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Machinery Sell Machinery Sell «• it z«S*. z A >x • ’ ■£< " JtKBS* > Y ■'/ ■ : « <. . J: FIAT-ALLIS MODEL 8 1978 MODEL. 3-speed. Full Powershift Transmission. (Ideal discing or Dozing). Fitted with Trackweld Hydraulic Angle Blade and Remotes. FIAT 88 F.W. H.P. 4 cylinder, naturally aspirated Diesel Engine. Only 3800 hours on agricultural work. NOTE: The condition of this machine is a credit to its owner and could not be faulted upon inspection. We will consider a trade on this unit. Replacement 590.000 — Our Price $53,000. Inquire now to:— CABLE PRICE EQUIPMENT, BLENHEIM ROAD, CHRISTCHURCH. TELEPHONE 44-068. After hours: Ralph de Clifford - Ph. 849-171. Ewen Smith - Ph. 389-066. Dick Jennison — Grey. 7644. 1978 JOHN DEERE 4040 SPECS — 120 h.p.. 90 P.T.O. h.p., Soundgard body, air conditioning, 18.4 x 38 matching duals, rack and pinion rear axle, power front wheel drive, 1236 hours. 53950. 1970 JOHN DEERE 4040 SPECS — Soundgard, 1 air 'conditioned cab, hyra seta, 18.4 x 38 matching dual wheels. Equpped with wieghts and 2 selective control valves. 6 months warranty, 1280 hours delivered anywhere in the country. 534,000. DUNCAN 730 multi seeder triple disc. Complete with ram, $48,500. PLEASE TELEPHONE RALPH FAULKNER BUSINESS 494-804 . AFTER HOURS 494-373
SKILL saw. Black and Decker. 9 inch blade, just been overhauled $lBO. Ph. 841-544. SPARY boom, 18ft, refer mach. wanted column. STANHAY seed drill, manual, in good order, with 20 belts and 3 chokes. S6OO 0.n.0. Phone 555-766. STANHAY -Seeder, 5 row with spare belts $2OOO 0.n.0. Phone 429-536. ■ ■ ■ ■ STA-RITE submersible borehole pumps. L h.p. to 3 h.p. single and three phase, from $464.75. All pumps carry full 12 months warranty with sales and service guaranteed by the N.Z. distributors. A. W. Harper. Ltd. 48 Ferry Rd. Ph. 68-371, a.h. 891-495. STC STARKAY Seed planter, hand model. $3OO 0.n.0. Also 11 Clipon travelling wheels for shifting irrigation lines from paddock. $3O ea. 0.n.0. Ph. Darfield 88171 evenings. STEEL poles. 14 x 23ft, $3O each. Ph. 252-204 after 4 p.m. STIHL chainsaws. A complete range available at Hobdays Lawnmowers, 1036 Colombo St. Ph. 63-924. THS SURFACE grinder, hand operated with 12in x 6in magnetic chuck. $2350 S.T.I. Parker Machinery 66-773. TAARUP double chop. DC 1500 silage chopper. 4 seasons old, good condition. Ph. Oxford 24-353. TAILING cradles. Hayes, half price, brand new. Ph. TAA 651. THREADING machine rems. 2 in capacity with large range of dies. Parker Machinery 66773. TRACK loader. Fiat Allis FL4C. 1976.2100 hours. 1500 mm wide bucket. 2200 mm wide blade. $12,000 0.n.0. Ph. 325-739. TRACK Parts. Chch. for new and used earthmoving equipment spare parts. New pattern parts for Caterpillar tractors and G.M. engines. Phone 495-453, a.h. 495-362. TRACTOR and dozer parts, used and new. good range, most makes. A.I.M. Ph. 599-021, 43634. STC TRACTOR and dozer parts. New Zealand’s largest range. Millars Tractor Spares, Ltd, Drain Road, Doyleston, Ph. 888 Leeston. STC TRACTOR parts. A good supply of used and new. for Fordson Majors. International 634. Nuffields, Ford "3000," "4000.” and ‘-5000.’’ International A 554. Model M. Leyland 384. K. D. Vallance and Co.. Fernside. Ph. Rangiora 6465. STC TRACTOR tyres, new and second hand, at discount prices. Ph. Value Tyres 529091. STC TRAILER, single axle, heavyduty tilt, air over hydraulic brakes, suit Mitsubishi or Drott, very good cond. $l5OO. Ph. 495-453. a.h. 495-362. TRAILER Bft x 4ft. hardwood construction. 20in wheels, not registered. $l2O. Old type blacksmiths drill press. $B5. Short length railway line. Dbl. concrete tubs. Any offers. Ph. 524-075. “TREEFARMER C 7" just had extensive' repairs including new Series N motor, rear hubs, winch, etc. Good tyres and spare wheel 5e11.526,000. Ph. 557-578. TRUCK tyres, new and secondhand at discount prices. Ph. Value Tyres 529-091. STC VILLIERS Motor, Mk. 25. 6-8 h.p. very little use. Excel, cond. $145. Ph. 515-182. VOLVO Penta. MD29A. 95 h.p. 6 cylinder marinised lightweight diesel engine. $4500 r.p.m. max. Had very little use. $3500. Phone 495-453, a.h. 495-362. WAIKATO mains electric fence unit. $4O. Phone 598-918. WANT another Haybarn or Implement Shed? Let us quote. No obligation. Phone Peter Stevens. Ltd. 595-272. a.h. 598-929. WATERBLASTERS. The new revolutionary -Hallblast” now available. 1000 P.S.L to 10.000 P.S.L Sole South Island Agents. R. L. Ray. Ltd. 44 Tuam Street. Phone 60-380. STC WELDING plant $5OO. ph. 63-326 after 9a.m. Saturday. WINDROWER Hesston. 1014 Hydraswing. excel, order. Phone 598-366.
NEW Holland 850 round baler in very good cond. Privately owned. Terms can be arranged. Priced to sell. Phone 252-338 NEW Hooper 24 x 20 all scalloped blades. Hundreds under new price. 52920. Phone 518-581. N.C.K. 304 face shovel and back hoe. 3/4 yd. A.E.C. motor in good working order. Ph. 703 Paroa. Greymouth, evenings. ONE Cambridge Roller, one Boothmac lime spreader, ph. 370-617. ONION topper. P.T.0.. chain driven. 8 new rollers. S2OOO. Ph. 598-366. OWANTANA mixer mill. 90 bushel tank. Good order. $2850. Phone 518-581. PIPE bender sell. ph. Waipara 894. PLOUGH, Duncan 4 furrow. 3 pt. linkage, good cond. 5350. Also Reid and Gray 4 furrow 3 pt linkage $l2O. Ph. Springston 839. POLYTHENE pipe, all sizes, best prices. Phone 792-890 Mico Wakefield. STC POST drivers. 6001 b Monkey. 12ft 6 mast, double top pulleys, overun brake, semi auto, tor the affordable price ol $995. Andersons Equipment. Station St. Leeston. Ph. 356 Leeston. a.h. 417 Leeston. POST hole digger. Mate 100. 6 Augers. 12 months old. $350. Ph. 794-949. POTATO bucket for Jones loader. $5OO. Phone 598-366. POTATO Planter. John Deere. 2 row. $2OOO 0.n.0. Phone 429536. POWER hacksaw in Mathews 14in blade, single phase. $7OO 0.n.0. Ph. 527-517. POWER Pony. New 16 h.p. twin cylinder tractor and newmode! mowers in stock. Sole Canterbury dealers. Hobdays Lawn Mowers. 1036 Colombo St. Ph. 63-924. THSTC POWER saw $450 0.n.0. Ph. 63326 after 9 a.m. Saturday. PRESSURE pots (2). Brinks underseal gun. offers. Ph. 881-632. PRESSURE pump. Davies piston. 90 gal. tank, near new . $lOOO. Phone 830-346. PULLEYS and vee-belts for all applications from R. B. ■ Denniston. 16-4 Hazeldean Road. STC PUMP, Brown Bros. Aquamas- ■ ter; Briggs and Stratton 3 h.p.. 4 yrs old but never used, with suction hose, foot valve ' and outlet gate valve. $320 0.n.0. Ph. 555-766. P.T.O. hydraulic pump. tank, etc., hydraulic motors, hoses, fittings, etc. As new. Phone . 598-366. ROTARY hoe. Howard 200. Good order. $l6OO. Ph. 892-874. ROTARY hoe. Howard, model H.L. 50in, as new. suitable Fergie. TEA or 35. SlBOO 0.n.0. Ph. 588-945. ROTARY hoe. Howard Gem 30in. 12 h.p. motor, 3 speed, dual wheels, good order. $lO5O. Ph. Irwell 777. ROTARY hoe Villiers landmaster. any reasonable offer accepted. oh. 853-368. SELL Heavy duty wood lathe with ■ h.p single phase motor. $3OO. Ph Leeston 800. SENCO nail gun. good cond. sell $l5O 0.n.0. Ph. 880-016. SEWING mach. Industrial for light leather work. Singer. 31k 48. Complete $2OO. Ph. 887069 bus. hours. SHEEP spray race $2O. Phone Oust 861. SHEET metal rolls 3ft x 18g, 4ft x 16g. Parker Machinery 66773. SILAGE trailer, Gehl 9000. on 14 x 30 tyres. Phone 598-366. SIX kw’high frequency P.V.C. welder for sale. Has had little use. Ph. 799-664 for further information. ON ACCOUNT CLIENT 1 500 litre Sprayrite tank. 3 pt. linkage mounted with Bertolini 55S pump. Creelman 3211 s/ s boom and foaming unit. Verytidy unit. Phone 27-016 Rakaia a.h. Ray Candy 27-165.
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Press, 12 September 1981, Page 37
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1,199Page 37 Advertisements Column 1 Press, 12 September 1981, Page 37
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Page 37 Advertisements Column 1 Press, 12 September 1981, Page 37
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