that respect she I. l f L ° cll J ,on } ond '. There lias been So™ l • rt j SOU H Ie . r J? weather since the l essel was sighted, and it is not surprising that she has not shown up.if she was the Union Company's barque. '
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Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 282, 21 August 1908, Page 10
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3,675SHIPPING NEWS. Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 282, 21 August 1908, Page 10
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