Cars for Sale COMMODORE, 81, choice of 2, from $2375 dep. Select Autos, 305 Cashel Ph. 66-193, LMVD. COROLLA Coupe, 1974, $4999, sparkling red, all extras, Lancaster Ferry 166, Ferry Rd, Div Ace Sales, Ltd, ph. 64- LMVD. CORTINA Estate 1500 1966 93,000 miles, $1290, ph. 830322. CORTINA Estate, 1976, facelift model, only 66,000 km from new, fitted with mag wheels and immaculate throughout. Be quick at $5199. Economy Cars, 538 Moorhouse Avenue, Ph. 60-440, a.h. 889-446, LMVD. CORTINA "E”, 1974, burgundy, chamois trim, 67,000 miles, any Inspection, compare $5850 or terms. Ace Sales, cnr Cashel and Fitzgerald. Ph. 795-729 CORTINA Factory GTE, 1970, this Immac. car has travelled only 41,000 miles, radio and heater. Finished in metallic green with matching vinyl roof, tan trim. Only $1250 dep. See this popula car on display now at S.P.C.S. City Depot, 541 Colombo St. Ph. 65- a.h. 238-907, 849-867, 892-459 CORTINA Ghia auto, 1977, all luxury extras, beautiful condition, $7850 or $4750 dep. Cashmere Garage, Ltd, 25 Colombo St, ph. 35-646, a.h. 588-757, LMVD. CORTINA GL auto, 1977, Mk 4, $1750 dep. Select Autos Showroom, 306 Cashel St. Ph. 66- LMVD. CORTINA 1.6 Estate, 1981, 56,000 km, 1 owner, cloth trim, rear wiper, h.r.w., etc., sweet cream, arriving Tuesday. $8999 or low dep. Mini Car Corner, cnr Fitzgerald Ave and Ferry Rd, ph. 66-379, a.h. 858-324, 324-788. MVDI. CORTINA 1.6 Estate, 1981, 82,000 km, 1 owner, cloth trim, rear wiper, h.r.w., etc., sweet cream, arriving Thursday. Mini Car Corner, cnr Fitzgerald Ave, and Ferry Rd, ph. 66-379, a.h. 858-324, 324-788, MVDI. CORTINA 1977, 1.3, facelift model, 53,000 miles, space and economy. Ideal family car. $4495 or $2700 dep. Cashmere Garage, Ltd, 25 Colombo St, ph. 35-646, a.h. 588-767, LMVD. CORTINA 1977, 2.0 L waggon, Mk in, 79,600 miles, daytona yellow, tan trim, be quick. Inspect now Ace Sales, cnr Cashel and Fitzgerald. Ph. 795-729. CORTINA 2.0 GL, manual, 1978, attractive deep red, 53,000 km, mint cond. $8999. Lancaster Ferry “166” Ferry Rd, div. Ace Sales, Ltd, ph. 64-308, LMVD. CORTINA 2.0 L estate, 1974, facelift, manual, Just arrived, unprepared but $4200 or low dep. will purchase this weekend on. Mini Car Corner, cnr Fitzgerald Ave and Ferry Rd, ph. 66-379, a.h. 858-324, 324788, MVDI. CORTINA 2.0 L Mk IV, 1979, moderate mileage, first class order throughout. Stereo radio plus all extras, $6999 or $4200 deposit. Allan Fowler, Ltd, 286 High Street, Ranglora, Phone 7087 Ranglora, 24 hours, LMVD. CORTINA 2000 E, mint condition, 1975, 78,000 km, all extras. $6199. Lancaster Ferry, “166” Ferry Rd, div. Ace Sales, ph. 64-308. CORTINA, 77, 2.0 L, receipts, $1250 dep. Select Autos, 306 Cashel St. Ph. 66-193, LMVD. CORTINA 78, low km, mags, $2125 dep. Select Autos, 306 Cashel St, ph. 66-193, LMVD. DATSUN Sunny GX, ,1980, $1875 dep. Select Autos, 306 Cashel St, Ph. 66-193, LMVD. DATSUN Sunny waggon, 1979, 5 door, 58,000 miles, arriving at Simon Odium Motors, 407 Ferry Rd, 894-467 a.h. 555-953, MVDI. DATSUN 120 A Fll Coupe, 1978, 33,000 mis, Clarion radio cassette, mag. wheels, tinted glass, Jap. assem. Burgundy with black and gold strips. This would be one of the nicest Coupes in town, $7650 or $4600 dep. Cashmere Garage Ltd, 25 Colombo St, ph. 35-646, a.h. 588-757, LMVD. DATSUN 1808 deluxe, 1978, only 58,000 km, superb car, $6299. Lancaster Ferry, “166” Ferry Rd, div. Ace Sales, ph. 64-308, LMVD. ESCORT 1300 Sport, 1974, a very tidy car, red with matching trim, only $lOOO dep. at S.P.C.S. City Depot, 541 Colombo St, Ph. 65-798, a.h. 238-907, 892-459, 849-867. FALCON S/W, 74, $1250 dep. Select Autos, 306 Cashel St, Ph. 66-193, LMVD. FALCON XY 1971, finished in lovely bronze with matching trim, mags, radio, towbar, would be the best for sale. Only 2 owners, $3499. John Sergei Cars, Ltd, 301 Lincoln Rd, Chch 1, ph. 381-654, a.h. 881-333. FIAT 850 Coupe, 1971 finished in lovely cream with red trim, Immaculate throughout, $2799 or $lBOO deposit. John Sergei Cars, Ltd, 301 Lincoln Road, Christchurch 1, Phone 381-654, a.h. 881-333. FORD LTD Landau coupe, 1974. This immaculate coupe has travelled only 40,000 miles, 351 V 8 auto., power steering and windows, radio, tape deck, etc. Only $3250 dep. at S.P.C.S. City Depot, 541 Colombo St, Ph. 65-798, a-h. 238-907, 849-867, 892-459. FREE advice on no deposit finance. Phone Dave 891-630 at Shoreline Motors, 17 Buckleys Road, Linwood, LMVD. WSM HOLDEN Caprice 5 litre V 8 auto, power steer., air conditioned, beautiful car, cherry red, only 69,000 miles, every extra. $11,995. Eric Sides LMVD, 60-467 a.h. 585-515. HOLDEN HJ 202 Klngswood, manual, 1976, beige with brown vinyl roof, wheel trims, body mould. Whitewall tyres, immaculate throughout, $4199. Economy Cars, 538 Moorhouse Avenue, Ph. 60-440, a.h. 889-446, LMVD. HOLDEN HZ panel van, 1979, mags, Monaro strips, driving lights, radio and heater, excellent condition. At S.P.C.S. City Depot, 541 Colombo St, Phone 65-798, a.h. 238-907, 892-459, 849-867. HOLDEN Klngswood, 1973, 64,000 miles, superb car, A.A. check welcome. $3999. Lancaster Ferry, ‘166” Ferry Rd, div. Ace Sales, Ltd, ph. 64-308, LMVD. HOLDEN Klngswood, HQ 1974, 253/V8 auto, radio and heater, sunshine roof, excellent condition only $1250 dep. at S.P.C.S. City Depot, 541 Colombo St. Phone 65798, a.h. 238-907, 892-459, 849867. HOLDEN Premier 1971, HG Trlmatlc, 2 original owners, 57,000 miles only. All extras plus air conditioning, exceptional condition. Value buying at only $4999 or $3OOO deposit. Allan Fowler, Ltd, 286 High Street, Ranglora, Phone 7087 Rga, 24 hours, LMVD. HOLDEN Sunbird, 1 owner, mod. kms, faultless cond., any Inspection, $5299. Ace Sales, cnr Cashel and Fitzgerald. Ph. 795-729. HOLDEN Torana 28505, bucket seats, 2 original owners only, first class condition inside and out, $4299 or $2580 deposit. Allan Fowler, Ltd 286 High Street, Ranglora, Phone 7087 Rga, 24 hours, LMVD. HOLDEN Torana 2850, 1973 model, only 70,000 miles, silver mist, black trim, Immac. $4499. Ace Sales, Cnr Cashel and Fitzgerald. Ph. 795-729. HONDA Accord, new shape with only 4958 km, h/b manual, In absolutely as new cond. Hurry at $16,499, will cost much more. I have more ■ Retails. Contact Mike /■Mrkonlc at Motorcorp, 201 Moorhouse Ave, ph. 790-024, LMVD, all. 34-601.