Situations Vacant Situations Vacant FITTER TURNER OR FITTER WELDER THE COMPANY REQUIRES the .services of a young | tradesman seeking a permanent position operating i N.C. machine tools. If you have the qualifications or i experience, then we invite you to come and talk t with us about your future. Write or phone: i Works Manager. P. AND 0. DUNCAN, LTD. P.O. Box 124. ; Christchurch. Phone 65-389. FRASERS BACON CO., LTD, OAMARU WE REQUIRE the services of a Driver/Sales Person | to market our processed meat products from a refrigerated vehicle in the Christchurch area. Successful applicant would be required to work with minimum supervision and hold a current H.T. licence. Experience in selling, or familiarity with cured meat products, would be necessary. Good remuneration and job satisfaction would be achieved by someone walling to use there initiative. Please apply in writing, with references and state age. marital status and previous occupations, to: THE MANAGER. FRASERS BACON CO., LTD. P.O. BOX 364. OAMARU. —— — INVERCARGILL CITY COUNCIL ENGINEERING TECHNICIANS A VACANCY EXISTS for an Engineering Technician in the .streetworks division of the Invercargill City Council. Applicants should preferably hold N.Z.C.E. qualification or be nearing this qualification. A range of experience can be offered in good office conditions. Some experience in Municipal services, including reading or water supply and drainage works could bean advantage. Further information may be obtained from the City Engineer. P.O. Box 7, Invercargill. L. G. HASSAN. City Engineer. KITCHEN HAND CLEANER Hours of work 11 a.m. to 3.30 p.m. daily. Apply: BRITTENS CATERERS, | 130 HAZELDEAN ROAD, I Today between 10 and 12 noon LABORATORY TECHNOLOGIST MICROBIOLOGY APPLICATIONS ARE INVITED for the position of a chage technologist in the Microbiology Depatmen I. Diagnostic Laboratory, Auckland. Applicants should possess NZCS and’either have passed their Part 3 examination in microbiology or else had wide experience in a clinical diagnostic laboratory. Applications should be addressed to: — The Microbiologist. DIAGNOSTIC LABORATORY. 43 Symonds Street, AUCKLAND. 1. LATHE OPERATOR LATHE OPERATOR A VACANCY EXISTS in our Machine Shop, for a Lathe Operator. The work involves the operation of machines on short batch production runs. Some experience in engineering machining is preferred, however we are prepared to train a suitable person. Telephone 39-156 after 9 a.m. Monday, for an appointment. LEGAL EXECUTIVE NOT NECESSARILY fully qualified, required for Legal Practice. Please apply in writing with references to:P.O. BOX 201, CHRISTCHURCH. MACHINIST PATTERN MAKER WE HAVE a vacancy for an experienced machinist, with whole garment experience, who is capable ot making patterns as well. You would be expected to operate a small workroom, with a friendly atmosphere, making ski clothing and summer beach wear. Ph. 64-242.
Page 47 Advertisements Column 5
Press, 12 September 1981, Page 47
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