For Sale For Sale QUALITY USED HOME APPLIANCES AND FURNITURE Double Bedroom Suite 3 piece $325 One only Double Mattress and Base, new condition $265 One only Single Mattress and Base, new condition $225 One only Boska Wet Back Heater, bargain $350 Two twin Cook. Tops and Warmer Draw new, only $4lO Astor Frost-free 15cu ft dual temp, fridge $699 Polar 12cu ft chest freezer with fast freeze $345 Oval table and 4 chairs .... . $95 Cintique blue, 3 piece lounge suite $599 F and P DW6A dishwasher, white $299 DON’T MISS THESE BARGAINS FREEZER BARGAINS Leonard 6cu ft $259 Leonard 6cu ft $289 Kelvinator lOcu ft... $325 Kelvinator 12cu ft (late model) $440 Kelvinator lOcu ft : $299 Leonard lOcu ft $365 Leonard 7cu ft (late model) $365 Fridge Leonard ‘Slimline’ $325 Leonard and Kelvinator 7 cu ft fridges unobtainable new, 8 to choose from. From $2BO. All reduced this Saturday by 10 per cent. Hoovermatic Auto Rinse Washers, 25 to choose from. All reduced this Saturday by 10 per cent. Priced from $199. RANGES Atlas and Shacklock and Champion from $215, 9 to choose from. Double Bed, complete with Mattress, Headboard and Lowboy, special $79 4ft 6in Double Innerspring Mattress $39 Don Lounge Suite, recovered in poly prop, check...,. $495 Lowboy, Dresser and Headboard, Saturday special $139 China Cocktail Cabinets, Double Bed Suites, Dining Suites. Many to choose from. CTVs, AWA 26in and Thorn 26in, $339 each. PLUS MANY MORE AT DIFFERENT PRICES AND BRANDS. . All appliances workshop serviced and guaranteed. Terms available. . Mahogany Buffet, 3 drawers, glass doors and shelf, mirror back $B9 Lounge Suite, 4. seat, loose cushions, blue brocade, box pleated $395 Hamburg Lounge suite, 5 seat_. $499 Kitchen suite, 5 piece, chrome with blue Formica $29 Winchester Lounge Suite, recovered 6 seat, bargain priced at $579 Dining suite, round table, woodgrain formica, swivel chairs, recovered, special price. $269 18 cu ft Frostfree Leonard fridge/freezer . $660 Miss Simplicity washing machine $B9 Hoovermatic auto rinse washing machine $220 Sanyo 3-in’l stereo unit, 4 speakers.... $339 Lounge Suite, green brocade $250 Masport Home Gardener, complete with acc. ex demo machine $425 3 Drawer Divan and Mattress $lO5 Oval Dining Suite, white swivel chairs, as new $245 Cassette Player. Thorn perfect '.. $B5 Dining Suite, Solid Mahogany 6 chairs, plus Buffet $1875 Majestic 22in CTV perfect colour $515 Rangette GEC great for bach $35 Freezer Bcu ft Atlas, perfect order $315 Wringer Washer Miss Simplicity best available $ll5
AART and Morris are having a ■* great Garage Sale. They have got a lounge suite, motor mower,, underfloor heating, two stereos, Mexlcana sliding doors, portable tape casette player, ladies bike, two B and W T.V’s in going order. A compactum and hundreds of various household and handyman Items, plus one tidy 100 E Anglia, going cheap. Call 49 Emmett Street after 10 a.m. and all day Sunday. A bargain today. Sat. 9 - 1 Cheap beds, mattresses, tallboys. duchesses, wardrobes always in stock. Dining suites, choice of 30 from $39 - $269, lounge suites recovered in different styles and colours $279 - $469,- mahogany bedroom suite reduced to $220. bunks $49. oak dble slatted bed $175, oak sideboards $B9 - $425, oak table and chairs, turned legs $249; Oval oak extension table and chairs $469. oak mirror door wardrobe $79. mahogany table and 6 chairs $325, rolled arm lounge suite $219. 146 -Lichfield St (between Manchester and Madras St), Northern Trading Co., ph. 64981. ABBOTSFORD tiles. Ph. 488-562. A Cornwall Lounge Suite, 3 setter couch. 2 chairs, footstool, in red Drayion. Airrest Provencal Dining Suite extension table, 4 cane backed chairs, 2 carvers in red Drayion, sideboard to match, $2500. all as new. New price over $4OOO. Phone 370-226 or 559-523. AKAI Pro-iab. 30 watts per channel, excellent nick. $l2OO. Also practice amplifier. 5400. with reverb units, overdrive. good nick. Urgent sale, as leaving the country. Ph. 559-184. ALL Seiko. Citizen and other name brand watch repairs, executed in our premises at Jefferies Jewellers, Same Day Service, 187 Manchester St. Regd. Seiko Centre. ALUMINIUM chip stack trays five at $2O each. Near new cond. 3 round chip baskets for $lO. old till, offer. Bug bar $BO, childrens swing pipe frame $l5, black and white T.V.. sound, but no picture $5. Call at 51 Glenmore Ave. ALUMINIUM ranch sliders, complete with tracks, teak vision bars, both doors slide for Bft 6in opening, good cond. $275 .0.n.0. Phone 885-622. AMERICAN Boys’ football league jackfet, cloth body vinyl sleeves, "Chicago Bears" approx. 34in -36 in unobtainable New Zealand. Price $4O. Phone 559-498. ANTIQUE brass beds, single and double, from $125. Ph.-527-277. » ' - 7 STC ANTIQUE furniture restoration by skilled tradesman, prompt service. 70 Lismore St. Ph. 50-383, a.h. 515-115. . WS ANTIQUE oak double bed and mattress. Excel, cond. $l5O 0.n.0. Ph. 33-951.