OTAKI MAORI R.C. V/IW7ER MEETINC. The weather was line but cold for the concluding day of the Otaki yesterday. The attendance suffered by comparison with tliQ previous day, but speculation on the totalisator was fairly good. During the sum of £5823 was passed; through the machine, making a total of £15;909 for the meeting, as against £16,749 lor last year's fixture. Tho club also received £490 iii fees from tho bookmakers, twelvo of whom were o]wrating yesterday. There were big fields in all tho, events but one, and tho racing was decidedly interesting. The principal handicap provided a most exciting finish. Mystification who camo with a late run, won 'by a baro length, but nccks only separated the next three horses, and the remainder passed the post in a cluster. After tho Stewards' Hack, a protest was lodged against King's Birthday for crossing, but tho stewards (lis-, allowed it. Thero appeared to be a breach of tho Rules of Racing, but it could .scarcely liavo affected result of the race. The first. raco of the day was started half an hour behind time, but some of the time was picked'up beforo the last event, and Wellington passengers were enabled to catch the mail train. Tiio following aro the results: — TELEGRAPH HACK HANDICAP. Five . . furlongs. Hon. J. Carroll's l ]), g. Wharekura, by Eton —Irma, 3yrs., Sst (Hatch) 1 Mr. W. l'owene's Nauinai, 9st. 12U>. i (T. Pritchard) 2 Mr. J. Macara's Lochiela, 7st. Sib. • : (Oliver) ■ 3 Also .started: Peregrine, ; Sst. 21b. (W. Price); Maiora, Sst. (Jennings); Vosami, 7st. 131b. (G. Price); Conquer, 7st. 9!b. (Cress); Royal Maid, 7st. (Wilson); Bonnie Doon, 6st. 111b. (Lambess); Tho Dunce, 6st. 111b. (Carroll); Mulga Bill, 6st. 91b. (R; Young).After half an hour's delay, caused by tho vagaries of Tho Dunce and Conquer, the field was dispatched. Mulga Bill showed in front for tho first couple of strides, but Naitm&i quickly took the lead, followed by Wharekura' and Locliicla. NaUiiuii had a tworlengths lead at one stage, but ho tired rapidly, and Wharekura, coining:fast, caught him on the post, and won by a nose. Lcchiela several lengths away third. Tinie,dmin. ' 1 3-ssec.
HUIA HANDICAP. 200 sovs. One mile. Mr. G. Hunter's ch. h. Mystification, by Apromont—Mystic, Gyrs., Bst. 21b. (L. Wilson) 1 Mr. J. Buckley's All Red, Bst. 31b. (W. Price) 2 Mr. 11. F. Nicoll's Cross .Battery Bst. 41b'. (F. D. Jones) 3 Also started: Mahuta, 9st. (Reid); Aboriginal, 7st. 121b. (Oliver); Riflemaid, 7st, 121b. (Lowo); Signor,' 7st; 101b. (Cameron) ; Waipaku, 7st. 101b. (M'Kay); Seaman, 7st. 91b. (G. Price); Gazeley, 7st. 71b. (H. Price); Kurawaka, 7st. (Traill); King Post,, Gst. 121b. (Young); ; Tupono, Gst-. 121b., carried 75t.,31b. (Hatch); Gst. 91b. (Batten); Moata, Gst. 71b. (Cress). ' . Aboriginal, with Gazeley,. was quickest to begin, and Waipaku and Probability .were slow to move. Hounding the first bond gwt chopped out, and as they rau across the top Aboriginal had nearly a threelengths lead from All Red, who was followed by Riflemaid and' Seaman. Passing tho six furlong post tho order was-. Aboriginal, All Red, Seaman, Riflemaid, Cross Battery, with Signor last. All Red reached tho straight just a length ahead of Aboriginal and Soa'mari. The next fow were Cross Battery, Moata, Waipaku, and' Mystification.. • Tho last-named crime with a solid run, and, catching All Red at tho enclosure, won by. a length.. Cross Battery a' neck away' third. Waipaku closo up fourth, King Post fifth, and Probability last. Time, lmin. 42see. SECOND HACK HURDLES. One mi'lo and ' ; n:: a half.- , u-.-Messrs. Klatfc and M'Donald's br. g., . Mount Cook, by- Apremont —r Inisthona, Gyrs., lOst. 21b. ...j(J. Lyford) 1 Mr. C. O'Donogh.ue's. Top Rose, '10st. J '. (O'Brien) 2 Mr. J. F. Hathaway's Hatley, 9st. ' • , - (Higgins) 3 Also'- started: Tho Stake, 10st. ,121b. (Whitehouse); Whatakura, lOst. 31b., (Guildford); St. Amelia, lOst. (Campbell); Jolly Roger, 9st. 91b. (Telford); Cyrus, 9st. Gib. (Pritohard); Otaraoa, 9st. (Scott). ~ Passing the stand Tho Stake was slightly in front, of St. Amelia,- while Hatley led tho next bunch a couple of lengths" away. St. Amelia was in front at tho back, but five furlongs from home Mount Cook had taken the load, and was not afterwards troubled, winning by a clear length from Top Roso, who was well clear of Hatley. Timo, 2min, •lSsec. ■ '•
STEWARDS' HACK HANDICAP. Seven. i furlongs. Mr. E. A. Roddy's eh. lr. King's Birthday, by Sou'-wester —Vamoo, 6yrs., 7st. 121b (A. .Oliver) 1 Mr. H.PharazynV Comedian, Bst. (G. Price) 2 Mr. G. Frimley's Research,, 7st. : 81b. , . (Wilson) 3 Also started: North.. Pole, Bst. 71b. (F. D. Jones); Rangihaeta, Bst. 61b. (M'Kay). i Rangihaeta led till tho straight, where Comedian went 'to the front, but King's Birthday came with a late run and won by two lengths'. Time, lmin. ; 3o 4-ssec. RAILWAY HANDICAP. Sis furlongs.: Mr. C. F. Yallanco's br. g. Simplex, by ' Eton—Dolly, 4yrs., 7st. 31b. (F. Cross) 1 Mr. S. Messeua's Motoa, 9st. lib. 1 . (M'Kay) ■2 Hon. J. D. Ormond's Woodhoy, 7st-. 21b. carried 7st. 31b. (Wilson) 3 Also started: Ballarat, ' Bst. 111b. (G. Price); Swimming Belt, 7st. 81b. (Hatch); Kitchenmaid, 7st. 131b. (Cameron) ; Ilangipapa, 7st.' 81b. (Oliver); Toa Tula, 7st. 2lb. (Lambess); Sherlock Holmes, 6st. 13Tb. (Garroll) ; Miss Vera, Gst. 101b. (Smith). After some little delay tho Held was dispatched in a bunch. Baljarat was first to show out, with Kitchenmaid, wliilo Simplex and Woodhey wero next. Simplex took command at tho end of three furlongs, and led into tho straight, followed by Woodhey. Simplex appeared to have tho race in hand, but half-way up tho straight Motoa carno on tho outside, and just failed to .catch tho winner. Woodhey a length and a half away' third. Time, lmin. 15 2-ssec.
OHAU WELTER HACK. One mile. . Mr. F. Dorset's ch. m. Blue Ribbon, by Bluejackot—Yataghan, 3yrs., Bst. ... (Oliver) 1 Mr. J. Chisholm's Skyo, Sst. (Lowe) ... 2 Mr. R. W. Patcrson's Snip, Bst. 101b. (Pritchard) 3 Also started: Buoyant, Sst. 131b. (Game? Ron) j Kilmarnock, Sst. 121b. (C.', Scott) ; Speciosa, Bst. 51b. (Kemp); Sylvien Park, Bst. (W. Price); Consuollo, Bst.' (Hatch). I3luo Ribbon, Snip, and Sylvien Park movod off together. Kilmarnock was last away, and Buoyant was left at tlio post. Bluo Ribbon was in front for a furlong, when Skyo went to the front. On the straight being reached, Bluo Ribbon came again, and won by two lengths. Snip a length away third. Time, lmin. 43 3-ssee. FINAL HACK SCURRY. Fivo Furlongs. Weight, Sst. 71b. Mr. S. Pitt's b. g. Timothy, by St. Paul. —Ngairo, 3yrs (R. Cameron) .1 Mr. H. J). Limerick's Promin ... (Lowe) 2 Messrs. R. and C. Tuck's Utopia (Bird) 3 Also started: Kahotea, Grand Myrclla, Mania, Vinco, ■ Mistime, and Rosclake. Promin began smartly, and got a break of a couple of lengths 911 the field, his nearest attendant being Timothy. Tho latter goton terms at tho bottom of the straight, and in tlio run home won rather easily. Time, lmin. 3Ssec.
[By Or.BNcoK.J All the acceptors appeared for the Telegraph Mack, and when they arrived at tho post they proved a very unruly lot, and it was half-an-honr behind time when tho start was ell'eeted. As soon as the field were lined up, The Dunce broke through the tapes, and repeated tlio offanco time and acain, hoinrr
occasionally followed by- Royal; Maidf; Conquer, and harekura. . .When .the dispatch was effected, Mulga Kill was prominent, but he quickly dropped back. - j It- was at-onco evident tliat the race would lie between the two favourites, Wharekura and Naumai. Tho latter had a good break'at ono-stago, but in the last few strides up and won on the post. Loehiela was'some.lengths, away third, and the Test; were' tailed off; Fifteen starters went' to"'tho post for. tho Itilia Handicap. Aboriginal was the first to show out, and soon had a good lead, which he maintained for half thodistaiice.i-but as. the straight was approached,. lie fell.jiack, and eventually finished,nut'Of ft place I ."'A l quarter of a mile from home it looked as if tho issue would bo between.All Red,..Seaman-.i and Cross Battery, but Mystification; was: handy, and 'when the. straight; was. l-eacliod' lie exhibited a lot ofvpace, • and won* by a-,, 'length. The finish was ."..-..Vftry ilfinoj one", necks only separating AU;Red, Wftipaktt,;antl. Cross Battery. The favourites were -All Red. and Wninaku. Rinemnici ran in thq.;leading division for a few furlongs,-.but, did not-last,-Signer began slowly as;on the ( .pre.vioiis"day., and did not get the leaders at any, stage. . s .t; •: - Speeiosa was thei'(fiiil'y •''Withdrawal- from the Hack Hurdles, The Stake ruled as favourite. ' AThßh l the field moved off, Cyrus began' to "play, up, and took no part in" tho race. St."ASnolia arid The Stake cut out the running fof-nearly :,i mile, where Mount Cook went, to" the .frbnt and ■ won comfortably. . The winner j'uinpi s d ,v and galloped with aiv attractive.'style: ;<Wliatakura lost bis rider two litu'dies from'home', but, though Guildford ! wns"cutT'-': about ■ thehead, be sustained no" ;; sOrious.'injur,vi-. Top l Rose finished full of-.rnmiing, but-ihad'no.' chance, of- extending MviUnt'Cook: "i; Hatlpj' gave a better display than lie has done"fpri sometime. ' •••'';> •(-•'•■h-m . Of the five.starters inHlie St'ewatds''Hack, Comedian was'the public fancy. ._ Khgibaeta, v.h'o always -ruriT well ffonr the'-'bar-! rier, took the lead from ComediM'and' Nortli'! Polo. This was tho o'rclcr , straight, where Comedian went to.'the fvoiit', but was unable to stall'-ofE "a'bol' cli'alleh&e from King's Birthday,''tfho^',passed;tlie/Mcrri-; wee. gelding a hundred;' yards'' from 'jtbcfposl;and won by two leni^Vt s crossed oii to the rails''rMhef'suddenH-' wheil' passing Comedian, andHht'latter'had' to "be epscd, but tho cross could Imrdly 'have-'af- : footed - tho result. • A..; pfotost" was'.entered' against ''the winner by"|Kc' trainer 1 ■dian. '.After hearing tl^e"6videnee-, : the stew-, ards decided' not to' alfcr 'thb'judge's plac-' ing- i-' Of the ten starters for iho.Sailway'Handicap, Moata, who ran unplaced ori,.Wedhesdayi. was selected as favourite; Conqueror liobso. held a rear positiou.. on iho - outside' of tho field until half way up the'straiglit/.whoiV' hp camo oii the outsido „with. his. trenioridou's.. sivccpiug stride, and just' failed' to S Simplex, who had lead . three furlongs from home. 'Ballarat, Kitcheninaid'' and Simplex were. tho, firs't Vaway I ,.'.aiid' had.' tho best "of tho running, „bu.t. .tho. Ejtiji\„gc.ld-. ing was tho only one . to , last thc distance. l Woodhov put up a fai>' ; ,p?rformanca in-run-' iiing third, but sho had no., chance-with the! froiit pair.. Swimmiiig.;.Belt. and ,Toa.',.Tulii| got away last, and failed .to. iinprqyp their.' positions much. . . -.- v
, Buoyant and B|uo' Ribbon' w'erc." both' ill' demand for the Ohau Welter; but: tho former was left at the post; :; an<F"topk. ; no "part ;m; the race. Blue Ribbon was olio of tho smartest away, but she was' Steadied," atid'raced ill tho sccond position'bfeh'ind Skye, until the straight was reached.'; Oliver theri-.iet' her ■head loose,: and she'won comfortably.' 'Sk>;, a half sister,, by Saracen', ib Loiliiftla, showed a lot of paeo'for six furlongs, I ' l 'and:'should, prove' fairly useful; With the exCij'ption cf Buoyant and Snip, tho rest or the,;fiold were' a poor lot-. ■ -; : Prior to tho last raco,. Miss. Bill,, and Speeiosa were.-.submitted-;',,t<r' auction. For the former a bid of 40, guineas was, receivod, ■ and for the flatter . ; two .separate bids -of -50 guineas. 'were, received: ; All- three were passod in.. .-.j-.i'i ; r .nf 7 Y , Nino horses contested the ■ Hackv Scurry. Mania and Timothy were the only candidates .backed- to, any -extent.The former , was actual favourite,'though 'Blue -Ribbon's'form in tho Welter, pointed. to Timothy 0 as the, likely, winner. •: Mania . was never in ,it; ibo race pioving a soft snap for Tinio'thy.,"-;'Pro-nun ran well- for half a. .mile/.''and-"should win a scurry before' long: Hillspring, who came-, from Blenheim hist Saturday'to. race at Ofcaki, struck-himself in' a. gallon early .in the ..week,-and was.not; ablo .to be. started at;,this meeting.;, :, r ) S. Reid, -who eam'o-from- Auckland 'nn -Tuesday to ride-at tho Qtalci 5 meeting; goss north to-day in ordei- to'x\itch-:tlie'''s races at.EUerslic; 1-w -.•* Winning jockeys at' "t-lio' Otaki 'infecting, were A. Oliver (3), R. Hatch (3), W. Ryan (2), D. Price, T. Guildford, L, Wilson, J] Lyford, P.- Cress, and.'lfc! Cameron (r each)'., Oliver was 'undoubtedly ', tho.. cleverest. horseman seen'at tho meeting, and sliowed great ability from,tho barrier to tho winning 1 -post., ' During the F.; V G."„ Rpo, secrstai'y of the Horo.iyhenua Itacing, Club, bh behalf 1 of some sporting gentlemen ..'and North Island * racing - club" secretaries) presented Mr: Tilic Shannon' with, a.^'purco;-of sovereigns. •M r. Shannoji, is a.bout; to, leave on a'holiday, trip to :3lr'. -Roe. asked His. acceptance of tho .pii.rso, as an appreciation i of some ,'of his friends ;of the assistance he :had at different ...times ,'rehdorofl clubs. Mr. ■ Shannon* suitably, replicfl. , ; > Motoa's finish in '.tho 1 Railway Handicap' yesterday afternoon was universally; acf-, mired. The. brown horse - , was; the last of a straggling'.' field when'- %tho.-■ straight was -readied, but he put in ai'great.rim, and was jiist beat-en a nose. -A'twouM-be buyer asked Mr. Messena to '"price- on the- iiorso nfter the race. • The . i'Sply was 900 guineas, and £200 out of the first winj 1 or £1000 net cash. •' ' . ■ ■■■ • - It" is quite possible, that , Sea . King ; owl. Cross Battery, who have-,been'entered: for, the principal events' !at Rand\vick-> intho spring,' may bo -sent tp.'Au^tralia',at;au",early, date, and raced at .Jsome .of . the '.smaller meetings round Sydnpy,.. pripy : - to^tjjio,,Australian Jockey Club's autumn raeetipgr , 1( l .
CONCLUDING DAY'S RESULTS. TKi.EQBA.ra —raES3 ;j _ASsa<;iATioti;) ;; ~ Dunedlh, Juno 4. ; ; The Duncdin Jockey Club's ivihtervmeoting was concluded to-day''iii'flho'--weather. For an off-day, the attertdaiifcb was good. Tho amount- 0f'£6332 : 10s' 'was put' through tho machine, iis i: agaihst'i£S7oG'los;' for the second day ■ Jast' ,^a'r.. T invest-" mcnts for tho two days shbwcd.aYi iiiereaso' of £733 on the two days'of the 'liist winter meeting. Tho following - were'tho -results FAIRFIELD 100 Mvs.,,One mile and tlu' : M:guaj;tcrs. Mr. J. Flanuer's Storrap;nt, •; —Atholine, lOst. ' -.(jams) ' T Mr. H. Schlu tor's Storm,,lOsfe".;llb7 , :(Cahill),. .2, Mr. H." Rothwell's Grosvenor,' 9st. , Glb.';. (Pine) 3Also started; Grand . Stand, ' lOst.. ' 91b.; Slow Tom, list. ■ Gib.; lOst. 111b.;. Southern Cross, lOst. ■ jilb:Black.,Friar, 9st; 71b.; and Blessbok;.',9sfc.V- ".'•v • Going out of the .-.straight;. -Grand Stand raeod to .the front, biifcoWjis. shortly: joined by Storm. This pair held command till tho straight, whore Stonnpnt ran to tho ' headof affairs. At the distance.Storm.challenged,, hut Stormont- won by a Jull. iength... ■ Grosvenor was a good third;,;,. Time,,, 3ipiu. 23 3-ssec. SLLVERSTREAM HACK "HANDieAP, lof 100 govs. . Firo" furlongs. Mr. G. Ellis's br. m. Assaults by- Lord ■ Rosslyn—Foray, 4yrs*'j 7st.i 71b (Chapman).. 1 Mr. R. M'Donald's Kaikomako, Bsfc. - ,41b. •>" ' '(Fletcher)' 2 Mr. H. J. Searlo's Gold Dredge, -Bst.' 121b. > (Robertson) 3 Also started: Sillnveb, lOst. 21b.; Erskino, Bst. 111b.; Cockleshell, Bst: 41b.; The Orient,. 7st. 71b.; Muskatatoiy 7st. . 71b:; Firebell, 7st. 71b.; Calvenor, 7ft. .-71b. ; .:and Sims Kcovcs, 7st. 71b. ' . After about a furlong Gold' Dredge and Kaikumako were out in front. 'Gold Dredge headed Kaikomako -at : the .foot : of. the straight, but at the distance .he was passed, by Assault, who won by three lengths," from \ hunch of four. Time, lwiri. ssca..n-.
INYERMAYvWELTER HANDICAP, of 100 | sovs. Six furlongs., : \ Mr. F. Holmes's Tho Libyan, by Phoebus ' ' i Apolb—Brown Alice, 3yrs., Sst. 81b. • ; (Donovan) t . i Mr. A. MacAuley's Lady Disdain, by The Officer—Oriflamme, Cjrs,, 9st. 71b. . ' (King) t Jlr. M'Bonar's Luresonie, Bst. 51b. (Ilae) 3 : Also started: ,Cannie Chiel, lOsfc.; White " ... Cockade, ■ 9st. 71b.; Cuiroscttia, Bst. 111b.; Lone Star,. Sst; 41b.,; Trent, Bst. 21b.; Rest- ' less, B"st. lib.; Eosebloom, 7st. 121b.; Casqufe, j 7st. 91b.; Regiment, 7st. 91b.; l'ost Card, ,75t..71b:; Royal Shell, 7st.' 71b.; Heirloom, ; •7st. 71b. i . • Cuirosottia and White Cockade jumped' away iihuost together,''and'-held tho lcad for - a few lengths, when they: wero joined by Restless. Inside the straight it looked a,. fair thing for Restless, but in the last one • hundred and-fifty yards Tile Libyan put iu iv great run, followed by Lady' jDisdnin, and in an exciting'finish these two made a doad ' . heat, with-Luresonie a good'third. - Tiino, lmin. 183-osec. . . . .. t PROVINCIAL HANDICAP, of 150 sors One mile. . : Mr. G; PalmerV Probable, by Tho I'ossi- , v J , ble—:Priinulo,:6 yrs., Sst 41b. - i . ~r '(M'Combe) 1 Mr. P. H. Wilson's Spinning 'Flight, G'st. ''-I 71b. (Chapman) 2 ' Sir G. Clifford's Clanciiattan; Bst. Qlh. (Jl'Clusky) 3 , '■Also started: Medallist, '■■ Bst. 61b.Field •. ; Gun, Bst. 51b.; Paragon, Bst..; Thunderer, 7st. 1\ ■■ ' 01b.; Apollodoris, 7st. Sib.; Red and' Block,': *V list. 10lb. • - • 1 ■ v ■ Apollodoris, Thiindefer, and Paragon-'wots* - ] left at j'tlie post. - Field Gun and Probable. made. the .runniijg, with Spinning Flight ly-: ." .' ing j)pxt... After going half ii mile Spinning f\\ ! Flight took : command,, and at-.the distance '• : 1 seemed.: to have all beaten, but M'Combo' 'inadiSa' great rim 'on probable, 'and' woil by '. • ; a little.;niore than a head from Spinning'' ' 'Plight, with Clanciiattan a good third. Time, ; Imin. iosec. : . ' , '- . ; ■ WAHtONG OA HANDICAP, of 110 sovs. , , : i J . ...... Six furlongs. . ' ; Mr. T. Tahsey's b;g. Ard Reighj by Coni ' Queen, (i yrs., Sst. '•' ; i l,r ; 51b. ...v , (T.'Douglas) 1 ; : ■Mr. >W.. J.~ A. Clay's Zetland,. 7st.. 71|). , i i . . (A., Chapman). 2. ■' 'Sir G;-, Clifford's Do Witte, Bst.. 31b. . ■ ' . .• ; (J. M'Clusky). '3 ' [■;:! Also' started: Pctrovna, 9st-. 131b;; Lupu- ' v .lite, 9stv 13lb. ;' Imaginary, Gst. 121b. j Moud- ••:' .',' jik,'Gst. 91b.; Whirhvincl, Gst. 71b. ~•.■! .! Lupulite .led'until near, the .foot of tho straight, when he was joined by ZetlantL Approaching the distance Ard Reigli '• took .. 'i . charge, and 'after a'' good finish 1 beat Zet- , : laiid-b'y a,lori'g neck, with Do'Witto |.wo and .' . . a half lengths behind''Zetland.'. Time, linin. 13 l-Sso.c. : . ' • 0 RICCARTON - HACK,' of ; 10.0 sovs. : , Six fuf- \, , ■, ,"j • ■ . • • longs. • ■ p Mr.: J.'R. Hart's b.g. Chief Lochiol, by . " : Finland— 3 yrs., 9st. . ' . 1 (Cotton) i Mr/J. T; Green's.-Pretty Nell,":Bst.' 51b.. . - • :• v 1• - " (M. Dunn) 2 • ; • Mr. D. Wilson s Linda,.7st. 71b. , . . -V v (A. H; Wilson). :3 , ; j. v ; ; ..; : . Also started: Royal Shell, fist. 81b.; Bay .Lupin, Gst. 71b.The Orient, Gst. 71b.; Ame-; ,"i ! ; ,tliyst,';6st. 71b. . ~ . ;.v . .-'Chicf.;.Lochiel took charge' sooii after the ' .; / . start,.; and maintained his advantage 'to tho.. . finish,'^.defeating Pretty Nell by close on. two. . lengths,. Linda being a'..l6ng neck behind 1 : ' .Pretty. Ne11... Time,.lmin. .18 l-6sec. ■ ' •••'. . FAREWELL HANDICAP, of. 100 sovs. . , , :>v\ Seven furlongs; . ;i Mr. M'Bonar's b. m. Luresonie, by Senton : I •! Delaval—Lissiden, 7st. 81b. ... (Rae); 1 -'i Mr.'?!!. T. Smith's Rosconinioii, Sst.: 51b. 1 "■' ■' ' . ' ■. ,(H. Diihovan). 2 •" Mr. F. H. Wilson's Spinning Flight; Gst; 101b • (Price) : 3 .V;.; ' Also -started: Harvest, Sst. 121b;;' WhiW'-' J , ; Cockade,. Bst. y 101b.; Thunderer, Bst. 41h;; , ' (Office Girl, Sst. 31b.; Scrapirtn Jack,' ; 7st. ! - J .'"';'' r " !,81b. ; Lone Star,-7st-. 71b. j . Notus, 7st. 41b'.; ; ' : Wardland, Gst. 121b.; Heirloom, Gst. 71b. ■ .Luresome was always handy, and, dial- 1 longing Roscommon inside the distance, camo away and won by . over, two lengths, Spinn- • iug Flight just beating Notus for third - place. Time, lmin. 32sec. . '.
AUCKLAND. RACING CLUB'S WINTER • MEETING. ACCEPTANCES; FOR THIRD"DAY. , ' .'(BY. TEI.EQIIAPH.—ritESS■ ■ ' ; Auckland, June 4, : ' The' following aro the acceptances for the third day's races, of tho Auckland Racing •Club's meotins:— - •' ; • CAMPBELL HURDLES.—Shrapnel, list. ,71b. ; Lady Hune, list. 51b.; Waipu, lOst. 121b.;. Le Beau, lOst. 31b.; Showman, 9st.' , :, 121b. ; :Hautapu,'9st. 111b.; Omati, 9st. 41b. j ■Noteorini, Dst. 41b.; Landlock, 9st.; English, 9st. WINTER., STEEPLES.—Kaitero,. :'l2st.'f.'; 121b.'; Sol,- 12st. 91b.; Loch Fyne, list. lib. j, Creusot, .lOst. 21b;; Cinque,-9st. 121b.; Kapa* > kapn, 9st". 101b.; Pierre,.9st. 71b;,'' . ■'■ TAMAKI STEEPLECHASE.—-Lady Huns.';,' list. 3lb.'; Hautnpu, lOst. 91b.; To Kainui, . lOst-. 21b.; Lady Lanta, 9st. 111b.; Waihekau, . y 9st. 71b.; Matakokiri, 9st. 71b. i .YORE WELTER.— list. 21b. > , Veronica, list. lib.; Scotty, lOst. 131b.; ■Raupavaha,; .l.Ost. 91b.: Celtic. lOst. : 21b.; Lconator, lOst. lib:; Haldane, lOst. lib. ; Tui ' Cakobau, 10st.-; : Certainty, 9st. 81b.; Cy'mri," 9st..' ,31b.; .'.Makjiranui, ,9st.; Belario, 9stl . Franklin;.9st; ; ;-. ; •' '. - FAREWfiLL' HANDICAP .-Miss Winnio, ■ lOst:- lOst.' 3]b.; Devonport, . lOst. 21b.; Foremost, lOst.; Lucio, 9st: 61b.; ' Taniainupb,; 9st. 51bl-j Duart, 9st. 41b:; Lady ; .Francis, 9st; 21b.; Frederick, 9st.; Guidmfe, :9st.- •. ; FITZROY .WELTER.—Dogger Bank, lOst. ~2lbJ; Cymri, 9st. 121b.'; Oct-oroon, 9st. 111b.; ;Mark ,'Time.; 9st.. 101b.; Royal Soult, 9st, 81b.; InahAj '9st.: 61b.; Rosavere, 9st. 21b.) - . Lord' Crispin, 9st.- lib.; AVaiotahi, 9st.; Wei- .' don, 9st.;' Puliipuhi, 9st.; Waihoihoi, 9sfc.f ; •'Explosive,"!)st.; Dainty; 9st'.; : , r ;■ NAPIER STEEPLECHASE, - (BY VELEGKArn.—riIEM (ASSOCIATION.) Napier, Juno 4. . . , Thii Napior Park Racing Club havo re > 'teived' tho following: nominations for-/the Napier' SfeeplccHase, about: three miles:— ■ ,I'uslifut;'Arobii, I'ierro,. Post Hast-c,'Fret-Kvork,', Haurangi, Clara Belle, Nbgi; Valima, Faro, Kaipetipeti, Hurihimoa, Lull,. Na'dador. .
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Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 216, 5 June 1908, Page 9
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3,355THE TURF. Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 216, 5 June 1908, Page 9
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