Godber's Rooms were filled last evening by a large number of. members connected with the St. John Ambulance organisation to witness a competition between -eight, ladies selected from the Petone 'division under tho superintendency of Mrs. (Dr.) Perry, -and eight ladies representing;, [tho' Wellington Nursing division, appointed .'by, the local Executive officers. Dr. Boyd'jvas the examining officer,_ and lie put;.the .competitors to both practical and viva voce, tests,' awarding them marks according j to; their dual capabilities. . . On the termination of the competition, Mrs. S. A. Rhodes, Associate of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem, intimated that Dr. Boyd had awarded the Wellington team 115 marks, and the Petonc team 1104 marks, and on behalf of members thanked Dr. Boyd for flis attendance in the capacity of jiidgo. Mr. W. B. Fisher,-Honorary Serving Brother of the Older of St. Jomi of Jerusalem, in returning thanks for tho reception accorded Mrs. Perry and other ladies from Petone, paid a high tribute to tho medical profession generally. He pointed out that wore it not for the active co-operation, of medical men, the various' organisations of St. John would ceaso to exist under tho present regulations. With an. intiniate knowledge of tho medical profession extending over two decados in Dunedin 'and Wellington, Mr. Fisher stated that'with tho-exception of tho clergy lie was inclined to think that the medical profession was without a compccr in the. self abnegation, of its members. Drs. Boyd and Gunn, Mrs. Luke, Mr. Soed, and Nurse Sextoii alsojspoko, Mrs. Liiko eulogising tho efforts of'tho district nurses among tho poor of Wellington. Subsequently all thoso present, including tho Rov. Mother Aubert and several of the Sisters of Compassion, were, ehtortained at suppor by Mrs. S. A. Rhodes,! president of tho District Nursing Guild, and;thc Wellington Nursing Division. :
PHASES OP THE MOON. JULY. . . Day. Hr. m. First quartor ... ... 7 7.55 a.m. Full moon 14 D.lB a.m. Last quarter ... ... 20 11.32 p.m. . Now moon ... ... 28 6.47 p.m. HIGH 1 WATER. To-day, 6.25 a.m.; 6.35 p.m. To-morrow, 7.G a.m.; 7.18 p.m. SUN. Sun risos to-day, 7.17 a.m.; sets, 4.31 p.m., ARRIVALS. TUESDAY, JUNE 30. . OP A WA, s.s (12.10 a.m.), 110 tons, Nicholas, from Blenheim.- ; BLENHEIM, s.s. (12.10 a.m.), 120 tons, Watson, from Picton. MANAROA, s.s. (12.25 a.m.), 122 tons, Hart, from Havelock. CORINNA, , s.s. (5 a.m.), 1271 tons, Cameron, from Onehunga and New Plymouth. MARAROA, s.s. (6.10 a.m.), 2598 tons. Manning, from Lyttclton. Passengers: Saloon-p Misses Dwyer, Ross, Asquith, jl'Pliee, Simpson, Murchison, Willis, Mesdames. Hansen, Vangour, Curtis and child, Moser, Meurison, Jones, Hade, Lee, Bridge, Bowler, Hon. Jones, Messrs; Allan,' M.P., Bremncr, Burns, Peters, Donward, Vangour, Symons, Curtis, Hubbard, Mitchell, Owen, - Dixon, Montague, Boattris, Hutt, Ifoss, Davis, Mnnn, M'Fereano, Hulme, Croll, Hutchinson, Pearce, Overton, Hutt, Bowler, Potts,. Ward, Armstrong, Head, Ritchie, Sinclair, Lee, Wicksj Goldfinch, Andrews, Smith, Murchison; 45 steerage.
WAIKARE, s.s. (8.30 a.m.), 3071 tons, Bernech, from Auckland, Gisborne, and Napier. Passengers: Saloon —Misses Taylor, Dickson, Short, Mesdames Brigham, Evans (2),. Taylor, Herries, Messrs. Johnston, Evans, Clanstan, Davis, Nancarrow, Herries, Lake; 2 steerage. STORMBIRD, s.s. (8.50 a.m.), 217-tons, M'lntyre, from Wanganui. TASMAN, s.s.' (10.10; a.m.),; 179 tons, Cox, from Nelson and ilotueka. '
ORETI, s.s. (10.20 a.m.), 215 tons, Robertson, from Wanganui. DEFENDER, s.s. (i.35 p.m.), 190 tons, Jamieson, from Karamea. KENNEDY, s.s. (5.20 p.m.), 22G tons, Vicke.rman, from-. Foxton; PATEENA, s.s. (10.10 p.m.), 1212 tons, Stewart, from Nelson and' ' Passengers: SaloonMisses Godfrey, Clarke, Rose, Walker, Richmond, Commons,. Salmond, Patterson ' (2), Thompson, Green, Pollock, Mall, Hudson, Mesdatues Laery' and'.child, .Stevenson, Innes, Godfrey, Love, Ashley, Cabley, Johns, Dee, Hulbert,' Messrs.. Black, Bowden, Hood, O'Dwyer, Laery,.Raven, Smith, Reeves, Simm, Lewis, Laidlaw, M'Xntosh, Onion (3), Morley, Reesby, Ward, Pickering, Hodson; Parsons, Guinness, Register, Johns (2), Henry, Gill, Commons, . M'Pliee, Hall, Pettifc, Boorman, Clark, Dr. Oxford, Hunt, Graham, Stringer (2),- Andrew. . 1 ENNERDALE, s.s. (10.35 p.m.), 1117 tons, Waddilove, from Timaru.
WEDNESDAY, JULY. 1. . WAIHI, s.s. (1.25 a.m.), 92 tons, Carey, from Blenheim. DEPARTURES. , TUESDAY, JUNE 30. (jORNWALL, .s.s'. (G. 55 a.m.), 5190 tins. Dc'rth, for Lyttelton. KAHU,.'s.s. (2.30 p.m.), 182 tons, Jones, for Napier. '' ■ • AORERE, s.s. (2,15 p.m.), 77 tons, Fisk, for I'atca. ' .
MANAROA, s.s. (3.10 p.m.), 122 tons, Hart, for. Motu'eka. MAPOURIKA, s.s. (5.25 p.m.), 1203 tons, Kennedy, for Nolson. and West Coast. Passerißcrs—Saloon: For 'Nelson—Misses Coster, Eallows, Messrs. Thomasson, Haggett, Dyson, Rout, Miller, Sinclair, Pears. For West-port— Mcsdames. Williams and infant, Henley, Danks, Hoad' and infant, Messrsi Williams, Henley, Bain, Friberg, Batt. For 'Greymouth —Miss' Hennie, Mrs. Bain, • Messrs. Bain, M'Donald, Wilson, Williams,' Fowller, Anderson, ReiUy, Jones. TASMAN, s.s. (6 p.m.), 179 tons, Cox, for. Nelson Motueka. ' ' . MARAROA, s.s. (8.10 p.m.), 2598 tons, Manning, for Lyttolton. Passengers: 'SaloonMisses Robinson, Watson, Taylor,Pitta way, Kelly, Abrahams,-; Mesdames ;: .Purser',. Stott,' Holmes, Clntchen,;-MessrS: Purser, MacDonall,. Rowe, Greenwood, Pittaway, Pirie, Harris, Zouch, Grower, Weston, M'Donald (2), Chucheh. .
WAIKARE, s.s. (8.35 p.m.), 3071 tons, Bernech, for Lyttelton and Dunedin. Passengers —Saloon: For Dunedin—Misses 'Dick, Levi, Mrs. Duncan, Messrs. Wheeler, Henrys, Hustwick, Newton, Hilycr, Cox, Gray. For Lyttelton—Misses Maiden, Davis, Mesdames Maiden, Jones and infant, Messrs. . Hustwick, Wheeler, Corkill, Turner. KAITANGATA, s.s. (8.15 p.m.), 1981 tons)' Todd, for Westport. NGUNGUEU, . s.s. (5.20 p.m.), SO tons, Fletcher, for ICaramea. ■ . BLENHEIM, s.s. (midnight), 120 tons, Watson, for-Blenheim.
EXPECTED ARRIVALS. , Pioneer, Auckland, July 1. ' liaituna, Greymout!'., 'July. 1., Waihi, Blenheim, • July 1. Wakatu, ICaikoura, July 1. Otterbum, Newcastle, July 1. Takapuna, Onehunga, New Plymouth, July 1. Maheno, Sydney direct, July 1. Maori,, Lyttelton, July 1. Arahura, West Coast and Nelson, July 1. Queen of the South, Foxton, July 1. Huia, Wanganui, July 1. Polierua, Southern ports, July. 2. Talune, Lyttelton, Dunedin, July 2. Tasman, Nelson and Motueka, July 2. Mararoa, Lyttelton, July 2. Waverley, Tonga, July 2. Blenheim, Blenheim, July 2. Manaroa, Motueka,July 2. V' . Aorere, Patea, July 2. Opawa, Blenheim, July 2. Wimmcra, Sydnoy, via Auckland, July' s, Warrimoo, Melbourno, via South, July; 3... Rotoiti, Onehunga, New Plymouth; July .-3. • Hinemoa, Lighthouses, July .3. Kaliu, Napier, via Coast, July 3. Star of New Zealand, Southern ports, July'B. Mapourika, West Coast and Nelson, July 4. Waikare, Dunedin and Lyttelton, July 5: ' Monowai, Auckland, Gisborue, and Napier, July 7.
PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Oreti, Wanganui, July 1. Mana, Patea, July. 1. Stormbird, Wanganui, July 1. Corinna, Southern ports, July 1. Takapuna, ' New Plymouth, Onehunga, July I.' Kennedy, Nelson and West Coast, July 1;. . Waihi, Blenheim, July 1.Queen of the South, Foxton, July 1. Huia, Wanganui, July 1. Maori, Lyttelton, July 1. , Patoena, Picton and Nelson, July 1. Waipori, Westport, July 1. Kamona, Westport, July 1. Kittawa, Greymouth, July 1. Manaroa, Motueka, July 2. Aorere, Patea, July 2. Waverley, Nelson and West Coast, July 2. Eunerdalc, Auckland, July 'i. Mararoa, Lyttelton, July 2. \ Tasman, Nelson and Motueka, July 2. Wakatu, Kaikoura, July . 2., Opawa, Blenheim, July 2. Blenheim,. Blenheim, July , 2. Poherua, Nelson and West Coast, July. 2.' Taluno, Sydrtey, via Auckland, July 2, '• Maheno, Melbourne, via' South, • July 2.' Wimmera, Lyttelton. Dunedin,-July 3. • Warrimoo, Sydney direct, July 3. Ivahu,- Napier, via Coast, July 3. . ' Arahura, Pioton, Nelson, and West Coast July i. ' ' ' . 'Botoiti, Nelson, >New Plymouth, Onehunga, July 5. ' • ■■■>. Monowai, Lyttelton and Dunedin, July. 7. Mapourika, - Nelson and West.Coast, Jul} ,7. INTERCOLONIAL SERVICE. ■ . STEAMERS TO ARRIVE. WARRIMOO, s.s., left Melbourne, Juno 24/ 'for Wellington, via Hobart and Southern ports. Due Wellington July 3. Leaves sailio day for Sydney dircct. Duo Sydney July 7. ULIMABOA, s.s., leaves Molbourne, July 1, for Wellington, via Ilobnrt and Southern ports. Duo Wellington July 10. Leaves same day for Sydney, direct. Due Sydney July. U. MOANA, s.s., leaves Sydney, July 1, for Wellington, via Auckland, Gisborne, and Napier. Taluno connects at Auckland, .md 'is duo Wellington July 10. ; Leaves same day for Lyttelton and Dunedin. V; MAIIENO, s.s.', left Sydney, Juno 27, for Wellington dircct. Duo Wellington July'"l. Leaves July 2 for Melbourne, via Southern ports and llobart. Duo Molbourne July 11; MQERAKI, s.s.,' leaves Melbourne, July 8, for Wellington, via Hobart and • Southern
ports. Due Wellington July 17. Leaves for Sydney same day. Due Sydney July 21. WIMMERA, s.s., left Sydney, Juno 24, for .Wellington, via Auckland, Gisborne, and Napier. Due Wellington July 3. Leaves same day for Lyttelton and Duneuin. VICTORIA,'s.s., 1 leaves Sydney, July 8, for Wellington, via- Auckland, Gisborno, and Napier. Duo Wellington July 17. Leaves same day for Lyttelton and Duneain.
OVERSEA SHIPPING. STEAMERS TO ARRIVE. From London. TOMOANA (due Wellington about July 4), sailed April 20, via Australian ports, Auckland, and Napier. ICAIIvOURA (duo Wellington about July 2), ■left London May 6, via Auckland. (N.Z. Shipping Co., agents.) STAR OF AUSTRALIA- (due Wellington about July 15), left London May 8, via Australian ports, Auckland, and Napier RUAPEHU (due Wellington' about July 1), sailed on May. 14, Plymouth May 18, via Capetown and Hobart. ARAWA (due Wellington about July 14), sailed on May 28, Plymouth May 30, via Capetown and Ilobart. (Shaw-Savill, agents.) RIMUTAKA (duo Wellington about July 29), sailed on Juno 11, Plymouth June 13, via Capetown and Hobart,, (N.Z. Shipping Coagents.) y TOKOMARU (due Wellington about July 30), sailed on June 5, via Auckland. (Shaw-Savill, agents.) NEREHANA (due Wellington. about .August 3), sailed on May 26, via Australia, Auckland, and Napier. (Tyser Line, agents). ■ MARERE (due Wellington about August 25), sailed on June 18, via Australia, Auckland, and Napier. (Tyser Line, agents.) From Liverpool. " ' FIFESHIRE (due Wellington about July 10), sailed on May 2, via Australia and Auckland. (F.H.S. Line, agents.) DELPHIC (due Wellington about July 21), sailed on May 20, via Auckland. (Shaw-Savill, agents.) NORFOLK i (due Wellington "about August 12), sailed on May 30, via' Australia and Auckland. (F.H.S. Line, agents.) From New York. ■STEPHANOTIS (duo Wellington about July 19)> sailed on April 29, via Australia and Auckland. (A. and A. Line, agents.) INDRADEVI (duo Wellington about July 28),- sailed on May 23, via Australia and Auck-. land. (Tyser Lino, agents.) • JANETA (due Wellington about' August '1), sailed on May 13, via Australia and Auckland. (N.Z. Shipping Co., agents.) _ JEANARA (duo Wellington about August 27), sailed on June 10, via Australia and Auckland. (A. and A. Lino, agents.) From Vancouver. ■ DEN 'OF RUTHVEN (due , Wellington about July. 10), sailed on' Juno 10. , • SAILING VESSELS TO ARRIVE. MARJORY GLEN, barque,' left Liverpool, May 10, for Wellington. (Johnston and Co.; agents.)
. BY TELBGRAPn, OVERSEA, NEWCASTLE. ' Juno 30. • ' Sailed.—Whangape,' for Now Zealand. SYDNEY. June 30..'. Arrived, at 1.30 p.m.Maitai, from Wellington. • COASTAL TUESDAY, JUNE SO. \ CAPE MARIA. The Victoria, from Auckland,' passed at 11.5 a.m. to-day, en route to Sydney. KAIPARA. .• Sailed.—Brisbane, ■ s.s., for ' Melbourne. ■' Sailed.—Helen Denny, barque, for Sydney. • Sailed.—Amelia Simo, schooner, for Wellington. ' ; ' ' AUCKLAND. , , v -. ' 'ArriTed.-jsKomata, s.s., from Westport. -\ Arrived.—Haupiri, s.s., from East Coast. Sailed.—Fiona, s.s.', for Sydney. To Sail.—Wimmera, s.s., for -South.- Passengers for.: Wellington—Miss Harris,;. Messrs. Jones, Jacobs, 'Harris]' Fisher,. Spotawo'od, and Haines (2). ' • •t, , ONEHUN&V. (Arrived.—Ngapuhi (9.15 a.m.), ■» from New Plymouth. t ■" Sailed.—Ngapuhi, for. New Plymouth. Passengers:- Saloon—Miss Roberts, Mesdames- Bissett, Jobson, Foreman, Cole, Urquhart (2), Sanders, Beck, Brook and child, Gatlaud, Messrs. Rook, Donald, Higgins, Mosworth,. Page, Dive, Matthews, Mirams, Beer, Thompson, Brook, and-Foreman. , NEW; PLYMOUTH. ' . . ' Arrived.—Takapuna (2.a.m.), from OiicUu/iga. ■ Arrived.—Rotoiti (7.45 a.m.), from Nelson. Sailed.—Takapuna (2 p.m.), for Wellington. . Sailed.—Rotoiti (9, p.m.), for Onehunga. WAITARA. Arrived.—Wakanui ' (10.30 ; a.m.), from Wellington. .
. ' , PATEA.' ,■ . Arrived.—Kapiti (9.15 : a.m.), from Wellington. ■ ' ;■ •' ■ WANGANUI. Arrived.—Huia (9.50 a.m.), from Wellington. .' .... NAPIER. Arrived.—Monowai <11 a.m.)i' from Wellington. ■ " Sailed.—Monowai, for Gisborne. : BLENHEIM. Arrived.—Waihi (9 a.m.), from Wellington. NELSON. „ Arrived.—Pateena (6.40 a.m.), from Picton. Sailed.—Pateena (9.35 a.m.), for Picton. GREYMOUTH. Sailed.—Arahura (9 a.m.), for Westport. To sail.—Kaituna (11 p.m.), for Wellington. WESTPORT. To sail.—Arahura (10 p.m.), for Nelson. LYTTELTON. Arrived.—Maori (G. 55 a.m.), from Wellington. Arrived.—Wanaka (12.20 p.m.), from Wellington. Sailed.—Star of Now Zealand (2.5 p.m.), for Port Chalmers. Sailed.—Maori, s.s. (8.25 p.m.), for Wellington. Passengers: Saloon—Misses .Tamieson, Rutherford,. Tosswill, Buxton, Lang, Beech, Meachem, Offwood,. Campbell (2), Depree, M'Farlane, Quill, Mesdames Ballin, Rutherford, Chegnell, Gilmour, Tosswill, Fox, Whitehouse, Paton and 2 children. Young and child, Barrett, Henderson and child, Miller, Tiffen, Buckley and 2 children, Rev. E. Walker, Captain Kirk, Messrs. Ballin, Savill, A. S. Malcolm, Mrs. Jamieson, A. W. Rutherford, M.P., Chegnell, Gilmour, PHton, Jenkin, M'Pherson, Tripp, Craig, King, Wilson, Huddleston, Dalsiiel, M'Elharry, Orr, lies, Buch, Howden, Kappen, Wright, Blair, Clapcott, Dilman, Fowler, M'Leod, MTPhce, Spaul, Deucher, Tiffen, and 2 children, Brice, Lowrie, and Collins. 'Sailed—Melbourne, for Hokianga. Sailed.—Wakatu, for Kaikoura. Sailed.—Wanaka, ■ for Bluff. < DUNEDIN/ Arrived—Buceros, Jrom New York, via Northern ports. ... r Arrived.—Warnmoo, from Melbourne. Sailed.—Poherua, for West Coast. Sailed.—Rio Loge, auxiliary brigantine, for Kaiparsi. Sailed.—Talune, for Auckland, where she tranships Sydney passengers and cargo to the Moana. Passengers—Saloon: For Lyttelton— Messrs. • Morrison, Leitch. For WellingtonMessrs. Hamilton, Burnell (2), Rowe. For Gisborne—Dr. Sampson. For Auckland—Miss Camoron.
• v BLUPP. Arrived.—Rakanoa (1 p.m.), from Newcastle. THE WHANGAPE. | A Press Association message received from Newcastle yesterday reports that-tlio Union Company's steamer Whangapo left' there for New Zealaud ports. The vessel has a cargo of coal for discharge at Wellington u\l Napier. TURARINA-.-AT 11 MONTE VIDEO;.:. The New Zealand Shipping Company havo received cabled advico tnat tho Turakinn, • Homeward bound from New Zealand, called at Jlonto Video, on Sunday. The Turakina left Lyttelton on June. 9, and is expected >to arrive at Plymouth about July 24.
THE STAR OF NEW ZEALAND. On Friday the Tyser. Lino steamer Star of New Zealand, which is engaged ill loading at Southern ports, is expected to reach Wellington. The vessel, after loading frozen meat at Wellington, proceeds hence to Common' wealth ports to .complete' loading "THE KAIKOURA DUE FRIDAY. To-day the . New Zealand Shipping Company's steamer Kaikoura, from London, is expected to resume her. voyage from Auckland to Wellington, and is-due here about Friday. The vessel : has a considerable quantity of explosives to land, and'it is expected that she will not berth till Sunday.
THE MAMARI LEFT LONDON. Cabled advice has been received by the local agents of the Shaw, Savill, and Albion Company, stating that the liner Mahiari lfeft Ply- • mouth on Juno 27 for Wellington. Tho vessel comes via Tenerffie (July 2), Capetown (July 18), and Hobart (Aflgust 6), being due to af rive in Wellington on August 11. ' THE KUMARA AT DUNEDIN. On Saturday tho Shaw, Savill,' and Albion Company's steamer Ivuinara, from' London direct, arrived at Port Chalmers. : Captain Morton is still in charge, his officers beinr' Mr. V. Barnsdale, chief; Mr. H. Edkins) second; Mr. C. Lee, third; Mr. G., Brown, fourth. Mr. .Naismith is in charge of the engine-room, and Mr. J. Reid is refrigerating engineer,- Mr. Hicks'being steward 'in charge. The Kumara left London on May 12, \md experienced fine weather to-moderate weather at the outset, and continued until near u„i end of ,the voyage. Thirteen days after leaving tho Kumara crossed the Equator, and the S-E. trades proved as moderate as the N.E. trades had been. Rounded the Cape on Juno 3, when strong, favourable winds were met with whilst crossing tho Southern Ocean j passed Cape Leeuwin on June 17, and when about 300 miles west of the Snares a strong S.E. gale was encountered, accompanied by high seas, which impeded the vessel's pro-gress-somewhat until nearing the coast,, when , the wind 'moderated and thick weather set ' in, which made cautious navigation necessary,-. Cape Saunders being the first land seen sinco passing Teneriffe. She entered the harbour about 3 p.m., and came to anchor shortly after 4 p.m., and at once commenced to discharge explosives into lighters.
t The New Zealand Shipping Company's ■steamer Turakina arrived at Monto Video at 11 a.m. yesterday. , • . ■ This morning the Union Company's turbine steamer Maheno, from Sydney, direct, is es-pected-to arrive in Wellington. •'•- ' . Advice was received by the Union Company yesterday stating that the Kaitunawas expected to leave Greymouth last night for.WeiEarly .yesterday morning, the F.-H.-S. "Line steamer Cornwall left Wellington for Southern ports, in continuance of her discharging operations. , ' To-day the Union Company's steamers Wai. pori and Kamona are fixed to • leave Wellington for Westport, and the Kittawa gets away for Greymouth. i It is reported that the Union Coinpany'B steamer Waihora, now at I,yttelton,_ is to ; proceed thence to Newcastle to load for'Piji. The' Wairuna, which is at present at Fiji, comes to Auckland. There were seventeen vessels moored at the Lyttelton wharves on Saturday morning, and their aggregate gross register reached the total of 53,438 tons. Thirteen steamers contributed 54,724; tons (says the." Lyttelton' Times"); and there were four sailing vessels, aggregating" 2714 tons—tho Dartford 1327 tons, the Salamanca 1197 tons, the Falcon ,9S. tons, and the Morning Light 92 tons. . •
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Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 238, 1 July 1908, Page 10
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2,720ST. JOHN AMBULANCE ASSOCIATION. Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 238, 1 July 1908, Page 10
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