TEASES OF THE MOON. DECEMBEU. , Day. Hr.m. New Moon 5 9.52 p.m. First Quarter 12 ' 1.46 p.m. Lull Moon 20 5.25 a.m. Last Quarter 28 ' 10.10 a.m. HIGH IVATEK. To-day, 2.11 a.m.; 2.41 p.m. To-morroy, 3.G n.m.j 3.40 p.m. SUN. Sun rises to-day, i.ll a.m.; sets, 7.21 p.m. ARRIVALS. MONDAY, DECEMBER IG. AVAIHI, s.s. (9.15 p.m.), 92 tons, Caroy, from Blenheim, KAPITI, s.s. (10.15 p.m.), 212 tons, Shaw, from Patca. AOIiERE, s.s. (10.30 p.m.), 77 tons, Fisl:, from Patea. DEPARTURES. /MONDAY, DECEMBER 18. PATEENA, s.s. (1 p.m.), 1212 tons, Hunter, for Pioton and Nelson. Passengers—Saloon : For Pidon—Misses Kenny, Meadows, Mrs. Martin,' Messrs. Robertson, Gordon, Zander, Bruce, Melville, Smith. For Nelson—Mesdames Natridge, Martin, Messrs. Leggett, Parker, Horno, Goulter. MANAROA, s.s. (3.25 p.m.), 122 tons, Hart, for Motueka. ORETI, s.s. (4.45 p.m.), 215 tons, Robertson, for Westport. TAKAPUNA", s.s. (5.10 p.m.), 103G tons, H.utchings, for New Plymouth and Onehunga. Passengers—Saloon : For New Plymouth—Mrs. M'Phee. For Onehunga—Misses Phillips, Cussen, Leggett, Mesdames Ashwin, Scott and child, Messrs. M'Lean, Hansen, Ashwin, Sturnfels. KAHU, s.s. (5.10 p.m.), 182 tons, Thompson, for East Coast. ' STORMBIRD, s.s. (6 p.m.), 217 tons, M'lntyre, for Wanganui. ' DEFENDER, s.s. (G p.m.), 190 tons, Jamieson, for Greymouth. TURAKINA, s.s. (G. 30 p.m.), 8210 tons, Forbes, for Lyttelton. BLENHEIM, s.s. (G. 45 p.m.), 120 tons, Watson, for BLenheim. KA.MONA, s.s. (8.25 p.m.), 1425 tons, Reid, for Dnnedin. : I MAORI, s.s. (8.30 p.m.), 3000 tons, Manning, for Lyttelton. passengers: Saloon—Misses Mills, Shackleton, Beaven, Blanchard, Mesdames Nixon, Gibbs, Pycroft, Blanchard, Griffiths, Ringer, Barnett, Messrs. Hyde, Hart, Fraser, Vans, Bowden, Barnett, Williams, Pitcaithly, Thornton, ' Maddison, Nixon, Jlontefiore, Tait, Black, Hunter, Blair, Welsh, O'Connell, Barnett. i QUEEN OF THE SOUTH, s.s. (9 p.m.), 198 tons, Harvey, fpr Foxton. EXPECTED ARRIVALS. VWavcrley, Nelson, December 17. Penguin, Picton and Nelson, December 17. Connna, Onehunga, December 17. Mana, Patea, December 17. Petonc, Greymouth, December 17. Kittawa, Greymouth, December 17. y Kajtuna, Greymouth, December 17. Tasman, Nelson, December 17. Rotomahana, Lyttelton, December 17. Waikaro, Auckland, Gisborne, Napier, December 17. Monowai, Dunedin, Lyttelton, December 17. Pateona, Nelson and Picton, December 17. Arnhura, West Coast, Nelson, December 18. Alaori, Lyttelton, December 18. Warriinoo, Sydney, December 18. Stormbird, Wanganui, December 18. Kahu, East Coast, December 18. Blenheim, Blenheim, December 18. .Manaroa, Motueka, December 18. Whakatanc, Wanganui, December 18. Queen of the South, Foxton, December 18. Opawa, Blenheim, December 18. Mokoia, Southern ports, December 19. Wfckalu, Kaikoura, December 19. Rotoiti, Now Plymouth and Onehunga, December 19. Moeraki, Melbourne, via South, December2o. Victoria, Sydney, via Auckland, December 20. PROIECTED DEPARTURES. Waverley, Nelson, December 17. Aorore, Patea, December 17. Waihi, Blenheim, December 17. Rob Roy, Picton and Sounds, December 17. Opawa, Blenheim, December 17. Kiripaka, Patea, December 17. Htiin, Wanganui, December 17. Kaituna, Lyttelton, December 17. Tasman, Nelson, December 17. Mapourika, Picton, Nelson, West Coast, December 17. i , Hinomoa, Northern lighthouses, December 17. Enncrdale,. Lyttelton and Bluff, December 17. Rotomaliana, Lyttelton, December 17. Waikare, Lyttcjton, Dunedin, December 17. Monowai, Napier, . Gisborne, Auckland, December 17. I , . Penguin, Picton and Nelson, December 17. Mana, Patea, December 18.) Manaroa, Havelock, December 18. Queen of the South, Foxton, December 18. Blenheim, Blenheim. December 18. Kahu, Napier and East Coast, December 18. Stormbird, Wanganui, December 18. Corinna, Southern Poiis, December 18. Patcena, Picton and Nelson. December 18. Ennerdale, Lyttelton and Bluflt, December 18. Wakatu, Kaikoura, December 19. Tongariro, London, via way ports, December 19. _ '' Warrimoo, Melbourne, via' Southern ports, December 19. Mokoia, Sydney, via. Northern ports, December 19. Rotoiti, Nelson, New Plymouth, Onehunga, December 19. Moeraki, Sydney direct, December 20. INTERCOLONIAL SERVICE. MOERAKI, s.s., left Melbourno, December II for Wellington, via Hobart and southern pots Due Wellington, December 20. Leaves for Sydney direct same' day. Duo Sydney December 24. VICTORIA, 5.6., left Sydney, December 11, for Wellington, via Auckland, Gisborne, nn-1 Napier. Duo Auckland December 15, Welling-' ton December 20. Leaves for southern porta saino day. MARAMA, s.s., leaves Melbourno, December 18, for Wellington, via Hobart and southern ports. Duo Wellington December 27. Leaves for Sydney direct samo day. Duo Sydney December 31. WARRIMOO, s.s., left Sydney, December 14, for Wellington direct. Duo Wellington December 18. Leaves for Melbourne, via southern ports and Hobart, December 19. Duo Melbourno December 2S. - MOKOIA, s.s., leaves Dnnedin, December 17, v for Sydney, via Lyttelton, "Wellington, and Northern ports. Arrives at and departs from Wellington, December 19. Leaves Auckland, December 23. Duo Sydney, December 27. MANUKA, s.s., leaves Sydney, December 18, for Wellington, via Auckland, Gisborne, and Napier. Duo Auckland, December 22, Wellington, December 27. Leaves for Lyttelton and Dunedin same day. MAHENO. t.s., leaves Melbourne, December 25. for Wellington, via Hobart and Southern ports ; Due Wellington, December 27. Leaves Wellington same day for Sydney direct. Due Sydney, December 31. WIMMER.A, s.s., leaves Sydney, December 20, for Wellington direct. Due Wellington, December 24. Leaves Wellington, December 24, for Melbourne, via Southern .ports and Hobart. Due Melbourne, January 4. ZEALANDIA, s.s., leaves Sydney, December 25, for Wellington, via Northern ports. Due Wellington, January 3. Leaves for Southern ports samo day. TA.LUNE, s.s, leaves Sydney, December 18, for Wellington direct. Due- Wellington December 22. OVERSEA SHIPPING, STEAMERS TO ARRIVE. From London. INDRADEVI (duo Wellington about Decanber 27), sailed on October 11, via Melbourno Bydnoy, Auckland, and Napier. (Tyeer Line." agents.) PAPAROA (duo Wellington about December 22). sailed on November 2, from Plymouth Novomber 4, via Capetown and Hobart. (N.Z.S. Co., .agents;) ICAIPARA (duo Wellington about Decembor 31), 6ailod on November 2, via Auckland. (N.Z.S. Co., agents.) ATHENIC (due Wellington about December 31), sailed on Novembor 14), Plymouth November 16, via Capetown und Hobart. (Shaw, Savill, agents.) PAI'ANUI (duo AVellington about January 21), sailed on Novembor, 28, Plymouth; November 30, via Capetown and Hobart. (N.'Z.S. Co., agents.) |NER.EnANA (duo Wellington about February 12), sailed on December 3, via Australian ports, Aucldaud and Napier. (Tyscr Lino, agents.) STAR OF AUSTRALIA (duo Wellington about January 18), sailed on November 6, via Australia, Auckland, and Napier. (I'yser Line, agents.)
From Liverpool. FIFESIURE (duo Wellington about December 20), sailed on October 19, via Sydney and Auckland. (I\II.S. Line, niicnts.) DELPHIC (due Wellington about December 20), sailed on October 5, via Australia. (Shaw, Savill. agents.) RIPPINGIIAM GRANGE (due Wellington about January 6), sailed on November 23, via Auckland. (F.H.S. Lino, agents.) From New York. ELVASTON (duo about December 27), e.iilod October 22, via Dunedin and Lyttclton. (N.Z.S, Co.. afents.) HAWIiE'S BAY (due Wellington ;.bout January 6), sailed on October 26, via Australia and Auckland. (Tyser Line, agents.) LORD SHI'TON (due Wellington about February 16). Sailed on November 28, via Australian ports and Auckland. (A. and A. Line, agents.) NEW ORLEANS (due Wellington about February 8). Sailed on December 10, for Auckland direct. (A. and A. Line, agents.) INDRALEMA (due Wellington about February 19). Sailed on December 8, via Australia and Auckland. (Tyser Line, agents.) ' SAILING VESSELS TO ARRIVE. GENI, Italian barquo, 6ailed from' Marseilles September 4, via Bluff. (Buscoo and Co., agents.) INVERMAY, barque, sailed from Liverpool November 19, via Dunedin. LOCII GARVE, ship, sailed from Melbourne December 14. (G. 11. Scales, agent.) BY TELEGRAPH. OVERSEA. SYDNEY. December 16. Sailed.—H.M.S. Prometheus, for Auckland. COASTAL. MONDAY, DECEMBER 16. AUCKLAND. Arrived.—lndradevi (5.30 p.m.), from Sydney. Sailed.—Zcalandia (11.30 a.m.), for Sydney. ' ONEIIUNGA. Sailed.—Rotoiti, for New Plymouth. Passengers: Saloon—Misses Baker (2), M'Leod, Hopkirk, Richardson, Lundou, Skect, Brown (2), Bayly, Ironside, Kelly, Hunt, Mesdames Rennell, Oughton, Swain, Woodward, Levin, Cross and 4 children, Creamer, Goodwin and 3 children, Messrs. Vousden, Becson, Rennell, Cottrell, Morley, Lane, Dicks, Jlyland, Agnew,, Levin, Oughton, Durbendge, Meadhurst, alid Master Taylor. NEW PLYMOUTH. Arrived.—Rarawa (5 a.m.), from Cfnehunga. Sailed.—Corinna (4.30 p.m.), for Wellington. Sailed.—Rarawa (9 p.m.), for Onehunga. PATEA. Sailed.—Mana (9.15 p.m.), for Wellington. GISBORNE. ■"Arrived.—Waipori (4 a.m.), from Wellington. NAPIER; Sailed.—Waikare (3.40 p.m.), for Wellington. < PICTON. Arrived. —Patccna (11.35 p.m.), from Wellington. Sailed.—Ripplo (4.40 p.m.), for Nelson. Sailed.—Pateehn (7 p.m.), ,for Nelson. To sail.—Penguin (9.30 p.m.), for Wellington. NELSON. Arrived.—Penguin, (4.30 a.m.), from Wellington. KAIKOURA. Arrived.—Wakatu (5.15 a.m.), from Wellington. MOTUEKA. ■ To sail.—Tasman (5.30 p.m.), for Wellington. ' GREYMOUTII. Arrived.—Petone -(7 a.m.), Kotnku (7.30 a.m.), ICittawa (8 a.m.), Kaituna (8.30 a.m.), and Pareroa (9 a.m.), from Wellington. Arrived.—Arahura (8.30 a.m.), from Westport. To sail. —Arahura (6 p.m.), for Wcstport. WESTPORT. Arrived.—Komata (6 p.m.), from Wellington. LYTTELTON. Sailed.—Mono'wai (6.20 p.m.), for Wellington. Sailod.—Rotomahana (7.15 p.m.), for Wellington. BLUFF. Arrived—Mooraki (6.3,' i a.m.), from Melbourne and Hobart. Passengers for Wellingtoil: Saloon—Misses Rodgers, Davies, Mug-' ridge, Mesdames Saunders, Murray, Davis, Messrs. Snunderson, Merwick, Duff, Hudson, Bcattie, Harbroe, and 40 steerage. Arrived. —Mahcno, from Dunedin. , Sailed.—Moeraki, for Dunedin. Sailed. —Maheno, for Melbourne. THE TALUNE. • The -Union Company advise that .the Taluno is expected to leave' Sydney to-morrow, for Wellington direct. Tho vessel will bring passengers, and also a cargo of coal. TIIE TUTANEKAI. Tho Government steamer Tutanekai was anchored in Worser Bay yesterday, there being too much fog in the Straits to do the cablo work. So far, success has not attended the efforts to find the cable, which requires repairing. EXPORTS BV THE NIWARU. Tho Tyser Liner Niwaru, which sailed for London on Sunday, shipped the following cargo at Wellington -.—2160 bales wool, 3ftS bales flax, 492 casks tallow, 30 casks pelts', 504 cases meats, 5100 legs mutton, 11,195 carcases mutton, 8108 carcases lamb. THE SYDNEY BOAT. The Union Company's steamer Wnrrimoo, which left Sydney on Saturday, for Wellington direct, is bringing 137 saloon and 181 steerage passengers for tho Dominion. Of this number, 77 saloon- and 67 steerage passengers aro for Wellington. Tho Wnrrimoo is expected to arrive to-morrow. THE OPAWA. >' On leaving Lyttelton the New Zealand ShipP' n ? Company s steamer Opawa proceeds to Waitara, for Homeward loading. Auckland is the next port of call, Gisborne, Napier, Wan-' ganui, ana Wellington following in order. The Opawa will niako Wellington her final port and sail from here about the end of January, for Loudon. UNION COMPANY'S CARGO FLEET. Tho approximate movements of the Union Company's cargo steamers for week ending December 21 are as follow:— Aparima.—Leaves Tacoma early, for United. Kingdom, via Monto Video. Wairuna—Discharging Lyttleton, thence Dunedin. \Y h_angape.—Leaves Auckland December 18, for Nowcastlo and Fiji Wanaka.—Leaves Newcastle early, for Lyttelton and Bluff. Rakanoa.—Left Auckland December 14, for Newcastle, thence Wellington and Lyttelton. Kaituna.—Leaves Greymouth early, for Wellington and Lyttclton. Waipori.—-Discharging Napier, thence Westport and Wellington. Komata.—Leaves Westport December 16, for Melbourne and Sydney. . Kaiapoi.—Leaves' Newcastle early, for Timaru and Dunedin. Hnwea.—Westport-^Vellington. Taieri.—Leaves Greymouth December 18, for Lyttelton and Timaru. I'olicrua.—Leaves Westport December IG, for Auckland. Pukaki.—Leaves Greymouth early, for Lyttclton and Wellington. ICamona.—Survey Port Chalmers. ICini.—Greymouth-Wcllington. Kittawa.—Greymouth-Wcllington. Koonya.—Leaves Greymouth December 14, for_ Lyttclton. Kotuku.—Greymouth-Wcllington. Rosamond—Grovmou th-Welliugton.. Waihora.—Leaves Singapore December 14, for Auckland. Mou rn.—W estport-Wel lington. Karitane.—Leaves Greymouth December 17, for Adelaide, via Tasmania. NEW ZEALAND AND AFRICAN STEAMsnip CO., LTD. Movements of steamers for week endin" December 14, 1907. FEDERAL-HO ULDER-SIIIRE LINE. Cornwall.—West Coast United Kingdom, to New Zealand, via Sydney. Arrived Dunedin Dccombor 12, 1907. Devon.—New Zealand to West Coast United Kingdom ports, via Australia. Left Capetown November 23, 1907. Fifeshirc—West Const United Kingdom to Now Zealand, via Sydney. Loft Sydney December 11, 1907. Morayshire.—Now Zealand to West Coast 29 n '1907 sdom ' Left Wellington November
Nairnshire.—Now Zealand to West Coastunited Kingdom ports, via Australia. Loft Adelaide November 11, 1907. Draylou_ Grange.—West Coast United Kingdom to „\ou- Zealand direct. To leave Liverpool, December 14, 1907. Eipninghnm _ Grange—West Coast United Kingdom to Ne.w Zealand direct. Left Liverpool November 23, 1907. Oswestry Grange.—West Coast United Kingdom to Australia. Left Liverpool December' 7, 1907. .Thorpe Grange.—West Coast United ICingvP„ m '° jVustrnlia. Left London October 27, 190/. AMERICAN AND AUSTRALIAN LINE. Lord Stanley.—New York to New Zealand direct. Left Wellington December 14, 1907.V '■ Lord Sefton.—New York to New Zealand, via_ Australia. Loft New York November 28, New Orleans.—New York to New Zealand direct. Left New York December 10, 1907. _ Stratliavon.—New York to Now Zealand direct. To sail January, 1903. The Hinemoa is expected to leave for her Northern cruise at 10 o'clock this morning. Ihe Tyser Line steamer Star of Japan is expected la,- leave for Napier to-morrow, for Homeward loading. The Whakatanc, on taking in the Homeward cargo at Waitara, returns to Wanganui. Thence she comes on to Wellington, being due here to-morrow morning. Sir. E. S. Pike, second engineer of the Hinemoa, after being oil shore for a holiday, rejoned the vessel yesterday. Mr. W. ftesbit filled the position during Mr. Pike's absence. According to. a London exchange, the wooden barque Zelateur has been purchased bv. the Union Steam Ship Company of New Zealand. She is 524- tons register, built in 1892, her dimensions being 141 ft- sin. by 31ft. sin. by 16ft. Bin. JIKI'EOROLOGICAL. ■WEATHER AT 5 P.M. ' Manukau Heads.—South, breeze; barometer; 30.29; thermometer, 67. Hazy; , bar lumpy. New Plymouth.—S.W., fresh; barometer, 30.21; thermometer, 75. Pine; sea smooth. -. Castlepoint.—S.W., light; barometer, 30.25; thermometer, 69. Fine; sea moderate. Wellington.—South, light; barometer, 30.22; thermometer, 69. Fine. Kaikoura.—East, light; barometer, 30.18; thermometor, 70. Fine; soa smooth. Bluff.—North, light; barometer, 30.07;- thermometer, 53. Drizzling. FORECAST TO DECEMBER 22. Unsettled weather, with prevalence of high westerly winds and irregular movements •of barometer, aro probable southward of Napier and New Plymouth;'and strong winds generally from tho westward are to be expected in tho northern districts. Rain is to be expected soon south of Kaikoura and Cape Farewell. ' R.A.EDWIN. , December 16, 1907. ; ■
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Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 71, 17 December 1907, Page 8
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2,191SHIPPING NEWS. Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 71, 17 December 1907, Page 8
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