IAMYS Bargain Centre, 9 Ferry Rd. Open all day Saturday. Good used furniture, china, cutlery, pots and pans, toys, old oak H.M.V. gramophone, juke box, old caste iron flrei place, clocks, radios, pot plant holders, plus handyman odds and ends. Doors, windows, tools, baths, taps. 1 h.p. s.p. elect, motor, W h.p. elect, motor, 2 deep fryers. Open all day Saturday. ANTIQUE restoration, our services include, inlay and carving repairs, French polishing, upholstery, Millbrook Restoration 10 Papanui Road, ph. 555-890. ANTIQUES, chairs, sets of 2, 4 and 6’s in walnut, mahogany, rosewood, new stock. Victoria •Antiques, 8 Livingstone St. ANTIQUES for better quality Georgian and Early Victorian furniture. Victoria Antiques, 8 Livingstone St. ANTIQUE Silver mounted scent bottles. Ph. 34-266. ANTIQUES. Small Scotch chest, small oak chest of drawers, oak dressing tables, beautiful mahogany table, oak tables, oak wardrobe, magnificent overmantel, rolled arm couch and 2 chairs, stained glass windows and interesting stocks of brass, china and bric-a-brac. Leeston Old Stuff, now open Saturday mornings, 10 a.m. to 12 noon. Also Wednesday, Thursday. Friday (late night). 83 High St, Leeston. Lsn. 817“ A.H. Irwell 701. ANTIQUES. Victorian mahogany Loo table, porcelain castors $B5O. Carved hall table $59. Victorian walnut dresser $750. Solid oak Jacobean twist drop leaf table, very tidy $595. Carved oak single wardrobe. $175. Solid oak china cabinet, cab. legs, leadlight front, very tidy. $195. M. W. Trading Store, 574 Colombo St. Ph. 60-904. ANTIQUE wrought iron child’s cot with brass knobs, mattress. $l5O. Ph. Rosemary 528-930. ASHFORD spinning wheel, carpet 18 x 13, oak table and chairs, wardrobe, Formica table. Ph. Sumner 6828. AS new, lounge suite, in mid navy quality textured vinyl. 2 swivel chairs and 3 seater couch. $4OO or offer. Ph. 427119. A thermal controlled 15 gal Zip water cylinder, enamel and complete with taps and piping for easy installation of bath and basin, hot water supply, $l2O. Ph. 899-964. ATLAS coal range in good cond. Also copper bowl. Apply 60 Andover St. ATLAS electric stove, very good cond. $5O. Ph. 34-476. ATLAS Stoves, olaer type, very good cond. $l3O. 3 months guarantee. Phone 41-934. ATLAS 3 ring stove in going order. $5O. 116 Blankney Street. Hornby. ATTRACTIVE standard lamp, new. $6O. Ph. 499-951. BABIES cacoon. as new cond.. $2O. Phone 857-278.
Page 38 Advertisements Column 2
Press, 12 September 1981, Page 38
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