i Tenders ® New Zealand Forest Service I AERIAL SPRAYING WAIMATE WRITTEN tenders are invited for aerial kill spraying Ot approximately 60 hectares of gorse within Waimate Forest. The work will be performed on an hourly rate (no positioning fee will be entertained) and is thought suitable for helicopters only. . Work must be completed by January 31. 1982. Intending tenderers should inspect the areas and should arrange this with the Officer in Charge. Waimate (telephone 7378 Waimate) from whom copies of the schedule may be obtained. Tenders must be enclosed in a sealed envelope clearly endorsed “Tender 82/6 Aerial Spraying — Waimate’’ and close with the Conservator of Forests, P.O. Box 25-022. Victoria. Christchurch, at 1 p.m. on Friday. January 15. 1982. Lowest’ or any tender not necessarily accepted. A ROUND HOLE A PERFECT JOB
(NO MESS) 12in to 36in in diameter • Offal Pits • Post Holes • Soak Pits • Boulder Pits • Rubbish Pits HORNBY DRILLING CO. Phone 497-256
CHRISTCHURCH CITY COUNCIL TENDERS are invited for the following works (two contracts):— CONTRACT NO. 76-81/82: Linwood Cycleway. Stage 2 (Tilford St- Smith St). Construction of a cycleway alongside the City Outfall Drain being 685 sq m of standard bituminous hotmix paving together with 425 sq m of shoulder formation and chip seal surface and 32 sq m (face area) of crib-wall. CONTRACT NO. 77-81/82: Rubberised Seal Coats Various City Streets Resealing with rubberised seal coats of the following: 1. Sraftli Brighton Bridge roundabout —2 courses of 3650 sq m. 2. Centaurus Road - East and West of Aynsley Terrace - single coat 3900 sq m with possible extension to city boundary. 3. Malcolm Avenue - Birdwood Avenue to Eastern Terrace - single coat 3960 sq m together with patching out of crazed areas, crack cleaning and repair. Plans and specifications for the above works may be obtained at the City Engineer’s Department. Civic Offices, 163 Tuam Street, where tenders endorsed with the respective Contract No. will be received up to 4 p.m. on Thursday. January 21. 1982. A deposit of $lO.OO is payable on ear i set of documents issued. J. H. GRAY, . General Manager and Town Clerk.
Page 43 Advertisements Column 6
Press, 9 January 1982, Page 43
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