j Situations Vacant /A British i Pavements I I MOTOR MECHANIC QU.ALIFED to Trade Ccrtificate level and with a wide background in contractor's plant, to work in our modern workshop at Hornby. Please apply lo:— FLEFT MANAGER. Ph. 497-039. a.h. 516-997. H| NORTH CANTERBURY HOSPITAL BOARD NURSING VACANCIES THE following nursing vacancies exist at Christchurch Hospital. STAFF NURSE PART-TIME For specialist clinic. Outpatients Department. Vacancy number - ’312. Hours of work: Monday. 1 Wednesday. Friday. -1.30 p.m. to 3 p in. ENROLLED NURSE PART-TIME For specialist clinic. Outpatient Department. Vacancy number -/313. Hours of work: Monday. Wednesday. Friday. 4.30 p.m. to 7.30 p.m. Tuesday. 1.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m. STAFF NURSE ' Duty Allocation Office. Vacancy Number -/311 This is a full time position Mondav lo Friday. 8 a.in. to 4.30 p.m. The duties include allocation of staff >o wards and assisting in planning student I nurses clinical experience. I Application forms available from the Principal Nurse's Office. Christchurch Hospital. Private Bag. Christchurch. Telephone 792-90'J extension 714. Applications close on Wednesday. September 30.1981. OFFICE JUNIORS " WE REQUIRE 3 bright young people between the ages of 1619 years, preferably a holder of School Certificate in Maths and English to assist with an interesting variety of clerical work. The positions are in our Sales Invoicing Department and involves the editing of sales documents, customer numbering, inwards mail, batch control coupled with a variety of other clerical duties. If you are a person who wants to advance and would enjoy working in one of Christchurch's most modern offices then please contact: Tlie Employment Officer ANDREWS SBEAVEN LIMITED Phone 381-4011 17 Birmingham Drive Hillniorton Christchurch OPPORTUNITY PHOTOETCH Industries Ltd requires the services of a per-’ son aged 19-25 for printed circuit production. The work is interesting and varied. Preference will be given to those who, enjoy fine detailed work and a clean working enviroment. Job prospects are good. Phone: Paul Garrett, 799-421 on Monday. I ORTHOTIST N.Z. DISABILITIES RESOURCE CENTRE APPLICATIONS are invited from suitably qualified and experienced A Grade Ortho!ists for the above position with me N.Z. Disabilities Resource Centre in Palmerston North. The appointee will be involved in general orthotic duties but initially responsible lor the fabrication of seating systems currently being manufactured at the Centre and will assist in me development and maufacture of new seal mg systems. Salary and conditions of employment in accordance wilht he Hospital Service Determination tor Orthutists within the range of 513.704-515.474 per annum. Written applications giving full details of age. qualifications. previous experience, telephone number and enclosing copies of recent testimonials should be addressed to the Chiev Executive. Palmerston North Hospital Board, Private Bag. Palmerston North with whom applications close on September 30. 1981. OTAGO HOSPITAL BOARD DUNEDIN PUBLIC HOSPITAL. LABORATORY SERVICES DEPARTMENT j CHEMICAL PATHOLOGY ! LABORATORY j APPLICATIONS are invited for a . position as Hospital Scientific Officer in the Chemical Pathology Laboratory. Applicants should have, as a minimum, a good Honours degree in Biochemistry or Chemistry and should preferably - have already tiad some exeprience in clinical laboratory practice. The starting salary will depend on qualifications and experience. Further information may be obtained from The Director, laboratory Services. P.O. Box 946, Dunedin. Applications, including a full curriculum vitae and the names and addresses of two referees should be sent to:— The Chief Executive. OTAGO HOSPITAL BOARD. P.O. Box 946. DUNEDIN. By September 30. 1981. PACKERS WE require 2 full time packers j in our Treffers Road store. . Duties to include packing for ‘ overseas and various biller t heavier duties. Also required is one male or female packer part time for packing duties only. I Experience is preferred as this I J is a skilled job with a reputable ! £ I'ompany. Good working con- P dii ions and wages. Apply in tlie first instance to: I 8 MOVEMENTS I ( INTERNATIONAL ' t MOVERS. I TO.
Page 49 Advertisements Column 2
Press, 12 September 1981, Page 49
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