Situations Vacant FIELD OFFICER DEPARTMENT OF MAORI ; AFFAIRS ROTORUA APPLICATIONS are invited ; for the above position. A good ‘ salary is payable according to • _ qualifications and experience. Duties involve supervision nt j large scale land development. x loan reporting and advisory .. work with Maori farmers and c land utilisation reports for the ' Maori Trustee and Maori. Land Court. ( QUALIFICATIONS DESIRED: 1 Diploma in Valuation and [ Farm Management. Bachelor Agricultural Commerce. | Bachelor of Agricultural ; Science or similar. Appointee ■ will be encouraged to seek reg- : istration as a valuer. Applications close at noun. September 18. 1981. with tile District Officer Maori Affair.Department, Private Bag. Ro- , . torua. Applicants should use : PS.I7A which is obtainable from Post Offices. Only copies of testimonials should be.enclosed. British i Pavements I Limited FITTER WELDER WE require a person with a good background in Fitting and Welding to assistin the - maintenance of our fixed and portable crushers. This job in- | volves both town and country j work so we need someone who | can work with a minimum amount of supervision. ■Phone collect 496-143. 43- I 662. H Beagley. FOREMAN CARPENTER i I Experienced Foreman Car- ; penter required. Top rates and conditions paid to the : carpenter able to fill this position. Ph. A. Pullar. 555-229. /A British Pavements AS Limited FOREMAN CRUSHING PLANT ; A RESPONSIBLE person 25-4(1 i years, to opetate_ our fixed I Crushing Plant at’Miners Rd. : Experience preferred, but .job would suit a person with mechanical aptitude. Training ; and good backup giyen. Telephone (collect) 496-143. I a.h. 43-662. H. Beagley. ( ! I : FURNITURE I POLISHER : TRADESMAN required lor i high class furniture factory, j good wages and overtime. I Apply: I R. A. and C. R. DAVIES. I LIMITED. : ■ 530 BLENHEIM ROAD. CHRISTCHURCH. GLACIER GUIDE FOX GLACIER A pns'lion is available as a Glacier Guide on Fox Glacier. ! Applicants must be fit and strong and they must enjoy talking to people. Mountaineering experience is an advantage but is not essential. Accomodation is available for a single person. Applicants must be over 21 and they must have a current drivers licence. Write giving personal details to:- ' ALPINE GUIDES (WESTLAND). LTD. P.O. BOX 38. FOX GLACIER. GLASS BLOWERS WANTED for work in our Hokotika Factory. Commercial and free form blowing. Good wages and condition. Phone 1261 Hokitika (collect). or write to:— THE MANAGER, HOKITIKA FREE FORM GLASS COMPANY, BOX 185. HOKITIKA. ! HAIRDRESSER ’ BRUNO BARBARELLIS OWING to staff changes with the opening of Riccarton Salon, we need senior staff for our town shop. If interested Phone Rowena, 67359. HOUSE HELP I A reliable person to maintain a i well appointed central city i home. 3 mornings per week inI itiaily. non smoker preferred. I references would be an advanI tage. Reply in writing to: House Help. P.O. Box 458. Christchurch.
Page 47 Advertisements Column 6
Press, 12 September 1981, Page 47
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