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Carts and Carters. 1. The word " cart " shall for the purposes of these bye-laws include every waggon dray or other such carriage whatever be its construction drawn by Torses or other animals used wholly or chiefly for the carriage of burdens or heavy goods the word ''woodcart" shall mean a cart used in the hawking of firewood for sale the word "watercart" shall mean a cart used in the hawking of water for sale and the word " nightcart " shall mean a cart used in the carrying or removing of night soil offal or other | offensive refuse. 2. The council may if they shall see fit from time to time license to ply for hire within the borough such carts as respectively after inspection had by the authority of the council, should bo found fit for public use and also such carts to be used within tlie borough in hawking wood or water for sale respectively or both wood and water and also such, carts to be used and ply for liire or to be employed as nightcarts within the borough as shall after the like inspection be found fit for such purposes respectively; '. 3. For every license for any cart plying for liire within the Borough 1 of Balclutha there shall/be paid to the borough clerk the sum of (£1) one pound annually. Every ( license to be available only until the. 30th day of September after the date of, its issue. - Every such license' shall be granted on the written application for the same of the owner or if there be more owners than one of. some one owner of the cart to be, 1 licensed and in every such application shall be set forth truly the name aiid surname and place of abode of the applicant and the like shall be set forth in. the license when granted and any person who ' shall wilfully omit from any such application any-particular hereby required to be stated therein 6r who shall wilfully state anytlnrig falsely touching any such particular £halhforfeit a sum not exceeding five, pounds. Every such license shall be numbered so that no two or more licenses granted by the council shall bear the same number and shall be • registered with such number by the borough clerk in a registry book to be kept for the purpose and the owner named in any such license shall cause to be painted or marked and to be kept so painted or marked on some ,- ; ; conspicuous place on the right or, off side of the cart thereby licensed the name of the borough with the number of such license in legible letters and figures one inch in length' and of a. proportionate breadth and the words' " licensed cart " in like letters arid every such owner who, shall omit or fail to comply with the provisions of this section shall forfeit a sum not exceeding forty sliillings. 4. The clerk of the borough shall from time to time upon applicationby the owner named in such license make 'and sign with his name without fee or reward an endorsement on such license being still in force' authorising during the currency of such license or for such less time as, . . may be stated in such endorsement the use of such cart for the hawking' for sale within the borough of wood or water or of both wood and water and forthwith upon making such endorsement shall make an entry thereof in a proper column. of the registry book aforesaid against the entry of such ' license and every authority so endorsed upon any such license shall while the same shall be in force have the effect of and be deemed for all purposes to be a license of the like tenor granted under these bye-laws. 5. If any owner of any cart permits the same to . stand or ply for hire or to be used as ; a woodcart or as a watercart or to ply for hire or to bo used as a nightcart within the borough without having^ a license in force for such cart licensing or authorising such standing plying for hire or use respectively within such borough or if any person be found within any such borough standing or plying for hire or using any woodcart or watercart or plying for hire or using any nightcart for which respectively no such license is in force or without having the name of the boroughand the number of such license and the words " ncensed cart " displayed upon such cart openly and in manner herein provided every such person so offending shall forfeit a sum not exceeding forty shillings. 6. The owner' of every cart kept within the borough and not used in standing or plying for hire or for any dther of the "purposes hereinbefore , ■- in these bye-laws mentioned shall in .each year apply to the borough clerk that such, cart be registered and shall truly state at the same time to the said borough clerk the name and place of abode, oi such owner, a : . „, suchcart have been previously registered iii^he^ borough 1 the' number of *'" ' such registration and such borough clerk: shauf forthwith' register the said ■■'■X cart and enter 'the said p^ariffeulars^in 'a register, book; to .'.: be. kepf J^pr, the^ „ ;i .


purpose j^umbering all such entries with a number but so that in no case ■' shall any two such entries bear the same numbers save in the case of such previous registration in which case the second and all subsequent entries of the cart shall bear the number of the said previous registration and the "borough clerk shall issue to such owner a certificate signed by such clerk of such registration bearing the number thereof and the name and place of abode of such owner and every such registration shall be of effect until such day in each year as the council shall have appointed and no longer and every such owner shall cause such number to be painted or marked on auch cart and kept so painted or marked in the like position and manner as is' -herein required in the case of licensed carts. /.Every owner of any such cart as in the last preceding section who in any year keeps any such cart within the borough without having registered the same In such year in the manner therein aforesaid or without having caused such number to be so painted or marked /as aforesaid and keeping the same so painted or marked on such cart shall for such default forfeit a sum not exceeding five pounds. 8. Every owner or driver of any cart who uses any abusive or insulting language to any person who wishes to hire or has hired such cart or if the same be then employed as a woodcart or watercart who shall deal with such owner' or driver for the purchase of or have immediately before purchased of him any wood or water of the loading of such cart respectively shall forfeit a sum not exceeding five pounds. 9. If the driver of any cart shall leave the same unattended in any street wliether .public or private or shall go for a distance of more than two yards from the aide of such cart being in any 3uch street without passing through the near wheel or wheels thereof a suitable chain or chains so as •effectually to prevent the rotation of such wheel or wheels whether in any such case such cart be hired or not such driver shall in every such case forfeit a sum not exceeding forty shillings for such offence and where such cart shall have been so left unattended any constable may drive away such cart and deposit the same with the horses and harness thereto at some neigh*bouring place of safe custody and in default of payment of the said penalty on conviction for such last-mentioned offence and of the expenses to be awarded by the adjudicating justices of taking and keeping the said cart •and horses the same together with the harness belonging thereto or any of . them may by order of such justices be sold and after deducting from the produce of the said sale the amount of the said penalty and costs (if any) -and of the said expenses so awarded and expenses of the sale the surplus (if any) shall be paid to the owner of the said. cart. 10. No driver of any cart in any street whether public or private or in any public place shall feed any horse, attached to such cart save by means and out of a nose-bag containing the forage and attached to the -head of such horse or shall remove the blinkers of any such horse and 'every driver of any cart to which any vicious horse shall be attached shall keep such horse while standing in any such street or place as afore•aaiid properly muzzled and every driver offending against this section shall forfeit a sum not exceeding forty shillings. 11. The council having granted any license for any cart may at any time if it shall be proved to their satisfaction that the owner of the cart thereby licensed has been convicted of any offence against " The Municipal Corporations Act 1876" or any Act amending the same or -against any bye-laws' made thereunder or of any offence in respect of any property -entrusted to him as such owner suspend for any stated time or on the like proof of a second such conviction or of any two such . convictions suspend for any stated time or revoke as seems to them fit such license and no license while suspended under this section or otherwise shall be deemed to be of any force or virtue hereunder. 12. The driver of every cart which shall during the hours after sunset of any day and before sunrise of the following day be in any street or ) public place within: the borough shall keep a light attached to or suspended from the right oi* off side of such cart so as to be plainly visible to the driver of any carriage proceeding through or along such street or place in a contrary direction to that in which such first-mentioned cart shall be directed and in the case of a nightcart only such light shall be such and be so disposed as to appear white in front and red at the outer side and every • driver who shall fail to comply with this section shall forfeit a sum not exceeding forty shillings. 13. Every owner or driver of any cart who shall use or employ the -same in loading carrying removing or depositing any nightsoil offal or 'other offensive refuse or matter within the borough save between such hours of the night or shall deposit the same save at such places as respeciavely shall have been appointed by some bye-law in that behalf shall forfeit a sum hot exceeding five pounds. PART 11. Pedlars and Haiolcers. 1. For every license to a pedlar cr hawker there shall be paid to the •"borough clerk the sum of two shillings and sixpence per month or sixpence per day. 2. If any person trades as or carries on business within the borough -as a pedlar or hawker without having first obtained a license he shall forfeit and pay on conviction for every such offence any sum not exceeding five pounds and every person trading or carrying on such business as aforesaid within any such borough shall be deemed and taken to be unlicensed .unless he shall prove to the contrary by the production of his license or •otherwise. 3. Every person licensed to trade or carry on business as> a pedlar or hawker within the borough who shall not comply with any bye-law made by the council of the borough for the regulation of the conduct of pedlars -and hawkers shall forfeit and pay on conviction for every such offence any sum not exceeding forty shillings. BYE- LA W No. 3. -REGULATIONS DP PROCEEDINGS OP COUNCIL OFFICERS &c. 1 In all cases not herein provided for resort shall be had to the rules forms and usages of Parliament which shall be followed so far as the same •are applicable to the proceedings of the council. 2. At every -meeting of the council the first business thereof shall be the reading and putting a question for the confirmation of the minutes of the proceedings at the preceding meeting and the reading of the minutes ■of the proceedings of any committee presented at any such preceding meeting and no discussion shall be permitted thereon except as to their •accuracy -as a record of the proceedings and the said minutes of the proceedings of the preceding meeting shall then be signed and the rough minutes of the proceedings of the council at any meeting shall be read at the close of such meeting. 3. After the signing of the minutes as aforesaid the order of business •of an ordinary meeting shall be as follows or as near thereto as may be practicable -but for the greater convenience of the council at any particular aneeting thereof it may be altered by resolution to that effect. (i.) Reading of copies of letters sent by the authority of the council. (rr.) Reading letters received and considering and ordering thereon. (iil.^ Reception and reading of petitions and memorials. (iv.j) Presentation of reports of commictees. (v.) Payments. (\t.S Ordinary business. i (vn.) Orders of the day including subjects continued from proceedings of former meetings. i (vin.) Extraordinary business and new rules and regulations. ' (ix.) Other motions of which previous notice has been given. (x.) Notices of motion. And the order of business at a special meeting shall be the order in "which such business stands in the notice thereof. - 4. Whenever a division shall be demanded by any councillor the ( •councillors voting in the affirmative shall first hold up their hands and ; then those voting in the negative shall hold up their hands and the result be declared by the chairman. < 5. All addresses to the Governor shall be presented by the mayor I and borough clerk unless otherwise ordered by the council. 1 6. All notices of motion shall be dated and numbered and given by "the intending mover to the borough clerk at the close of the meeting of ' •council or if not required by law to be given at a meeting then three clear ' days prior to the next meeting of council and the borough clerk shall enter < the same in the notice of motion book in the order in which they may be received. < 7. No member shall make any motion initiating a subject for dis- i •cussion but in pursuance of notice given as prescribed in the last preceding clause. j 8. No motion except that for receiving the same shall unless under some urgent circumstances be made on any petition memorial or other like application until the next ordinary meeting of council after that at 1 which it has been presented. < 9. Except by leave of the council motions shall be moved in the order in which they have been received and recorded hy the borough clerk in the notice of motion book and if not so moved or postponed shall be struck out. s 10. No motion entered in the notice of motion book shall be pro- i ceeded with in the absence of the councillor who gave notice of the same unless by some other councillor producing written authority from him to i that effect. 11. No motion for an address or petition shall be entertained unless the mover slialTat some previous meeting have submitted a draft of the same. - < 12. Any councillor desirous of making a motion or amendment or ' taking part in discussion thereon shall rise and address the chairman and :- shall- -not- be interrupted unless called to order when he shall sit down until the councillor (if any) calling to order shall have been heard thereon arid the question of order disposed of when the councillor in possession < «f the chair may proceed with the subject.

13. Any councillor desirous of proposing an original motion or amendment must state the nature of the same before he addresses the council thereon. , 14. No motion or amendment shall be withdrawn without the leave ' of the council. 15. No motion or amendment shall be discussed or put to the vote of k the council unless it be seconded but a councillor may however require ' the enforcement of any standing order of the council by directing the • mayor's or chairman's attention to the infraction thereof. [ 16. A councillor moving a motion shall be held to have spoken , thereon but a councillor merely seconding a motion shall not be held to L have spoken upon it. 17. The councillors in meeting of council shall designate each other by their official titles namely that of mayor chairman or councilor as the case may require. 18. If two or more councillors rise to speak at the same time the mayor or chairman shall decide which is entitled to priority. \ . 19. The mayor or chairman shall rise in addressing the council to discuss any question and shall not leave the chair on such occasions. 20. No councillor shall speak a second time on the same question unless entitled to reply or in explanation when he has been misrepresented or misunderstood. 21. The mayor or chairman when called upon to decide on points of order or practice shall state the provision rule or practice which he deems applicable to the -case without discussing or commenting on the same and his decision as to order or explanation in each case shall be final. 22. No councillor shall digress from the subject matter of the question under discussion or comment upon the words used by any other councillor in a previous debate and all imputations of improper motives and all personal reflections on councillors shall be deemed highly disorderly. 23. Whenever any councillor shall make use of any expression disorderly or capable of being applied offensively to any other councillor the councillor so offending shall be required by the mayor or chairman to withdraw his expression and to make satisfactory apology to the council. 24. A councillor called to order shall sit down unless permitted to explain. 25. Any councillor using offensive or disorderly language and having been twice called to order or to withdraw or apologise for such conduct and refusing so to do shall be guilty of an offence. 26. Any person not being a councillor who having been admitted to any meeting of the council shall be guilty thereat of any improper or disorderly conduct or who shall not leave when lawfully requested by the mayor or chairman so to do may be forthwith removed by him and shall be deemed guilty of an offence. 27. • Any councillor not attending in compliance with an order for a call of the whole council without reasonable excuse to the satisfaction of the majority thereof shall be deemed guilty of an offence. 28. Any councillor may of right demand the production of any of the documents of the council applying to the question under discussion. 29. The council shall vote by show of hands and any councillor present and not voting not being disabled by law from so doing shall be guilty of an offence. 30. The mayor or chairman shall in taking the sense of the council put the question first in the affirmative and then in the negative and the result thereof shall be recorded in the minutes. 31. At every meeting of the council all motions whether original motions or amendments shall be reduced into writing signed by the mover and delivered to the chairman immediately on their being moved and j seconded. 32. No second or subsequent amendment whether upon an original proposition or on an amendment shall be taken into consideration until the previous amendment is disposed of. 33. If an amendment be carried the question or amendment as amended shall become itself the question or amendment whereupon any further amendment upon any portion of the question 'or amendment coming after such first-mentioned amendment may be moved. 34. If an amendment be negatived then a second may be moved to the question to which the first-mentioned amendment was moved but only one amendment shall be submitted to the council for discussion at a time. 35. The mover of every original proposition but not of any amendment shall have a right to reply immediately after which the question shall be put from the chair but no councillor shall be allowed to speak more than once on the same question unless permission be given to explain or the attention of the chair be called to a point of order. 36. No discussion shall be allowed on any motion for adjournment of the council but if on the question being put the motion be negatived the subject then under consideration or the next on the notice paper shall be discussed or any other that may be allowed precedence before any subsequent motion for adjournment be made. 37. Any councilloi* may protest against any resolution of the council and notice of intention to protest shall in every case be given forthwith on the adoption of the resolution protested against and the protest shall specify the reasons for protesting and shall be entered three days at least belore the next ordinary meeting of the council by the protesting councillor in a book to be kept for that purpose in the borough clerk's office and signed by such councillor and shall be also entered in the minutes of the meeting at which notice of the intention to protest • shall have been given previously to the confirmation thereof but such protest may be expunged from the minutes if declared by a majority of the council to be not in accordance with truth or in its terms disrespectful to the council. 38. If a debate on any motion moved and seconded be interrupted by the number of the councillors present becoming insufficient for the transaction of business such debate may be resumed at the point where it was so interrupted on motion upon notice. 39. If a debate on any order of the day be interrupted by such insufficiency of number as aforesaid happening such order may be restored to the notice-book for a future day on motion upon notice and then such debate shall be resumed at the point where it was so interrupted. 40. Minutes of all proceedings of committees as well as of their reports numbered in consecutive order shall be entered in the committee's minutebook and being signed by the chairman of the committee shall be presented ; to the council and the borough clerk when practicable shall attend all meetings of committees. 41. The borough clerk shall convene every committee within ten days j of first appointment or auy other time thereafter by order of the council , or on the written order of the chairman of the committee or of . any two < members of the committee. ' 42. No petition shall be presented after the council shall have proceeded to the orders of the day. • ] 43. It shall be incumbent on every councillor presenting a petition to ] acquaint himself with the contents thereof and to ascertain that it does not contain language disrespectful to the council and that the contents do not j violate any bye-law or any provision hereof. _ 1 44. Every councillor presenting a petition to the council shall write < his name at the beginning thereof. 45. Every petition shall be in writing and not printed or lithographed : and shall contain the prayer of the petitioners at the end thereof and be j signed by at least one person on every skin or sheet on which it is written. 46. Every petition shall be signed by the persons whose names are ' appended thereto by their names or marks and by no one else except in ] cases of incapacity by sickness. 47. No letters affidavits or other documents shall be attached to any " petition. * 48. Every councillor presenting a petition to the council shall confine himself to a statement of the persons from whom it comes of the number < of signatures attached to it and of the material allegations contained in it < and to the reading of the prayer thereof. '<■ 49. No appointment to any permanent office at the disposal of the i council shall take place until seven clear days' public notice shall have been < given by advertisement in one or more newspapers circulating in the < borough inviting applications from qualified candidates for the same. 50. The salary or allowance attached to all offices and places at the 1 disposal of the council shall in all cases be fixed before they proceed to 1 appoint any person to fill the same before the advertisement inviting s applications as aforesaid and shall be specified in such advertisement. f 51. No councillor or officer of the council and no assessor or auditor I of the borough shall be received as a surety for any officer* appointed by c the council or for any work to be done for the council. £ 52. In all cases of security being given for the faithful performance of any duty or contract the expense of preparing such security shall be borne Jf by the person providing the same. c 53. All the plans and specifications for any public work shall be laid a before the council at least six days prior to the same being considered and ordered upon and be open for inspection by any ratepayer during that i time. £ 54 It shall be lawful for the treasurer of the borough from • time to c time on the written order of the borough clerk to disburse such moneys as c shall have been appropriated by the council for the purpose of this clause "•- and as shall be required for any necessary occasion not exceeding in the whole in any interval between two ordinary meetings of the council the 1 sum of five pounds. T 55. The common seal of the borough shall be kept in a box having two locks of one of which locks the mayor and each councillor shall have a I key and of the other of which locks the key shall be kept by the borough £ clerk and the corporate seal shall not be affixed to any document unless i the mayor and one other member of the council or in the absence of the mayor unless two councillors be present. 56. Any one or more of the rules or regulations contained in this subdivision may be suspended for a special purpose on motion upon notice i duly given and shall not otherwise be suspended except by a unanimous i vote of the council.

: 57. If any person shall be guilty of any wilful offence or misfeasance » or wilful or negligent act of commission or omission contrary .to any provision contained in this bye-law he shall forfeit a sum not exceeding five s pounds.

BYE- LA W No. 4. Any person guilty within the said Borough of Balclutha of any of the acts offences omissions or neglects mentioned in any of the following sections shall on being convicted of any such act offence neglect or omission be liable to pay any penalty not exceeding five pounds. 1. Throwing any glass filth dirt rubbish or matter of .a similar nature upon any street footway court alley or public place whatsoever. 2. Riding driving leading oi* wheeling any barrow cart dray carriage or animal upon or along any footpath without the permission of the council to do so. 3. Placing any timber bricks stone or materials upon any footway channel surface drain or road without such permission as aforesaid. 4. Burning any shavings straw or other materials or matter upon any footway carriage road or open or public place without such permission as aforesaid. 5. Leaving any inflammable materials or matter in any public shed or place or on any open space near any building without such permission as aforesaid. 6. Drawing or trailing any sledge timber or material upon any foo,tv: way or carriage road. „ •':"' 7. Emptying any privy or cesspool or carrying away ally- nightsoil or other offensive matter without having a license from the 1 council so to do. 8. Allowing any nightsoil or other offensive matter to be spilt or otherwise cast on to or upon any road street footway public place or thoroughfare. 9. Allowing the droppings from the eaves of any house to fall upon any footway. 10. Placing any placard or other document writing or painting on or otherAvise defacing any house or building or any wall fence lamp-post gate or place without the consent of the owner or occupier thereof, 11. Opening any drain or sewer or removing the surface of any footway or carriage road without authority from the borough clerk to do so. 12. Neglecting to clean any private yard way passage or avenue by which neglect a nuisance is caused. ■ 13. Rolling any cask beating any carpet breaking in any horse flying any kite using any bows or arrows or playing at any game (to the annoyance of any person) in any public thoroughfare or obstructing any footpath or carriage road whether by allowing any cart or animal to remain across such footpath or road or by placing goods thereon or otherwise. 14. Throwing or discharging any stone or other missile to the damage or danger of any person or property. 15. Blasting any rock stone or timber in or near any public place without permission of the council. 16. Furiously or negligently riding or driving through any public place street or thoroughfare. 17. Making any cellar door or other opening from the footway of any street or public thoroughfare without the consent or not in accordance with the directions of the council. 18. Exposing for sale any article whatsoever on any footway or outside of any shop window or doorway abutting on any public thoroughfare or street. 19. Discharging any firearms or letting off any fireworks. 20. Any person laying out or opening any street or building therein and omitting during the operations necessary for forming such street or for building therein to take such precautions for guarding against injury to the passengers along such street as may be necessary or as may be directed by the council. 21. Any person placing any obstruction upon any street-line whereby life or limb is likely to be endangered. 22. Any person leaving any hole excavation or dangerous formation in or near any public place street or thoroughfare without fencing or enclosing the same or without keeping a light burning upon such formation from sunset to sunrise. 23. Any person neglecting or omitting to keep in good repair any rail gate or fence over or about any area or entrance to any cellar or other place or keeping open for more than a reasonable time for taking in or out any articles any entrance to an area cellar or other place (such area or entrance opening into or upon or near any public street road thoroughfare or other public place). 24. Any person throwing any offensive matter or matter likely to become offensive or any animal with the intention of drowning it or any dead animal into any river watercourse or other place from whence the supply of water for the use of the inhabitants of the said borough is obtained. 25. Any carter riding on any cart dray or waggon without having and holding proper and sufficient reins and no competent person having charge of the animal or animals drawing the same. 26. Any person driving any vehicle whatsoever or riding any animal and when meeting any other vehicle or animal not keeping on the left or near side of the road or street or when passing any other vehicle or animal going in the same direction not going or passing or not allowing any person desirous so to do to pass when practicable so to do on the right or off side of such other vehicle or animal. 27. Driver of any horse or vehicle being away from his horse or cattle so as not to have the full control of them or injuring any person or property whatsoever by driving on the wrong side of the road or neglect and carelessness in driving. 28. A.ny person driving any cart waggon or dray without the name and residence of the owner thereof being painted in a legible and permanent manner on the right or off side in letters of at least one inch in length. 29. Any person driving any dog or goat harnessed or attached to any vehicle through any public place. 30. Any person who shall act as driver or have the sole charge of more than one vehicle on any public road or street unless in cases where i two of such carriages and no more shall be drawn each by one horse only i and the horse of the hinder of such carriages shall be attached by a sufficient rein to the foremost of such vehicles. 31. Driver or guard of any public vehicle for conveyance of passengers wilfully delaying on the road using any abusive or insulting lan- ' guage to any passenger or by reason of any intoxication negligence or other misconduct causing injury to or endangering the safety of the person ' or property of any passengef or person. j 32. Any person turning loose any horses cattle or geese upon any * public street or allowing any horses cattle, or geese to wander on any public street or thoroughfare within the borough of Balclutha. , 33. Any person leaving upon any public street or thoroughfare any ■ plough harrow cart or other vehicle without any horse or other animal \ harnessed thereto unless in consequence of some accident having occurred. . ] 34. Any person slaughtering or skinning any beast upon any public i street or thoroughfare or permitting any slaughtered beast or any skin to ] remain there or leaving any dead beast on such street or thoroughfare. j 35. Any person having any iron timber or boards laid upon any vehicle going along any street or thoroughfare so that either end shall j project more than two feet beyond the wheels or sides of such vehicle. 36. Any person destroying damaging polluting or obstructing any " aqueduct dam sluice-pipe pump watercourse fountain fireplug stand-pipe 1 or lamp-post. ( 37. Any person suffering or allowing any waste or impure water or ] other matter to remain in or on any building or premises in the borough t or allowing any waste or impure water or other matter to run or flow upon any such building or premises from or over or be on any carriage or footway or other place whether public [or private within the said borough * or shall allow the contents of any watercloset privy or cesspool to flow £ over or to soak therefrom so as to be offensive. £ 38. Any person selling exposing delivering or offering for sale any 1 hay straw or coals from one half -ton or upwards within the borough of i Balclutha without having weighed or caused tlie same to be weighed at x some weighbridge within the borough licensed or provided or sanctioned for that purpose by the borough or any such person refusing or omitting to produce the weight note of the load or part of a load of any such hay straw c or coals sold exposed or offered for sale for the satisfaction of any inspector \ appointed by the Council in that behalf. p 39. Any carter or other person selling exposing delivering or offering o for sale on any cart or waggon any hay straw or coals without having the i correct tare weight of such waggon or cart painted and affixed thereto in some conspicuous place in letters of not less than one inch. 40. Any carter or other person who shall refuse or omit on being ? requested by the purchaser to take to any weighbridge within the borough 1! appointed or licensed for the purpose by the council the waggon dray cart 1 or other vehicle after the delivery of the load for the purpose of such dray ii cart or other vehicle being re-weighed and the correct tare weight thereof t when empty ascertained. g 41. Any owner or 'person in charge of any weighbridge within the i, borough who shall give a false or incorrect weight of any dray cart or other vehicle or of any load or part of a load of goods thereon. a 42. Any owner or person in charge of any weighbridge within the **■ borough who shall demand or exact any greater rates than those in this a section authorised to be charged from any person using or desiring to use c any weighbridge Rate chargeable for each vehicle having two wheels only sixpence. ( do do for four wheels one shillings 43. Any person ringing a bell or bells in any street or public place within the borough for the purpose of crying or calling any matter or thing whatever without permission of the council. ° " 44. Any -person being the owner or tenant of any building abutti'r-g v

any street where the footpath has been formed who. by omitting or neglect* ing to secure or maintain the foundation of such bmlding causes or allows the formed footpath to fall in or be otherwise damaged. 45. Any owner or tenant of any land or premises in front of which the footpath' has been asphalted or otherwise paved who omits daily to clear before eight (8) o'clock a.m» and to keep clean so much of the foot* path as is opposite to or in front of any such premises. 48. Any person, who shall sweep or put any sweepings dirt rubbish or thing into the channel in any street. 47. Any owner or driver of any hay-cart or other vehicle who whilst such hay-cart or other vehicle is passing through or along any street in the borough unloaded neglects to have the projecting frame detached from the body of the cart in such a manner as not to be an obstruction to the public nor dangerous to limb or life. 48. Any person riding or driving any horse or animal either with or without a vehicle at other than a walking pace over any bridge or round any angle or corner of a street or public thoroughfare within the borougii or within three (3) feet of any corner of any footpath. 49. Any person carting any carcases or butcher's meat through the borough without the same being covered. 50. Any person obstructing the inspector of Nuisances in the execution of any of his duties. By order. %' : - "•■•-;. THOS. PATERSON, (i»'s.) ,'...,- ' Borough Clerk. Borough Council Chambers, j 'Balclutha, 9th March, i8?8. I ■ ■ .

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Clutha Leader, Volume IV, Issue 192, 15 March 1878, Page 3

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BYE- LAW No. 2. PART I. Clutha Leader, Volume IV, Issue 192, 15 March 1878, Page 3

BYE- LAW No. 2. PART I. Clutha Leader, Volume IV, Issue 192, 15 March 1878, Page 3


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