Florists A phone call and a credit card no. is all you need for us to deliver flowers, plants, gift baskets, here, there and everywhere. Hornby Mall Florist, 495-351, or 498-719. BEVERLEY Florist for all floral art. Phone 63-077. CARLTON Florists, corner of Bealey Ave and Papanui Road, phone 556-033, a.h. 61160, Saturday delivery. CASHMERE Village Florist, cnr Barrington and Somerfleld Sts. Louise McLeavey. Phone 33-670, a.h. 388-960. GEOFFREY Reese, Victoria Florists, 50 Peterborough St. Ph. 64-325, ah. 582-239. ILAM Florlste, 203 Walmairi Rd. Ph. 585-396, a.h. 499-631. JENNY BURTT, 100 Fendalton Rd. Phone 517-980. JULIA Gray Florists for quality and courtesy, phone 61921 and 66-300,. a.h. 843-392, credit card orders accepted. MERIVALE Village Florist, Ruth Bain. Telehone 559-738, ah. 555-882. RANGIORA. The Greenery floral studio, Victoria Street Professional service for every occasion. Ph. 6770, a.h. 6365 Rga. Licensed Rest Homes RIVERSIDE Rest Home is pleased to offer 24 hour care with privacy and independence in a beautiful river set-, ting. We have single and dble rooms avail, for long or short term residence. All enquiries welcome. Please ph. 810-509. Engagements HOUGHTON — WICKHAM: John and Tul Wickham, RD. Norsewood, have much pleasure in announcing the engagement -of their only daughter, Rebekah, to Kent, second son of Joy and.the late Stuart -Houghton,;xSarnfya,Zambla. , t
Page 55 Advertisements Column 9
Press, 21 January 1987, Page 55
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