REDWOOD, $31,000. Very attractive. 2 double bdrm, permanent material home, tile roof in great order. Huge entertaining lounge, with archway, wall furniture, very tastefully decorated, large bright kitchen dining, newstove. Quality carpets and drapes. Single garage, new fences. On private 855 sq m leasehold section. Can be freeholded at any tune. Sole Agent. Wilma PlUgge. 794-120 a.h. 849-357 Kent Trior Real Estate. Ltd. MREINZ. REDWOOD 3 bdrm weatherboard home featuring sunny kitchen-dining and large lounge with open fire. 36 perch well laid out section with 3 car garaging. Excellent family home. Price $47,950. Ph. exclusive agents. Drewerys Estate Agency. 799646. a.h. Sue Clement 582-183. RICCARTON, by Clyde Rd. Beautifully presented 3hdrm home, attractive lounge, separate dining room. Panelled entrance hall, ideal for small family or retired couple. $64,750. Phone Jennifer Bertram. 62-972. a.h. 554-863. Robert Brown Real Estate. MREINZ. B B B B RICCARTON, handy to the park, first day offered, sound and sunny 36 year old bungalow, situated on 32 perch section, home comprises 2 dble bdrms, large 21 X 14 lounge, open fire, duul hot waler. Sunny kitchen, dbie garage. Ideal investment or first home. Valuation available. $34,000, Phone Warwick Todd Ltd. MRIENZ, 556-135, a.h. Michael Gibbon. 554-439. B B B B RICCARTON, handy to the park, first day offered, sound and sunny 36 year old bungalow, situated on 32 perch section, home comprises 2 dble bdrms, large 21 x 14 lounge, open fire, dual hot water. Sunny kitchen, dble garage. Ideal investment or first home. Valuation available. s34.oini. Phone Warwick Todd MRIENZ. 556-135. a.h. Michael Gibbon. 554-439. B B B B RICCARTON. Ham. $52,500. sole agency. Extremely well constructed 3 bdrm brick bungalow, situated in quiet tree lined street. Beautifully sunny living room, overlooks private garden, convenient kitchen/dining. good laundry and bathroom facilities. Attractive 33 perch section, large dble garage, and good sleepout or office with telephone and power. For an appointment to view, please contact Bridget Chapman. Warwick Todd Ltd. MREINZ. 799-910 a.h. 559-537. RICCARTON $45,000. Something unique in the city, magnificent building sections with rural atmosphere varying in size between 105 and 150 perches. Phone Marjorie Bryan at Michael Hutcheson Real Estate 556-171 any time. RICCARTON. First time offered sole agents. $58,500. Quality bulit tapestry brick home modern tiled kitchen archway to spacious sunny liv-ing-dining opening to private timber sundeck, barbecue area. Sep. lounge. 3 dble dbrtns beautifully presented. excellent chattels plus 4 car garage, glasshouse, main road position. Owners tranferred. Phone Lynette or Don Peebles 60-063 or 583-499. Manchester Homes. MREINZ. RICCARTON. Look 560.000. urgent sale required lor 3 dbie bedroom family home. Extremely tidy cond., Decramastic roof, with Summerhill Stone, garage with caravan carport. 19ft lounge, open fire. Close to all services. sunny situation amongst superior homes in quiet street. Be quick for this bargain. Contact Warwick Moore. 518-405 a.h.. Ilam Real Estate. Ltd. MREINZ. 516-131. RICCARTON. Urgent sale required tor 3 dble bdrm spacious family home. Summerhill stone Decra roof, single garage and caravan port. Sunny situation, landscaped elevated section in quiet street of superior homes. Excellent value at $60,000. Call Warwick Moore or Les McLeay. flam Real Estate Ltd. MREINZ. ph. 516131, a.h. 518-405 or 519-011. RICHMOND home in two flats. Only S5OOO deposit. $5OOO 2nd mortgage at 16 per cent available. W/boards. No garage. Your chance! Please phone Brian Wood 799-702 any time. Mutual Real Estate. MREINZ. RICHMOND. Attractive. 3 bedroom home situated in quiet street. Large separate dining area with open fire, extremely sunny lounge, new carpets and wallpapers throughout Garage and workshop. Priced for an early sale at $27,950. Phone Sole Agent Dianne Robinson. Collins Real Estate. Ltd. 488-784. a.h. 859-912. MREINZ. RICHMOND. Only $25,000. First day offered by sole agent. Convenient located 2-3 bdrm plus sunroom family bungalow. Sep. kitchen, dining and lounge. Quality chattels throughout. Ideal first home or investment. Don't miss this one. Ph. now. Danny Kett. a.h. 60-715, Merritt Real Estate, MREINZ. ROCKtNGHORSE ROAD, $78,500. Spacious 3/4 bdrm architecturally designed home with excel, views. This home has built-in furniture, electric underfloor heating, a sauna, garaging for two ears, and a caravan port, please phone Lorrame Bioxham. at Edgeware Estates. Lid. a 56Hu any time. MREINZ. a.h. SHIRLEY $59,000. sole agent. 3 t.’d.'in. perm, material home. Sun gallery, lounge and kit- < he:i living room. Doi. bluck garage. Handy shops, buses, schools. Ph. McClelland Heal Estate. 524-926. a.h. 5a5-911. MREINZ.
Page 43 Advertisements Column 10
Press, 12 September 1981, Page 43
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