RUCBY. . ~ ; . - [Br Amsiobulub.] ' . The Athenic with'.the.-Anglo-Welsh team on board is; due in Wellington on May 18. Wallace will probably not bo able to assist his team for three or four weeks.--Bennett, of Alhambra (Dunedin), who represented Now Zealand on the three-quarter line against Australia; in 1905, purposes playing again'-this'season. / . .. " ~v-'. Geor'go' Gillett has signified his intention of playingi. the Australian [ game at Auckland ' this .'season. , ' - . ; _ . During the current - season' Wairarapa will tour Canterbury, Otago, and Southland. Baker, :'ex-Athletic Club (who toured, the' South Island with the Wellington • representative team/ last year), is, playing for . Albion, of Christchurch,.. this season!. ; '-.George' Maokley,. : . who.,will play. pn.. the three-quarter line for Petone Seniors to-day,, .formeriy-.'played at Christchurch' and. Invercargill.- • '■■- The; Wellington Referees'/ Association has resolved that; referees under its -:jurisdic- ; tion.'shall keep the time,in all matches.;, Representative caps 'will in future be presented to schoolboys who are chosen!-to. re-present,-.Otago Vagainst- the Southland; schools representative-, teamt ' . • :, ', , ' I' At the.'.latest'' meeting' of: the Wellington Referees';;Assodiation --ithe Chairmari,.' '.jVIr. If./".Laws;. gave ; it, as : his opinion^"that, -it woiild' be .many "a; long day. before, the Wellington Union, erected, a stand for. referees as the Auckland, Union, had done./ v y H Baskerville is reported: to, have shown such good: form in,,the . All / Blacks • last- match ; m '. that: it. s'e'eins to bo generally regretted by' the team that h'e'did n' 'in other games. ' ' ' : Mr: G- Rowland - Hill, past: president of the .English. Rugby/ Uftion, . who.., has been seriously, indisposed)/ was much , better.-.;at the time tho latest mail left Home. , . A Houso, who displayed exceptional abd;ity.,in; tho''Peto'ne..fifth grade, team, last season,/ has '/ been promoted to' centre ■' threequarterfor. the. senior team. 1 * _V .. ■ Mitchmson, who has been suffering, with a bad knee, will probably be able to , take his place ' among the Poneke seniors next Saturday. ' - r . .'-,. ;. _j, '' . Commenting on tho fact that veteran Duncan intends- playing again, this season, 'a/southern considers I .that iffthe. Otago backs do not improve on last season's work thert will be amplo room• for "Jim Lack Thatch." , '..... . ,': Messenger states, that he had 'never/seen football until ho went to England with the All Blacks, and played-the Northern. Union rules: -: Onl} 1 energetic and fast players can; he-says; . .-■' The.following members of the',British,tour-' ing*'team -were 1 sfelccted to represent/England against Scotland on , March 21:—II. H. Vas> sail,- ■J. -Davey (now, cap), li. Dibble, and - W. L. Oldham (new cap):-- 1 :. With ;tho:.' objecji , of ; making 'gamps -faster and consequently more attractive';- thoi Wei-, lington Ileferees' /Association" has; decided- to; ' .'urges'.'officials') notpo^ -to pliiyors in the matter'" of, Ij'iiig'.'on;,.tho ■ : .'The report that T.; Wilson, .who-was/brigin-iaily-/selected "as-'- a;;..member.,, of: the British touring' tqamj had :beon placed under suspension by the-Scottish Union, : is stated "to navei caused somo little sensation in Scottish flub circles." / J.I .! . - . ,:■ -. f The ,'match,es: playe,d ~at-. thoi'Park^ph: Easter Saturday, wpre rain'. Neither of • thpj local; teams :engag'eQ-7St: James. or •Wellingtbn—were.''represehte(l/ by, their :best fifteens, but, nevertheless,, both showed pro- ' miso for .tho. coming- Cup .fixtures.. Xr/Jt, ■■ Erom-'what 1 can "bo gathered, the St.-Jam4s' ; backs Mil not be as happy-as last season,' • but their vanguard, - although composed of young players, should make ■ a good show- ' ing ./ ; The Wellington Club has a good solid pack; but: it is, their backs who should pull the club* out of the ruck this year. . The. ." olose." work of the vanguard on Saturday against Christchurch was excellent at- times, but there was room' for improvement - in. the "loose."' "With -a-very greasy ball, ; _the yollow and blacks'- back"."division- •• pccasio'nr' ally, got .m some pretty .work. . .Had ther been fine, thov: would nhavo. given > the visitors a warm.'time. , • ; Tiny "- McMinn, the ; lougthy . exTNew. Zealand -representative player, was a- member of the fcia Toa (Palmerston) team which met, St.; James. McMinh; fiomo .'good, work at times/but appeared to drag behind occasionally, ./wheiii'' the,- restv.of./ the >■ forwards; : wfere.'in'.the?thick'of the fray!'-'... •The-' Inter-College Old Boys , toiu-namSnt -for the Dovenish Shield provided somo. gopd football.-' Tho.first day's play was,robbed of interest by'the raiin,' but the; finalj,played.oh; ■Monday between •' Wellington, -, and v ' Christ: church High School,' proved a great game; College forwards ysliaped well against the " southerners/ but'their, backs were weak in; combination, .and; showed a great,'tendency to hang on to ,the -ball. For the. visitors, half got in some excellent' workj 'and the. Guthrie Brothers also performed , whilst" Lawrence put'in .-some good all-round worL _ : - '-J. L. Williams (ofr the British:, touring team), who had . been'chosen a reserve three-quarter back, was required ./ to : play for Y/ales against' Scotland on March 14, as professional duties prevented Dr. " Teddy." .Morgan',from,taking liis place, in the team. Williams was a member, of the Welsh team which did. battle, against .England and Scot-i land earlier 'in theseason, : ■_ ;, I The professional All Blacks ,will play under' Rugby Union' rules'/ fifteen a-side, m Queensland on May 16, 20, and. 23 against . Queensland, and.on May;3o.against Australia; They are to'.'play',, in . Sydney ■on Maj; JJ '.and' 6: against - New South Wales, arid on May' 9 against Australia. Thoy will also play two matches against -Newcastle,.; at. 1 the Show Ground, : Newcastle, -'these/ ; being,, 'fifteen a-side'. >'■ /'■ '--■/■•' -.- ■•-.' Wright, "captain of tho pirofessional All Blacks-, states that Jlessenger was . tho success. of the New Zealand team, the crowd/always asking for ''Messehgor.", Ho -describes his goal-kicking powers as marvellous, somo of the angles from .whjch lie • kicked goals being extraordinair. During the; interval of .lino' • match Messenger gave an, exhibition.Kicking, with the, wind, he was sucMssful in II out of 12 tries, from all angles.Against the .wind, his record .was exactly similar: . For,Poneke against Albion at Christchurch a,t Easter, Cordon proved very -useful at fullhack, and got through a lot of work in good ■style:-' Tooliill was most conspicuous'in the three-quarter lino," and ; frequently .'got', his team. out of difficulties. Murray /was. principally noticeablo for his fino defence. Dwyer was, removed from'five-eighths.tb the other,wing, but;he had.little chance of' showing lus. ability. Even son- did a lot of useful'work at five-eighths, .chiefly on the defensive," whilst Tilyard,. at, half, was the most prominent of tho rear division. Chiefly noticeable amongst the vanguard were Sweeny, and Paup - ' : . A ' "■/ Referring to the first match, between Ponoke and, Albion, which took place at Christchurch, at-Easter,' the "Weekly .Press" states-The gamo was uninteresting- generally; thoaigh when essayed, tho passing.of the Albion's backs was ivory neat and elfectivo, the trios sccured against Poneke being tho result of fast passing rushes..'-.Tho first'spell was largely in favour of Albion, the forwards in particular showiiig .better .strength arid, combination. iAftor getting the result practically : assured, Albion relinquished their /'mode of,play, and took matters ratlicr easy, thus giving, more interest as regards play, and the visitors showed up better in the second half: •' Throughout tho game'thero were-few instances of passing by.tlio Poneko tacks, and the -was-.chiefly' confined to the vanguard, who -lost'/ono or two likely ■chances by 'kicking.:too hard. ' With reference to tho rough play which occurred in the match'between the "All Black" professionals arid the Northern Rugby Union representatives, and in .consequence , of which Cross was ordered off the field. Tlie ; Dominion's Wairarapa correspondent writes that in a private letter from Mr. Jamee Gleo
sou, of Napier, ■ who was a member, of the combination, it is stated that the New Zealanders wero informed .beforehand that tho gamo was going to be rough. Cross was deliberately kicked in the faco by one of his opponents, and, 011 using his fists in return, was promptly ordered off tho field. Mr. Gloeson says that Cross had been most exemplary in his conduct both 011 and off the field, and there was every justification for his action in retaliating. It is Mr. Gleeson's intention to return to Now Zealand, via America. It is. estimated by the English Rugby Union that tho expenditure oh their ground at .Twickenham will bs over £16,000, as tho designs sent in show that £9000 will bo required to erect the two wavered stands—each 33l)ft. long—dressing and bathrooms, offices, committee and luncheon rooms, with kitchen, tho entrance gates, turnstiles, otc. Tho county Unions and Clubs havo been notified by tho English Union that it is intended to raise £10,000 by first mortgage debentures of £50 each, bearing interest, at 5 per cent., and of this amount it is proposed to issue' £8000 worth. They. aro to be a first charge on tho ground and;floating assets of tho Union, and the coinmitteo hope to be able to redeem the whole issue at no -very distant date. Members of the committee have" personally agreed to subscribfc for £2650, and three county Unions have already agreed to subscribe £400, £500, and £100. respectively, the total amount taken up in February being £5000. : " .; : ' -\ Y.M:C.A. had an enjoyable time at-Hast-ings: Two games were played, both of which were won ; somewhat easily. Some -very good players appeared- for. Hastings, but the team: as a whole appeared to think Y.M.C.A. could not be beaten. . ' Some forty players have joined the Hastings Club, while there is also a good number attached to tho Napier Club. ; The best plan for the Clubs would be to split up into separate clubs and start a small competition. Little good can be'done by'one or two clubs, but-several may .be the means of starting a really strong It was in this way . that the game was first started in Wellington.' First, thero was one club, then the Rovers formed as a branch. In 1894 the present well-known Swifts Club was formed by members; of the Rovers; in 1902 several of the-Swifts started, the St. John's Club, which > carried all beforo it for a season or two. Then several members ,of the St. Johnjs joined the Ramblers, and assisted ,the latter to play in. the Senior : League. ' These are a few instances of how strong clubs have assisted the game ahead: went over to Nelson.and played.two .games with the Nelson/Wanderers Club, both games being.won somewhat easily. The Nelson officials are exceptionally kben, and gavo tho Swifts'-a ,very / good'' time, but the great trouble over there is that tho players are not all keen on turning out. Perhaps'the : fact of their only getting a few. games each 'season has caused them to lose their. ,keenness.' There aro some very .good players in the district. ' ' ' . • ; '•'Scholefield,' a'Taranaki rep. forward last season, played' for Kaponga' against. Diamonds. Mawson,' left-wing' of,the N.Z.' team "in.N.S.W;, 1905, was present at the.:match; Y.M.C.A.' against 'Hastings: . Ho; intends playing 'for the Napier club. Saunders; outside-right .for the. YiM.C.A. last' season,' has/signed' for' Rambler's this year." ■ .'■ ■' . . //v. .. V.' ■ ' The Swifts, M hear, have got'.a ver.v good acquisition in Renfrejv, from the Mornington Club, Dunedm. ■ . ' ■ F. Spilman, secretary of the newly-formed -Wanganui Club;, is 'moving, ahead there,'and t ; hopes to' get a couple of'teams going. They will' play matches with' sbmo.of tho other' Taranaki ;clubs',: a'nd-.may, possibly, 'come dowrifto Foildirig and Palmerstoii! • W? 1 ' Several - new members have .joined Re-! ■' ' Assd'ciatioii.i: .The acquisition- of ,such;' retired players; as;H. : Waters and H. Godber •must do the game good. I hear A. .'Williams, J.,'Baton,' and B. L. 'Salmon will referee more/frequently, this.'.season.-,' - • A proposal at the special meeting'of 1 the Assooiatioh on Wednesday to do away with',the age- for.-.Third,;League, players was negatived 1 '. The,, annual, meeting of: the New' Zealand held 'on , v Tuesdayi' May;s;'- . : ' V; ' . ! According ' to v past;., resolutions . of the'N.Z.F.Avvtlie .Brown/Shield' tournament will' ybe,: : .-lield : in i Ota'gOjthis season, ; but if the:;local .; As'sqciitioK; obtains' 'tho-' use of ' the. Athletic' ;Parkit is understobd'an' effort'.is'to be made' to get the tournament played' hero this season. -• '■■'v.- ■-•/■'.' Mr. H. .Waters, of the Referees' Club, is at. present on a business visit'to Gisborno. 'The' following • from' ttfe,'Athletic News ." speaks' for itself.:—A 'clergyman' who is engaged/in the' East End of London,'and a supporter of Millwall, is good'enougli. to the following ■ interesting communication',which; we may .say; is dated .Thursdays:"Asa. : clergyman' ■ who' ... watches V-/professional; footballv everj; Satiirddyj -'and; r ha's 'b'eisii'/.onevery professional- 7 football; 1 ground in London without receiving/anything,- but; the; ut-j most, civility, perhaps I may 1 be allowed ,ahearing from you 'about the split;" -As a public'/school and 'Varsity 'man. my; sympathies ' lie' : with the ■ A.F.A.,' :but v as an. East End priest,' living among and for the working men,' they,emphatically do not./ Here is an institution' in our country—professional football—not in- itself, evil, - and' , touching; a yast'-mass of the' population. //-Into this institution—let us admit it—abuses-have, crept.'. What is to be done? Get/out of it? Get ! on-a pedestal: and sneer',down at it? Leave the atmosphere, of abuses, and get apart into a new atmosphere of pure sport? Ten. thousand times, no! Since 1 A.D.—I chosen the date-with great care-rthat has 1 never-been the way to keep an institution, in , itself harmless, clean, and pure and straight. We should stick to it like_ leeches and influence it, if we can,-from inside, not preach at it from outside.- The .truest greats ness would have been shown by those who have now seceded standing indignity upon indignity—admitting this, for the sake of ar-. gument—rather than out themselves off from the/atmosphere of professionalism. They' talk now in. the papers about' tho Sheriff's. Shield—and say the F.A. would do-the great thing if they climbed down and suffered." loss of-dignity." But they,had the first chance of suffering loss of dignity- by, ;the' F.A.,, with all its restrictions,'for the good, of:the majority of their' countrymen. And suffering loss of dignity—coming down off our pedestaMs - the greatest : thing in the wholo world. —Yours, etc., CLERICUS.. P:S.—I! saw five clergy in the stand ' at Fulham yesterday. I. would like to have seeii 500! - -;■ / _• _ . -.The news of the split in tho Association world has ■ reached America. Mr; Fred. ;H. 'Milttes, the secretary ,'of the Pilgrims,,,is. endeavouring .to persuade the heads ' of. American/Association football that the Foot- • ball Association is'the only real authority, but our cousins, on the other hand; 'with their ■ usual" independent spirit,! retort : that they will play whom they like, whether they belong to the F.A. or tho A.F.A. Perhaps they do not fully understand that would be impossible to play, say, both the Pilgrims arid the Corinthians.-,
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Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 180, 25 April 1908, Page 9
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2,328FOOTBALL. Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 180, 25 April 1908, Page 9
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