Machinery Sell FOR SALE BRISTOL PD SERIES DISEL CRAWLER TRACTOR HYDRAULIC blade and rippers: only 1800 hours work: pins and bushes just been turned. In first class condition. Tenders to close on September 26. invited. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. For appointment to inspect PHONE KUROW 801. NORWOOD MOWER SPECIALS TAARUP 5 ft 1650 Used MOWERS from $1650. New Season's 204 $3466. PZ 5 ft 165 Used MOWERS from $1650 New Season's 165 $2595 Monro Rotary Slashers New Bantam Mini $llBO New M65'60" $lB6O CHRISTCHURCH PHONE 495-089 | MF DEALER | USED TRACTORS: M.F. 595 MKI, Completely workshop checked. C/W Cab, 3 months guarantee $14,300 M.F. 165, Multi Power, Power Steering, runs well. $4750 FORD 5000 Y 15 x 30 Tyres, a tidy machine $5950 FIAT 640 2 WD 4989 hours.checked/tidy . $5900 USED COMBINES: M.F. 750, 18ft. High Lift, New Drumbars, very tidy. Be Price. M.F. 510, 12ft, Q/attach Front. Cab. Farmer owned being checkednow. M.F. 500. 14ft, High Lift. 500 D,. Condition, runs well. M.F. 780. 10ft. Cut. Bulk, Diesel Motor. HAY EQUIPMENT: M.F. 124 Baler 2 to choose from. Very tidy condition. Workshop checked .. $4500 LH.C. 47 Baler, very tidy $2400 DISC MOWERS: Kuhn GMD 40. very tidy, done little work 4 discs.. $l7OO Taarup 4 disc mower, good order $1650 PZ 165 2 disc mower .... $1650 Taarup SKT 2100 Mulcher, excellent order $3200 GEHL Mower, conditioner MC 8800 $3OOO BAILEYS PHONE 7119. ASHBURTON. P.O. BOX 102, ASHBURTON. A.H. 4587. ZETOR SALES AND SERVICE New Stock Now Available 50 120 h.p. 2 or 4 wheel drive. Factory Cabs available. THINGS ARE GETTING BETTER ZETOR 7045 Q (as advertised on TV). This 70 h p 4 wheel drive Tractor , complete with cab and all standard accessories has come of age. CALL IN AND SEE IT NOW TRADE-INS NOW AVAILABLE I.H. 414 Power Steering Frontend Loader. 2500 hrs. Newrear tyres. $4300. LEITHFIELD MOTORS, LIMITED. MAIN NORTH ROAD. PHONE 48-472. AMBERLEY, a.h. 48-444 Amberlev. STC Ii H J PRE-SEASON SPECIALS (for limited period only) 12 MONTHS interest free warranty on all machines, low deposit. I.H. 221 diesel. 10ft cab. AKTIV 1001) diesel. lOit. ALLIS Chalmers Super A diesel. lOit. ALLIS Chalmers E.A.. 10 ft. ASHBURTON Phone 89-347 A.H. 6088. 7458
Page 37 Advertisements Column 7
Press, 12 September 1981, Page 37
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