UHRISTCHURCH RACING, CLUB'S SUMMER MEETING. [BY TBLEGIIAPH.—rr.EES ASSOCIATION.] Ghristchurch, December 16. Thn Christehurch Racing Club's Summer 'Mooting was brought to a successful conclusion ' i-o-rlny in delightful . weather, .and,' despite the many .counter attractions,' there ivas a large, attendance. The results arc as follow KINDERGARTEN HANDICAP, of 100. sovs., for two-year-olds. Five furlongs. Mr. J. G. N. Grigg's Dabchick, • 7st 51b. 1 Air. C. W. Reid's A.rzib, 7st. 121b 2 Mr. S. E. Cooper's Sir Artegal, Ost. 3 Also started: Eaglestono, 7st. 131b.; Hesperus, 7st. 131b.; Seafteld. 7st. 91b.; Officious, 7st. Time, lmin. 3 2-oseo. MIDLAND WELTER HANDICAP, of 70 sovs. Seven furlongs. Mr. J. A. Holmes's Hilarity, Ost. 61b 1 Mr. H. A. Knight's Helianthea, 7st.'7lb. 2 Messrs. J. I l '. Bell's and J. Granger's Hniiscar, Ost. 91b. : 3 Also started: Vardo", 91b.; Monkey Puzzle, Bst. 131b.; Amboisn, Bst. 131b.'; Southern Cross, Bst. 121b. ;• Tessera, Bst.. 71b. Time, lmin. 29.1-5 sec. TEMPLETON HANDICAP TROT , (in harness), of 65 sovs. Two miles. Mr. W. Tapp's Dick Flir, scr. 1 Mr. W. Witte's Miss Vivian, : 17sec. ...... 2 Mr. J. A. Buckland's Vitella,] Bse<cl ...' 3 Also started: Mambrino Girl, lOsec.; Lord Spec, lOsec. Time, smin. 4seo. ANNIVERSARY HANDICAP, of 250 sovs. One mile and a furlong. Messrs. Harris and Carle ton's Medallist, syrs., 7st. 131b. 1 Mr. J. Jeff's Petrovna, Sst. 81b 2 Sir G. Clifford's Stratagem, 4vrs., 6st. 121b 3 Also started: St. Joe, 9st. lib.; Gwendolina, Sst. 81b.; Cross Battery, Bst. 81b.; Paragon, Bst. 81b.; Fireiron, Bst. lib.; Ivanoff, 7st. 131b.; and Tremulous, 6st. 121b. Time, lmin. 56 l-ssec. • HACK RACE HANDICAP, of 50 sovs. Six furlongs. Mr. J. Westerman's Melinda, lOst. 1 Messrs. Harris a;id Solomon's Suttee, lOst. 2 Messrs. Piper and Gorton's Highland Reel, lOst. 131b.- 3 Also started: Ruapehu, 12st.; Ronaldshay, list. 81b.; Kaikomako, list. 71b.; Mangrove, lOst. 91b.; Good lOst. 81b.; The Orient, lOst. 51b.; Jacket, lOst.; Pallada, lOst. Time, lmin. 18 3-ssec. : ELECTRIC HANDICAP, of 100 sovs. Five furlongs. Mr. H, F. Nicoll's Sea-King, 7st. 131b. ... 1 Mr. T. Sheenan's All Guns, 7st. 121b 2 Sir G. Clifford's Cockleshell, 7st. 31b 3 , Also started: Aimee Soult, Bst.; Clementine, Bst.; Pretty Nell, 7st.; Fair Sight, 6st. 71b. Time, lmin. 8 2-ssec. ISLINGTON HANDICAP TROT (in harness), of 55 sovs. One mile. Mr. W. Henry's Fancy Girl,-9sec. 1 Mr. J. A. Biickland's Francesca, 4sec. ... ' 2 Mr. F. Vale's Viotta, lOsec 3 Also started: Alice Wood, scr.: Begonia, 6secl; Victor, 7sec. Time, 2min. 31 l-ssec. FAREWELL HANDICAP, of 50 sovs. One 8 mile. f ' Mr. A. Kerr's Armamento', 9st. 21b ■ 1 Mr. D. Roberts's Spinarofi:, Sst. 81b 2 Mr. F. Holmes's The Libyan, Bst. 91b. ..; 3 Also started: Monkey Puzzle,' Bst. 91b.; Amboise, Bsfc. 101b; Time, lmin. 45 2-ssec. WELLINGTON RACING CLUB SUMMER . MEETING. ; RECORD NOMINATIONS. The Wellington Racing Club has received excellent nominations for the Summer Meeting, .which commences on January 18, the total number 556 being 60 in excess of last year's figures.' For tho Wellington Cup, forty horses have been entered, and for the Summer Handicap an entry of.sixtv has been received. Excepting the New Zealand Cup, this is probably a record entry'for,any eventin tho Dominion. The entries for tlie hack events show a slight decrease. The following are the details :— ' : FIRST DAY. TRENTH ASI HACK WELTER, of 100 sovs. Seven furlongs.—Red Rain,' 'Moscow, Teota lie, '' Gold Thread, Martyrium, Waikarnka, Ancyle, Nukutihi, Truthful, Playmate, Ataahua, Sen Sim, The Libyan, Motukawa, Wailethe, Orisis. ANNIVERSARY HANDICAP, of-150 sovs. Ono mile. Merrie Rose, Chatterer, Goldbeater, Clanchattan, Maniapoto; Uenuku, Sir Tristram, Kairoma, Me.lwood, Tho Stake, San Julie, Fireiron, Aeolus, Mataari, Waitapu, Polyanthus, Prism, Moata, Kurawaka, All Red, William, Medallist, Sir Frisco, Moloch, Vardo. RUAPEHU HACK HANDICAP, of 120 sovs. Six furlongs.—Star Queen, Lucretius, Pretty Nell, Cockleshell, Sea King, Alonardo, Wharekura,^Bluebell, North Head, Yosami, Blue Ribbon, Advantage, St. Ludlam, King Post, Diplomatic, Rangipapa, Flingot, Nukutihi, Mon Ami; Pronun, 'Trunganini, Helinnthus, Swimming Belt, Tai.tokb, Samlstream, Vinco, Penates, Russley Maid,' Wailethe, Miss Vera, Suttee, Ikon, Chameleon.' NURSERY HANDICAP, fo 200 sovs. Four furlongs.—Merrie Xmas, Henown— Mis.tra filly, Fleetfoot, Kaut-uku, Biringaria, Armlet, Diamond Star, Cbantress, Aborigine, Sopiirator. Chantyman, Gravitation, Portgang', Stepniak—Tortulla col, No ' Trumps/ Sir Artegal, Projectile, Paio'ne. . ' ' WELLINGTON CUP, of 750 sovs. One mile and a half.—Merrie' Rose, Chatterer, Mystification, Paragon, Aboriginal, " Clanchattan, Cross Battery, Tryce, Aeolus, Wharekura, Riflemaid, The Rand, Uenuku, Bomform, Gold' Braid, Zimmerman,' Sir Tristram, Splendid Idea, Sandix, Fireiron, Elevation, Saga,' Tangimoaria; Bourrasque, Downfall, Lapland, Kurawaka. -Marguerite, Gold Crest, : Astrakhan', Mahuta, Moral, Medallist, Grand Slam, Apa, Tho Lark, Moloch. TELEGRAPH HANDICAP, of 4(10 sovs. Six furlongs— Irish Rifio, Guidwife, Sister Anne, Cross Battery, Kit-chonmaid, Dawn, Kairoma, Oxton, King Billy, Muskerry, Moriarty; Ballarat, Buccleuch, Elevation; Full Rate, Rangipapa, Sunbonnet, 6awain, Motoa, Mon Ami, Tupono, Bobrikoif, Loftn's, All Red, Gold Crest, St, Claimer, Petrovna, Munjeot, Sir Frisco, Bunyan. TONGARIRO HACK HANDICAP, of 120 sovs. One mile.—Naphtha, Prize: Bloom, Martyrium, Culmination, Happy Maid, Flingot, Waipunehoa, The Limit,' King Post, Gauze, Waikuku, Loraaria, Tho Libyan, Lochiela, Sa'nt Rosaleor, Sutteo. ELECTRIC HANDICAP, of 150 sovs. Five furlongs.—Chamois, Cockleshell, Sister Anno, Eona, Oxton, Dawn, Moriarty, Muskerry, Yosami, Llanworn, Sunbonnet, Gawain, Cyrone, Petticoat, Finery, Swimming 'Belt, Sir Antrim. SECOND DAY. MUNGAR.OA HACK WELTER, of 100 sovs. Seven furlongs.—Star Queeu, Prize Bloom, Moscow, Bluebell, Gold Thread, Martyrium, Ancyle, King 'Post, Warlock, Truthful, Playmate, Ataahua, Ahei, Sen Sim, Sandstream, The Libyan, Motukawa, Orisis, Suttee, Ikon. JANUARY HANDICAP, of ISO sovs. One milo.—Chatterer, Goldbeater, Sir Tristram, Kairoma, Melwood, The Stake, Fireiron, Aeolus, Mataari, Polyanthus, Prism, Moata, Swimming Bolt, Kurawaka, William, Grand Slam, Medallist, Sir Frisco, Vardo. PONEKE HACK HANDICAP, of ,120 sovs. Seven furlongs. — Prizo Bloom, Red Rain, Teotano, Martyrium, Llanwern, . Culmination, Happy Maid, Flingot, Nukutihi, Tho Limit, Heliauthes, Gauze, Taitoko, Waihuka, Lomaria, Penates,. The Libyan, Lochiela, Sant Rosaleor. WELLINGTON RACING CLUB HANDICAP, of 500 sovs. One mile and a quarter. Naphtha, Morrio Rose, Chatterer, Mystification, Paragon, Clanchattan, Stratagem, Cross Battery, Truco, Maniapoto, Aeolus, Riflomaid. The Rand, Uenuku, Boniform, Gold Braid, Zimmorman, Sir 'Tristram, King Billy, Splendid Idea, San ! Julio, Fireiron, Saga, Tangimoana, Bourrasque, Downfall, Lapland, Kurawaka,, William, Marguerite, Gold Crest, Astrakhan, Moral, Grand Slant, Medallist, Mahuta, Apa, The Lark, Moloch. FITZHERBEIIT HANDICAP, of 200 sovs. Fivo furlongs.—Morrio Xmas, Renown—Mistra filly, Katuku, Biringaria, Diamond Star, Cbantress, Separator,' Passive, . Polyniers, Portgaug, . Stepniak —'Tortulla colt, No TruinpSj Projectile, Paione.
METROPOLITAN HANDICAP, of 250 sovs. Six furlongs.—Chamois, Aboriginal, Gnidwife, Sister Anne,- De Witto, Cross Battery, Kitchenmaid, Oxton, Wharekurii, Dawn, Kairoma, Aloriarty, Muskerry, 15allarat, Buccleuch, Full Rate, Ranjjipapa, . Sunbon ict, Gawain, Cyrone, Mon Ami, Tupoho, Bobrikoff, Jioftus, All 'Red, St. Claimer, Pctro.'na, Munjeet, Sir Frisco, Bunyan. PENCAR-ROW HACK HANDICAP, of 120 sovs'. Six furlongs.—Lucrtins, . Pretty Nell, Cockloshell, Sea King, Monardo, Wharekurii, Gold Thread, North lieadj Axite, Waikaraka, Yosami, Blue Ribbon, Advantage, King I'osf, Wo-rlock, Diplomatic ; Rangipapa, Wajpnnehoa, Pronun, Truganini, Heliaiitlios, Tai'oko, Sir Antrim, Sandstrpam, Vinco, Penates, Russley Maid, Miss Vora, Suttee, I'.ou, Chameleon. THIRD DAY. .WALLACEVILLE HACK WELTER of 100 sovs. One mile.—Naphtha, Moscow, Teotane, Ancyle, Ataahua, Ahej;. Sen Sim, Sandstream, Lomaria, The. Libyan, Mot'ukaiya., Orisis, Sant .Rosaleer. : i .' ■ i MELROSE HANDICAP of 125 sovs. Seven furlongs.—Chatterer, De Witte, Dawn, Kairoma, Melwood, The Stake,, Ma: taari, Pdlyanthus, Prism, Moata, Swimming Belt, Knri-vaka, William, Peiiates, Medallist,' Sir Frisco, Varcio. KELBURNE HACK HANDICAP of 120 sovs. Seven furlongs. — Cockleshell, Red Rain, Moscow, Ancyle,. Wharekura, M'aityrium, Advantage, Happy Maid, King Post, Warlock, Waipunehoa, Nukutihi;,The Limit, Truthful, Gauze, Waihuka, The' Libyan, Lochiela, Motukawa, Suttee. HOPEFUL STAKES of .150' sovs. •' Four furlongs.—Merrie Xmas, Renown — Mistra filly, Fleetfoot, Kautuku, Biringacia, Diamojid Star, Chantress, Aborigine, Separator, Chantyman, Gravitation, Passive, Polyniers, Portgang, Stepniak —. Tortulla colt, No Trumps, Sir Artegal, Projectile, Paiono. . SUMMER HANDICAP of '500 sovs. One mile.—Naphtha, Merrie Rose, Chatterer, Mystification, Paragon, Irish Rifle, Aboriginal, Clanchattan, Bunyau, Stratagem, Apa, Sister Annie, Mahuta, Cross-Battery, Munjeet, Truce, Petrovna, Maniapot-o, Medallist, Aeolus, Grand Slam, Riflemaid,' Moral, The Rand, Astrakhan, Uenuku, Gold Crest, Briniform, Marguerite, Gold Braid,' Zimmerman, Sir Tristram, Kairoma, Moriarty, Muskerry, King Billy, Melwood, Splendid Icjea, The Stake, San Julie, Sandix, Ballarat, Fireiroii, Buccleuch, Elevation, Saga, lying Post, Full Rate, Gawain, Tangimoana; Waitapu, Cyrene, Prism, Polyanthus, Tuporio; Downfall, Bobrikoff, All Red, AVilliam,-' Moloch. . ' - CITY HANDICAP of 250; soys! '! Six. furlongs. — Chamois, Gnidwife, .Sister, Anne, Goldbeater, Sea, King, Kitchenmaid,' Wharekura, Oxton, Dawn, Kairoma, Moriarty, Muskerry, Ballarat, Fireiron, Buccleuch, Full Rate, Rangipapa, Snnbonnet, . Gawain, Motoa, Mon A mi","Petticoat,' Loftus, Finery, All Red, St. Claimer, Sir Antrim,' Munjeet, Sir Frisco; Bunyan. - • KAITOKE HACK HANDICAP of 120 sovs. Six furlongs. —-Star Queen, Pretty Nell, Cockleshell, Red Rain, Sea King, Monardo, Bine Bell, Gold Thread, North Head, Axite, Waikaraka, Yosami,' Culmination, Warlock, Diplomatic, Rangipapa, Waipunehoa, Nukutihi, Consuelo, Pronun, Truganini, Swimming Belt, Taitoko, Saridstrfeam, Yinco, Peilates, Russley Maid, Ikon, Chameleon. : '. V DUNEDIN JOCKEY CLUB'S MEETING. [BT TELEGEAPII. —PRESS .ASSOCIATION.] _ Cliristchurch, December 16: The following handicaps ; wero'declared by Mr. J. E. Henrys to-night for the DuWlin Jockey Club's summer meeting i l — OTAGO HANDICAP, of 20.0 soys. One mile and'a'quarter.—St. Joejj 9st;; 'Idealist', Bst. 131b.; Cross Battery, Sst-.' 71b.; Paragon, Bst: 51b.; Medallist, Sst.i olb.; Gwendolina, Bst. 41b.; Fireiron, 7st. 131b. ; Astrakhan, 7st. 81b.'; Orloff,'7st. 31b.; Notus, Gst. 101b.; Heroism, Gst. 71b.; Tutungarehu, Gst: 71b.. DUNEDIN HANDICAP, of 125 sovs. Fojir furlongs.—Sir Artegal, Bst. 121b.; My Lawyer, Bst. 31b.; Sombrero,- Sst. 31b.; Sacha, Sst: lib.; Grafton Laddie; 7st.- 121b.; Optional,. 7st. 121b.; Arlib," 7st. illb.; Casanot, 7st. 91b.; Coronella, 7st-. 81b.; Progression, 7st-. 71b.; Moutere, 7st. 71b. SL'iMMER HURDLES, at 75 sovs. One mile and a half.—Leoside, list. 131b.; .Southern Cross, list. 51b:; Royal Shell: lost'.' : 91b. ;' Wonderful, 9st. 131b.; Grand Stand, 9st. 131b.; Storm, 9st. 101b.; Regiment, 9st. 31b.; Stormoht-, 9st..' FEDERAL HANDICAP, of 100 sovs. Six furlongs.—Buccleuch, 9st. 131b.; Petrovna, !)st, 71b.; Idealist, 9st. 31b.; Lupulite, 9st. 21b.; Replete, Sst. 91b.; Apollodbris, Sst. 51b.; The Seer, Sst. 21b.; Hilarity, Bst. lib.; Orderly, 7st. 131b.; Aimee .Soult, ,7st. 51b.;Jolly' Friar, 7st. 4ib.; Zetland, 7st. 21b.; llosebloom." 7st. lib.; 'Curiosity: 7st.; Cathron, 6st. iOlb.; Gapori, Gst. - 71b. ' SALISBURY HACK HANDICAP, of 100 sovs'. Six furlongs.—Grafton - Loch, 9st.; Sea Kiiis, Sst. 131b."; The Libyan,' Bst. 81b.; Oltiee Girl, Sst.' 71b.'; Silkweb,' Sst.' 71b.; Somateria, Bst. 71b.; Jack Ashore, Sst. 71b.; Sarsfield, Sst. 61b.; Cuirosettia, Sst: 61b.; All Giins, Sst. 61b.; Rifle/Range, 7st. 131b.; Sam Weller, 7st. 101b:; Beekwfell, 7st. 91b.; Miss Gal, 7st. 91b.; Soilia; 7st.' Sib.; Flavour, 7st. 81b.; Santa Glausy 7st. 71b.; Nan'cy 7st. 71b.; Zero', 7st. olb'. ; The Rapparee, 7st. olb.; Sant- Rosaleer* 7st. olb.; Ap'olIdn, 7st. olb.';. Pretty Nell, wst. 21b.; Steplink, 7st. 21b. ; Sailmaker, 7st.; Ladv Eta, 7st. -■ . ' CAVERSHAM HACK WELTER, of 100 sovs.- Five furlongs.—^White' Cockade, lOst. 31b.; Sea King, lOst. 21b..; Ard Reigh, 9st„ 101b. ; Gr.osvenor, 9st. 91b.; Somateria, 9st. Sib.; Cuirosettia, 9st.- Sib..; -'All' Gtuis, '9st. 81b.; Sarsfield, 9st. 71b. ;:Mythicql', 9st. lib.'; (jypsobel, 9st. lib.; Disappointment, 9st.; Miss Gal, Sst. ,131b.; Beiizoline, Sst. 121b.; Soma, Sst.. 111b.;, Cute', Sst. -.101b.; Miss Casket, Bst. 101b.; Oiyoi, Sst. i 91b,;;Linda'; Bst. v 9lb.; I'ret-ty Face, 'Sst:.' 91b.'; Nancy. Stair, Bst. 91b.'; Little' MtedaUist, -Sst Sib:; Pretty Nell, Bst. 71b.: Goodsight, Bst.' 71b:; Zi'onoss, Sst. 71o.: Brown 8011, Sst., 71b.; Ifritisli I'eer, Sst. 71b.; Balaclava, Bst. 71b.,; Mangonel, 'Sst. 71b.; Blue - Blbbrl,: Bst. 71b.; OTOKIA WELTER, of 100 ; sovs. One mile'.—Aledallist, lOst.. 71b:"; '..Lailj t ' Landoil. Ust-. 7ib:; Grafton Loch, 9st.. olb.';. Woolly Friar, 9st.; - Thuriderer, -Bst. 131b.: • Notus, Sst.. 121b.; Black Friar, Sst: 121b.; Heroisui, Bst, ,-lllb.;; Amboise, Bst. Illb.;. Stepenfeldt, Sst. '91b.; Cathron, Sst. Sib.; Speculate, Bst. 71b.; Sir Percivale, Bst. 71b.-; Casque, 85t."61b.; Sam Weller, Sst.; Tutungarehu, Bst.; Red and ' Black, ' Sst.; Welbeck. Bst. MANAWATU RACING CL ÜB'S .MEETI NG. (BT TELEGRAM—rKESS ASSOCIATION.) • Palmerston North, December 16, The following are the final payments for the Second Palmerston Stakes, "to be' run on Saturday next,-the fir& day of the Mairnwatii Racing Club's Summer Meeting; —W.-.E. Bidwill's Elevation,'. 3yrs.; bv San Francisco—Stepfeldt; D.-, Buick's Rangipapa, 4,vrs., by Papakura—Elusion";'S. Harrison's Buoyant, 4yrs.. by Captain Webb—Marvellous; A. Sands's Bunyan, 3y'r's.. bv Pilgrim's Progress—Neva; Mrs: M. Moore's ■Sir 'Frisco, 3yrs., by San Francisco—Waitemata: Hon. J. D. Ormond's Oxton, 3y-'s., by Birkenhead —Solitaire; Sir Geo'rge Clifford's Sister Anne, 3yrs., by Glanranald— Weathereye; Cooper's Sir Artegal, 2yrs,, by Stepniak—Britomart-; D. J. Price's blk. c.", 2yrs., by Stepniak—Tortulla. \ . LOWER ViVLLEY JOCKEY CLUB. The following acceptances and' entries have been received for the Lower Valley Jockey Club's meeting:— • " HURDLES, of'GOsovs: One n)ilo ;and,.a half. —Te Kainui, lOst. 71b.; Dulcinea, lOst. 51b.; Liberator, 9st. 1.11b,; The Voucher, 9st. 71b.; Tilson, 9st. 61b. , i'.. " ' MAIDEN HACK, of oOsovs. Six furlongs. —Rongokako, Kelso, Merrio Zealand, . Indian Mutiny, Lady. Letho, plariibejlo, Lady Crcswick, Miss Peaty, Research, Vinco, Merrio Land, Horiana, Saringia. L.V.J.C. HACK HANDICAP, of lOOsovs. One milo,—Mataari, 9st.; The Stake, Bst. Illb.; Aboriginal, Sst. 51b. ;• SiUion' Rein, Bst. 41b.; Narcotic, Sst.; Royal. Blue, 7st. 101b.; Sherlock Holmes, 7st: 71b. ; Variation, 7st. 21b.; Tupono, 7st.; Clem, 6st. 101b. ■ RUAMAHUNGA HACK, of oOsovs. Ono mile.—R-angihaeta, 9st:: Truthful, Sst. 91b.; St. Ludlam, 7st. ; Rawhiti, 7at.,
MACFARLANIi HANDICAP, of GOsovs, Six furlongs.—Splendid Idea, Sst. 61b. f Aboriginal,' Sst. 51b.; Moata, 7st. 121b.; Platypus, 7st. 91b.; Bounce, 7st.; Clem, Gst. 121b. • HACK FLYING HANDICAP, of'sosovs. Six furlongs.—Culmination, Sst. 71b.; Wailethe, Sst. 311). ; Royal Maid, ' 7st. 101b.; Oblivion, 7st. 71b.; Lucretius, 7st.'7lb.; Star Queen, 7st. 21b.; Grand Myrella, 7st. LADIES' BRACELET, of 40sovs. One mile. —Gaelic, list., 101b.; Oblivion, list. 71b.; Hinupai, list.: Opliir, lOst. 81b.; Clar-abella.'lOst.-71b.; Lady Flintlock, lOst. 71bi; St. Ludlam, lOst. 71b.; Rongokako, lOst. - 71b. OTARAIA HACK HANDICAP, of 45sows, Five furlongs.—AVailethe, 9st.; Royal iMaid, Bst. • 71b. ; ; Lucretius, .Sst. '41b.; Stat Quoen, 7st. 121b.; Diplomatic, 7st. 121b., Sweet LetheJ 7st. 121b.; Hinorangi, 7st 121b.; Don Carlos, 7st. 71b.;' Purakau, 7st< 71b.; Staringa, 7st-. 71b. HACK SCURRY (second day).-Horiana, Research, Miss Peatv, Lady Creswick, Kelso; Takaroa, Don Carlos, . Diplomatic, Vinco* Merrie Land,. Purakau, Sweet Lethe, Ladj Lethe, Friday, Lethean. ASHHURST-POH AN GIN A MEETING. (BY TELEGRAPH —PRESS ASSOCIATION.) Cliristchurch, December 16. The following are tlie handicaps for the Ashhurst-Pohangina Raciug Club's annual meeting:— , TRIAL HURDLES, of 100.sovs. One niilo and a half.—Waipa, list. 71b.; Te Arai, lOst. 61b.; Aorangi, lOst. 41b.; Compass, lOst. 31b.; Highdcn, 9st. 111b.; Pardon, . 9st. 91b.; Voucher, 9st; 91b.; Papatawa,'9st.'9lb.; Gavalcade, 9st. 71b.; Refine, 9st. 41b.; Mussen, 9st.; Golden Days, Gst.; Xavier, 9st.; Oakley, 9st. •• FLYING HACK HANDICAP, of 100 sovs. Six furlongs.—Swimming Belt, 9st. 21b:; Catapult, 9st.; Little Mary, Bst. 131b.; Waipunehu, Bst. 121b.; King Post;. Bst. 81b.; Silkweb, Bst. 51b.; Ikon, Bst.Simplex, 7st, 121b.; Thera, 7st. 101b.; Signor, 7st. 91b. ;• Greenleaf, 7st. 31b.; Bonnie Doon, 7st. 21b.; Goodsight, 6st. 131b.; Chameleon, 6st. 131b. j Pytchloy, Gst. 121b.; San Jose, Gst. 121b.; Yosami, Gst. 101b.; Teotane, Gst. 71b."; Pronun, Gst. 71b. . " . ASHHURST CUP, of 500 sots. One mile and a quarter.—Moral, 9st. 21b.; Gold Crest, Mystification, Bst. 91b.; The Lark,'Bst. 91b.; Medallist-,' Bst. 51b.; Mat'aari, Bst ~3lb. ;' Chatterer, Bst. 21b.;• Whakawehi,.Bst: 21b.: Mont-igo, Bst.> Illb.; Fireiron, 7st. 131bj All Reel, 7st. 131b.; Riflemaid,- 7st. 10lb.: Kurawaka, 7st. 101b.; William,- 7st. 101b. ;'Roseal, 7stl 91b. ; Melwood, Tst. 81b.; Ballarat, 7sV 81b.; Moloch, 7st; 81h.; Ueniiku, Tst-. ,71b. j Polyanthus,- 7st. 71b.; .Hose Noble, 7st.-51b. ;• King's Lynn, 7st. 41b.; Splendid Idea, 7st 31b.; Merrie Rose, 7st. 31b.; Saridix, 7st,_ Sib.; Saga, 7st. 31b.; San Julie, llb.J Lady Disdain, 7st. lib. - , Lomaria, ,7st. ; . Wat paku, 7st.; Arclight; 6st. 91b.; Hinetitamiita, Gst. 91b.; Tan San, Gst. 71b.; Taageroa, Gst; 71b. KOMAKO WELTER, of 100 sovs. Sevej furlongs.—Waipunorm, >9st. 111b.; Kiiij Post,'lst. 71b.; Sen Sim,.9st. 41b.; Pushful, Bst. 111b.; Sir Benson, Sst. 81b.; Greenleaf, Bst. 31b. ; 'Ancyle, Bst. 31b.; Sant Rosaleer, 7st. 131b.; Sau Jose, 7st. 121b.; Defeat, 7st. 111b.; Carissima,- 7st. 111b.; Waihuka, 7st. 71b.; Teotane, 7st. 71b.; Ori, 7st. 71b.' • P.OHANGINA HANDICAP,' of. 200 soys. Six furlongs.—Lord Soult, 9st. 41b.Full Rate, 9st. 31b.: Buccle'uch, 9st.; St. Cl*imer, Sst. 111b.; Ballarat, Bst. 61b.; Motoa, Bst. 41b.; Oxton,- Bst. 31b.; The Stake, Bst. 21b.; Aboriginal, 7st. 131b.; Dusky Morri, 7st. 121b.; Flimsnap, 7st-. 91b.; Rose Noble,-i st. 91b. ; Splendid Idea, 7st. 81b.; Polyanthus, 7st. .511);.; Swimming Belt, 7st. olb^;-. Golden Gate, 7st. 31b.; ".Merrie 'Rose,' 7st. 31b.; Chicane, Gst.. 121b.; 'Scotch; Reel, 6st.'/lb;; Chamois, Gst. 71b. ' MAIDEN HANDICAP. -of 100' sovs. Four furlongs and a half.—Bonnie Doon, 9st.; Yosami. Bst. 81b.; Sir Antrim; Bst. 81b,; Commander, Sst. 71b. ;-Axite, Bst. 61b. ; Kimnierian, ; B'st. 31b.; -.Conquer, Sst. 31b.; San Lass, Bst. 31b.: Ca-ron: Bst. 31b.; Mmoto,' Sst. 31b.; NotdVious Whititera, Sst.; - ttutiwai, Sst.;.Docile, ,Bst- ;• Anglican, Sst.; ..On; Sst.Pronuu, Sst.: Koroirangi, Bst. . DOMINION WELTER HANDICAP, of 200 sovs. Seven furlong's.'—Buccleuch,'. lOst. 81b.; Gold Crest, lOst. 41bv; Medallist, 9st. 81b:; Chatterer, 9st. 51b/; Mataan, 9st. 41b.; Kairoma, 9st.' 41b.; All Red,' 9st. • 41b.; Whakawehi, 9st.-31b.; The Stake. 9st. llb.; Aboriginal, 9st.; Motoa. 9st.; William, ,Bst. 101b.; Rose Noble.' Bst.' 91b.; Melwood, Sst. 81b.; Aberration,' Bst. 51b.; Polyanthus, ,Bst. olb.; Koseal, Sst. ...41b.Sandix, Bst. 3 b.; Waipaku, Sst. 21b.; San Julie, Bst. lib.; Millennial, 7st. 111b.; King Post, <st. li b.; • Lady' Disdain, 7st. 111b.; Lomaria,-/staoib.; Archght, 7st. 101b.; R.osegrove, /st. !)lh.; Scotch Reel,.7st. Sib.; Probability, ist. Sib.; Hinetitama, 7st. 81b.; Cireenieaf, 7sfc. ilb. ELLERSLIE TRAINING NOTES. (BY TELEGBAPH—PRESS ASSOCIA.TIONJ • Auckland, December 16. No work of importance was done at Ellen* lie this morning. The liorses_Downfall, Bob rikoff, Clochette, -Finery, Creusot, Chanteuse, Star Rose. Claremont, Maliuta, and Projectile, which arrived -by the R-arawa on Saturday, and Dawn, Zimmernian,. Diamond. Star, St. Aidan, and Sir Tristram by the Zealandia on Suuday, were given steady er> ercise. ■ -
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Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 71, 17 December 1907, Page 6
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2,845THE TURF. Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 71, 17 December 1907, Page 6
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