Cars for Sale ADVERTISEMENTS WITH LMVD OR MVDI ALL advertisers carrying these letters are members of the Motor Vehicle Dealers Institute of N.Z. ABOUT to buy, call Into Manchester Autos Showroom and Open Display, over 30 cars to choose from. Manchester Autos, 50 Manchester St, next to Cokers Hotel. Ph. 60-026. MVDI. DTC ACTION Finance offer personal loans, $5OO to $3OOO. Fast personal service. Total finance from property owners, buying cars. Phone 50-389. AUSTIN Maxi, 1971, 1750 5 speed, exceptional cond. great family car. $1995 or $l2OO dep. Cashmere Garage, 25 Colombo St, ph. 35-646, a.h. 588-757, LMVD. AUSTIN Maxi, 1975, local owners from new. Very original inside and out, all extras. Great buying at only $2999 or $lBBOO deposit. Allan Fowler, Ltd, 286 High Street, Ranglora, Phone 7087 Ranglors, 24 hours, LMVD. AUSTIN Princess, 2 litre, with only one owner, and low krn, HL model, in mint cond., power steering. $7999. I have more details. Contact Mike Mrkonlc at Motorcorp, 201 Moorhouse Ave, ph. 790-024, LMVD, a.h. 34-601. AVENGER 1.3, 1978, 1 owner from new, finished In orange with bone trim, excellent condition, only $lOOO dep., at S.P.C.S. City Depot, 541 Colombo St, Ph. 65-798, a.h. 238-907, 892-459, 849-856. CAR dealer wanted with existing licence to share yard with another. Cash In on coming boom In used car sales. Display for 36 cars plus 2 carpeted offices, cleaning ' bay, etc. Ph. 486-753, a.h. 516145. CELESTE XL coupe, $7999 sparkling gold, all extras, low miles, Lancaster Ferry 166, Ferry Rd, Div Ace Sales, ph. 64-308, LMVD. COMMODORES, Commo- 1 dores. Always ten In stock at Bert Govan Motors, Ltd. Ph. 50-397, 93 Manchester St. COMMODORE SL/E, 6, 1980, travelled 59,000 km, auto, p/steer, electrics, radio/ stereo etc., firethorn red. 1 $16,999 or low dep. Mini Car Corner, cnr Fitzgerald Ave, and Ferry Rd, ph. 66-379, a.h. 858-324, 324-788. MVDI. FIAT 1500, 1963, tidy cond. $l2OO. View at 395 Durham St. 1
FREE ADVICE ON NO DEPOSIT FINANCE UP TO 7 YEARS TO PAY Telephone Dave, or Robert 891-630 or 891-213 SHORELINE MOTORS, 17 BUCKLEYS ROAD. LMVD. turners] CHARADE TURNERS CHARADE TURNERS TURNERS DAIHATSU 512 Moorhousa Ava Ph. 50-346 L.M.V.D. OPEN SATURDAY 74 JAGUAR XJ6 4.2 auto, P/S, all electrics, stereo, completely original... $11,995 79 CORTINA 2.0 S.W., 70,000 km. Al condition $8495 76 JAGUAR XJ6 Coupe, 60,000 km . $27,995 81 DATSUN Sunny 12 GX, 16,000 km .... $8995 78 CELESTE 1.6 XL Liftback,, 40,000 km $8995 80 MIRAGE GL, 1 lady owner, 30,000 km, met. bronze $7795 74 Dec. Auto DATSUN 120 Y Coupe, only 17,000 km $7495 78 MARINA 1.8 HL auto, 69,000 km ... $4995 BMW 2800 auto, silver, blue trim, over $4OOO spent on motor, run It In yourself $11,995 80 LANCER GSL 5speed, chrome wires, 40,000 km .. $9795 77 CHEVETTE 3-door, 49,000 km, blue ... $4995 78 SIGMA 1600 GL auto, 59,000 km ... $6795 77 SIGMA 1600 GL met. blue, radio .. $5995 78 MAZDA 323,5-door, 49,000 km $6995 77 MAZDA 929, receipts for motor and gearbox $4995 76 CHRYSLER Cordoba LHD, V 8 auto, P/S $14,995 76 VIVA 4-door, 1800, met bronze $2995 71 PEUGEOT 504, receipt for over $2OOO $3995 73 GALANT Coupe, 1600 L, met bronze $3995 74 CITROEN 1220 GS Club. Red $4495 76 TOYOTA H.’-Ace flat deck, with sides, 80,000 km, low dep $4595 79 MARINA ute 1800 cc, 52,000 km, radio, heater $4795 NO DEPOSIT FINANCE CONFIDENTIAL TERMS TRADES WELCOME ALL VEHICLES CARRY A WARRANTY 266 ST ASAPH STREET, (High Street Corner) . a PHONE 67-401 /'After Hours 518-510 or Darfleld 88-479 LMVD.