Machinery Sell MT HUTT MACHINERY WEST COAST ROAD. METHVEN For ill your Harrow requirements. NEW STOCKS HAVE ARRIVED Buy now and beat inevitable price rises. Mounted zigzag harrow sets with folding wings made to order. Phone WIN WILSON, 2B-442 MF.IHO jlmohc (N.Z.). LTD. Manufacturers of Farm and Industrial Loaders PHONE 599-021. A.H. 43-634. 16 SHIPLEYS ROAD J-LZZZI I SAWYERS ARMS RD. I 4-—H? “'owrY. N5-X2;—l m cottas£s V'OLEYg ROj <yr I o S' DUMP I HA/TEWOOD RD AIRPORT | |- MUIR-HILL 117 h.p. 4-wheel-drive, 1 power divider, hydro steer. Brand new. At cost. $57,000. J.D. 2120. duals. $5OOO. ALLIS G Row Crop. FIAT 415, 2500 hours. $2BOO. FIAT 540, 1974. Excel, order. $5OOO. FORD 3000 and Jones F.E.L. $4lOO FORD 3000 X. $3lOO. I.H. Farmall Super F-C. 3-point linkage Row Crop, $l2OO. FORD 2000. petrol, $2400. NUFFIELD, petrol, excellent order. $B5O. LEYLAND 270, excel, order. $5500 LEYLAND 245. 1400 HOURS. CAB. $5250. D.B. 990, 12-speed. $3600. F.E.L. Suit I.H. 574. etc. CASE 1070, duals, cab. 3400 km. $11,500. SAME 1979 Saturno, Campbell cab, 1000 hours. $14,500. MAMMOTH Mixer Mill, bulk handling on tandem trailer, P.T.O. driven. $5BOO. HDII, average cond.. $22,000. D6C, excel, cond., $49,000. 8.T.D.6 and blade, $3500. I.H. Drott 250,4m1., 1973. $19,500. CRANE, Nuffield, petrol. $2700. TRAILING Backhoe. Trackgrip, P.T.O. driven. KOEHRING Tracked Hyd. Excavator, 5-yard. IMPLEMENTS SPECIAL on Airwork Hay Impalers and Accumulator. HOWARD lOOin H/D rotary hoe. HOWARD 50 and 70in R-hoe. LILLEY F/Harvester and basket. TOPDRESSER. 8-pt linkage, like new, $750. BACK Blade Scoop. 5450. WINCH. Fiat, suit 80 h.p., $l2OO. DUNCAN 21-tlne Grubber, hyd. crumbier. $l5OO. LILLEY Chopper. Mk 5. sft. $l5OO. ROUND Baler, Welger system. 1 yr old. $B5OO. HENRY Harrow. $450. DISCS, from $450. TOPDRESSER, M.F. 3-pt linkage, hyd. drive. $6OO. CHISEL P’lough. Altchison 10tyne, like new. 3-bar frame. $2300 CLOUGH 5F Semi and Ram. DRILL, Overlander 6ft Forage Harvester and Basket. HAY Balers. Cheap out of season. WRECKING FORDSON M., S/M 4000, 5000. NUFFIELD 10/60 460, PM4. DM4, etc. DB 990, 1200. 950 Cropmaster. I.H. 250. 275. 414. M.F. TEA 35 Cat. 955 H. DOZER, 955 H, I.H. 2,508, NEW TRACTOR SPECIALS. SAVE ssssss 1 - 7010 Power Shift $45,680 1 - 7010 16 speed Power Director $44,268 1- 7020 20 speed Power Director $47,193 All have air-conditioned cabs etc. PRE SEASON NEW COMBINE SPECIALS SAVE ssssss Gleaner F2HY 13 ft 95 HP Diesel Gleaner L2HY 18 ft 145 HP Diesel All machines standard with Full Monitors, Hydro-traction and Full Air Conditioned Luxury Cab. Interest Free Terms 2 Year Warranty Low Deposit Prices can never be repeated. Ask us what this means tu you. Otter closes Oct. 30. 1981. Phone Ashburton 89-347 A.H. 6088 or 7458.
Page 37 Advertisements Column 6
Press, 12 September 1981, Page 37
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