Trailers, Caravans LIGHTWEIGHT Chevron 1300, 12ft 61n., 1977, 3 berth, h. and c. water, dual lighting, awning. As new, $5750 0.n.0. Ph. 584-462. LIGHTWEIGHT 1700. fridge, awning, stone guard, full carpet, spare wheel. Excel, cond. $5995 0.n.0. 10 Chedworth Ave. Ph. 599-627. LITEWEIGHT hardtop camper, 1977, excellent cond., fridge, spare wheel, awning, $2900. Ph. 856-063. NOMAD 1978, 25ft, 6 berth, dble bed model, shower, refrlgerator/freezer, elec, range, fully carpeted, nearly new awning, good water system, plenty of cupboard space. $14,000 0.n.0. Ph. 881249 OXFORD 15ft, 1979-83. Buy for cash. Phone 585-877. (Toils, collect.) SAUCEPANS, factory seconds. 122 Antigua St, week days. STC SHOT blasting and zinc spraying. Trailers, chassis, wrought Iron fences and gates, etc. All types of work undertaken. Ph. Wynns Metal Spray, Ltd, 799-965. SPRITE Alpine, 1978, 12ft, 2berth, awning, dual lights, spare wheel, etc., $3600; Zephyr, 1969, 10ft 61n, new awning, dual lights, spare wheel, etc., $1600; Pop Top Camper, 4-berth, $llOO. All easily towed by small car. Ph. 7534 Greymouth. SPRITE, Camper, 1978. Wardrobe model, matching awning and many extras, as new cond. $2BOO. Ph 855-729. SPRITE hard tops, choice of 3, all complete with awning and everything. Ted Youngman Caravans, 49 Lincoln Rd, ph. 384-659. SPRITE Major 1973 16ft 4 berth. Ph. 531 Woodend. STEELWELL trailer, refer tenders column. THINKING, caravans? Think Gypsy Centre, Kalapol Ph Kai. 6794 anytime. TOPAGEE or Scamper hardtop camper wanted, Ph. 857965, after 12 noon. TRAILER sell. Very solid. $l5O 0.n.0. Ph. 886-307. TRAILER sell, 6ft X 4ft, Steel chassis, high sides, warranted and reg. $lBO. Phone 496-959. TRAILERS made to order. Boat and car trailers, custom built canopys and all steel fabrication and design undertaken. Trev Built Trailers, 142 Maces Rd. Phone 842-234. STC TRAILERS sell, sft x 4ft, $410; 6ft x 4ft, $420; 7ft x 4ft, $435; Bft x 4ft, $460; Bft X 4ft tandem, $720; 10ft x sft tandem, $lO2O. Stock crates from $BO. Galv. canopies from $350. Farm bike trailers from $l3O. Ph. 893-079, or a.h. 849-087. TRAILERS sell, 6ft x 4ft, 7ft x 4ft, etc., galv. steel and w.0.f., lights; also repairs and alterations. 57 Bevington St. TRAILERS, sell. All sizes, galv. steel, w.o.f. and lighting supplied, also trailer repairs. 97 Flockton Street, St Albans. TRAILERS wanted, anything considered. Phone 61-818. TRAILER, 10 months old, factory made, all steel 6x4,121n wheels, reg. and w.0.f., $395. Phone 830-571. TRAILER, sft 61n x 3ft 61n, steel body, wooden deck, tidy condition, $250. Ph. 857-275. UPDATE your caravan with the latest hydraulic brakes. If your van is fitted with early Trojan type disc brakes we can offer youa very economical alteration that will give your van the stopping power at a price you can affoprd. Ask for Barry Briggs at Safe-R-Brakes, Ltd, 87 Fitzgerald Ave. Ph. 796-140. STC VOLKSWAGEN mobile camper, sleep 4, gas stove, sink, etc. Ideal for the fisherman. $4500. Ph. 529-512. WANTED, caravan freezer, gas-electrlc. Ph. 841-294. WANTED. Cresta Caravllla, Nomad or similar, 15ft. Must be tidy. Ph. 599-627. WANTED, Glendale or Anglo Astral, 18ft bedroom model, or 22ft or 25ft Crusader Oxford, Furnware, Californian, Pioneer, etc. with shower. Immediate cash. Ph. 385-170. WANTED small caravan for sleepout. Ph. 516-521. WANTED to buy old 17ft caravan, not necessarily mobile. Ph. 482-201, 482-721. WANTED trailer, any cond. considered. Ph. 595-656. WANTED. 3 litre diesel mobile home, low mileage, top condition. Reply “Press” ZP2654. WANTED 20 to 28ft caravans, preferably with showers, age Immaterial, condition must be good. Immediate cash from Tahuna Caravans, 12 Murltal Street, Nelson. Ph. 85-227 any time. ZEPHYR caravan, 15ft 6in, 4 berth, good cond., $2900. Ph. 851-863.
001 HOOGES CARAVANS LTD 299 Blenheim Rd, Christchurch. ANGLO CUB, 38, camper, awning and gas/ electric fridge. . . $3750 SPRITE HARDTOP, 1977, 38, camper with awning $2BOO ANGLO CAPRI, 1973, 15’, 48, awning & fridge $3750 OXFORD 120, 1978, 12' 28, awning, 3 way fridge, (as new) NOMAD 375, 28, 1975, as new. SPRITE MAJOR, 1977, 16’6”, 6B (bunks), awning & fridge.... $5OOO LUXLINER, 1980, 25’, 58, awning, fridge-freezer, gas oven, showersl6,ooo SOVEREIGN, 1978, 18’6", 58, 3 way fridge, excellent condition $11,200 CRUSADER, 1977, 25’, 68, awning, fridgefreezer, electric oven, shower. WE BUY, TRADE OR SELL ON BEHALF PHONE NOW 485-184 a.h. Don Hodges 428-529 Cresta Craft | MOTOR HOMES Used Motor Homes, exrentals, excellent buying. Cresta A.G., late model caravan, 16’, 4 berth, shower, toilet, fridge, freezer, etc. Cresta Craft Motor Home. 1 owner, near new, only 17,000kms, built on Holden tandem axle chassis. 4 berth, hot water, 3 way fridge, heater, radios and stereos, many other extras. Optional rear mounted Honda 75 scooter: As new. $28,500.00. Terms available. 99 Main South Road, Phone 44-378.