Properties For Sale Properties For Sate RANGIORA HOME OF DISTINCTION Featuring Indoor-Outdoor living. Spacious Family home of 3000 sq ft. Spacious elegant entrance, large lounge with open fire, separate dining room leading onto veranda area, farm sized kitchen, 4 or could be 5 bedrooms and rumpus room with conversion. Section is a delightful tree studded 36 perch in the exclusive North West area. Priced for urgent sale. $89,500 GILLMAN REAL ESTATE LTD M.R.E.I.N.Z. Kaiapoi Ph 6552 A.H. Rangiora 6254 or 6092
RANGIORA Commerical and industrial. We have a comprehensive selection for sate and for rental. All sizes, ail areas, suitable for the smallest boutique to the largest skating rink or industrial complex. Prices vary from $24,000 for 22 perches of industrial with house right in town to 18,000 sq ft of retail shopping showing a handsome net return. There has never been a better time to invest. Cathcart Real Estate, MREINZ. Rangiora 7079. RANGIORA. early colonial home. in lovely order throughout. North West location featuring everything one would like in this class of property. 3 bdrins, large lounge. spacious kitchen/dining room, top quality carpets and drapes, garage with workshop, verandah area. $38,000. Gillman Real Estate Ltd. MREINZ. Kaiapoi 6552 a.h. Rangiora 6254. or 6092. RANGIORA, immac. 3 bdrm. 4 year old perm. mat. 1200 sq. ft ownershipflat on 20 prch section. Dble garage. Value buying at $57,000. Farmers Real Estate Rangiora MREINZ ph. 8189 Rangiora a.h. Geoffrey Twiss 7949 Rangiora. RANGIORA, investment property perm. mat. home which could be let out. or Converted to a commercial or industrial use. 41 perches Zoned Commercial S, situated close in to Rangiora snopping area. Finance available. $28,000. Gillman Real Estate. Ltd. MREINZ. Kaiapoi 6552. a.h. Rangiora 6254, or 6092. RANGIORA special, owners on transler. modern perm. mat. home built to catch the sun all day, sunny kitchen dinette, large lounge leading onto sundeck, features open fire place. 2 bdrms, top quality carpets and drapes, internal garage, delightful section. studded with trees and shrubs, $49,000. Gillman Real Estate, Ltd. MREINZ. Kai. 6552, a.h. Rang. 6254. or 6092. RANGIORA, $38,000. Original villa style homestead of 3 bdrms, completely and attractively renovated retaining the character of yesteryear. Private garden, mature Walnut tree. Garden room and garage. Cathcart Real Estate, MREINZ. Rga 7079. RANGIORA. $73,000. new. Best position in tree lined cul-de-sac in North West. Best of building materials. In fact 1300 sq. ft of the best of everything. Sole agents. Cathcart Real Estate. Rangiora 7079 a.h. Smythe Woodend 813 or Wright 8753. RANGIORA. Beautiful 3 bdrm Summerhill stone dwelling with large lounge and dxcel. living area. Carpeted, all conveniences. Dble garage, small section. Only $57,000. Devlin. Rangiora. MREINZ. Ph. 8829 any time. RANGIORA. Modern 4 bdrm brick homestead. Beautifully proportioned lounge with Adam fireplace. Spacious sep. dining room opening to swimming pool and barbecue area. On a lower level with sep. entrance is approximately 700 sq ft with all facilities. This would make an ideal self contained flat, reception rooms, pottery studio or whatever. Delightful northern area in tree lined cul-de-sac. Cathcart Real Estate. MREINZ, Rangiora. 7079. a.h. Smythe. Woodend 813 or Wright 8753. RANGIORA, 68 John Street. Small home nearing completion for detinite sale. Open plan living. 1 double and 1 single bedroom. Inspect at your leisure. To be sold a/c mortgage. Thursday. September 17. at 2.30 p.m. W. E. Simes and Co. Ltd. 790-604. a.h. 489182. RANGITATA Mouth. North Side, fully furnished (except, linen and'blankets). Six room holiday or fishing bach. Inside shower and toilets, sleeps five, as is. A great buy at $12,000. lan Linney 384-282. a.h. 45-129 bus Basil Hurrell Real Estate. MRINZ. REDCLIFFS, $20,000. Sole agents. 3 bdrm excellent family home on Crown lease section. Tidy condition. Plans available for proposed subdivision. A.H. Whalan 894-787 Beltons Real Estate (Chch) Ltd. MREINZ 595-600. REDCLIFFS. An immac. perm, mat. 2 bdrm home on waterfront in Redchffs is offered in exchange for home on Scarborough. CliLton or St Andrews hill. My home offers beautiful view, small easy care section and all services within flat walking distance. Cash difference if required. Write "Press" 6844. B B B B REDWOOD, Bishopdale. St Albans, middle aged couple, just returned from overseas require a 3 bedroom home, large sunny living urea required. Rather perm, material or weather board. Double garage. Price to $75,000. Phone Jack at 66-917 or a.h. 528-559. Mercer Real Estate. MREINZ. REDWOOD, sunny, perm. mat. home. Three big bdrms, spacious lounge with open fire, lovely carpel. Truly a delightful home on a leasehold section $37,500. Contact Lorraine Harding. a.h. 482-489. Merritt Real Estate. MREINZ. REDWOOD: Under construction now in a prestigious cul-de-sac. A brand new 4 bedroom home sited for maximum sun. Built in permanent materials. Inside features a large L-shape lounge, spacious dining, sep. snack bar. alcove, pantry, full deluxe ' batnrooin. manogany finish ; throughout. Foil price 1 $60,825. Pnone now (o view piuns. 45-189 or a.h. 582-181 or 584-379. Enterprise Homes, j Ltd. RICCARTON (Totaru St 1 Nicely presented 3 bdrm, w'board. home. Tip top condition in- ' side and out. Nut a cent to ! Spend. Easy to keep 2tip section. 504.750. Cull Gordon Birch. Jolllifes Real Estate. 06-347. a.h. 482-434. MREINZ
Page 43 Advertisements Column 9
Press, 12 September 1981, Page 43
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