PHASES OF THE MOON. , a JUNE. ' (K Day. Hr. m. Ba First quarter .' f ® p.m. C( Full moon a,mLast quarter 21 4.56 p.m. u New moon 29 4. 1 »'*"• H HIGH WATER. et To-day, 8.25 a.m.; 8.35 p.m. To-morrow, 9.5 a.m.; 9.18 p.m. sun! P Sun rises to-day, 7.7 a.m.; 6ets, 4.29 p.m. ARRIVALS.* WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3. t MANA, s.s. (1.40 a.m.), 131 tons, Corby, from Patea. WAIHI, s.s. (2.25 a.m.), 92 tons, Carey, from Blenheim. ' OPAWA, s.s.' (2.35 a.m.), 110 tons, Nicholas, / from Blenheim. TiK'YPUNA, s.s. (3 a.m.), : 1036 tons, Evans, j from Onelninga and New Plymouth. Passen- > gers: Saloon—Mesdames Opie, II Donald, Munro and 2 children, Allah aud child, Taniier, i Cameron, Messrs. Opie, Yautoll (2), Cohen, i Taylor, Veal, Bniskell, Riggardos. AORERE, s.s. (3.35 a.m.), 77 tons, Fisk, from . Patea. MAORI, s.s. (7 a.m.), 3399 tons, Newton, from Lyfctelton. Passengers: Saloon—Misses Marron, Grater, Anderson, Rouse, Fairbann, Oliolmondoy, Ardling, Wright, Boyd, M'Pherson, Abraham, M'Tavish, Wigney, ialbot, gerald, Fleetwood, Slater, Dunlop, Webster,. Hopkinson, Mesdames Hurd and child, Reston and 2 children, Edwards, Allan, Butcher and effild, Tahrekeld, Tate, Watt and infant, Jackson, Bronghton aud 2 children, M.Grath, iliU. Thompson, Abraham, Dillon, yles, Hallard, "Jackson, Peacock, nurse, and infant, letan and child, Rev. Hurd, Captains Robertson and Hunter, Messrs. Smith, Nolan (2), Reston, Mackay, Rochfort, Hallan; Gay, Budd, Matthews, Nees, Kay, Martyn, Bremner, Hill, Jackson, Nees, Baylcs, Bronghton, Pjescott, Kingsland, Johnson, Clitch, Barnett, Wnitlo, Vonablcs, Zander, Talboyd, M'Cartne.v, Nicoll, Atkinson, Bruce, Kissling, Jenkins, Abraham, ; Weld, Barber, De Costa, Rennie, Bunting, Horsley, Atkinson, Beetham, Malfer, Young, Buxom, Hatharland; 40 steerage. HUIA-, s.s. (12.5 p.m.), 127 tons, Dowell, from
Wanganui. MAITAI, s.s. '(2.35 p.m.),. 3395 tons, Rolls, from Sydney, direct. ■ Passengers:, saloonMisses Bereford, Turner, Sutton, Campbell, Gloom, Mosdames Harcourt and infant, Eraser, Norton and child, Haughton, Carlton, -Tt hitcombo, Messrs. Hean, Scott, Page, Watt, Vallanoe, Brown, Hosking, Orr, Goldfinch, Hardie, Howard, Carlton, Grant, Rackett, Vciiables, Whitcomhe, Kriowlos, Hamilton, Nicholson, Stott; and 53 steerage. DEFENDER, 's.s. ' p.m.), 190 tons, Jamieson, from Karamea. NIWARH, s.s. -(7.25 p.m.), 6i44 tons, Hollis, from Wanganui. QUEEN OP THE SOUTH, s.s. (8.45 p.m.), 198 tons, Harvey, from Poxton. ARAHURA, s.s.. (11.10 p.m.)," 1596 tons, Lambert,. from Greymouth, Westporfc, Nelson, and Picton. Passangers: Saloon—Misses* Slattery, Bradley, Drummond, Douglas, Cheesraan, Dcbonham, Boss (2), Williams,. Vinson, Gill. Thomas, Thompson, Bashell, Townseud, Hall, Salek' (2), Scott, Finney, Cross, Mortley, Parry, Brown, Lightfoot, Horn, Webb (2), Watson, Mesdamos M'Nab, Eobb and 2 childron, Rogers, Aheadrio, Sixtus and 2 children, Wilson, Collins, Cohen, Carter and 2 sons, Webley and child. Thwaites, Graham, Essen , and" 2 chil-dren,-Tiller, Win, Gill. Manning, Hall, Brownley, Messrs. Bock, Kennedy, Daniel, low, Young, Fraiikling,. Bonnie,. Fletcher -leaver Sixtus, Wilson, : . Holloway, Murphy. Nicholls Chambers, Cohen, Moloney,'; Laton, Bock, John son Webley, Webb, Thwaites. Horn, Johnson 1 St. John, 'Wilcott,- 'Biitlerj ;;Westbury,/;Esson Costello, Lagburn, Grant, 1 , Edwards,. -S\ in Buvko, Bosworth, Hall, Rose, Clouston, Kenny 62 steerage.
THURSDAY, JUNE 4. : ALEXANDER, s.s. (12.40 a.m.), 377 tons, Wildinan, from Waitapu. ■
DEPARTURES. WEDNESDAY, .JUNE 3. BLENHEIM,'s.s. (1 a.m.), 120 tons, Watson,' for Blenheim. ' •. . WAIKARE, s.s. (3.10 a.m.), 3071 tons; Bernech;: for Lyttelton and Dunedm. PATEENA, s.s. (12.50 p.m.), 1212 tons, Stewart, for Picton and Nelson. ' HAMSTEAD, s.s. (2.40 p.m.), 3437 tons, Hill, for Lyttelton. ■ TAKAPUNA, s.s. (5115 . p.m.), • 1036 tons; M'Lean, for New Plymouth and Onehunga. .MAORI, s.s. (8.5 p.m.), 3399 tons, Newton, for Lyttelton. V - ' . • PUTIKI, s.s. (8.30 p.m.), 409 tons, Dewhurst, for Wanganui. .
EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Ivotuku, Groyniouth, June 4. Mokoia, Dunedin, Lyttelton, June 4. Manaroa, Motueka, June 4. "Waihi, Blenheim, June 4. . ltini, Gieymouth, June 4. . Tasraan, Nelson, Pioton, 'June 4, Mararoa, Lyttelton, June 4. Pateena, Nelson, June 4. _ Blenheim, Blenheim, June 4. Alexander, Waitapu, June 4. Wakatu, Kaikonra, June 5. Kahu, Nipier. June_ 5. ...... • Wimmera, Sydney, via Auckland, June 5. Ulimaroa, Melbourne, via South, June 5. Eotoiti, Oneliunga, New Plymouth, June 5. Maori, Lyttoljxm, June 5. Pateena, Nelson, Pioton, June 5. Flora, West i Coast, Nelson, Juno G. Kapiti, Lyttelton, June 7. . ■ Koonya, Southern Ports, June 7. Waikare, Dunedin, Lyttelton, June 7. Monowai, Nanier, Gisborne, Auckland, June 9,
PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Alexander, Nelson, West Coast, June 4. Maitai, Melbourne via South, June 4. Mokoia, Sydney;, via Auckland, June 4.. Waihi, Blenheim, June 4, ■ ■ Kahu, JSapior, via, East Coast, June 4. Huia, Wanganui, June 4. Opawa, Blenheim, June 4. , ■ Queen of the South, Foxton, Juno A ICaniona, West port, June 4. Komata, Westport, Juno 4. Jessie Burns, Timaru, June 4. liana, Patea, June, .4. , .. .. Storinbird, Wanganui, June 4. Aorere, Patea,' June 4 ~ Tasrnan, Nelson, Motueka, June Blenheim; Blenheim, June, 4. Mararoa, Lyttelton, June 4. Manaroa, Motueka, Juno 4. Wimmera', Lyttelton, Dunedin, June 5. Maori, Lyttelton, June 5. Torgauteri, Nelson, June 5. Uliinaroa, Sydney direct, June 5. X s engnin, Picton, Nelson, June 5. Niwaru, Loudon. June G. ' Arahura, Picton, Nelson, and West Coast, June 6. _ n Wrikatu, Ivaikoura, Juno 6. pateena, Lyttelton, June 6. Mararoa,: Lyttelton, June 8. Kotoiti, Nelson, New Plymouth, Onehunga. ''"Waikare, Napier, Gisborne, Auckland; Juneß. Koonya, Nelson and Wost Coast, June 8. Monowai, Lyttelton, Dunedin, June, 9. Mapourika, Nelson, West Coast,. June 9..
INTERCOLONIAL SERVICE. STEAMERS TO ARRIVE. WIMMERA, s.s., loft Sydney; May. 27, for Wellington, via Auckland. Gisborno. Napier. Duo Wellington Jime Leaves sauio day for Lyttelton and Dunedin. ULTMAROA, s.s., left Melbourne, May 27, for Wellington, via Uobart and Sotitliorn ports. Due Wellington, Juno 5. Leaves for Sydney direct eamu day. Duo Sydney, Jnno 3. UOKRAKI, s.s., left Melbourne June 3 for Wellington, via Hobart and Southern ports. Duo Wellington Juno 12. Loaves same day for Sydnoy direct. Due Sydney Juno 16. MAITAI, s.s., loft Sydney, May 30, for Wellington direct. Due .Wellington, Juno 3. Leaves following day for Melbourne, via South-, ern ports and Hobart. Duo Melbourne Juno 13. MAHENO, s.s., loavos Melbourne, Juno 10, I for Wellington, via Hobart and Southern ports. Due Wellington Juno 10. Leaves for Sydney direct same day. Duo Sydnoy Juno 2.1. VICTORIA, s.s., leaves Sydnoy, Juno 10, for Wellington, via Auckland, Gi6bocno, and Napior. Due Wellington June 17. Leaves for Lyttelton and Dunedin Bame day. MOKOIA, s.s., loft Dunedin, Juno 2, for Sydney, via Lyttelton, Wellington, Napier, Gisborne, and Auckland. Arrives and leaves Wellington, Juno 4. Duo Sydney, Juno 12. Vr iVRRIMOO, s.s., leaves Sydnoy, Juno G, for Wellington dircct. Duo Wellington, Juno 10. Leaves' Juno 11, for Molboufno, via Southorn ports and Hobart. Duo Melbourne, Juno (# 2O,
OVERSEA SHIPPING. STEAMERS! TO ARRIVE. From London. PAPANUI (due Wellington about June. C), «ailed April 18; via Capetown and 'Hobart. (New Zealand Shipping Co., agents.) MATATUA (due Wellington about June 9). Bailed April 10, via Auckland. (Shaw, Sjavill Co., agents.) CORINTHIC (duo Wellington June 16), sailed, Plymouth on May 2, via Capetown and Hobart. (Show, Savill, agents.) TOMOANA (due Wellington about June 28), Bailed April 20, via I Australian ports, Auckland, and Napier. KAIKOURA (duo Wellington about July 10), left London May 6, via Auckland. (N.Z. Shipping Co.; agents.) ' STAR OF AUSTRALIA- (due Wellington about July 15), left London May 8, via Australian porta, Auckland, aud Napier. RUAPEHU (duo Wellington about July 2), sailed on May 11, Plymouth, May IS, via Capetown aud Hobart. From Llveroool. CORNWALL (due Wellington about June 12), sailed on April 11, for Australian odJ New Zealand ports. (F.H.S. tine, agents.) FIFESHIRE (due Wellington about July 14), sailed on May 2, via Australia and Auckland. (F.-11.-S. Line, agents.) DELPHIC (due Wellington about July 21). sailed on May 20, via Auckland. (Shaw-Savill, agents.) , , , , NORFOLK (due Wellington about Angus! 12), sailed on May 30 via Australia and Auckland. . (F.-H.-S. Line Agents). From New York.
15UCEROS (due Wellington about June 20), tailed on April 8, via Auckland. (A. ana A. Line, agents.) STAR OF NEW ZEALAND (due Wellington about June 2G), sailed on April 12, for Australian and New Zealand ports. (Tyser Line, agents.) STEPHANOTIS (due Wellington about July •19), ■ sailed on April 29, via Australia and Auckland. (A. and A Line, agents.) INDRADEVI (due Wellington; about July 28), sailed on May 23, via. Australia and Auckland. (Tyser Line, agents:) ' SAILING VESSELS TO AKRIVB. RENFIELD. four-ma«te(l barquentiuo. loft Liverpool. February 20. for Welltnstoii. - MARJORY GLEN, barque, loft Liverpool. , Mav 12, for Wellington. „ . MAHUKONA, 4-masted schooner, left Gray s Harbour on April 1 for Wellington. CANTERBURY, barque, ■ left Bunbury, May 27, .for. Wellington..
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Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 21, 4 June 1908, Page 10
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1,362SHIPPING NEWS. Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 21, 4 June 1908, Page 10
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