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National sales

6200 Abacus . . . 400 AICFin . . . 3700 180 110 112 0 -5 1000 115 1500 Alcan . . . , 275 0 300 Allegra . . . 82 0 600 Alliance. . . 177 3100 178 -4 400 179 2900 180 5100 182 300 new.... 172 -3 300 Allflex. . . . 352 -6 400 355 -3 500 AMBisley. . 220 -12 8100 Angus . . . . 220 2200 222 1200 225 -5 18200 Apex 260 -2 1000 262 2600 Apparel. . . 165 -5 300 Andas .... 175 -5 2000 177 200 Ctb . . . . 95 0 500 ANZBank. . 280 4700 : 285 3400 288 + 1 2200 289 3200 290 1200 AEllis .... 95 0 2900 Atlas 290 0 400 AkGas. . . . 320 -5 31500 Aurora . . . 220 0 100 225 9300 Baillie. . . . 215 0 700 Baker .... 300 -3 1700 BarclayNZ . 285 -2 1600 Batley. . . . 88 +1 200 Bendon . . . 275 -10 1100 280 100 285 4700 BigApple . . 20100 BNZFin. . . 47 215 -1 -5 1000 218 500 Bramco. . . 130 0 2400 135 14800 Brily 433 -17 1000 435 1000 436 2300 437 29600 438 2000 439 16100 440 32300 442 800 443 200 445 19400 450 900 452 200 Brother . . . 250 0 50800 CPD 350 -5 2000 353 1500 CFM 340 0 2600 Carbordum. 138 8700 140 0 12000 Cardrona . . 85 -3 1900 88 2800 CavElco. . . 218 -4 10000 220 11900 222 900 CartHolt . . 280 -15 13500 282 100 285 100 290 6200 Ceramco . . 340 0 300 Chemby. . . 180 -10 7300 Chase .... 395 -11 1000 397 29800 400 700 402 20000 405 200 406 4800 Charter . . . 130 4200 132 -3 7600 135 4000 Cerebos. . . 115 0 1000 Ch Press. . . 335 -10 2500 CityReal . . 70 -2 3500 72 200 73 1600 Clearwood . 48 -4 2100 49 700 50 17500 Clypex . . . 36 -2 1000 38 • 13000 opt ... . 18 -1* 200 ColMotor . . 335 +5* 100 ColyWat. . . 330 0 200 Comalco . . 320 -5 800 Command . 270 0 5400 CCI 190 -4 200 194

47000 ConsEnt. . . 20 55 56 0 +1 300 300 CookWine. . 8000 Corplnv. . . 250 -2 500 Cromwell. . 435 0 78700 Crown. . . . 153 -2 1200 155 • 2200 DIC 123 -1 3300 DingPaul . . 290 0 2000 DomBrew . 208 -4 12900 210 14900 212 9000 213 • 11500 Donaghy . . 230 0 7200 232 500 15 pc pf . 110 0 3300 DRGNZ... 122 0 8200 123 800 Ebos 295 +5 1400 EMCO. . . . 250 0 7900 Endeavour . 170 -3 5000 Equiticorp . 205 -20 5000 206 2700 207 5800 208 3400 210 1200 213 5800 215 400 pf 36 -1 100 EastGas. . . 175 -3 500 EastDeer . . 95 -3 800 97 1500 98 4300 FTC 153 72000 155 +2 22900 156 7400 Fernz .... 255 0 600 17 pc pf. 215 0 3000 Fleur .... 57 10000 58 + 1 900 59 1000 FirstCity . . 105 -4 73300 Feltex. . . . 268 0 3700 16 pc pf. 320 +15 1000 FletCh. . . . 385 500 388 5200 390 1000 392 2700 393 24200 395 -6 2300 397 600 398 470100 400 6600 401 1100 15 pc pf . 115 0 10900 16 pc pf. 650 +50 19500 F and P . . 350 -3 166800 352 5000 353 • 8500 Fortuna. . . 120 0 1000 G e n P r o p opt 38 200 40 +2 2000 Genestock . 100 -3 20500 GBCem . . . 49 -1 200 50 5900 Goodman. . 350 -10 500 355 1000 358 8500 360 800 362 • 712 14pc pf. . 630 4300 631 +81 500 Grovnr . . . 160 -5 500 165 21300 HB 225 0 9000 Grocorp. . . 50 0 4000 51 1000 opt ... . 18 0 1500 Hauraki. . . 90 +10 8900 HBerry . . . 208 -7 5100 210 1000 212 500 215 5400 Hortlnd. . . 110 -4 12500 111 500 opt ... . 35 0 1900 HuttonNZ. . 305 0 800 IC1NZ .... 312 0* 400 IndNews . . 315 0 4700 InvFin. . . . 258 6800 260 0 2500 IrvStern. . . no 0 700 IWDow . . . 472 -3 2000 Inttas pf . . 70 0 3800 JH Impey . 400 -15 2400 JSmith . . . 185 0 500 Jarden . . . 1100 0 46900 Jedi 67 -3 45000 68 200 69 200 JEdmond. . 300 +5 1000 JWebster . . 250 -10 500 260 10000 KiddGar . . 60 0 7300 Kingsgate. . 53 0 10000 Kiwifruit . . 50 -3 1000 51 2000 52

1000 53 4500 opt ... . 14 -1 19500 15 200 Landmark . 50 • 17700 51 -1 10400 52 4700 opt ... . 25 -1 2600 38 0 9400 130 0 4200 Lanes .... 78 0 200 Laurenson . 147 0 1600 LDNathan . 500 -12 100 15Vz pc pf 430 16880 440 +50 400 18 pc pf. 440 2152 450 +65 1000 Leisurld. . . 72 -6 800 75 2000 76 500 LeyGro pf . 38 +1 8300 Lion 273 4500 275 +2 100 12 pc pf. 290 + 10 3100 Mair 380 -5 1000 ManRad. . . 160 0 16300 Mainstay . . 55 -1 600 56 2000 opt ... . 15 1000 16 0 900 Marac. . . . 205 -7 3000 208 300 210 3300 Masport. . . 145 5000 147 -1 2000 148 1500 McAlpine. . 110 0 400 McDowell. . 280 -8 2300 285 400 MOBrn llpc pf 44 -3 100 Montana . . 135 400 140 -25 1000 MPI 400 0 14100 MotHolds. . 175 -10 500 180 400 Moyes. . . . 155 -5 700 160 400 162 1900 NatBlood . . 75 0 1000 76 200 Natlns. . . . 368 -2 3100 370 4600 Newmans. . 285 -3 500 ctb . . . . 185 -3 300 NZCement . 142 0* 100 NZEq .... 445 0 1900 NZFP .... 300 -10 4800 302 800 305 24900 308 85000 310 1000 311 1100 NZIG .... 342 0 700 350 2300 NZMarine . 105 -3 2200 106 2400 108 1000 NZNews. . . 555 -5 1000 560 1400 NZProp. . . 108 0 400 NZRefin. . . 212 +2 1100 NZSalmon . 350 -5 1700 355 94300 NZI 168 -1 1800 169 600 170 2300 opt ... . 93 -2 5400 94 11900 NZSteel. . . 260 -3 122200 262 2100 263 400 264 200 new.... 240 0 700 245 800 250 5800 NZVenture . 60 -7 2000 62 5100 63 6000 64 13100 65 1000 Northrop . . 72 -1 500 73 2000 74 2000 Nuhaka . . . 250 0 600 Pacer .... 145 2000 150 +5 500 PerryD . . . 78 -1 7000 79 30200 80 5300 Powercorp . 75 3100 76 + 1 8000 ProgEnt . . 390 -10 1900 393 1300 395 1400 398 400 400 1200 RadioAv . . 150 0 100 RaOra. . . . 285 -15 7700 290

300 6000 295 300 200 Rainbow . . 155 11700 160 0 300 opt ... . 125 1800 130 1000 135 *5 14300 RHellaby. . 136 0 2300 Renouf . . . 125 -3 1100 127 1000 128 8987 RepcoNZ . . 180 0 100 17pc nts . 220 0 2000 RJones . . . 106 -4 6700 108 19400 110 400 112 3500 new. . . . 100 -5 4200 103 10500 Rothmans . 220 -2 12800 222 100 223 117310 1100 Salmond . . 245 305 +20 0 800 Selby .... 250 +6 4400 Skellerup . . 212 +2 10100 215 1000 SmithBio . . 310 +5 3500 SmithMkt. . 445 400 450 0 1100 pf 430 +49 200 SFM 155 0 1000 160 • 200 TAG 80 0 7000 Tolley. . . . 278 +3 600 TransAsh. . 100 O’ 2900 TptNC. . . . UEB 285 0 30700 163 -2 100 164 200 15pc pf. . 108 -2 100 Unity .... 330 -10 3100 pf 270 0 5700 UniTrans . . 165 -5 1300 Visionhire . 135 0 10300 WaikStud . . 59 6900 60 +1 38000 opt ... . 25 -2 29300 26 1100 Waitaki. . . 218 -2 6600 220 2300 WestMer . . 400 -5 28346 rts 40 -10 1500 Wenrich. . . 200 +10 1200 Wattie. . . . 370 -5 5400 Welgas . . . 540 0* 400 WilJef rts . 10 -2 3600 WiHProp . . 130 0 5300 WilNeil. . . 180 3300 185 +5 3900 Winstone . . 178 15800 179 14600 180 0 1000 16pc pf. . 83 0 200 WormaldNZ 205 -3 100 208 1000 Yates .... 210 1000 212 2300 215 -5 9000 BridgeMin . 16 0 3000 Cue 10 0 74000 opt ... . 1 0 89100 Horizon opt 5 0 20000 6 4000 ctb . . . . 12 0 44000 13 144700 Kupe opt. . 15 0 13500 ctb ... . 35 15000 36 + 1 3000 MinRes . . . 35 0 3600 NZOG .... 42 100 43 43600 44 44500 45 20000 46 +2 200 NZPet. . . . 315 -10 100 320 4000 OilFld opt . 5 3000 6 + 1 5000 ctb ... . 13 12000 14 -2 11800 PetroT opt. 5 23000 6 + 1 94000 ctb ... . 8 5000 9 + 1 5000 Premier. . 25 0 3000 opt .... SthPet opt. 11 + 1 11000 3 -1 7400 4 21000 ctb ... . 7 0 9000 Spectrum. . 29 0 4000 14 2000 UtdRes . . . 42 0 2000 opt ... . Special sales 15 +1 100,000 Fernz 270; 4,600,000 NZOG 50.

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Bibliographic details

Press, 29 May 1985, Page 39

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National sales Press, 29 May 1985, Page 39

National sales Press, 29 May 1985, Page 39