Situations Vacant Situations Vacant ©Ministry of Agriculture & Fisheries SCIENTIST -J ANIMAL HEALTH REFERENCE LABORATORY WALLACEVILLE VACANCY NO. 5276 THE ANIMAL HEALTH DIVISION of the Ministry has a vacancy for a Scientist at our Animal Health - Reference Laboratory. Wallaceville. Commencing salary will depend on qualifications and experience. Qualifications desired: BSc (Microbiology) or higher with experience with mycoplasmas. There will be a need to work with mycoplasma isolates referred from regional laboratories and to work with regional laboratories in developing surveys into the incidence and economic importance of mycoplasmal diseases in New Zealand. Further details available from the Superintendent Animal Health Reference Laboratory, Wal- ■ laceville Animal Research Centre. Private Bug, Upper Hutt. Telephone 286-089. Wellington. TECHNICIAN LINCOLN VACANCY NO. 5277 The Agricultural Research Division requires a Science Technician to work in the Horticultural ■ Section at Lincoln, to assist in research in the areas of soil fertility, agronomy and plant physiology in relation to a wide range of horticultural crops. It is desirable that the successful applicant should have a sound background in both field and analytical laboratory work. Desired qualification: NZCS or BSc. TECHNICIAN/ . TECHNICAL OFFICER REGIONAL DAIRY LABORATORY WALLACEVILLE VACANCY NO. 5278 There is a vacancy in the Regional Dairy Laboratory situated at the Wallaceville Animal Research Centre for a Technician/Technical Officer. Duties will include analysis of Dairy Products and liaison with the Dairy Industry. Salary according to qualification and experience. Qualifications desired BSc or NZCS (Microbiology) or studying for NZCS. TECHNICIAN GREYMOUTH VACANCY NO. 5279 THE Agricultural Research Division requires a Science Technician to assist with soil fertility, pasture species and animal health trials on the West Coast. The position involves data collation and analyses and some heavy physical work. Desired qualification: Dep. Field Tech I Please apply on Form PSI7A (available from any Post Office quoting the vacancy number and send to: Senior Executive Officer (Personnel Services) MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE AND FISHERIES Private Bag WELLINGTON Applications close on September 23. 1981. SOCIAL WORKER AUCKLAND HOSPITAL APPLICATIONS ARE sought from qualified social workers Dep. Social Work. M.A. (applied) or equivalent perferable with some previous experience in work with alcoholics for a new community-based alcohol treatment centre. The appointee will be attached to the Department of Social Work Auckland Hospital, but will work closely with the Project Co-ordinator of the Centre and with the interdisciplinary team dealing with the social, emotional and practical problems of patients and their families. This post is a Grade II position. Job description forms and further information may be obtained from the Supervising Social Workers, Auckland Hospital. Park Road, telephone 799760 Auckland 1. Applications close Wednesday, September 30, 1981. SOLICITOR REQUIRED TO ASSIST in busy General Legal Practice. Good prospects for successful! applicant. Please apply in writing with references and cirricuium vitae to:P.0.80X 201, CHRISTCHURCH. Ji HOTEL M!i EMPLOYMENT SERVICE SOUS CHEF A FIRST CLASS hotel in New Plymouth requires a sous chef for an eleven handed kitchen. Starting j salary .$13,000 but will be increased after a short l period. PHONE CHRISTCHURCH 791-524 593 A Colombo Street, (Opposite Price of Wales Hotel). P.O. Box 11-033. Sockburn. All inquiries in the strictest confidence. j rwiyr 1 ST ANDREW’S COLLEGE RESTORATION OF STROWAN HOUSE SSTAGE 1 BUIDING CONTRACTORS are invited to apply to I have their names included in a selected list of i tenderers for the above contracl. Tile Contract will cover repairs to the external fabric ol the building, extensive alieiutions to the . Staff Common Room and the provision oi new stall amenities. Applications should be made in writine and addressed to: the Executive OURer. St Andr-. College. 317 Papanui Road. Christchurch, on ir before September 18. 1981. A. J. F. BEANLAND. EXECUTIVE Ol i ICLR.
Page 49 Advertisements Column 3
Press, 12 September 1981, Page 49
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