Trailers, Caravans CASHEL Car Sales; 78 Sprite Major. 6 berth, awning, fridge, etc. $5500; Topagee campers, choice of 6, Eurovan hard-walled folding caravan, 4 berth, awning, fridge etc, $4999. All 20 per cent dep. Cashel Car Sales, 342 Cashel St Ph. 68-425. a.h. 851-494. CHEAP caravans available at Westpoint Motors, LMVD, 237 Rlccarton Road. Chch 4. CHEAPER caravans for sale this week at Ted Youngman Caravans. Classic 16ft $2995, Clipper 13ft 6!n 4 berth $2595. Crusader lift 3 berth $1995, Gypsy 10ft 61n 3 berth $2lOO. Name your own dep. and terms. Ph. 334-659 or call at 49 Lincoln Rd, Chch. CLASSIC, Caravan 16ft. 1978,5 berth, perm, dble bed, gas/ electric lighting, 3 way fridge, excell, awntng in Immac. cond. Terms arranged $7900 0.n.0. Ph 523-863. CLASSIC Diplomat 18ft, 1980, 5 berth, all extras, full size custom made ropeless sprung loaded awning with large panoramic windows, spare wheel and cover. Well below replacement cost. $13,000 0.n.0. Phone 524-895. CLIPPER Caravan 1978, 13ft 6, 4 berth, brakes, good awning, two way refrigerator $3400. Ph. 882-173. CRESTA Craft AG series, latest shape 16ft delux 3 berth model, everything Included, $11,500. Terms to suit buyer. Ted Youngman Caravans, ph. 384-659. DON'T sell your caravan. See the caravan expert and let me quote refinishing it in the latest colour schemes. Phone 790-240, a.h. 487-383. FORD Transit camper van, see trucks and vans sell column. HORSEFLOAT, new double, on tandem axles, $2500. Phone 65-017. HORSE floats, new double tandem, $2500, $5OO dep. Cashel Car Sales, Ph. 61-297. LATHE Colchester Triumph 714 in x 42in 8.C., 21n bore, with chucks and steadies, very good condition, $3900. Phone 869 Plcton. LITEWEIGHT, 1700, 1977, full awning, immac. inside and out, $6200. Ph 582-771.
Trailers, Caravans CAMPER trailer, very good order, power hoist, gas stove and bottle, new stone guard, good storage space, $9OO 0.n.0. Ph. 882-365. CAMPER van Toyota Hl-Ace, 1978, Cresta Craft, conversion fully equipped Including drive away awning, $9500. Terms to suit, Cornerways Cars, enr Ferry and Ensors Rd, ph. 890-266, all. 853-948. CAMPERVAN 1980 Bedford Trailblazer top line C. I. Munro pop top, all the bits, $13,995, $3500 dep. Sydenham Park Car Sales, enr Lincoln Rd and Moorhouse Ave, ph. 799-199 a.h. 596-529, 894-929, LMVD. CAMPING Trailer 4x5 suitable small car, as is, $190.186 Rossal St. Ph. 558-012. CARAVAN for hire at Kalrakl Beach. Ph. 6689 Kalapol after 6 p.m. CARAVAN for sale Catalina 1974 14ft, 3 berth, awning, fridge, gas bottle, good order, carpeted. $3850. Phone 843147. CARAVANS for hire at Ted Youngman Caravans. Phone •now 384-659. CARAVAN trailer Home Roma 1978, hot and cold water, 6 berth, disc brakes, excel, cond. $6495. Ph. 883-022. CARAVAN wanted, about 14ft, factory model or home built considered, up to $2OOO. Ph. 518-742. CARAVAN, 3 berth, battery/ electric, awning, stove, fridge, spare wheel, gas bottle, brakes. 1962 tradesman built, w.o.f. and electrical warrant. $1450 0.n.0. Ph. 795-196. 28 Mathesons Rd. CARAVELLE 14ft, 4 berth, one owner stove. Awning etc. The condition of this van must be seen to be believed. $2999 or $6OO dep. Cashel Car Sales, Phone 68-425. CAR transporter, good condition, offers wanted. Ph. 830177. CASHEL Car and Caravan Sales want to buy your caravan now. Any make or model considered. Top price assured. Phone 68-425 or a.h. 851-494. CASH for your unwanted caravan. Ph. 43-706. CLASSIC Diplomat wanted. Please Ph. 495-272, evenings.
Funder 1 new ownership NEW a USED Caravans I 207 MAIN SOUTH RD, SOCKBURN, CHCH. t Ph. 43-706 a.h.: ERIC KERSHAW 855-154
| 299 BLENHEIM RD. P.O. BOX 11-200 CHRISTCHURCH | TOP CLASS OXFORDS I See them now I 130 ■—13 ft 2 berth, toilet compart- | ment $10,700 I 150 S —15 ft 3 berth, shower model I $13,500 | 165 —16 ft 4 berth, perm, double bed | $12,000 I 180 —18 ft 5 berth, oven/cooker, 3 | way fridge, excellent value . .$15,500 | All latest models with acrylic | double glazed, all open windows |' PHONE 45-184 j | a.h. 428-529 1 I We’ll make you feel at home I