. . 1 CHAMPIONS. \ • - 1 : Thoroughbreds.—Siro, Mr. H. Gaisford's iWaipawa, by Aprcmont—Lcgera.; Mare; Mr. ■ P. fecally. : , Hunter.—J. B. Gaisford's Tlio Vagrant. .- Cattle.—Ayrshire bull;-Mr.- C. ■ AVo'odley: cov f, Mr. C. Woodley. Jersey Mr. J. .Nelson; cov», Mr. S.R. Lancaster. Da'irv , cow, Mr. W. J. Miller. ' . Sheep.—Lineoln -ram,•..-Mr.- R.'- E. Beattie ,- e)ve, Mr. K. E. Beattie. Bordor Leicester V rain, Mr.. P. Nielsen; ewe,. Mr. J\ •Nielsen. English, Leicester ram,-Mr. S. R. Lancaster; . ewe, Mr. S. 31. Lancaster, llomney Marsh ram, Mr. A. Harding; ewe, Mr. A. .Hard- • ing. ■ Southdown: ram, -Mr. ! S. It. Lancaster; ewe, Mr. S.-R. Lancaster. ; , Pigs.—Berkshire boar, Sir. E. White. No other pig championships were awarded. Poultry,—Mr, W; ,Lovcll's Silver - Wvan<lotto pullet. . ..... / V. POINTS PRIZES. ■ Ayrsbires —C. ■ Woodley, ..49 - points, ; Jerseys, S. R. ; Lancastcr, 22 points. ■ Sheep—Lincolns, It. ii. Beattio, 41 points; Border Leicestors,. P. Niclson, 39 points; English Lcicesters, S. Pi. Lancaster, ~48 .:'points';' Romuey 'Marsh, A. 'Harding, 53 < points; Southdowns,' S. R. ; Lancaster/'55: points. V • HORSES. Thoroughbreds (Judge, Mr. D. G. Riddiford, of Marton). —Stallion,' H: 1 Gaisford's Waipawa, 1 and champion ; A. Laing's Glen-' . garry, 2. Mare, with foal at fool, P. Scally, 1 and champion. Filly, foaled since August, 1904, IL Burnlcister, 1. Carriage horse, stallion, J. Rample's Robert .Wilkin, 1; J. W. Jones's lvanhoe/2. Mare with foal at foot, A. Laing, 1; .Thomas Jameson, 2. ' stone, ,W. 11. Gaisford's Columbine, 1; J. Doggett's Strabane, 2; Thirteen stone, W. E. Martin's Starlight, 1; ' A. . Dillon's Richard) 2. Eleven stoiie, H. Burmeister's Mermaid, 1; W. H. Gaisford's Cyclone, 2; W. M'Kenzio's Mahomet, 3. Troop horse, J. M'Tavish's Lord tillin, 1; W. Sweeney's Corroboreo, 2. Cab, Master D. Simmonds, 1; W. Mather, 2. ' Lady's . hack, H. Burmeister's ,Mermaid, 1; W. iltvenzie's jMabomet,, .2;. H, Gaisford's {.He,3. ." ' '■
//onies—Stallion, G/ Lmvman's Young King Cole, 1. : JlaTo or'gelding up to ,14.2 hands. 'J. D. Galloway,' 1; R. Kennedy, 2; Pease,3; S. Brightwell, 4 ; L. J. Moore, .5. Mare or gelding up to 13.2 hands, .0. Jinckie,' 1; Hedwick Jlaher, 2; H. ■ A,. Jlontoith, 3; J. Beagley, 4.. Jlare or geldingup to 12 hands, B. Clarke, 1; A. Simmoads, 2;. Miss.Maud Bolt'ori, 3. ' Harness horses in 1 dog-cart, over 15.2 hauls: J. Doggett. l: .A. C. Bishop, 2; W. H. Gaisford, 1 3. Bradley horso,;up to 15.2 hands: H. Pillaiis, 1; W. E. Andrews, 2; E. W. Tunibull,3. Bradley horse, up to 14.2 hands: Miss Gaisford, 1; 11. Lr. Wilton, 2. Bi-iidlcy horse, not over 15.2 hands: Jliss Gaisford, 1;W. Mather, 2; W". E. Andrews, 3.
1 -Spviug: .<tv.ip.;lioi-sesJ —Mare or gelding ..for heavy'spring trap: J. 11. Turner, 1. Marc or gelding for. light spring trap: W. C. M'Cormick, J. Miller, 2. Tradesmen's turnbq't:;®arrel midSf&rly, 1; K. Shaw, 2. I Di-aiights.—T-hetrd' wis only one entry in this class, consequently no prize was awarded. 1 CATTLE. '
.Shorthorns (judge, Mr. T. H. Potts). — Bull, calved prior to July, 1905: T. Hughes's Billy, 1. ■1 Ayrshires (judge,-- Mr. J._ Kvlo). —Bull, calved" prior to "July, 1905: C. Woodley, 1 and cliampioii; J. ■P. J. Quirk, 2. Calved sines 'Ju1y,?1905: C. Woodley, 1 and 2. Calved since July, 1906: C. Woodley, 1 and 2. Cow with calf at foot: C. Woodley, I and champion and 3; P. J. Quirk, 2.; Heifer, calved, sinco, Ju1y,.,1904: C. Wood ley, 1. Heifer, calved siuco July, 1905: C. Woodley, 1; P. J. Quirk, 2;-'.iHdilfer,' calved since July, 1906 : C. Woodley, 1 and 2. ; Jerseys (judge, Mr. J. Kyle).—Bull, calved prior to' July, 1905: M. Lyon's Magnetism, 1. Calved sinco July, 1905: J.. Nelson, . 1 and,: champion; I l '. Kerr, 2. Calved sinco July, 1906: P. Hunter, 5 1; T,. -P. Bennett, .2; L. J. Edwards, 3i Cow, with •calf at foot: S. R. Lancaster, 1; P. Hunter. 2. Heifer, calved sinco July, 1904: S. R- Lancaster, 1; J. P. Quirk, 2 and 3. Heifer, calved sinco July, 1905: S. R....Lancaster, I.,and champion ; P. Hunter, 2; P." J; 'Quirk; 3-. ' Hcil'cr, calved sinco July, 1906: gi R. Lancaster, 1 and 3; P. Hunter, 2. Dairy 'cattle ' (judge; Mr. .J. Kyle).—Cow ;in !niilfc,;.':W.,,J.. Miller,. 1;. P.. J. Quirk', 2 and 3. Heifer in milk, over 27 months: P.' J.i Quirk-,-1 ; VS.,'R. .Lancaster,- 2; J. B. Veale, .3. ..Heifer in inilk, over 18 months: S. li'. : Lancnstor, 1;. J. B. Vealc, 2; :M. Lyons, 3. Two crossbred heifers, dry,'.under two years: S. R. Lancaster, 1; F. Morlcy, -:2 mnd.{3,'r'»Tw'.o,"]ieifers, ■ dry,', pure or crossbred, lindev three ypars: S. R.. Lan-' caster, 1;- J. B. Vealo, 2. Pen of three heifers: S. R. Lancaster, 1; C. Woodier, -2; - J!--B; •Vcalo r -3.--...--'-
( , * SHEEP. ,-] Lincoln (jjulgc, Mi-. H.' Campbell, of Havelock North): —Ram 'lamU: It. E. Beattie, 1; 1 .H. • Gaijiford, .2.:;-,'ltam,; 33 months .or over: R.-.-E.-- Beattie, 1 and - champion' ; 'HI Gais-ford,-'':2..-» "• Five/rams ..'lip to ..21 months: R. ■E. I.Beattie,. 1 li //EweUiimb: R : 'E. Beattie, , 1 and 2; Hv Gaiotord, 3. .Ewe, over 12 and ,1; R. E. Meattie;.2. : .Ewe,:2l and under 33 months: R.. E. Beattie, l ; and/.3;. H. Gaisford,: 2. Ewe, ,33.months or over: R. B.'Beattie, 1 and- ehampioii';; ; H.'. Gaisford, 3. . ■ Border 'Leicester (judge, Mr. I. Sylces, of :Wellington).Ram lamb: P. INielsen, 1 and 2. Ram, .over,,d2.and under 21 months: -P.--Nielsen.: :Ram, -23''months or over: 'R. Nielsen,-1 and champion; W. G. Aitken, 2. Five, rams, up (to 21 inontlis: P. .Nielsen, 1. Ewe lamb: P. Nielsen, 1 and 2: Ewes, 21 and. under 33,'nipnt:hs: P. :Noilsen, 1. Ewe, 133 months or over: P. Neilseii,' 2. ; English 'Lcicosters (judge, 1 Mr. I. Sylces, of- Wellington I ). —Ram l lanili : 'S. R. Lancaster, 1 and 2. /. Ram, over 12 and under 21 months :t S.- R.- -Lancaster, .lj.,A; HaMing, :2 , aiid..3..:,.Ram, J ,'ovei'/21 and , under 33 months : S. R. Lancaster, 1; A. HaVding, 2. ■ltam, 33 months or over: S. R. Lancaster, 1 and 'clv.; A. Harding, 2- Ewe lamb: S. R. .Lancaster;i.l.' Ewp, over'l2 and undor 21 months :■ S. R. 1 Lancaster, 1, and-' 2. Ewe, bver.2l and under 33 months: S. R. Lancaster, 1/ Ewes, 33 months or over: S. R: LanoasterV'l'j.'Xh./inhd 2.- .; i: ' .' • Ronihey ' Marsh, .'(jiidgoi Mr. 1 I. Sykes, of Wcllingtoii),.r-Raiir iamb: AJ Harding, 1 and 2;- r AT': V,. Collins, S. " Ram,/over 12 and under 21 months: A. Harding, 1 arid 2. ,Ram;;:ovei:.-.21 ■ and-.undcr 33 . months: A. Hai'tling/ 'l and V. Collins, 2; W*. 'G. Aitken; '3: Ram, 33 months or over, A. Harding, 1 and 2. Fivo, rams, not over 21 months': M. Voss ( 2; A. Harding, 3. Ewe lamb: A! Hardihg/'.l, 2, and 3. E'-ie, over •12:.i;idiurider 21 months: J. Harding, 1; A, .Harding,, 2..'Ewe, 21 and under :33 months :%. Harding, .1, ch.,-- arid 21 'Ewe, 33 months or over : A. Harding, I. ;. Southdowns /(judge, - Mr.i J. Strang, of lamb: S. ;R. Lancaster, 1 and 2; W. G. .'Aitken, 3.' Ram, over 12 'and'-under. 21 months:. S. R. 1; W. G. Aitken, 2. Kani, over 21 and under 33.months':'S.'II. Lancaster, 1; W. G.' Aitken, .2. Ram, 33. .months-:or over: S. R. Lancaster, I and ; ch. :Eire lambS. B. Lancaster;/. I'. "Eive, overjl2 and. imder 21 months: S. R. Lancaster, 1 and 2. : Ewe, <qi'eiv;2l ;ancl under -33 S. '8.-La'n|-'caster,' ! l'-a'ri'd -'2.'' Ewi,' 33 months, or ovei/: S. R. Lancaster, 1 and eh. . ' Crossbreds'Xjudge,■ Mr. II; Campbell, of .Havelock North).—Fiyo : owes, , under .21 moifths, :Lincoln cross predominating: W. .Tyj'P) 1; 111 Gaisford, 2. Fivo 'ewes, 21 to 33 Months',' Lincoln'"cross: H. Gaisford l and 2 Five owes, under 21. months, Romnoy, 'Marsh cross/predominating'"A. -Harding, ,l';' W...G: Aitken, 2. Five ewes, under .21, moiithsi.'iE'eicester.cross:.predominating: W.' H. • Nelson, '■ I'. and 2; -W. Tylic, 3. Five ewes,. 21 ' to .33 months, Leicester cross predominating :''W.'Hl'Nelson, 1 and 2. Fivo - wethers: 'W. G. Aitkeiti 1; H. Gaisford, 2 and 3.
Judging.-competitionMipon crossbred slieep. —M'. Lyons', 1. •' ■: Fat sheej) (judge, Mr.' J. Strang, of Waiwethers most suitable • for .freezing: W. Tylic, 1; J. Harding, 2; Five, ones: H. Gaisford, I,W- G. Aitken, 2. Fh : lo'ng\vool lambs; ewes oi; wethers Mr. W. H 'Nelson*'X and ,3; S.: Bolton, 2.: Five lambs. e;i'cs or : .wethers,' c'arl.i;''maturity .chief' consideration: It: H.'Todd;'.'! .and-2. 7 Children's pet' Aitken,. 1; Annie. M,'lavish, 2; W. Aitken and A. Garry, 3. PIGS. (Judge, Mr. M'Quillan, of Hastings.) Berkshire-boar,;,ovpr.,l2 months': E. White, 1 Boar, over 6'and under .32 'months': (I ' Biiiloyy 1; R. Cliannley, 2. Boar under 6 "■ months: li. White, 1 and 2. Sow, over. 12. months : E-.. White, 1. Sow over 6 'and •undir'lS .iiiontli's : E. White, 1. Sow under,6; .month's':'. J5.. White, 1: ', i •• |, Tanith)r(ih';- :& Sow^over' 12 mouths: ,E! White, 1. Sow, under 6 months: E, White, .l..._ln._the.:three. hoar._nnd one sow classes the juctee madoi no award. ' Yorkshire.—Sow, over 12 mouths: E. White,U;. Sow, up„to 12 months :E. White, ' Other' varieties.—Two : bacon pigs:: R. Charmley,, ( 1; J., 8.. Veale,,2. Two pbrk pigs: J. B. Veale, 1: Mi Lyons, 2. Cross-bred sow with litter:. J; H. Turner, 1; li. Charmley, 2. . * • :i ' ' DOGS. . ' Mr. I). M'Donald, of Waitahora.) ' Collie dog, rough coated.—J. Holbrook, 1 and 2. Collie dog, smooth-coated: F. Grieves, l. ; Collie hitch, smooth-coated: J. Murray, 1.. Bearded dog: W. .E. Oliver, 1. : Gordon setter: Jas.' Blair, 1. - English setter :; G. B, Willis, 1; Rita Nicholson, 2.: Cocker spaniel dog: "A. , Laing; I.' Cocker spaniel bitch: ,W. Batty, ! 1 and 2. . Field spaniel dog: G. Anderson, ]; Miss Mackie, 2. Greyhound dog: Mrs. A. Maguire,- 1. Greyhound bitch : Percy Burlacc, 1; E. Curric, 2; G. ! Edwards)' 3:
Terriers—Smooth dog: H. Madeloy, 1; smooth' bitch: H. Madelcy, 1; S. Hutchings, 2. Fox terrier clog: N. Scorgie, l : and-2; H.; Madeloy, 3. Fox terrier hitch: PI. Madeley, 1; W. Remnant, 2. Irish terrier dog: J. Blair, 1. ; . POULTRY. (Judge, Mr. J. -Jarvis,. of' Rongoten.) . ' Game, hen: W, Hatty, 1 and 2. Game, Indian hen: Batty, 1 ! and 2. Orpington, black hen: Miss C. Sv. Fribcrg, 2., Wyandotte, silver pullet - . \V. Lovell, 1 ami special, and 2. Brown leghorns, cockerel: Mrs. G. H. Radford, 1.; Pullet: Jlrs. G. H. Radford. -'White leghorns, hen: Jlrs/ G. • 11. Radford, 1; cockerel,' H. Morloy, 1. Houdan, lien: Miss C. S. Friberg, 1 and 2. Bantams, cockerel: H. Madeley, 1; pullet, H. Madeloy, .1. • Ducks, Pekin drake,: S. Avery, 1 and 3; 6. Green, 2. Pekin'diicks: S. Avery, 1 and 3; J. Green, 2. Aylesbury drake: Miss C. Friberg, 1. Indian ntimor drake: .1. Blair, 1; E. Harding, 2. Indian runner duck: ;Edgar Harding, 1. I Table'birds.—Six chickens: Jlrs. G: 1\ Smith, 1 ;■ "W.'Lorel!, 2. • INDUSTRIAL .EXHIBITS. ' (Judge, Jlr. J. A., Nasli, of Palmerston ' .North.) . ~ . ' W r hite wheat: . Williams and Keltic, 1; •rod wheat ' Williams and 'Kettle, 1. Long oats: Williams jmd Kettle, 1; short oats, Williams and Kettle, I. Cape burley: .Wil-
liams and Kettle, 1. Rye: Williams and Kettle, 1. Ryegrass: Williams and Kettle, 1. Cocksfoot: Williams and Kettle, 1. 'Marigold seeds: Williams and Kettlo, 1. "White clover: Williams and Kettle, 1. Cow • grass: Williams and Kettle, 1. Turnip seeds: "Williams and Kettle, 1. Linseed: Williams and Kettle, 1. Potatoes: S. Peck, 1; Mrs. J. P. Smith, 2. Powdered , butter,' hand-made, for table; uso: Mrs. H. , F. Holder, 1 and' 2;. Mrs. H. Clarke, 3. Honey (extracted): H./T. .Ware,, 1; E. Harding, 2; E. Jensen, 3. Honey (in comb): E. Jensen, 1; H. T. Ware, 2;, W. Hughes, 3. Homc-mado bread, white: Mrs; T. Hyghes, 1; Miss Vid\ Wright, 2; Sirs. H. Clarke, 3. Homo-mado bread, brown: Miss M. Davics, I;' Mrs. T. Huglies, 2.
CHILDREN'S SCHOOL WORK. (Judge, Mr. R. H. Billens, of Palmerston .. North.) . . .... Drawing.—Freehand, Standard VI: -J. B. Ellingham, Makairo School, 1; Josephine Dobbyn, Wocdvillo, 2. ' Standard V: Jack Mackie, 'Kumeroii,' I;' James' Little; Kumcroai 2. Standard IV: Isabel Ellingham, Makairo'," 1; Leo" Arrow, Makairo, 2: "Brushwork, sweet peas, Standard VI.: Ivy M'Affrey, Woodvilie, 1: Jonie Ivirkpatrick, Woodvilie, 2. Original designs.—Standard V:, Lila ;Lovell." Woodvilie, 1; Elsio Oulsnam, Woodvilie, 2. - Simple designs.—Standard IV: Ethel Raboiie, Woodvilie., 1; Ethel Hyde,-. 2. ''Writing, plain stoning.—Standard VI: Charles Hind, Woodvillei '1; Ivy ..Hyde, Woodvilie, 2. Plain sloping, Standard V: Diana 'Pillans, Hcretaun'ga, 1; Lottie Noetll, Woodvilie. 2. Plain sloping.—Standard IV: Charles Fletcher, 1; E. o'Hngan,' : Kunieroa';" 2. Mhnping.—S. Avery, Ballance, 1; Willie Trask, Ballance, 2. , COMPETITIONS. (Judges, Messrs. D. O. Riddiford ■ and A. ' * Reid.) Boys' Pony Leaping (up to 1-L2 bands).—; J. A. Blair's Weo M'Gregor, 1; A.' M. Harmer's, Raw-hiri, 2; G: E„ Glecson's'Tilly, 3. Boys' I'oiiy Leaping (up to 13.2 :hands).-W. J. A. Blair's Weo M'Gregor, 1; H.. Monteith's Dot,' 2; 11. Montoitb's Twopence,'' 3: Girls' Leaping (undor 15 ' years).—J. A. Blair's AVeo M'Gregor. 1; A. M. farmer's Rawhiri, 2; J. M'Tavisli's Diclt, 3. Ladies' Leaping.—A. Sanson's.Mona (Miss Paul), 1; J. Sweeney's Corroboreo (Miss Stewart), 2;' A. Strawbridge's Carpenter (Miss Paul). 3 • ; . ,'. ■ 'Men's Driving.;—H. James, 1; E. Burnell, 2; H. F. Cobb, 3. ' ' Maiden Leaping.—W.. Ritchie's Scotch Mist, 1; J. B. Gaisford's The Vagrant, 2; N-. L. Avery's Commodore, 3.
Trotting 'in,-Harness.— .1; J. Robertson,'2.,;,. . .. i' Hunters'' : Leaping.. for tho , Bachelor's Cup.—J.. B. Gaisford's Tile Vagrant,'' 1 1; W. Ritchie's ;Scotch "-Mist, 2; A.i Strawbridge's Carpenter, 3. ■ | 1 Reicue ' Race.—Percy Harris, .!;■ G. F. Ranby, 2; A. Strawbridgo,. 3.,..
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Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 132, 27 February 1908, Page 4
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2,170PRIZE-LIST. Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 132, 27 February 1908, Page 4
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