PHASES OP THE MOON. FEBRUARY. Day. Hr.m. Now Moon 2 8. 6 p.m. First qunrter ... 0 3.57 p.m. Full moon 17 8.35 p.m. Last quarter ... 25 2.45 p.m HIGH WATER. To-day, G. 30 a.m.; 6.50 p.m. To-morrow, 7.15 n.m.; .7.37 p.m. : SUN. ■ . ■. - Sun rises to-day, 5.18 a.m.; sets, 6.50 p.m. ARRIVALS. ' WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY ID. . rOHERUA, 8.8. (1 a.m.), U75 tons, Aldwell, .from Westport. WAIHI,, s.s. (2 a.m.), 92 tons, Carey, from Blenheim. BLENHEIM, s.s. (2.20 a.m.), 120 tons, Watson, from Blenheim. OPAWA, s.s. (3 a.m.), 110 tons, Nicholas, from Blenheim. PATEENA, s.s. (3.15 a.m.), 1212 tons, Stewart, from Nelson. Passengers: Saloon —Misses Sinclair, Green, Coote, Martin, Mesdames Hooton, Gilbert, Collard, Rowa and 3 children. Staples, Hill, Pittard, White, Friend, Cooto, Trapnell and 2 children, Jeffries, Dickson, Curnow, Rov. Harrison, Messrs. Jlooton, Hooper, Mitchell, Maguire, Chambers, Ci-oucher, Hill, Longhurst, Stewart, M'Hattie, • Grange, Pittard, Toomey, White, Rowe, Ward, Friend, Geoch, Maginnity, Finlayson, Cam pbol!, Adams, Bond, Greenfield, Uurnow, Smith, Price, Graham, Salisbury; 10 steerage. CORINNA, s.s. (6 a.m.), 1271 tons, Cameron, from Southern ports. MAORI, s.s. (6.10 a.m.), 339!) tons, Manning, from Lyttelton. Passengers: Saloon—Misses Bcare, Iveeting, Barnett; ■ Goode, AVells (2), Andrew, Brown, Abbott, Davis (2), Keens, Maindonald, Ellis, Allen, Richards, _ Kenny, Hudd, Brettargh, Hornby, Magill, Smith, Farmer, Foster, Dodds, M'Dougall, Percival, O'Brien, Weston, Clothier, Mesdames.' Renting, Fisher, Hislop, Cowdcry, Cameron, Wells, Thoms, Crawford,. Andrew, ai'itutchenson, Doyley, Simpson, . Flower, Murray, Campbell, Leo and child, Hawkins,' Kin", Conman. O'Connoll, Clothier, Fane, Stewart. Hill and child, Brown, Cone, Lodge, Walsh, Revs. Griffin, Pendray, Thomas, Thomson, Slade, Colonel Lyster, Messrs. Gow, Ponder, Smith, Hislop, Milnes, Cowdery, Cameron, Spears. Hnrtland, Wylie, Berry, Bluett, Woodhouse, Bel!, Wells, M'Hutclienson, Johnson, Flower, Jones, Murray, M'Dougall, Duncan, Swift, Boyes, Bissutt, Taylor, Robb. Cuddan,' Gore, Hall, Wilson, Brown, Magill, Pratt, Dore, Ward, Hawkins, Hooper, Williams, M'Kay, Pennington, Hunt, Pratt, Pressley, Weston; Rcuu; au steerage. MAHEXO, 5.5."(9.45 a.m.), 5252 tons, .Neville, from Sydney. Passengers:' Saloon—Misses Levin, Small, Dean, Furnham, Kirlcby; Fisher (2), Allen, Dunn, Ralston, Mnckielson, Wilson, Watt, Bourk'e, Guir'ncy, M'Fadgen, . Hay, Blooksidge, l Teasdale, Tregear, Scnullar, Nurses Hughes and Campion, Mesdames Dean, Babbane, M'Harric and 2 children,. ICirkwood_, Burnett and child, Fisher, Cox, Allen, Whitty, Clayton, Cohen, Saunders, Emanuel, Bourke, Guirney, Wilkie, Marsden, Blooksidge, Joss,' Harvey, Spencer, M'Williams, Teasdale, Broome and child, Gilmer, Campion, Birch and child, Dix, Captain ; Holmes, Messrs. Brown, Dean, Hay, M'Harrie, Otto flaumann, Sinister, Brown, Gore, Howell, Girdlestone, Houston, Webb, .Tones, Wilkinson, Eichmnnn, Fisher, Allen, Hill, Dunn,' Dimant. Lees, Neunhoffer, Linifcburner, Cameron, Harkins, Watt, Parkinson, Nesbitt, Robinson, Cooke, Marsden, Olding, Harvey (2,. Andrews,' Eve- 1 nctt; Jlorean, Johnston, Marter, Turtin, M'Williams, Teasdale; Nowson, Cramp, King, Campion, M'Dowall, . Gilbert, _ Birch, Nudds, Broome; 107' steerage.' For. Picton—Miss and. Mr. Watt. For Nelson—Messrs.' W. J. Tlnvaites and Coboldcck. For Westport—Mr. . Williamson. For Auckland—Mrs. and Mr". M'Williams. For Lyttelton—Misses Priest,- Simms (3), Curd, Wilkin (2), Mesdames Empson and child, Priest, Roberts, Pcachor, Blackniore, Lenchan, Simms, Nott, Wilkin, Messrs. Empson, Priest, Mather, Strang, Perry; (2), Rhodes, Peachor, Blackmore, Hiorns, Davrell, Mulgan, Doig,. Foster, Palmer, .Wilkin. For'Dunedin— Mesdames Clay and child, Robertson, Dwyer, Jack, Messrs. Cnstlow, Tee, Franks, Wilkie, Captain Evans, 'Dr. • Clay. For Bluff—Miss M'Kenzie, Mrs. Gougli, Messrs. M'Kenzie, Knox.
PENGUIN, s.s. (11.-10 a.m.), 624 tons. Bobertson, from Onehunja and New Plymouth. Passengers: Saloon—Misses -Pascoe, Field, Mesdaihes Pascoe, Jordan, . Martin, Rodgers, Messrs.. Harle, Brown; 4 steerage. : .MAN ABO A, s.s. (i.15 p.m.), 122 tons, Hart, from Motueka.. t , IvAPITI, s.s. (1.30 p.m.), -V- tons, Siia\v, from Lyttel ton. --y : RURU, s.s. (5.35 p.m.), 65 tons; Nelson, from Napier. .' ARAHURA, s.s'. (5.20 p.m.), 159G tons, Lambert, from Greymouth. Westport, ana Nel.suii Passengers: Saloon—Misses Bollard, Tr,iih>ll. Mitchell, Henderson, Sullivan, NJrse ".'ari'O-. son, Spencer, Roskelly, Jamiesi.n,. C'oatman, Hadgcman, Bremner, Murphy, Gilbert, L. Bartlett, Bartlett. Johnstone, Mesdarues Lhoenberg and child,- Barton, H'Tlunaid, Tennent,' Armstrong, Shern and (hill, Wood, Chong;, Larves, Stratford, Haroid, Healey, C. Piteaithley, Glampley, Cleland, Jackson, Deo and boy, Page, Snodgrass and' jliihl, Everett, Misses Armstrong, Hales, J.' Meagher, Franklin, Rasmusscn, A. J. Collins, Barten, M'Donnld, M. Hale, A. \Yilliams, Puttie, Y\ Taylor, Holder, Mullen, J. v ll.og;iii. B. Lyons, D. .Lyons, .F. Reid, Stern,~ J. G. Woon, Hoult, Walker, Garner, Kelly, Roach, Downey, Stratford, M'Ginley, Biss, Hodgenson, A. Long, Hcaloy, Mnnda.v, Csul.ieil, rh:n;son, Glample, Brain, Hume, J. fcurns, 'viiis;, Kenning, Seymour, M'Lean, Dearman, Jennings, Cooks, Jackson, Burnetti, Chong, Dee, Hodson, Newport, A. Thomas, Astle, Kirk, and 23J steei age: ■TE ANAU, s.s. (11.30 p.m.), 1652 tons, Lindsay, from Picton. Passengers: Saloon—Misses Lampp, Lloyd, Mentiplay, Harrison, Newbold, Stokes, Osborn, Anderson, Reathew, Rodgerson, Thrower, Rabone, M'esdames Ambury and child, Gilbertson, Leslie, Brown and 2 children, Finlay, O'Brien, Fairweather, Woodman, Butt, .Messrs. Manson, Marsack, Ambury (2), Tymons, Davis, Parker, Gee;' Gilbertson, Tanner, Wirrell, Smith, Owen, Davis, Wiggins, Friston, Dalgleish, Leslie, Weld, Churton, Barkcr, Elvy, Stables, Nieoll, Eainveather, Woodman, Keciian, Urewood, Black; 13 steerage. THURSDAY, .FEBRUARY 20. ORETI, s.s. (1 a.m.),- 215 tons, Robertson, from Wanganui. , DEPARTURES. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 19.. OPAWA, s.s; (12.10 pun.)', 110 tons, Nicholas, for .Blenheim. PATEENA, s.s. (1 p.m.), 1212 tons, Stewart, for Picton and Nelson—4G passengers. MONOWAI, s.s. Oi-40"p.m.), 3433 tons, Rolls, for Lyttclton and • Dunedin. lv.ssengers — Saloon: For Lyttclton—-Mr. Brown. For Dunedin Misses M'Lean (2), Orkney, Lindsay, Burns, Mrs. Fearnie, Messrs. Robinson, Yotton, Rev. Fearnie. , WAICATU, s.s/ (5.20 p.m.), 157 tons, Wills, tor Ivaikoura. 1 ■ ' * IvAHU, s.s. (G.lO .p.m.), 182'.tons,'Thompson, 'Or Napier, via East Coast. .. . MAORI, s.s. ■ (8.35 p.m.), 3399 tons, Manning, for , L.vttelton. Passengers: Saloon—Misses Stephenson. Wilkin (2), Curd, Morrison, Lancaster, Buce, Murray,, Mesuames Bandinett, Lamb, Proctor, Stephenson, -Porter, Wilkin', Stewart, Sir ;;W. J. Steward, Messrs. Broad.' Gilbey, Biss,. Sputh, Hevnarri, M'Doueall, Munro,-Newbold; Rev. ':Bartlett, - Bandinett! i Lamb, Palmer, Proctor, Gray, Strang, George, • .Manhard, Porter, Townsend, , P? 1 Boyd, Taynell, Morrison. Jones, Whitehead, Rough. Flemincr, Lancaster, Stevenson, Collie,.' Freeman, Redstone;.' gMANAROA, s.s, (g p.m.), 122 tons, Hart, for Blmheim' S ' S ' p,m tons ' Carey, for EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Pateena,: Nelson and Picton, February 20. Putiki, Lyttclton, February 20. Opawa, Blenheim, Fcbniary 20.. Hawea, Lyttclton, February 20. Stormbird,'Wanganui, February 20. ' Iluia, Motueka, February- 20. ' - Queen of tho South, Foxton, February 20. ' Tasman, Motueka, February 20. ■ Mana, Patea, February 20. Aorcre, Patea, February 20. Rotomalmna, Lyttelton, Fobrnary 20. Ennerdale,' Sydney, via Auckland, Febru-ary-20. ' . Victoria, Dunedin and 'Lyttclton, February 20. Manuka, Sydney, via Auckland; February. 20. \\ nnmcra, . Melbourne) via South, February 21. lorgaitwn. Onehungn, February 21. Kaiapoi, Lyttclton, February 21. . Waihi, Blenheim, February'2l. / Iluuairi. Auckland, via East Coast, February 21. Kennedy, Fox ton, February 21. Defender, Karaiuea, February lil. ■ Taknpuna, Oneluinpr Jiow Plymouth,' Fobruaxr 22.
Maponrika, Nelson and West Coast, February 22. Kaliu, Napier, February 22. 1 Monowai, Lyttelton, Dunedin, February 23. Wakatu, Kaikoura, February 23. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Ruapehu, Lyttelton, February 20. Queen of the South, Foxton, February 20. • Maheno, Melbourne, via South and fiobart, February 20. Te Anau, Nelson, February 20. Penguin, Picton; Nelson, New Plymouth, Onehunga, • February 20. Ruapehu, Lyttelton, February 20. Corinna, New Plymouth, Oiiehunga, ■ February 20. Blenheim, Blenheim, February 20. , Stormbird, Wanganui, February 20. Nerehana, Wanganui, February 20. Aorore, Patea, February 20. Tutanekai, South, February 20. : . Rotomahana, Lyttelton, February". 20. '• Tasman, Motueka, Februnry 20. Opawa, Blenheim, February 20. Oroti, Wanganui, February 20. lluid, Motueka, February 21. Waihi, Blenheim, February 21. Kennedy, Nelson and West Coast, February 21. Indralema, Lyttelton, February 21. Manuka, Lyttelton, Dunedin, February 21. . Wimmera, Sydney. February 21. Pateena; Nelson, February 21,. Arahura, Nelson and West Coast, February 22. Te Anau, Picton, February 22. Wakatu, Kaikoura, February 23. Kahu, Napier and East Coast, February 24. INTERCOLONIAL SERVICE. MAHENO, s.s., left Sydney, February 15; for Wellington direct. Arrived Wellington February 19.' Leaves February 20, for Molbourne, via 'Southern ports and Hobart. Due Melbourne, February 29. ZEALANDIA, s.s., left Sydney, Fobruary 19, for Wellington, via Auckland; Gisborne, and Napier. Due Wellington, February 128, and leaves same day for Lyttelton and Dunedin. MOERAKI, s.s., left Melbourne, February 19, for Wellington, via Hobart and Southern ports. Duo Wellington, February 2S. Leaves for Sydney direct same day. Due Sydney; March 2.. " MANUKA, s.s., left Sydney, February .12, for Wellington, via Auckland, Gisborne,* and Napier. Duo Wellington, February 21. Leaves for Lyttelton and Dunedin same day. WIMMERA, s.s., left Melbourne, February \2,' for Wellington, via Hobart and Southern sorts. Duo Wellington, February 21. Leaves for Sydney direct same day. Duo Sydney, ¥ebruary 25. ' WARIiIMOO, s.s., leaves Sydney, February 22, for Wellington direct.., Due . Wellington February .20.Leaves. .February .27 "for Melbourne, via Southern ports and Hobart. Due! Melbourne March 7. ■ MOICOIA, s.s., leaves Sydney, February 26; for Wellington,:'via Auckland, • Gisborne, and Napier. Due Wellington . March G.: Leaves same , day for Lyttelton. and Dunedin. ' " : " ' VICTORIA, s.s., left Dunedin --February 18, for Sydney, via : Lyttelton, •; Wellington, Napior, Gisborne, and Auckland. Arrives rind leaves Wellington February 20. Due 1 Sydnev • February 28. * OVERSEA SHIPPING. ; STEAMERS TO ARRIVE. From London. MARERE (due Wellington about February 23), sailed on December 19, 'via Melbourne, Sydney, Auckland, and Napier. (Tyser Line, agents.) , TOKOMAItU (duo Wellington about February 21), sailed on December 14, via Auckland. (Shaw. Savill, agents.) .' AJtAWA (due Wellington about February 25), sailed oil January 9, Plymouth January 11, via Capetown and Hobart. . (Shaw, Savill, agents.) ItAKAIA (due Wellington, about March 10), sailed on January. 11, via Auckland. (N.Z.S." Co.. agents.) .• . ■ ; > RIMUTAKA (diie Wellington about March 12), sailed on'. January 26, via' Plymouth, TemrilTc, Capetown, 1 and Hobart. (N.Z:S. Co., agents.) STAR OF SCOTLAND, (due Wellington about April 1), sailed on January* 17; via Melbourne; Sydney, Auckland, and Napier. (Tyser Line, agento.) s : WHAKARUA (due, Wellington about April 12), sailed on January 31, via Melbourne, Sydney, Auckland, and Napier. (Tyser Lino, agents.)
■ MAMARI '(duo Wellington about March 21), sailed on February T, Plymouth February, 9, ,yia TeneriCfe, Capetown,-and l Hobart. (Shaw/ Savill, agents.) Prom Liverpool. ..OSWESTRY GRANGE (due Wellington about February 24), sailed on December 16, Auckland. (N.Z. and A.S. Co., agents.) . KIA ORA (due Wellington about February 21), sailed oii January 2, via Auckland. (Shaiv, 'Savill, agents.) ■ ■ , "Y'.. v ? SUREET (due Wellington about March 25); sailed OH Jnuuary 18, via Auckland. (k' Linn, agents.) DEVON (due' Wellington-, about ,April 17); sailed' on February 8J via Australia and Auckland. (F.H.S. Line, agents.) ' From Now York. ' I.ORD SEFTON" (duo Wellington about February. 25), sailed on November 28, Via Australian ports and Auckland. (A. and A. Line, agents.) NEW ORLEANS (due. Wellington about February 28), sailed on December 10, for Auckland direct. (A. and A.-Line, agents.) ABERLOUR (duo , Wellington about March 12), sailed on January.2, via Fort Chalmers. - STAR OF ENGLAND (due Wellington about April 5), sailed on January 14, via. Melbourne, Sydney, and Auckland.' (Tyser Line, agents.) STRATHAVON (duo Wellington about April 8), sailed on January 13, via Melbourne, Sydney, and Auckland. (A. and A. Line, ngents.) SAILING, VESSELS TO ARRIVE. .. INVERMAY, barque, sailed from Liverpool Noveinber 13, via Dunedin. WE ATHERSFIELD, barque, left' liunbury February 1, for Wellington. ' COLONIAL EMPIRE, four-masted barque left Monto Video'on February i for Wellington, BY TELEGRAPH.' 1 OVERSEA. LONDON. . ' . .. . , . , . February 18. Arrived.—lonic, from Wellington. Sailed.—Maori, for Auckland. Sailed.—Wakanui, for Timaru. SUVA. ' ' ' February 19. Sailed.—Navua, s.s., for Sydney. >j MELBOURNE. v; . February 19. Arrived.—Kazembe, from New Zealand. ' Sailed.—Moeraki, for the Bluff. SYDNEY.' February 19. Arrived.—Southern Cross, from Thames.', ' Sailed. —Zealandia (2 p.m.), for Auckland! - NEWCASTLE. February 19. ■ .Arrived.—Volador, from Wellington. ' COASTAL. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 19. CAPE MARIA f Reports. Union, Company's, steamer-,from east | passed south-west at.'.p'!m. It was. too hazy to distinguish the signals. y - , KAIPARA. <■■■; ;..Sailed.—Northern Chief, barque, for Sydney. AUCKLAND. / . , . Arrived—Lord Seftou (B.SO' a.m.),' from Sydney. Sailed.—Manapouri, s.s. (4 p.m.), for Eastern Pacific. , Sailed.—Eauroto, s.s. (2.30 p.m.), for Fiji. :. Sailed.—'Tokomaru; s.s., for Wellington. Sailed.—Euncrdale, s.s., for. Wellington. . ' r" . : ONEHUNGA. ... Sailed.— I Torgauten (5.40 p.m.), for Wellington. WAIT AllA. , Arrivc'd.—Tainui (10 a.m.), from Wellington. NEW PLYMOUTH. Arrived.—Rarawa (6.20 a.m.), from Onehunga. Railed.—Jl-arsitfn. (9 p.m.), for Onehunga. Sailed.—lCittawa (0.20 p.m.), for Onehunga. : ■' NAPIER. Arrived.—Corinthie (8 a.m.), from Gishorne. Arrived.—Waikare. (10.30 a.m.), from Wellington. ' ' ' •" ' To sail— Corinthie (3- a.m. Thursday), for Wellington. '- WANGANUI. • , Arrived.—Stormbird (9.15 a.m.), from Wellington. , Railed.—Oreti (10.45 a.m.), for Wellington,
PATEA. Arrived:—Aorere (10.15' a.m.), from' Wcllingi ton. 'Arrived.—Kiripaka -(10.20 a.m.), from Wellington. FOXTON. Arrived.—Queen of the South (10.30 a.m.), from Picton. To sail.—Queen of the South (10 p.m.), for Wellington. MOTUEKA. Arrived.—Huia (9.20 a.m.), from Wellington. To sail.—Huia and Tasman (8 p.m.),. for Wellington. NELSON. Arrived.—Tasman (5.50 a.m.), and Alexander (10.10 a.m.), from Wellington. . Arrived.—Mapourika (G. 20 a.m.), from Picton. BLENHEIM. Opawa crossed bar inwards 7.45 p.m. To sail.—Opawa (6 a.m. "Thursday),, for Wellington. : : '/. . PICTON. Pateena (4i55 p.m.), from WellingTo sail.—Pateena (10.30 p.m.;, for Nelson. ICARAMEA. ' ' Arrived.—Defender (12.20 p.m.), from Wellington. , WESTPORT. ton rriVetl '~ KaiaPOi ( 6 ' 55 P ' m '), from WellingGREYMOUTH. (9.5 aim.), from WelliugLYTTELTON. ' Arrived.—Victoria (G. 20 a.m.), from Dunedin:' Wairuna' (8.40 a.m.), from Timaru. Arrived.—Rotomahana (9.55 a.m.), from Wellington. Sailed.—Hawea . (12.15 p.m.), for Wellington. lictoria (7.25 p.m.), for Sydnev. via H ellington, Napier, Gisborne. and Auckland. Papongers-SaloDn: For. Wellington-Misses Jlilclungs, David, Thompson, Mesdames JLhompson. Wray, David, Messrs.; W. Milne, uleahiil, C. C. Jennings, Thompson, Parsons, Morton, Brick. Whitfield, Carrick. Kennett! ror. Napier—Miss N. Todd. Mesdames Butcher, Russell, Duncan. For Gisborne-Misses Fielder, Meddowc.roft, Mrs. Fielder. For .Auckland-, Misses Brown, Bruce, Mesdames ■ Strickett, Ronnie, Messrs. T W. Eeid, H. De C. Hudson, J. .traig.. lor Sydnoy—Misses Piggott, M'Gillwary, Mesdames Piggott, ■ David, Mr. J. G: Davis. Sailed.—Rotomahana (6.30 p.m.). for Wellington,', with 110 passengers. t Sailed.—Taieri, for Greymoath. ' . TIMARp. ' , Arrived.—Thorpe' Grange, from Port Chalmers. i teUon Sa^'~^^orpe ranSD for Lyt- ': - ■ dunedin. ArrivedAFlora, from West Coast. ' hailed.-Eakanoa, for Picton . and Westport. . Sailed.-Wiinmera, for Sydney, via Cook ' '£ aBScn BPJ?.{. > I'w 'Lyttelton—Mrs. sample, Messrs. ..Gibbs, Crouch,: Moore and family, _Bowron,. Sample. For WellingtonMissesßaird, Heany, Monk, Murdoch, M'Carter, Mesdames Harlow, Lennox, Cassidv and child, Mr. Lennox. For Sydney-Miss Hooper, Mesdames Bovs and child, White, Messrs! Hanihan, Hardman, Claxon, Newson. . BLUFF. Sailed.—Flora, for Dunedin. LATEST SPE AKING—THE INVERMAY. The "Commercial News" reports that the barque Inyermnv which is. 93; days. out from .Ln erpool to Wellington, was ; spoken on' January _1 in 3odeg. 20min. south, latitude 20den. llnun., east; longitude. . • '■ THE WESTPHALEN.' iv Th ,. e 1 - ST ° rdd ?utcl'er Llovd Company's steamer W estphalen is due at Auckland to-dav, from via Sydney. After unloading her caigo, the steamer will take in cargo, and leave for. Sydney, Antwerp, Hamburg, and Bremen early next week. THE CORINTHIC.' Owing, to delay in her coastal loading operations, the . departure of the' Shaw, Savill, arid ST,\° n Company's steamer Corinthic, from Wellington, for London, via way ports, has been postponed' ' till' February 29, two davs later than was expected. The Corinthic 'is due to arrive in Wellington on Tuesday. TIIE MAORILAND SHIPPING CO. ,The Maoriland, Company's steamer Ennerdale left " Auckland yesterday, for Welliugton, and is due here to-morrow. She is brincinK 400,000 ft.' of hardwood : timber for': discharge here. The Company's steamer Torgauten left Onehunga yesterday afternoon; timber-laden, for Wellington.
THE WAIHI INQUIRY. The Magisterial Inquiry into the stranding of. the Waihi on February 7 is set down for 2.30 p.m. to-day. It. is doubtful whether the in- ■ '(luiry will be held this afternoon, as the Waihi left lor Blenheim last night.' In the event of the Waihi not returning in time, the Court will probably adjourn till ■ Friday. Captains Gray and have been suggested to act'as assessors. ' ~ j;: >; • EXPORTS FOR LONDON. The Shaw, Savill steamer Ivumara, loaded the following cargo at Wellington, for London :—43OG carcasses' . mutton, 290 haunches mutton, .299 bags of legs and shoulders mutton, 3400 carcasses lamb, 1126 quarters beef, 2 pieces beef, 34 bags kidneys, GOl bales wool, 13S1 bales hemp, 4-33 casks tallow, 155' casks sho'ep casings, 56 casks pelts, 4 packages sundries. ARRIVAL OF THE MAHENO. The Union Company's: turbine steamer Maheno, from Sydney direct; arrived in the Stream about 10 a.m. yesterday. She was granted pratique, and; berthed at the Queen's Wharf. The Maheno left Sydney last Saturday afternoon, and during the voyage across the Tasman Sea' experienced south-easterly winds, and a considerable swell. The time occupied in making the passage was three days 19 hours. The Maheno brought the following importss4B bags coke, 230 cases sardines, 312 cases cocoa, 155 cases Genova, 100 cases preserves, 353 cases dried fruits, 323 cases tea, 141 cases d.c. nut, 941 cases fruit, 200 bags rico meal, 10S0 bags sugar, 50 sacks sugar, 54-18 bags salt, lGS'sacSs salt, 101 bars lead, 77 ingots copper, 45 ingots tin, 33 rolls lead, 26 hogsheads white spirit, 240 • melons, 220 sleepers (50G0ft.), 156 pieces timber (775Gft.), 37 steel channels, 2-1 barrels grease, 25 bales Hessian ; also transhipments ex, Solingen, Duisberg, Orontes, Grosser, ICurfurst, Allinga, Mooltan, Era, Marloo, Hobart, Ashridge, Coolyanna, Peregrine, Nora, Drayton Grange. The Maheno is tuned to sail at 5 p.m. to-day, for Melbourne, via Southern ports and Hobart. DUNEDIN'S NEW DOCK. * ■ At tho time when negotiations were being carried on for its- construction (states the Dunedin "Star") a good deal of stress was laid on the. fact that, by building the now dock, 'vessels would' be able to go into dock on the day of their arrival here, havo their bottoms cleaned and painted; and be ready to come out tho (following morning to resume the- work of loading or discharging cargo. Tlio new dock is now practically completed, and it remains to be seen whether these expectations will' be realised. As far as the handling of tho dock is copcerned, it is gratifvinK to find, judging by the despatch tho Waikare received on her last irip, that their realisation is assured. The Waikare went into dock at half-past 1 on Friday,afternoon, and at half-past 10 the same : mght she was cleaned I arid'painted and ready to be taken out, which I was done half an; hour after m'iduight. Dur- | ing the ten hours 19,840 square feet of her | hull and bottom had been scrubbed, scraped where necessary, and painted. The docking of the Waikare, although looked on as a very good performance, is., not considered to have touched the limit of pressure despatch; ? The barque Gen! completed discharging cargo yesterday, and was towed to an anchorage in the, Stream. ' - . The Blenheim was placed on the Patent Slip yesterday for repairs. ■ She is timed to resume her .running to Blenheim this evening. The Union Company's steamer Hawea is due hei'C this morning from Lyttelton. She is to embark a number of sheep for Lyttelton. The F.H.S. Line steamer Rippingham Grange is expected to leave Dunedin to-morrow for Brisbane and other Australian ports, for Homeward loading.- - According to " Commercial News," the barque Hippolas left Sydney on February 11 for Clarence River, to load a cargo of hnrrll wood for Wellington. ° • Tho S.S. Yeddo, of the Weir Line, left San Francisco on February 14, with 600 tons of cargo; for Auckland, where she is expected to.arrive about March 13. . Mi'. G. W. Andorton, late third, officer of the Taluue, has transferred to the Waikare in a similar capacity, relieving Mr. Winsloe* wl" 1 u ashore for instructioa*.
The tramp, steamer Marte, en route from Sydney to' South America, is expected, to put into Wellington for bunker supplies. As the vessel left Sydney last Friday, she should make an appearance shortly. According to an exchange, the steamer Louise Both, which made'several- voyages: to Australia and. New Zealand a >;ear or two ago, is to be sold. .She was built in ■ 1001" by Messrs. William-,Gray and Co.,\ West Hartlepool,, and carries about 5800 tons on 22ft 7iu. draught, and steams nine knots on 18 tons of Welsh coal. She is supplied with triple engines, aiid her dimensions are 331 ft. by 47ft. 2in. : by 27ft. 4iii. moulded. The Loiiiso Roth i 6 in port at Manchester.
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Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 126, 20 February 1908, Page 10
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3,213SHIPPING NEWS. Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 126, 20 February 1908, Page 10
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