4 MASES OF TIIE MOON. ' . . , : JUNE. ;' " r •. Day. Ilr. in. First quarter 7 4.2R p.m. ■ I'ull moon • Ifl 1.25 a.m. Last quartor 21 4.56 p.m. Now moon . ... ... . 29. 4. 1 a.m. HIGH WATER,' To-day, 5.15 a.m.; 8.3S p.m.l , io-morrow, 9.10 a.m.,- 9.32 p.m. » » SUN. . Sun rises to-day, 7.15 a.m.; sets, 4.2S p.m. • ARRIVALS. THURSDAY, JUNE IS. MAKAROA, s.s. (6.25 a.m.),- 2598 tons, Manning, from Lyttolton. Passengers: SaloonMisses Goldio (2), Snow, Craighead, Bakor, iiVans, OSanghensen, Craddock, Brown, Mickersen, Stewart, Mesdames Brown, Reid, Luehanan and child, Reader, Tannor and child, >i Van l'.r ox : ® childron, and maid, Coombe, Masoheld, Artoes, Dr. Fox, Messrs. Brown, Rem, Brown, Buchanan, Singleton, Close, Barnes, Hamilton,' Newborn, Grant, Kidd,-Bow-man, Rabbidge, Lees, M'Gregor, Budd, Marrott, Craighead, Craddock, Maseileld, . Macdonald, J1 Ivmney, Mirton, Smith, Webb, aa'.vers, llodguos, Collie, Coop, iiantlel, Russqll, Stead, Latter, Rankin, Buckman, -Honning, Good, Coombe, Maitlanu, Jacquet, Pickering, Masefield, Artoes, Hamilton, Wiugfield, 0 Connell, Rev. Chapman; Taylor-Carringtou Company (13); and Rickards Variety Company (21); 41 steerage. MOANA, s.s. (7 a.m.), 3915 tons, Morrisbee, from Dunedin and- Lyttolton. Passengers: Saloon—Miss Sampson, Mesdames, Page, Kirby, Sanders, Smith and infant, Turnbull, Messrs. Bridgman, Morrison, Petorson, Taylor, Stroutts, Ramsey, Bridginari, Curry, Turnbull, Danjier, Smith; 12 steerage. AOEERE, s.s. (11.45 a.m.), 77 tons, Fisk, from Patea. ' TOEGAUTEN, s.s. (12.45 p.m.), 267 tons, Wadduove, from Greymouth. KENNEDY, s.s. (9.50 p.m.),-226 tons, Vickerman, from, Foxton. PATEENA, s.s. (11.45 p.m.), 1212 tons, Stewart, from Nelson and Picton. Passengers-, Saloon —Misses '• Arthur, O'Connor, Kebbell, Harris (2), Purvis, Brewer, Wanden, Clifford, Griffiths, Adamson, Trewbeelar, Pillans, Mesr dames Arthur, M'Lennan and 2 children, Mills, Swan, Wiseman, M'Lennan, Strickland, Eccles and 2 children and maid, Ballan, Woodward, Griffiths, Marks and child, Moore, Baker, M'Kenzie, Messrs. Pettit, Glover, Justico Chapman. and secretary, Manttan, Gudgeon, Ibbotson, Gibb, Re'ay, Pholan, Short, Waterhouso, Cable, Duncan (2), Hyde, Moore, AVcstbury, Hon. C. H. Mills, Woir, Reader, Chandler' (2). Captain Harri® Wilkin, Hunter, Tifford, Eccles, Donald, Higgins (2), Rayner, Best, Bell (2), Price, Huddleston, Bell, Rothwell, Father O'Sullivan, Smith, M'Farlane, Stewart, T.o Grove, Woodward, Croskery. Raikes, Davis, Pollard, Hnmes, Flanagan ,(2), Pillans, Blakloy, Moore, Cook, Wiristanlcy, Green, Webb, Bakor, Riley, Brown; 15 steerage. ' DEPARTURES. THURSDAY, JUNE 18. I HIMITANGI, s.s. (11.35 a.m.), 323 tons, Mc.nley, for Picton and Greymouth. AT.HENIC, s.s. (3.30 p.m.), 12,231 tons, Kempson, for London, via ports. ULIMAROA, s.s. (4.35 p.m.), 5777 tons, Wyllio, for Melbourno, via Southern ports and Hobart. Passengers: Saloon—For LyUeUon— Misses Dowding, Murdoch, Albiston (3) Jlesdamos Church, Crawford, Alliston, Hichings and child, Messrs. Weymouth, Arlow, Church, Brigadier Albiston, M'lndoe, 'Master Albiston, For Dunedin—Misses Wood, Ridd (2), Williams, Scott, Miles, M'Donald, Pont (2), Brown, M'Donald, V. Quaine, Mesdames Wood, Ridd and child. Port and 2 children, Kettle, Messrs. Bridgeman, M'Lellan, T. Loarmonth, L. Wood, Rudd, Pont, Kettle, Masters Wood, Rudd. For Hobart—Mrs. Brittain, Messrs. Brittain, Isaacson. For 1 Melbourne—Misses Dutton (2), Mesdames Dutton and child, Maurice, Messrs. F. ,G.: Ashman,-Major Dutton, Dutton (3), Turner, Bell, Master Worthington: • - MOANA, s.s. (5 p.m.), 3915 tons, Morrisby, for Napier, Gisborne. Auokland, and Sydnoy. Passengers: Saloon—Misses Hunter, Lambert, Ross (2),' Stevenson, Johnston, Booth, De Latour, Lyons, Mesdames Mirams,' Turnbull, Rattray, Walton. Hasso, Jones, Kane, Barry, Frunkland, M'Beath, Moodio, -Fitzgerald. Anscombo," Clapcrton? .Grove's','' ; Weston,.- 'Messrs. Mirams, Turnbull, Rattray, Walton, Giesen, Bcobe.' Kano, Jones, M'Beath, Moodio, Fitzgerald, Cowan, Groves, Lambert. WAKATU, s.s. (6 p.m.), 157 tons, Wills, for Kaikoura.
KAHU, s.s. (G. 20 p.m.), 189 tons, Thompson, for Napier, via Coast. MANA, s.s. (7 p.m.)," 131 tons, "Corby, for Patoa. QUEEN OF TEE SOUTH, s.s. (7 p.m.), 198 tons, Harvey, for Foxton. : MARAROA, s.s. (S.lO p.m.). 259S tons, Manning, . for Lyttolton. Passengers: SaloonMisses Murdoch, Conks, Mosdames Smithson, Crawford, Rov. Walker, Messrs. ITayward, Smitlison, Cos, Allorton, Durie, Matthews, Ashby. WAIHI,s.s. . (midnight), 92 tons, Carey, for Blenheim. ' OPAWA, s.s. (midnight), 110 tons, -Nicholas, for Blonlieim. • , ' BLENHEIM; s.s. (midnight), "120 tons, "Wafc.' son, for Blenheim, EXPECTED. ARRIVALS. Jane Douglas, Hokitika, June 19. Kapiti, Patea, , Juno 19. I Hawea; Lyttolton, June 19. Potono, Lyttolton,' June 19; ICittawa, Groymouth, Juno 19. Mauaroa, Motueka, Juno 19. ! Huia, Wanganui, June 19. Maori, Lyttelton, Juno 19. ' Araliura, West Coast, Nelson, and Picton, June 19. Defender, Karamea, June 19. Maheno, Melbourne, via South, June 19. Victoria, Sydney, via Auckland, June 19. Rotoiti, Onehuuga and New Plymouth, June 19. Ennerdale, Lyttolton, June 19. Tasnian, Nelson and Motueka, June 20. Jlararoa,.. Lyttelton,. Juno 20; Komata, Lyttelton, June 20.' Stormbird, Wanganui, June 20. Blenheim, Blonlieim, June 20. Waihi, Blenllbim, June 20/ Opaiva, Blenheim, June 20. Queen of the South, Foxton, June 20. Komata, Lyttolton, June 21. Waikare, lJunediu and Lyltoljon, Juho 21. . Mapourika,- West Coiist and Nelson, Juno 21, Wakanui, Napier, June 21. ■ Kaliu, Napior, June 22. 1 Koonya, Southern ports, June 23. 'i'arawora, Auckland, Gisborne,' and 'Napier,' June 23. ' Wakatu, Kaikoura, Juno 23. ■ Corinua, Southern ports, Juno 24. Takapuna, Onohunga and vNew Plymouth, Juno 21. Moeraki, Sydney, Juno 2-1. Alokoia, Sydney, via Auckland, June 26. Maitai, Melbourne, via South, June 26. PROJECTED DEPARTURES, Ruru, Gisborne, June 19. Maua, Patea, June 19. Kenned}-, Nelson and West Coast, Juno 19. Putiki, Wanganui, Juno 19. Kapiti, Patea. June 19. Pateena, Picton and Nelson, Juno 19. Mauaroa, Motueka, Juno 19. Blenheim, Blenheim, Juno 19. Huia, Wanganui, June 19. Opaiva, Blc-nheim, Juno 19. Maori, Lyttelton, Juno 19. Maheno, Sydney, June 19. Victoria, Lyttelton and Dunedin, Juno 19. Torgauten, Groymouth, Juno 19. Pbtone, Groymouth, Juno 19. Mararoa, Lyttelton, June 20. Waihi, Blenheim, Juno 20. •'Opawa, Blenheim, Juno 20. Blenheim. Blenheim, Juno 20. Stormbird, Wanganui, June 20. • Araliura, Puton, Nelson, and West Coast. June 20. Ennerdale, Bluff, Juno 20. ■ Defender, Karamea, Juno 20. Tasman, Nelson, June 21. Rotoiti, Nelson, New Plymouth, a.ud Onehunga, June 21. Aorero, Patea, Juno 22. Corinthic, Lyttolton, Juno 22. June Douglas, Hokitika, June ,22... , Waikaro, Napier, Gisborne, and Auckland, Juno 22. ' , Wakatu, Kaikoura, Juno 22. Queen of tho South, Foxton, June 22 . Kaliu, Napior, Juno 22. Mapourika, Nelson and West Coast, Juno 23. Koonya, Nelson and West Coast, Juno 23. Tarawora, Lyttolton and Dunedin, Juno. 23. Bucoros, Lyttolton and Dunedin, Juiio 21, Takapuna, Neiv Plymouth '.and. Qjieliunga, June 2.1. Mokoia, Lyttelton, Dunedin, Juno 26. Maitai, Sydney direct, June 26.
INTERCOLONIAL SERVICE. STEAMERS TO ARRIVE. MAIIENO, s.s., loft Melbourne, June 10, for Wellington, via Ilobart and Southern porta, Duo Wellington June 19. Loaves for Sydney direct samo day. Due Sydney June 23. VICTORIA, s.s., loft Sydney, Juno 10, for Wellington, via Auckland, Gioborno, and Napier. Due Wellington Juno 19. Leaves fox Lyltelton and Dunedin same day. MAITAI, s.s., left Melbourne, Juno 17, for Wellington, via Ilobart and Southern ports. Duo Wellington Juno 2G. Leaves same day for Sydney direct. Due Sydney Juno 30. WAEEIMOO, s.s., leaves Melbourno, Juno 24, for Wellington via Hobart and Southern ports. Duo Wellington, July 3. Leaves same aay for Sydney direct. Due Sydnoy, July 7. MOERAKI, s.s., leaves Sydney, Juno 20, for Wellington direct. Duo Wellington June ;!4. Leaves June 25 for Melbourne, via Southern ports and Hobart. Duo Melbourne July 4. ULIMAROA, s.s., leaves Melbourne, July 1, for Wellington,, via Hobart and Southern ports. Due Wellington July 10. Leaves same day for Sydney direct. Due Sydney July 14. MOANA,. s.s., leaves Sydney, July 1, for Wellington., via Auckland, Gisborne, and Napior. Duo Wellington July 10. Leaves same | day for Lyttolton and Dunedin. MOKOIA, s.s., left Sydney, June 17, for Vi ellington, via Auckland, Gisborne, and Napier. Due Wellington June 26. Leaves same day for,Lyttelton' and Dunedin. OVERSEA SHIPPING. STEAMERS TO ARRIVE. Prom London.* 'j'OMOAXA (due Wellington about Juno 2S), sailed April 20, via Australian ports, Auckland, ,'Hnl Napier. KAIIvUURA (due Wellington about July 10), left London May G, via Auckland. (N.Z. Shipping Co., agents.) SI'AR OP AUSTRALIA (duo Wollington about July 15), left London May S, via A in. tralian ports; Auckland, and Napier. RUAPEHU (due Wellington about July 2), sailod on May 14, Plymouth, May 16, via Capetown and Hobart. . • ARAWA (duo Wellington about July 14), sailed on/May 28, Plymouth May 30, via Capotown and Hobart. (Shaw-Savill, agents.) RIMUTAKA (duo Wellington about July 29), sailed on June 11, Plymouth Juno 13, via Capetown and Hobart. (N.Z. Shipping Co., agents.) , TOKOMARU (due Wellington about July 30), sailed on June 5, via Auckland. (Shaw-Savill, agents.) NEREHA.NA (duo Wellington about August 3), sailed on May 26, via Australia, Auckland, and Napier. (Tysor Line, agents.) From Llvernool. CORNWALL (dna Wollington about 2i), sailed on April 11, for Australian and New Zealand ports. (P.H.S. Lino, ajents.) FIFESHIRE (duo Wellington about Jnly 14), •ailed'.on May 2, via Australia and .Auckland. (I 1 .-H.-S. Lino, agents.) DELPHIC (due Wollington about July 21), sailed on May 20, via Auckland., (Shaw-Savill, agents.) "NORFOLK '.(due Wellington about August 12), sailed on May 30 via Australia and Auckland. (F.-H.-S. Lino Agents). From New York. .BUCEROS (duo Wellington about Juno 19), jailed on April 8, via Auckland. (A. and A. Lino, agents.) . ■ STAR OF NEW ZEALAND (duo Wellington auont.June 2*5), sailed on April J2, t for Aus* tralian and Now Zealand ports. (Tys«r I.ips, *B s 'its.). STEPHANOTIS (due Wellington about July 19). sailed, on ApTil 29, via Australia and Auckland. (A. and A Lino, agents.) INDRADEVI (due Wollington about July 28), sailed, on May 23, via Australia and Auckland. (Tysor Line, agents.) . JANETA (due Wollington about August 1), sailod on May 19, via Australia and Auckland. (N.Z. Shipping Co., agents.)
•SAILING'VESSELS TO ATITITVB. ' RISNFTEI.P. four-masted l)nrnt">ntine. l»fl ( Liverpool. February 20. for Wellington. ■ , MARJORY GT.EN. barque, left Liverpool. , Uav 12; for Wellington. CANTERBURY, barque, loft, Bunbury, Maj 27, for Wellington. BY TELEGRAPH. .. OVERSEA. ' : SUVA.' Sailed.—Talune, s.s., for Auckland. SYDNEY. . . Juno 18. Arrived.—Pegasus, from Wellington. N NEWCASTLE. June 18. Sailed.—Waimna, /or New Zealand. Arrived.—Otterburn, from Lyttolton. MELBOURNE. ! June 18. Arrived.—Star of Australia, from London. FREMANTLE. . . , , June 18. Arrived.—Union steamer Waitemata, from London. COASTAL. ' THURSDAY, JUNE 18. . HOKIANGA. Sailed.—Korora, three-masted scow, for Auckland. KAIPARA. Arrived.—Amelia Sims,' from Lyttelton. Sailed.—Helga, barquontiue, for Sydney. ' HEREIvINO. ' Sailed.—Bell Flower, Jceteh, for the South. AUCKLAND. Arrived.—Ta'rawera, from the South. Arrived.—Fairburn, schooner, from Napier. Sailed.—H.M.S. Encounter (8 a.m ), for Wellington. ONEHTJNGA. , Arrived.—fearawa (8.35 a.m.), from New Plv. mouth. • Sailed—Rarawa, for Now Plymouth. Passengers—Misses Vocasvich, Hawkins, Seymour and George, Mesdames Shortis, Fincliman, Farley, Mossrs. . OCallajthan, AVinnicofct, Hodges, Lane, M Williams, Puruell, Master Guthrie, Fmchmnn, Farley.- , NEW PLYMOUTH. Arrived.—Rotoiti (3.45 a.m.), from Onehunga Arrived.—lakapuna 10.10 a.m.), from Wellintr. ton. ' t b Sailed.— I l'akapuna! (9 p.m.), for Onehunga. WAITARA. Arrived.—Morayshire (8 a.m.), from Wellinp. ton. . • " ' WANGANUI. Arrived.—Huia (10.20' a.m.), from Wellinc- • ton. = ■ .NAPIER, Sailed.—Victory (3.30 p.m.), for South. Passengers for AVellington—Messrs. Norton, Adams, Coombs. . PICTON. Arrived.—Poherua (5 a.m.), from Wellington, Arrived.—H'imitangi. (5.45 p.m.), from Wellington.-. Sailed.—Poherua (11.45 a.m.), for Nelson. NELSON. Arrived—Pateena (8.10 a.m.), from Picton Arrived.—Waverloy (9.10 a.m.), from Wellington. ' ° Arrived—Tnsman (10.15 p.m. Wednesday), from AVellington. Sailed.—Pateena (10.10 a.m.), for Picton. MOTUEKA. Arrived.—Manaroa (10.30 p.m. Wednesday) from AVellington. Sailed—Mar.aroa (11.30 a.m.), for Wellington. KARAMEA. Sailed.—Defender (1 a.m.), for AVellington. ■, > FAREWELL SPIT. Defender passed oast for AVellington (12.30 p.m.). Hinemoa passed east for AVellington (415 p.m.). GKEYMOUTH. Arrived.—Mapourika (10 a.m.), from AVestport. WESTPORT. Arrived.—lCoromiko (7.30 p.m.), from Wellington. " Arrived.—Mapourika (11 p.m. Wednesday) from Nelson. ' Arrived.—Arahura (2 a.m.), from Greymouth Sailed.—Hinemoa (11.35 p.m. AVodnesday), for Wellington via Kahurangi Point. SniloiL—Mapourika (1 a.m.), for Grevmouth. Sailed.—Aruhura (3 a.m.), for Nelson. , HOKITIKA. ' Jo sail.—Jane Douglas, for AVellington. -i
LTTTELTON. Arrived.—Maori (G. 55 a.m.), from Wellington. Arrived. Canopus (1.40 p.m.), from Westport. Sailed.—Maheno,- s.s., for Sydney, via Wellington. Passengers: For Wellington—Miss Wilson, Mesdames Wilson, Boston, M'Namara, T. xiiittenden. For Sydnoy r Misses Phillips, Gaffeney, Birks, Mcnehan, Newton, and Henriques, Jfrn ! ncs Phillips, Parkinson, Burns, rrV • i n J?' and Henriques,* Messrs. U right, G. R. Williams, Phillips (2), Lonargan, Parkinson, Burns. Evans, M'Farlane, Andrews, Ruddock, Millen, Snowdon, Johns, Pollard, and Menhan. Sailed. —Maori, s.s., for Wellington. Passengers—Misses Samson (2), Workman, Lambrook, Baudinct. Russell, Common, M'Donald, Bowker, and M'Gregor, Mesdames Mills, M'La'chlan, Jprflfn, Price, Fowler, Bunting, Bradley, Kidd, 51 Donald, "Wilson, Hurley, 'Livingstone, Kelly, and Bone, Colonel Knight and family, Messrs. Scott, Lomvs, Hulmo, Roberts, Mills', M'Lachlan, Mackay, Bunting, Andrews, Ward, Blnckmore, Cameron, Oliver, Hay, Murray. Walsh, Baker, Willis, Cambridgo, White, M'Gregor, Hendry, Foothead, .Tull. Dawson. Hurley, Scott (3), Poulton, Proctor. Kelly. Butzbach, Hill, Milner, An.von, and Craddoek. Sailed.—Ennerdalc, for Wellington. Sailed.—Hawea, for Wellington. Sailed.—Cygnet, for Kaikonra. DUNEDIN. Arrived.—Koonya, s.s., from Westnort. Arrived.—Waikare, s.s., from Auckland. Arrived.—Matatua, s.s., from Timaru. BLUFF. Sailed—Opawa, for Lyttelton. Sailed.—Paparoa, for Lyttelton. H.M.S. ENCOUNTER. Teletrraphic advice received from Auckland yesterday reports that the warship H.M.S. Encounter loft there for Wellington. THE AKAHURA. Advice received by the Union Company yesterday was to the effect that the West Coast trader Arahura was expected to leave Westport at 9i p.m. yesterday -for Kelson. Accordingly the vessel should'reach Wellington to-day. THE WAKANUI, DUE SUNDAY. On Sunday, the New Zealand Shipping Company's steamer Wakanui is expected" to arrive from Napier for Homeward-loading purposes. She is fixed to leave here on Juno 27 for Waitarn, in continuance of her loading operations. lONIC. AT RIO DE JANEIRO. Yesterday the local agents of the Shaw, Savill, and Albion Company received cabled advice that tho lonic, en route from Wellington to London, had loft Rio do Janeiro on Tuesday evening. Tho vessel, as will bo remembored, was considerably delayed at Wellington in consequence of a fire breaking out, and tho local agents, under the supervision of Captain Evans, have received great praise for disnatching the vossel so promptly. She left Wellington on May 25, and is expected to arrive in Plymouth about July 5. SURVEYING SHIPS. . This week's Gazette says that the following fees shall bo 'paid in respect of the surveying and defining the load-line of ships, 'viz.: —For a ship under 150 tons gross, 10s. 6d.; for a ship from 150 tons gross to 300 tons gross, .£1 Is.; from 300 tons gross to 1000 tons tons gross, £2 25.; from 1000 tons gross to'2ooo tons gross, .£3 35.; from 2000 tons gross to 3000 tons gross, .CI is.; from 3000 tons gross to 40C0 tons gross, .£5 55.; from 4000 tons gross and up. wards, Gs. . , - PEICE OF THE DABTFORD. According to advices from London, tho price paid for the sailing . ship Dartford,, which has boon purchased by tho Union Steam Ship Company of New Zealand for the training of cadets was .£3500,' says the "Sydney Morning Herald.' She is an iron sailing vessel of 1274 tons, and: was built in 1878 by llessrs. Nourse and Poster, in the yard which is now owned by the Sundorland Shipbuilding ComES?* y - In . length she is 221 ft., in breadth 38ft., and m depth 21ft. 9in. Sho is owned by Messrs. O. Coosar and Sons, Liverpool. • , NEW CHINESE STEAMSHIP LINE. According to the latest issue of "The Board of Trade Journal," the Registrar of Import 3 and Lxports at Singapore (jlr. A. Stuart, imports that a new steamship company, with a capital; of 3,000,001) Heals., {about £295,030) is being organised by Chinese, and Siamese merchants with the object of entering tho carrvmg a-ado between Bangkok, Singapore and Hongkong m opposition to tho North German Lloyd wlio have recently conns to an agreement with the Japancso owners of the vessels on tho Banf. kok. liong-iiong, and Swatow service. As tlio promoters include largo.rice merchants wild have usually dono a chartering business on their_o\vn account, the company's success, says Mr. Stuart, seems to bo assured. Meantime six vessels will be chartered and new boats built in England or Japan.
PASSENGERS BY THE MAHENO. This morning the Union Company's liu-bino steamer Maheno is due from Melbourne and Hobart via Southern ports. In tho afternoon •she sails for Sydney direct,- and the following , are her passengers from' Wellington-.-Misses Anderson, Sanson-(2), Higginson, Bell, MTJicol, Hoggarth, Fry, Stewart, Piaiens. K. Major, M'Millan, Amsworth, Lewis,'M'Vincent Barber, Pearson, Mesdames . Smith, Sanson Duncan, O'Shea, M'Diarmid, Kemp, O'Connell Eraser, Laws, Eecles and 2 children, Phillips' Bidwell, Davis dnd< 2 children, Campbell and , Lav ! n > Odlin, Meek, Pharazyn, . mlford, Higgins, Whittell, Pearson, A. Hodges Archbishop Redwood, Messrs. Eraser, Plaisted' S. N. Smith, MThail, H. Riathmuller, Sapson! Hatrick, A. Duncan, L. Ferris. O'Shea, F. W. Flanagan, Jl'Diarmid, Laws, Fraser, Sheehan" Smith, Henry, Mills, Pope, Malioney, M'Cormick (2), O'Connell, Piafens, E.' Buchanan, Homer,v, Phillips, C. Adams, Bidwell, G. Richards, E. Everott, Campbell, Atkinson, J. H. Mitchell, J. D. Smith, Levin, Meek, Purston, Pharazyn, Grant, "Wilford, Van Sla'veren, E. Dnthie, A. E. Shaiv, A. Berwin, Mackin, Sharp, Page, J. H. Smith, "Wiltshire, Pringle," Goodsir, Bailey, Shaw, Deegau, Hunt, Wilson, Derry. EXPORTS BY THE ATnENIC. In addition to a large number of passengers, the names of 'whom lvete' published yesterday, . the- Shaw, Savill, and Albion Company's steamer Athenic, which left for London yesterday afternoon, took the following exports:— From Napier—73o bales wool, 17 dumps sheepskins, 17 casks casings, 19 casks tallow, 70 casks pelts. From Auckland—looo boxes butter, 200 casos cheese. From Gisborne—7l casks tallow, 17 casks peits, S packages wool, 252 bales wool, 222 logs mutton, 90. shoulders mutton, 82 sides veal, 113 boxes boned beef, 30,498 carfcases mut» ton, 7813 carcases lamb, 3710 quarters beef, 41 sacks tongues, 121 boxes kidneys. From Lytlelton—SfilS carcases mutton, 22,290 carcases lamb, 215 boxes kidneys, 200. casks premier jus, 16S casks oleo, 85 casks tallow, 281 casks pelts, 29 packages casings, 10 cases meat extract, 102 ingots spelter, 802 sacks peas, 10 bales sheepskins, 2231 bales wool, 18S0 pockets wool; 25 casks dross, 49 crates cheeso, 6'packages sundries. From Wellington—3sl casks tallow, 40 casks pelts, 418 sacks peas, 81 packages casings, 100 sacks horn, 100 sacks hoofs, 172G bales hemp, 2 bales tow, 103 sacks hides, 354 bales wool, 19 bales skins, 31 bales basils, 10,221 carcases mutton, 15,458 carcases lamb. 271 tegs, 2035 haunches mutton, 3 bags legs, 400 ba°gs shoulders, 81 boxes kidneys, 1059 quarters beef,--8 cases strings, 189 boxes butter, 75 packages sundrios. From New Plymouth— 1781 boxes butter, .MG casos cheese. .From Patea—ll43 boxes butter, 827 cases cheese. Tho Athonio also loaded at Picton, but the summary of her exports is not yet to hand. TRAMP STEAMERS. Tho ocoan tramp steamer is faring badly al tho present time (says the New York "Maritime Register" of April 29). Tho prevailing low freights have made their employment unprofitable and tho uso of these cargo-carriers is being continually narrowed. The regular lines new control the larger part of the eceancarrviug trade, and Iho increasing absorption of this trade by these lines has progressed so far that in ceftain of tho seaports tho ocean shipments are entirely controlled bv thnn to the exclusion of the. independent cargo-carrier The tramp steamer as a convenience for supplementing the need at times of additional tonuago by the regular lines and for special purposes is' useful, but its uso gonerallv is becoming more and more limited. This class of Vessel is in fact a purely speculative pro position. The continued output of them lceens ivfloat 4 a large amount of unnecessary topnaro which tends to reduce freight rotes-to tho <iV advantage of investment in shipping Tl-, tramp steamer is too often heavily burdened by mortgages to the builders extending very long periods. The competition n>no]>-> ' shipbuilders to secure contracts is largely' r£ sponsible for this. But this method of fhnn cms thcs ? ™? cls 1? attended with much risk It is a handicap to the successful operation of the vessel, making tho question of p'ofitaWn earnings, if any, a matter of doubt, p&rticuar y as tho ocean-carrying trade is being con- 1 tralisod into regular lines, a process which ii < continually- narrowing tho field in which the tramp steamer may operate to the extent of its oummation very largely from tho trade in •the-future.
THE CORNWALL AT AUCKLAND. • A Press Association message reports that, tho steamer Cornwall arrived from England yes- ' terday with 133 immigrants—34 for Auckland, io tor' Welington, 21 for Lyttelton, and 20 for Dunedin. She is expected to leave Auckland on AJondny in continuation of her voyage to Wellington, and is accordingly duo hero on "Wednesday evening or Thursday morning. STAR OF JAPAN DISASTER. .Sydney oxchange Goys that the loss of too star of Japan, while bound with a valuable cargo from London to' Sydney, came as a heavy blow to 'tho London market, for practically the whole value of tho hull and cargo was covered there. The exact valuo of tho carjo cannot yet bo ascertained, but it is hardly likely to fall short of and, with interest on hall, machinery, and disbursements, the total loss is likelv to be over rather than under a quarter of a million of money. The steamer was tho best boat of the Star Line, built within the last two years, and probably got out of her course through tho current which sets in to the coast. As she struck at i a.m., there was no opportunity of seeing the rocks which lie off Gaiha Point and which in tho ordinary course would be passed at a distance of not less than twentv miles. ' '™ s . south, on the same coast, that the Port Douglas came to grief on a voyage from London to Sydney-in 1596. Tho Star of Japan appears to have struck comparaavely near to the rocks on which tho i'rench cruiser Jean Bart was wrecked in February last year. This is the first steamer loss which the owners have had since they entered the list of steamship owners with the Star of Victoria in ISB7. "In many ways the present loss is likely to linvo a salutary effect on underwriters, tho result of which may bo a stiffening of preSr" 1 ! I ?'.'.' J™ 3 , 1 * 6 tte "Shipping World. At tho rates now offering business to Australasia has no chance of being a proi/L t rt on ?' P l ' to underwriters that the human element in tho navigation of steamers i 6 one which cannot bo overlooked. The casualties last year showed conclusively that many regular liners, well equipped anil manned, were lost through trivial mistakes or errors in judgment. The competition of underwriters for business in certain trades has reached such a stage that the rates accepted leavo no margin for serious casualties, so that an unexpected loss of this character brings home to thein a very necessary ties* son. .% , . ' V n J Com P ? - n ." aclnse that the Rotoiti, which left jNow Plymouth at 2 p.m. yesterday. \ for \Y elhngton, is to call at JPicton en route. Tho Shaw-Savill steamer Waiwera, which has been let under charter, was to'have left Sydney last week for Guaymas, with over 5000 tons of coal. It is reported that tho Tyser Lino steamor Star of New Zealand, on completing discharge at Dominion ports, will proceed to Common" wealth ports for Homeward loading. Advices to hand state that 1 tho barquentine Mary Isabel was expected to. leave Sydney on Wednesday for Clarence River, whero she is to load a freight of hardwood for discharge at Gisborne and Wellington. It is reported that when tho' Maoriland Shipping Company's steamer Ehnerdale has transhipped her freight of wool to tho Orellana, she will return to the Bluff. The vessel will ' load at coastal ports for Auckland. : On Wodnesda.v, tho Union Company's, steamer Whangape, after undergoing repairs at Port Chalmers, left there for Newcastle. 1 Captain Collins is in command, his officers tieing Mr. D. Stanley (late Polierua), chief; Mr. R. .7. Stanley, second; and Mr. A. Burton (lata Monowai), third. At 6 o'clock to-night, the Union Company's steamer Komata is expected to leavo Lyttelton for Wellington. Tho Mapourika arrived in Westport at 11 o'clock on Wednesday night, and at Greymouth at 11 a.m. yesterday. She was timed to leave on the' return journey at mi'dnight yesterday. was expected to leave Greymouth at midnight last night, for Wellington. j
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Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 228, 19 June 1908, Page 10
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3,904SHIPPING NEWS. Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 228, 19 June 1908, Page 10
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