PHASES OP TIIK MOON. DECEMBER. Day. Hr.m. New Moon 5 9.52 p.m. First Quarter 12 1.16 p.m. Full Moon 20 5.25 a.m. Last Quarter 28 10.10 a.m. HIGH WATER. To-day, 1.18 a.m.; 1.46 p.m. 10-morrow, 2.1-i a.m.; 2.44 p.m. SUN. Sun rises to-day, 4.11 a.m.; sets, 7.20 p.m. ARRIVALS. SATURDAY, DECEMBER U. ENNERDALE, s.s. (1.45 a.m.), IH7 tons, Holm, from Auckland. WAKATU, s.s. (3.20 a.m.), 157 tons, Willis, from Lyttelton, via coast. STORMBIRD, s.s. (4 a.m.), 217 tons, M'lntyro, from Wangnnui. TASMAN, s.s. (5.50 a.m.), 179 tons, Cox, from Nelson and Motueka. ROTOMAHANA. s.s. (6.30 a.m.), 177 tons, Collins, from Lyttelton. Passengers: SaloonMisses Treasure, Scott, Storey, Huren, Reynolds, Marchant, Strang, Barton, Barclay, Kerr, Gibson, Mesdames Brind, Thomas, Farquharson, Nicholson, Hughes and 3 children, Sutherland, M'Auloy, Robertson, Russell, Bridson, Sample, Haselden, Campbell, Judge Haselden, Dr. Marshall, Rev. Holloway, Messrs. Fraser, M.P., Hunt, Clarko, Thomas, Holmes, Burridge, Hughan, Lysaght, Nicholson, Scott, O'Snllivan, Richards, Henry, Crawford, Watts, Carr, Scott, Barron, Moss, Ralfo, Zingan.; Broome, Johnston, M'Cormick, Strange, Williams, Willis, Conway, Howell, M'Menaniin, Ritchie, M'Auley, Robertson, Randall, Simpson, M'Caskey, Hall, Knapman, Upchurch, Morlane, Newell, Joseph, Carry, Smith, Burton, Johnsen, Brand, Page, Ritchie, O'Connor, Gray, Dickinson, Scott, Campbell; 30 steerage. WAIHI, s.s. (7.10 a.m.), 92 tons, Carey, from Blenheim. STAB OF JAPAN, s.s. (9.50 a.m.), 6300 tons, Wyatt, from London, Melbourne, Sydney, Auckland, and Napier. TURAKINA, s.s. (9.50 a.m.), S2lO tons, Forbes, from Napier. * KAMONA, s.s. (12.30 p.m.), 1425 tons, Road, from Huon River and Napier; MAPOURIKA, s.s. (2.40 p.m.), 1203 tons, Kennedy, from West. Coast and Nelson. Passengers: Saloon—Misses Duck, Bonnan, Corrigan, Wilton, Penny, Mesdames Roberts and child, Dayman, Holmes, Dennis, Penny, Savago, Messrs.' M'Lean, Gordon; Dobson, Needhani, Reynolds, Stratford, Roberts, M'Keown, M'Cluggage, Atcbinson, Oldfield, Hansen, M'Lean, Captain Holmos, Bannister, Highet, Dayman, Dennis, Ritchie, Talbot, Sturnfels, Langridge, Edwards, Newport, M'Gilligan, Pago, Thorpe; 22 steerage. MATATUA, s.s. (11.20 p.m.), G4SS tone, Maxwell, from London, via Auckland.
■ SUNDAY, DECEMBER 15. PATEENA, 6.5. (1.50 a.m.), 1212 tons, Stewart, from Nelson and Picton. Passengers: Satoon-'-Misscs Valla, Scarle, Edwin, Hareourt, Baeyortz, Bishell, Hern, Campbell, Xresdames Coultou, Pigeon, Preston, Messrs. Coctc, M'Grefor, M'KonrJc, Damon, Hobelins, Bird, Steel, tatten, Pickering, Connor, Stonyer, Walker, Manning, Spencor, Walker, Espie, Foster, Baeyortu, Andrews, Tanner, Price, Rolland, Coulton, Preston, Goulding, Farquhar, Henderson, Walker, Morrison, Van Aseh, Annear, Pigon, Vavasour, Lindstrom; 12 steerage. TAKAPUNA, s.s. (4.10 a.m.), 1036 tons, Hutchings, from New Plymouth and . Onehunga. Passougers: Saloon—Mrs. Tyers, Messrs. Tyers, Evens, Forbes, Frew, J. Brown, Ruthe; 3 steerage. MANATON; s.s. (5.15 a.m.), 4025 tons, Work, fiom Newcastle. MANAJtOA, h;s. (5.20 a.m.), 122 tons, Hart, from Havelook, via Hoods Bay. BLENHEIM, s.s. (8 a.m.), 120 tons, Watson, from Blenheim. Passengers—Mrs. Martin, Messrs. Martin, Henderson, Nieol, Ingleby, and Captain Nicholas. KAHU, s.s. (3 a.m.), 182 tons, Thompson, from Napier and East Coast. MAORI, t.s. (B.IG a.m.), 3000 tons, Manning, from Lyttclton. Passengers: Saloon —Misses Stocks, Walls, DufT, Reay, Welsh, Andrews, Dix, Muskor (2), Euthven, Cooinbridgc, Pownall, Brooke, Bergh, Rosengrave, Welsh, Kembla, Dobson, Hemplemar) Martin, Mowbray, Frein (2), Carrig, Trumon, Barden, Dale, Millar, Grace, Wood, Woodman, Stronich, Armstrong, Bannatyue, Fleming, Morby, Boolii, Quill, Mesdamcs Howell, Nixon, Webster and child, Drew, Parletich, Stewart and child, Green, Mowbray,. Frein, Partridge and 2 children, Harden, Symonds, Wetherill; Armstrong, Hunt, James, Cowie, Wilson, Lenetham, Messrs. Price, Potts, Howell, Egiin, Pitcnithly, Ilamill, Clifton, M'Kinlay, Nixon, Hardy, Keynolds, Banner, Taylor, Black, Slater, Turner, Pringle, Scales, Mowprth, Williams, Webster, Dr. Mead, Hansley. J. C. Maddicon, Paveliteh, J. Coom, Fisher, Hon.: Baliley, Minogue, vSmith, Shanks, Partridge; . Wai tin, Brooks, Falkenlnirgh, Barter, • Beaumont, Hawthorne, K. Jamieson, Hardey, Stndholm, Temple, Eoss, Hendry, Hargroaves, . Herrick, Sj ; - mond, Budgott, Schwartz, Thomson, Hon. S. A. Millar, Wc«t, C. Ward, Sir ,1. G. Ward and secretary, M'Gill, Hon. T. K; Macdonald, Grace, Ballinger, Colonel Robin, Eaglesome, Mummings, M'Gill, Orr, Hon. M'Nab, Eobertson, Fairclough, King, Holmes, Richardson, Gannaway, Armstrong, Master Males, Curnow, Rooney, Hunt, Kelsall, Sergt.-Sfajor .Tones, Featherstone, Finlayson, J. .Webber;- Cowio, W. Eevell, Raymond, Dempster, AYilson, Thorntos, Hill, Dangeson, Pratt, Watson, Dr. Clnyton, Ireland, Drury, Samson, 'Parley, Lincham, Black, Simpson; 60 steerage. OPAWA, s.s. (9 a.m.), 110 tons, Nicholas, from Blenheim. QUEEN OF THE SOUTH, s.s. (3.35 p.m.), 198. tons, Harvey, from Foxton. MOURA, s.s. (4.15 p.m.), 2027 tons, M'Lean, from Westport. OHETI, s.s. (5.15 p.m.), 215 tons, Eobertson, from Wnnganui. ; HUIA, s.s. (5.50 p.m.), 127 tons, Dowoll, from Wnnganui. EOB ROY, s.s. (8.45 p.m.), 95 tons, North, from Picton and Sounds. v
DEPARTURES. SATURDAY, DECEMBER li. POHERUA, s.s. (1.20 a.m.), 1175 tons, Aldwoll, for AVestport. LORI) STANLEY, s.s.- (11.30 a.m.), 4695 tons, Cunningham, for Lyttelton. ARAHURA, s.s. (1.20 p.m.), 1596 tons, Lambert, for Picton, Nelson; AVestport, and Greymouth. Passengers—Saloon: For Picton— Misses Litchfield (2), Vavasour (2), Mrs. Vavasour. For Nelson—Messrs. Sherlock, Nealo. For, Westport—Miss Spence, Hon. B. Reeves, Messrs. Terry, .Mackay, Taylor, Aitken. For Greynioutli—Misses liamcroft, Taylor, Mesdames Blanchfie'ld, Armstrong, Messrs. Austin, Stratford, Blanchfield, Armstrong. \ TASMAN, s.s. (3 p.m.), 179 tons, Cox, for Nelson. ROSAMOND, s.s. (5 p.m.), 721 tons, Crawford, for Greynioutli. KOTUKU, s.s. (5.10 p.m.), 1054 tons, Nicholson, for Greymouth. KOMATA, s.s. (8 p.m.), 1991 tons, Hunter, for Wostport. MANA, s.s. (10.15 p.m.), 131 tons, Corby, for Patea. ROTOMAHANA, s.s. (11.5 p.m.), 1777 tons, Collins, for Lyttelton. Passengers: SaloonMisses Talbot, Stewart, Opie, Flaws, Roy, Mesdames Blake, Messrs. Morris, Blake, Baron, Duncan, Roy, Gill, Hume, Hutton, Allan, Holland, Harlcson. WAIPORI, s.ii. (11.50 p.m.), 1919 tons, Lacoy, for Gisborne. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 15. PAREORA, s.b. (12.15 a.m.), 650 tons, Black, for Greymouth. PUKAKI, 8.8. (12.20 a.m.), 1«-1 tons, Crawford, foi GroymoaUi. NIWARU, s.s. (8;15 p.m.), 6HI tons, Hollis, for London, via Las Palmas. PENGUIN, s.s. (3.20 u.m.), 824 tons, Hunter, for Nelson. Passengers: Saloon—Constable Grant, Messrs. Lambert, Price, Wnshbourno. AVAKATU, s.s. (6 p.m.), 157 tons, Wills, for Kaikoura. WAJIII, s.s. (G.,10 p.m.), 02 tons,. Carey, for Blenheim.
EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Penguin, Nelson, Piclon, December IG. Waihi, Blonhoim, Uecembor IC. Whakntano, Wnitara, December 17. Tasnian, Nelson, December 17. Jiotomaliana, Lyttclton, December 17. YPaikare, Auckland, Gisborno, Napier, December 17. Munowai, Dunedin, Lyttelton, December 17 Patcoiia, Nelson and Piclon, December 17.' Wakatn, Kaikonra, December 18. Maori, Lyttelton, December 18. Warrimoo, Sydney, December 18. Arahura, Wost Coast, Nelson, December 10 Mokoia, Southern ports, December IX
Rotoili. New Plymouth and Onehuuga, December 19. Moernki, Melbourne, via South, December 20.
PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Wuverlcy, Nelson and West Coast, December 18. '■■ Aorerc, Patea, December 10. Bueen of tho South, Foxton, December IC. pawn, Blenheim, December 16. Huia,Wanganui, December IC. Stormbird, Wantjnnui, December 16. Krlih, Napier, East Coast, December 16. Blenheim, Blenheim, December IG. :. Manaroa, Motucka, December IC. Ori'ti, Westport, December IG. Maori, Lyttelton, December IS. . • Patcenn," I'icton, Nelson, December 16. Takapuna, New Plymouth ami Onehunga, December 16. Torgauten, Hokitika, December 16. Turakina, Lyttelton., December 16. . . . Kiripaka, Patea, December 16. Defender, Greyinouth and Hokitik.i, December 16. ■"■•-. Rob Roy, Picton and Rounds, Decembor 16. ' Mapourika, Picton, Nelson, West Coast, December 17. Ilinemoa, Northern lighthouses, December 17. Ennerdale, Lyttelton and Bluff, December 17. Rotomahana, Lyttelton, December 17. Waikaro, Lyttejton, Dunedin, December 17. Monowai, Napier, Gisborno, Auckland, Docember 17. Penguin, Picton and Nelson, December 17. Warrimoo, Melbourne, via Southern ports, December 19. Mokoia, Sydney, via Northern ports, December 19. Rotoiti, Nelson, New Plymouth, Onehunga, December 19. Moeraki, Sydney direct, December 20.
INTERCOLONIAL SERVICE. MOERAKI, s.s., left Melbourne, December 11 for Wellington, via nobart and southern poits Due Wellington Decembor 20. Loaves for Sydney direct same day. Duo Sydney December 24. VICTORIA, s.s., left Sydney, December. 11; for Wellington, via Auckland, Gisborno, mil' Napier. Due Auckland Decembor 15, Wellington December 20. Leaves for southern ports same day. MARAMA, s.s., leaves Melbourne, December 18. lor Wellington, via Hobart and (southern ports. Duo Wellington December 27. Leaves for Sydney direct same day. Dno Sydney Dβcembor 31. WARRIMOO, 8.5., loft Sydney, December It, for Wellington direct. Due Wellington December 18. Leaves for Melbourne, via southern ports and Ilobart, , December 19. Due Melbourne December 28. ' •; , MOKOIA, s.s., leaves Dunedin, December-;i7, for Sydney, via Lyttelton, Wellington,,'' And Northern ports. Arrives at and departs from Wellington. December 19. Leaves Auckland, December 23. Due Sydney, December 27. MANUKA, s.s., leaves Sydney, December 18, for Wellington, via Auckland, Gisborno, and Napier. Due Auckland, December 22, Wellington, December 27. Leaves for Lyttelton arid Dunedin same day. MAHENO. t.s., leaves Melbourne, Decembor 25, for Wellington, via Hobart and Southern ports. Due Wellington. December 27. Leave's Wellington same day for Sydney direct. Due Sydney, December 31. W.IM.MERA, R.S., leaves Sydney, December 20, for Wellington direct. Due Wellington, December 24. Leaves Wellington. December 24, for Melbourne, via Southern ports and Hobart. Duo Melbourne, January 4. ZEALAND I A, s.s., leaves Sydney, December 25, for Wellington, via Northern porta. Due. Wellington, January 3. Leaves for Southern ports same day. OVERSEA SHIPPING. STEAMERS TO ARRIVE. From London. .' INDRADEVI (duo Wellington about Decanher 27), Bailed ou October V,, via Melbourne, Sydney, Auckland, and Napier. (Tyeer Line,agents.) • I'Ai'AROA (duo Wellington about December 22), sailed on November 2, from Plymouth November 4, via ' Capotown and Hobart. (N.Z.S. Co., agents.) KAIPARA (due Wellington about -December 31), sailed on November 2, via Auckland. (N.Z.S. Co., agents.) ATHENIC (due Wellington about December 31), sailed on November 14), Plymouth November 16, via Capetown and Hobart. (Shaw, Savill; agents.) PAPANUI (duo Wellington about January 21), sailed on November 28, Plymouth November. 30, via Capetown and Hobart. (N.Z.S. Co., agents.) NKRKHANA (due Wellington about February 12). sailed o:r December 3, via Australian ports, Auckland and Napier. (Tyser 'AUSTRALIA (due Wellington about January 18), sailed on November fi, via Australia, Auckland, and Napier. (Tyser Line, agents.) From Liverpool. ( FIFFSHIRE (duo Wellington about December 20), Bailed on October 19, via Sydney and Auckland. (U.JI.S. Litie. agents.) DELPHIC (due Wellington about December. 20), sailed on October 5, via Australia. (Shaw, , Savill, agents.) ■• ■ RIPPING-HAM GRANGE (duo. Wellington about January 6), sailed on November' 23, via Auckland. (F.H.S. Line, agents.) From New York, ELVASTON (due about December 27), sailer! October 22, via Dunedin and Lyttelton. (N.Z.S. Co.. atents.) "■■■.. HAVRE'S' BAY (duo Wellington ;.bout January 6), sailed on October 2G, , via Australia and Auckland. (Tyser Line, agents.) '• LORD SEFTON.(due. ; W ; ellington about Feb- , ruary 1G). Sailed on November 28, via Australian ports and Auckland. (A. and , A. Line, agents.) NEW, ORLEANS (due Wellington about : February 8). Sailed on December 10, for Auckland direct. .(A. and A. Line, agents.) : .'■■■• SAILING VESSELS TO ARRIVE. v GENI, Italian barque, sailed from Marseilles September 4, via Bluff. (Buscoo and Co., agents.) ' INVERMAY, barque, sailed from Liverpool November. 19, via Dunedin. : . BY TELEGRAPH. -.."'"■.■ OVERSEA. . Saturday, December 11. SYDNEY. ' ■ Sailed.—Warrimoo (3 p.m.), for Wellington direct. > ■ NEWCASTLE. . Arrived.—Taluno, from Port Chalmers. MELBOURNE. Sunday, December 15. Arrived.—Marania. . Sailed.—Loch Garve, for Wellington. coastal; ;'■'';.>' Saturday, December "i}. ;, - AUCKLAND. Sailed.—Waikaro, for Southern ports. •■■ Pa's-' sengers for Wellington: Saloon—Misses Bioknell, Mirams, Neligan (2), Smith, Holt,",Me6-. dames Neligan and infant, May, Muir and infant, .. Muir, Bishop. Neligan, Messrs; May, Robertson, Carter, Masters Neligan, Keaney, and Corrigan. . . . ;,. ' Sailed.—fiakanoa (12.20 p.m.),. for Newcastle. Arrived.—Zealandia, s.s.- (Sunday). ■■ . Arrived—Whangape, s.s. (Sunday), from south. . ... Sailed.—Rakanoa, s.s. (Sunday), for Newcastle. ~ ■" .. ';.._ NEW PLYMOUTH. ' Arrived.—Rarawa (8 a.m.), from Wellington. Arrived.—Rotoiti (noon), from Wellington. , Sailed.—Rotoiti (9.5 p.m.), for Onehuuga; : . NAPIER. .■'.'."• Arrived.—Nora Niveu (5 a.m.), from Wellington. ■ - . ■■ WAITARA. ..:-'': Arrived.—Tainui (4 a.m.), from Wellington. PATE A. Arrived.—Kapiti (5 p.m.), from Arrived.—Aorore (5.20 p.m.), from Wellington. • "• . i PICTON. Arrived.—Arahura (5.10 p.m.), from Wellington '.'■■'; Sailed. —Arahura (9.30 < p.m.), for Nelson. ' NELSON. Arrived.—Tasman (7 a.m., Sunday), from Wellington. . '■■..'■ Arrived.'-Arahura (4.30 a.m., Sunday), frqiti Picton. GREYMOUTH. , Arrived.—Potono (11 a.m.), from Wellington. WESTPORT. Arrived.—Hauroto (6 p.m.), from Wellington: Arrived.—Poherua (1.30 a.m., Sunday), from Wellington. LYTTELTON. ■ • ■ | '; • Arrived.—Mokoia (11.50 a.m.), from WoliicgArrived.—Lord Stanley (5.15 a.m. Sunday), from Wellington. ■ ■ . ■
Arrived.—Uotoinahana (noon, Sunday), from Wellington. . . . . . DUNEDIN. Arrived.—Maheno, from Sydnev, via Cook Strait. .Arrived.—Mokoia (Sunday), from Sydnoy, via Auckland. ■ Sailed.—Maheno (Sunday), for Melbourne, via Bluff and Hobart. . •
THE STRATIIAVON. Tho A. and A. Line, steamer Strathavon has been fixed to sail from Now York, for New Zealand direct, during next month. Ghe brings cargo for Auckland, -Wellington,' Lyttelton, and Duncdin, discharging in the'order i-.amcd. ■
THE LORD .SEFTON. Advico has been, received that the A. and' A.. Lino steamer Lord Scfton, left New York on November 23, for New Zealand, via. Melbourne and Sydney. The vessel works Auckland first, then Wellington, Lyttelton, and Duuodm in rotation. She is due at Wellington about February IC.
THE NEW ORLEANS. Cabled advico received states that the A. and A. Lino steamer New Orleans left New York on Tuesday, for New Zealand direct. Auckland is the first port of call, thence Eho proceeds to Wellington, and is due about February 8.
THE MATATUA. The Shaw, Savill steamer Matatua, from London, via Auckland, arrived late on Saturday night. Tho vessel has dropped anchor at tho powder ground, and ns she- has a largo cargo of explosives to land, it is expected Bhe will not commence discharging general cargo until to-morrow afternoon.
EXCUESION TO PICfON. Tn view of the approaching holidays, the Huddart-Parker Company has arranged that the Victoria shall leave Duncdin on December 23| and arrive at 'Wellington on the return hip to Sydney, in time to run an excursion trip from Wellington to Picton on Boring Pay. On completion of the excursion she will resume her voyage to Sydney, via Napier, Gisborne, and Auckland.
THE WHAKATANE. The heavy westerly gales experienced at Wanganui- during last week prevented the loading operations of the Whakatane. She left there on Saturday, and is now loading at Waitara, where on completion she comes on to Wellington, being due to-morrow. The Wanganui cargo for the Whnkataue is being brought to Wellington by the smaller steamers, and will be transhipped here. The next port of call, on tho homeward loading berth, for the. Whakatane is Dunedin, thence back to Lyttelton.' She is oxpectcd to sail finally for London on December 21, from Lyttelton.
THE KOEOMIKO. A Press Association message from Dunediu states that the trial runs at Home of the Union Company's new turret steamer Koromiko were very satisfactory. The vessel,' while deeply loaded, registered Hi . kuots,-a good turn of speed for. a cargo carrier. Tho Union Company have' received advice that the Koroniiko left Liverpool on Friday, under tho command of • Captain Clift, for' Freniantle, wliero she is to load timber for New Zealand ports. She was launched at Sunderland, on November 5, by the builders, Messrs. Doxsford and Sons. Tho Koromiko, constructed on the turret principle, which affords .advantageous facilities as to stowage of cargo, as 312 ft. long, 43ft. (Jin. beam, and 22ft; moulded depth of hold, her tonuago being 2500 gross and 1250 net.
TnE LARGEST OIL BARGE. ; The .largest oil barge in tho world was launched on October 10, at Belfast, by Messrs.Harjand and Wolff, to the order of the AngloAmerican Oil Company. This vessel is named Navahoo, and is 450 ft. long by 58ft. beam, and about 8000 tons register. She'has been specially designed and constructed for the transport of over 10,000 tons of oil in bulk. The vessel will have an exceptionally complete oil-pumping system for loading and discharging, also steam-steering gear, deck machinery, etc., all the arrangements being of the.latest type. ;• There will bo a largo singleended boiler (arranged for burning oil fuel) to generate, tho power for driving the pumps, etc. A very complete installation .of electric light is fitted. Bit.umastic enamel was applied to. tho peaks, cofferdams, ballast, tank,, and boiler space, and bitumastic covering to the flat of deck in boiler space. The vessel is fitted with six masts, with fore and aft sails and gear complete: She has a special towing machine and large patent towing chock for connecting her with one of the company's steamers, by which the barge will be towed across tho ocean. The Navahoe is the counterpart of the Iroquois, now finishing for the same company, and the combination of the. two vessels will enable one steamer to bring from port to port 20,000 tons of oil at one time.
. . SAILING RECORDS. In the course of an article in the October -''Nautical l!agnzine" on Caii We Return, to tire Sailing Ship? the writer (W. P. Whnll) peiis the following interesting remarks relative to old time ocean fliers:—"The fastest 'commercial sailing vessel that ever floated was tho celebrated Flying Cloud, built by Donald M'Kay, of East Boston, U.S. She Vas 1700 tons, and in a day froni noon to noon made th,e'extraordinary rim of 374 knots, equal to 133.2 statute niiles. But as she was sailing partly to the westward she lengthened her day to 24 hours 19min. 4sec., and this speed reduced to the limit of 24 hours would have given her a run of 427.5 statute miles. The next best run recorded is that of-the Sovereign of \}\e Seas, biiilt at the snine yard and in thV same year—lßsl. Her best clay's run was 362 knots, or 419 statute mile, but as she was running, to the eastward her day was only 23 hours 25min. 4«ec., which would give 427.6 statute miles for the 24 hours. . . .' The best sailing passage across the Atlantic is that of the famous packet ship Dreadnought, Captain Samuels; Sandy Hook to Queenstown, 9 days, 17 hours, or corrected for longitude, 9 days llhoiirs—nn average speed of 13 knots all the way. The best Australian ■riiii is chat of the Thermopylae, GO days to Melbourne. . . . Until quite recently there havo been no such phenomenal passages. . . but. for the' past ten years or more wonderful work has been done by the live-masted Potoei and the five-masted ship Preusscn."
The Oreti arrived from Wahganui yesterday afternoon, and sails for' West Coast to-day. ; The Penguin came off the. Patent Slip on Saturday, and resumed her running yesterday. She loft at 3.30 p.m. for Nelson direct, and 'is due back this evening. . . The barque Irene, at present discharging guano at Dunediu, has been chartered by Mr. 11. Guthrie to load white, piue for Sydney, 'at Greymouth. She will be one of the largest sailers to load at Greymouth, being estimated ti carry about 800,000 ft. of timber. The steamer Manaton arrived in tho stream yesterday to ropleuish bunkers. It is'.reported coaling operations will not commence until another health inspection has boen made i >The Tyser liner Mwaru loft for London via Las Talmas, yesterday morning, and is duo at her destination on January 21. , .The Union Company advise that the Corinna will leave Duucdin on Friday next, Decembor 20, instead of on Sunday, December 22. 4fter calling at Oamaru and Timaru'tho' vessel will work Lyttelion ou Monday, December 23, and leave the eamo day for Wellington, New Plymouth, and Onehunga.
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Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 70, 16 December 1907, Page 10
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3,048SHIPPING NEWS. Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 70, 16 December 1907, Page 10
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