Tenders CHRISTCHURCH CITY COUNCIL SALE OF ABANDONED VEHICLES PUBLIC notice is hereby given pursuant to section 356 of the Local Government Act 1974 that it is the intention of the Council to sell the tollowinc vehicles which appear to have been abandoned by their owners: 1. VAUXHALL. Downing Street. Reg. No. AO 5395. 2. CARAVAN. Grafton Street. 3. VAUXHALL. Sabina Street. 4. ZEPHYR. Ward Street. Reg. No. FP 6933. 5. WOLSELEY. Bealey Avenue. Unless the vehicles are claimed and expenses of removal and storage paid by the owners or some other person having an interest therein no later than Friday, January 22. 1982, tenders for the vehicles will be considered. The above vehicles may be inspected at the Council's Southern Yard. Lyttelton Street. Tenders marked “Abandoned Vehicles’’ will be received by the undersigned up to 4 p.m. on Mondav. January--25. 1982. J. H. GRAY. General Manager and Town Clerk. CONTRACT: ABRASIVE BLAST CLEANING AND PAINTING OF LINWOOD ELECTRICTURNTABLE CHRISTCHURCH TENDERS closing with District Engineer. New Zealand Railwavs. P.O. Box 337. Christchurch at 4 p.m. Tuesday. January 19, 1982 are invited for the cleaning and painting of the above turntable. Documents are available from District Engineer, Room 201. Christchurch Railway Station? CONTRACT: ABRASIVE BLASTCLEANING AND PAINTING OF BRIDGE 118 MAIN SOUTH LINE (MAKIKIHI RIVER) TENDERS closing with District Engineer. New Zealand Railways. P.O. Box 337. Christchurch at 4.00 p.m. Tuesday. January 19. 1982 are invited for the cleaning and painting of the above bridge. Documents are available from District Engineer, Room 201, Christchurch Railway Station and Bridge Inspector Timaru. Railways TJX Ministry of Works vZ 7 and Development CONTRACT 7628 G S.H. 6. GATES OF HAAST BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION OF NEW FOUNDATIONS AND LANDSPAN THIS bridge is a 51.8 m span callender Hamilton truss structure on S.H. 6. approximately 50 km south ot Haast township. The contract includes modifications to the C.H. truss, demolition of an existing abutment and construction of: (a) A single column hammer-, head pier supported by a foundation consisting of a cylinder and drilled steel shell piles. (b) An abutment founded on steel shell piles. (c) An 18 in steel beam landspan with concrete deck. ’ Tenders, closing with the Secretary. District Tenders Board. Ministry of Works and Development. P.O. Box 1479. Christchurch, al 4 p.m. on Tuesday, February 2. 1982. are invited'for the above work. Envelopes containing tenders should be endorsed “Tender No. 7628 G." Particulars available from Contracts Clerk, Ministry oi Works and Development Office. Second Floor. Government Buildings. Worcester Street. Christchurch and M.W.D. Office. Greymouth.
DAMAGED VEHICLES E'OR TENDER TENDERS are invited tor the following vehicles as is. where is. Highest or any lender not necessarily accepted. Only the successful tenderer will be advised and within seven days of closing. 1966 AUSTIN Mini DW '6026 Rel. 15522 at 295 St Asaph St. 1967 HOLDEN S.W. GL 9474 Ref. 15407 at 295 St Asaph St. 1969 CORTINA EE 4945 Ref. 15376 at 295 St Asaph St. 1970 MORRIS 1300 DI 8668 Ref. 15454 at 295 St Asaph St. 1960 AUSTIN Mini AQ 2126 Ref. 15385 at 295 St Asaph St. 1965 MORRIS Minor Traveller DV 5996 Ref. 20291 at 295 St Asaph St. 1962 HUMBER Super Snipe AD 9(311 Ref. 15513. 1966 HOLDEN HF 8216 Ret. 15328 at 295 St Asaph St. 1972 VIVA GF 3686 Ref. 15568 at 295 St Asaph St. 1973 DATSUN 1200 GL 1408 Ret. 20849 at 295 St Asaph St. 1962 FORD Anglia CJ 6336 Ref. 15562 at 295 St Asaph St. SUZUKI Motor-cycle Ref. 14492 at 295 St Asaph St. 1970 VAUXHALL Victor DJ 2166 Ref. 15208 at 295 St Asaph St. 1955 MORRIS Minor AP 8640 Rel. 20321 al 295-St Asaph St. Tenders close Wednesday 20.1.82 Address to:—Tender No. (Quoting above reg. No.). 295 St Asaph St. CHRISTCHURCH 1. WESTLAND CATCHMENT BOARD AND REGIONAL WATER BOARD HAUPIRI RIVER SCHEME 1981/82 PROGRAMME CONTRACT No. 81/16
TENDERS are invited for stopbank construction and rock riprap protection work on the Haupiri River situated 45km from Greymouth. Approximately 22.000 cubic metres of earthworks and 3UOO tonnes of rock riprap are involved. f Copies of the > plans and tender documents are available from the Board's office at 153 Tainui Street (P.O. Box 66) Greymouth. Tenders close at 4 p.m. on Friday. January 22. 1982.
Page 43 Advertisements Column 7
Press, 9 January 1982, Page 43
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