Musical (Instruments PIANO Ripper quality world 1 class instrument, late model, as new throughout* with 10 year guarantee. Dep. $l5O. $lB weekly; Graveston’s Syd.‘ Ph. I 64-939 alstfopen Sat 9 to 4.30, PIANO "Rosier" modern, in as new cond. $2OOO 0.n.0? Ph. 888812.-/, ‘ 1 PIANO, sell, J. and J. Hopkinson. 1 owner. Excellent order. , $750. Ph. 327-118. 1 PIANOS, Wurlizter,-. save hundreds of dollars' on these in our piano and wgan sale. Now on at Chch Musical Centre. 605 Colombo St. between.Tuam and St Asaph . Sts. Ph. 61-691. 1 PIANO Walter Collinson, popular modern action instru- | ment. excellent order with guarantee. $595. dep. $BO. $6.50 weekly. Graveston’s Syd. Ph. 64-939. also open Sat. 9 to 4.30. PIANO wanted urgently. Ph. 598-799. PIANO Werner. Walnut case, i ■ iron frame, recently tuned, original cond. $255. Ph. 515-182. i PIANO. Marshall and Rose babygrand. $4OOO 0.n.0. Ph. 556-305. PLAYER piano. Doherty, with rolls, sell. A nice one. Phone 8306 Kaiapoi. 1 SELL Brinsmead piano, old upright, recond. Very good 1 tone. $4OO. Ph 584-817. SELL piano English Bentley, excellent condition. Phone 7879 Rangiora. SPEAKER, 15in, .100 watt. David Reid, $95. Ph. 894-876. TONY McLaughlins Music Shop for professional musicians. 595 A Colombo St. Ph. 794-190. , D VIOLIN wanted, h size. Phone 389-122. ( YAMAHA piano MSE for sale. New cond. $l6OO 0.n.0. Phone 853-474. ZACHARY 2000. easy play organ for sale. Complete with stool, all in walnut, near new, plus < $5OO library of music. Phone 41-318. THE SPEED MUSIC ■ SPECIALISTS POSSIBLY the largest selection of speed music in the South Island i • POP 9 SHOWTIME ( • COUNTRY • GOSPEL • CHILDREN’S Hundreds of titles to choose from. For all organs, guitars, etc. , OUR SECOND CENTURY OF SERVICE | 603 Colombo Street. 1 PHONE-62-499 THE NEW WELSON 1 GRANFIESTA Deluxe Organ as shown We have just landed the completely overseas assembled version of this so popular organ! $3195.00 (WITH EVERY ACCESSORY) I EXAMINE AND HEAR IT AT JOHN BARKER ORGANS Upstairs at National Mutual Arcade Boats, Buy and Sell ABOUT to buy an outboard motor? Call into - Sports Marine's showroom at 507 •Moorhouse Ave. over 30 new and used Mercury outboards to choose from. ABSOLUTE luxury. Cabin cruiser. 28ft. Airex foam construction with tandem trailer, as new. Further details phone 898-578 after 6 p.m ACHILLES rubber diving boat, with new 20 h.p. Mercury motor. Motor worth $l7OO, as new. total price $2400 0.n.0. or sell separately. Ph. 26-5325. . A class Cat. prof, glassed and i fancy paint, road trailer, $7OO. Ph. 327-055. A Class or Paper Tiger, wanted for around $6OO. Ph. 39-606. A good selection of new and used fibreglass boats, at Sports Marine. Ltd, 507 Moorhouse Ave. ALUMINIUM . boat and trailer wanted, minimum 12ft. Sailing dingy considered. Also anchor, oars, and lifejackets. Phone 324-913. ALUMINIUM dinghy. 10 Wot Starcraft with 6 h.p. Johnson. New 1980. $l5OO. Ph. 299886. ALUMINIUM Dinghies specials. Parkercraft 10ft $375. 12ft i $9OO less than 1980 prices. ' Powerboat Centre, 403 FerryRd. ph. 891-146. ALUMINIUM 15ft Jet boat. New .250 cross flow Falcon motor, overhauled 2 Stg unit, very strong work boat. Will carry 20001bs through shallow water. On solid trailer. At $BOOO 0.n.0. this is under replacement cost. Ph. 397 Wanaka. ANCHORS direct to public, ex factory price. Holdfast Anchor Manufacturing Co., 4-6 Carlyle St, ph. 65-441. ARIO 17ft cabin cruiser on steel trailer and powered by 1979 Mercury 90 h.p. with power trim, comes complete with canopy, depth sounder, radio. ■ ski pole. - outboard bracket, all in immaculate condition $7990 or $2300 deposit, Sports ■ Marine, Ltd, 507 Moorhouse Ave. AT Sports Marine inspect our range oi new. and used Mercury outboards, 507 Moorhouse Ave, DESIGNERS and Builders of N Z.’s best known trailer yachts, proudly announce the opening of tneir new showroom. View now our range of Noelex trailer ’ yachts and accessories. Cnr DYERS RD and EDISON PLACE. Open Saturday Mornings. Telephone 841-741.
Page 35 Advertisements Column 6
Press, 12 September 1981, Page 35
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