| Computers ~ ACTIVE Service Computer i Tutorials. All subjects i taught Databases written. Our motto, “Ngatahi Ako!” Together we win. Phone 28-8358. APPLE n Plus wanted or compatible. 64K, colour monitor, disk drive. Ph. 599- - 537. s ATARI 130 XE, disk drive, various business programmes - plus joy stick and games, e $975 OJI.O. Ph. 896-967. 5 COMPUTER Centre Ltd for Amstrad, Atari, Commodore and Sinclair computers. We s service what we sell. Authorised Atari and Commodore service centre, 149 ’ Manchester St, between Lichfield and Tuam Sts. Ph. 793-428. - HANIMEX HCGI7OO computer electronic chess game, as new, $4OO om.a Ph. 884-703. IBM PC hire. From $2O per t day. Phone 50-389. s WANTED, system 80, blue lable, computer only 48k preferred, ph. 797-882. f ——■ ■ COMPUTER DISKS DS/DD - ‘ 48 TPI 100 percent guaranteed error free : $3O PER 10 I Plus $2 p. and p. ’ P.O. BOX 3964, CHRISTCHURCH. | i Cage Birds ' BABY budgies and cockatlels I for talking, Java sparrows, I peachface lovebirds, i whistling canaries, white and brown quail, Chinese : , quail, Zebra finches, bird , cages - all sizes and prices at : Papanul Pets, 5 Main North ; ' Rd, ph. 528-693, open Satur- ■ day morning. : , BUDGIES sell $6 each. Phone I 883-251. ONE pair breeding Eastern Rosellas, sell. Ph. 895-572. Eggs, Poultry, etc. , •• CHINESE Silkies for sale, also ; ' minilab incubator. Phone ! 523-885. j LAYING hens, Ross Bornw . eight for $25, ph. 558-495. ; Funeral Directors ; i i LAMB : AND HAYWARD, : LIMITED ’ Funeral Directors ; 599-018 | DIRECTORS 1 Norman J. Henderson J Albert H. Marker al I 1 1 5 i I • < i ' s 1 : i : i If efficiency and * cost concern you... ' This time call - < R.S. PALMER (South Island) < [ FUNERAL SERVICES } TELEPHONE CHRISTCHURCH I 50-390 I r Ron Palmer — Robin Beardaley s 8 t BLAIR-KELLY C FUNERAL AND I CREMATION SERVICES t 21 Birmingham Drive, | Rlccarton. J PHONE 385-200. ‘ 24 hour service. 1 : 1 ! GEOFFREY HALL J FUNERAL SERVICES LTD ( CHRISTCHURCH « 790-178 (24 hrs) I RANGIORA 6948 I GULLIVER AND TYLER, LTD KAIAPOI RANGIORA ‘ Phone 7249 Phone 8222 I G. BARRELL AND SONS LTD ( MEMBERS F.D.A.N.Z. PHONE 388-311 ALL HOURS < Manager: L. R. GREY . < / ferry park A, I lAMB & Son ltd Funeral Directors 892-158 297 Ferry Road i JOHN RHIND LTD , 19 London Street Christchurch* Phone 799-920 ' I I !
Page 55 Advertisements Column 8
Press, 21 January 1987, Page 55
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