Machinery Sell WOOL sheds. Built to your design or combine with ours. Phone Peter Stevens. Ltd. 595-272 a.h. 598-929. 11 coulter drill. 2 furrough trailing plough and sicklemower. Offers wanted. Phone Amberley 48530. 3 leaf set of Drummond harrows. also 4 leaf harrow bar. Ph. 7276 Kaiapoi. 4-FURROW R. and G. mounted plough. $5OO. Ph. 598-366. 5 h.p. 3 ph electric motor with D.O.L. starter. Phone 498-705. ANNUAL BALANCE SALE ANNUAL BALANCE SALE JOHN DEERE 3020 powershift, fitted Jones loader, one owner. HESSTON 5800 Round Baler, farmer owned. FIAT 750 Special, one fastidious owner, cab. CASE 660 header in exceptional order. LH.C. 847 P.T.O. Baler, choice of two. Both extra choice. M.F. 165 P.S. c/w. NEW Airworx loader, any trial. M.F. 135. 2200 hours, immaculate. a real steal at $4250. NEW HOLLAND. Model 1034. Stackliner, as new, farmer owned, approximately 1/3 replacement cost. LANGDON'S MACHINERY LIMITED. Deutz—Same—Lamborghini. Zetor, Universal—Hesston PHONE 89002. а. Russell Langdon 25-877. Ashburton. ASPHALT PAVER SA 41 HIGH capacity Track machine, auto level, 1974 model, in perfect condition. $45,000. Reply:— P.O. BOX 17024, AUCKLAND. OR PHONE 667-916 AUCKLAND. O WE have a full range of Kato Hydraulic Excavators from the mini HDIBOG at 4.5 tonnes to the mighty HDIBOOG at 39.5 tonnes. A full range of attachments are available to suit every requirement. CLYDE INDUSTRIES (N.Z.). LTD. 38 WATERLOO ROAD. CHRISTCHURCH. Phone 499-133. CASE 600 COMBINE BULK 10ft. 2 owners, excellent condition all over, completely checked. New belts, bearings, etc. Private sale. $6OOO. Phone 802 Sheffield. CLUTHA COUNTY COUNCIL SURPLUS USED PLANT AND EQUIPMENT FOR SALE TENDERS, addressed to the Chairman. Clutha County Council, P.O. Box 25. Balclutha. and closing at 4.00 p.m. on Monday October, 5. 1981, are invited for the undermentioned items of used plant and equipment. Item No. Description 1. Ford D 1311 Truck. Registered 1974 . 381.704 km. 380 cu-in. diesel. 8 speed gearbox. Underbody SL7 Telehoist. 3.8 M 3 deck. 4 m long. Fleet No. 147. Registration No. GP 5645. 2. Holden iKingswood car. Registered 1975. 127,781 km. Fleet No. 318. Registration No. HT 1154. 3. BEDFORD CF van. Registered 1971. 121.827 km. Fleet No. 341. Registration No. DQ 5717. 4. DODGE 114 Truck. Registered 1964 . 240,371 miles. Flat wooden deck with drop-sides and taildoor. Fleet No. 363. Registration No. D.P. 5295. 5. Mazda B 1500 Utility. Registered 1970. 155,348 miles. Flat wooden deck with drop-sides and taildoor. Fleet No. 377. Registration No. DM 2130. б. Holden Kingswood Utility. Registered 1971. 186.392 miles. Fleet No. 381. Registered No. DM 7796. 7. Case W7 Front End loader. Registered 1966. 7000 hours. With cab. Fleet No. 422. Registration No. DP 7134. 8. Ford 4500 Back End Loader. Registered 1972. 6000 hours. With cab. Fleet No. 426. Registration No. DM 7926. 9. Caterpillar D6C Bulldozer. Registered 1972. 9131 hours. Rear hydraulic rippers. With or without cab. Fleet No. 433. Registration No GQ 3031. 10. Assorted steel beams as under: Lot A One 460 x 170 mm - 9.14 m long Lot B One 460 x 170 mm - 9.14 m long Lot C one 560x150 mm - 11.9 m long Lot D One 560 x 150 mm - 11.9 m long Lot E One 560 x 150 mm - 11.9 m long Lot F One 560 x 160 mm Double Unit - 9.0 m long Lot G One 560 $ 160 mm Double Unit - 9.0 m long, 11. Assorted Part Coils of Wire Rope: Lot A 15 mm Lot B 15 mm Lot C 19 mm Lot D 19 mm Lot E 19 mm Lot F 25 mm 12. Eight Steel Channel Sections - 10.54 m long. Each of the abovementioned items of plant is in fair working order, but each item is offered on the basis of "as is where is." Where applicable the successful tenderer will be required to sign a certificate relative to obtaining a Warrant of Fitness before use of the motor vehicle on the roads, other than for removal to the purchaser's property. Items 1-9 may be inspected at the Council Depot at Crown Street. Balclutha by prior arrangement with the undersigned or with the Workshop Foreman, from whom details of the condition of each item will be available upon enquiry. Items 10-12 can be inspected byarrangement with the Works Superintendent. Mr Ward. Terms of sale will be strictly cash before delivery is given. The Council will not necessarily accept the highest or any tender. September 9. 1981. P.O. Box 25. BALCLUTHA. A. C. DUNCAN Countv Clerk.
Page 37 Advertisements Column 2
Press, 12 September 1981, Page 37
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