Tenders VINCENT COUNTY COUNCIL SALE OF SURPLUS PLANT TENDER closing with the undersigned at 5 p.m. on Wednesday. September 23.1981. are Invited for the purchase “as is. where is" of the following items of plant:— 1 Ingersoll-Rand Vibrating Plate. 2 Caterpillar 1150 V 8 Diesel Engine suitable for repowering. 3 Fuller Road Ranger 9513 gearbox suitable to adapt to above engine. 4 Hadfield 18in x 30in JawCrusher set up with an elevator and bin; semi mobile. ■■ The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Terms cash on delivery. Inspection at the Council Depot at Clyde may be arranged with the Works Superintendent. Mr B. J. Cull, phone 807 office or 746 Clyde after hours. G. M. SMITH. County Clerk. P.O. Box 4. CLYDE. WAITAKI CATCHMENT COMMISSION'AND REGIONAL WATER BOARD ' CONTRACT 3336/2 - ; STAGE I WAIKOURA/HENDERSON CREEKS, FLOODWAY DIVERSION SCHEME STAGE I of this scheme comprises the excavation of approximately 3.6 km of floodway channel together with two rip rap drop structures and the formation of approximately 3km of County road between the Waitaki River and Irving Road. Documents for Contract 3336/2 are available from: 1. The Waitaki Catchment Commission, Wynyard Street, P.O. Box 110. KUROW. 2. Gabites; Alington and Edmondson, S.I.M.U. Building. 29 Latimer Square. P.O. Box 13078, CHRISTCHURCH Tenders should be marked on the outside top lefthand corner "Tenders for Waikoura/ Henderson Floodway Diversion — Stage I,” and close with the Secretary, Waitaki Catchment Commission, at 9 a.m. on Wednesday. September 23.1981. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. R. F. LAING, Secretary. P.O. Box 110, KUROW. September 2, 1981. ZEPHYR D 13061 WRITTEN tenders are called for the above Zephyr Mk IV This vehicle, first regisu red in 1969, is tendered on an "as it where is" basis, and can bt viewed at Auto Salvage, 15 Raycroft St, during normal business hours. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders, which close szp.m September 23, 1981. are to be addressed to: "ZEPHYR TENDER," C/O P.O. Box 13257. CHRISTCHURCH 1980 MIRAGE WE have for tender, the above < door car in damaged condition (frontal), whicn can be inspected at Avis Rental Cars Christchurch Airport, Mondaj to Friday during normal business hours. Tenders close Septemeber 18. and should be addressed to: T. Rogerson. Service Manager. P.O. Box 1092. Christchurch.c Highest or any tender noi necessarily accepted. Tailoring SUIT doctor, alterations, ladies, gents clothing, bag repairs. 167 A Cashel St. near Manchester St, Phone 60-640. MWS Musical Instruments ANDREW Balfour’s Music Store (or tile finest musical instrument repairs avail. 5938 Colombo St. Ph. 791 -177. STC CLASSICAL guitarists course. See Polytechnic courses. Public Notices. COMPOSER - arranger course (basic). See Polytechnic courses. Public Notices. FENDER Mustang Bass. $325. Acoustic 140 amp, $5OO. Jansen 75 w Bassman, $265. Etone 140 w speaker, $2lO. 5.G.100 w speaker, $175. Mike stand, $35. Ph. 597-733. . FLUTE, Gemeinart,’ as new, must sell. $350. Ph. 327-868. FOR sale: Emperador guitar with case, perfect cond. $BO. Ph. 888-560. GUITAR suitable learner. Still in box. 335. Ph. 558-346. HAMMOND organ. Dolphin model, 2 manuals. Pedals. Leslie speakers, as new. Phone Cust 770. HAMMOND organs. 12 models now in stock, priced from $1195 or $B5OO. Chch Musical Centre, 605 Colombo St between Tuam and St Asaph Sts. Ph. 61-691. HAMMOND Regent console organ. 2 61-note keyboards. 25 pedals, large tonal range only $4994 with 3 year guarantee. Chch Musical Centre, 605 Colombo St. Ph. 61-691. HOLDEN practice amp. $lOO 0.n.0. Ph. 881-035. KASUGA steel string acoustic guitar, new’ cond. Plus bag, $145. Peter Ensor, 252-887. LOWREY organ Venus with Leslie speakers and Genie. Also has built-in tape recorder, excellent condition. $2300. Ph. 855-139. MORLEY Echo buy, ph. 227-664. ORGAN antique, pedal pump type, offers. Ph. 554-396. ORGAN Zachary sell, immaculate. $lO5O, ph. 31-676. PIANO accordions, new and second-hand. Specialists in Tilano models. Meg Fidler, 83 Mersey St. STC PIANO, Collard, good cond. $l2O. Also very old Harley Piano, $25. Ph. 6074 Sumner. PIANO, German, 5450 0.n.0, good order. Ph. 598-546. PIANO Marshall and Rose 6ft grand. England’s top quality instruments of world class, fully guaranteed 10 years as new'. Must be sold on behalf of estate. Easy terms or cash offer. Graveston’s Syd. Ph. 64-939. also open Sat. 9 to 4.30. PIANO, oak. $250 0.n.0. Call back flat. 463 Hereford St. PIANO Organ electric. Yamaha, fully guaranteed, special cash price. $385 or easy terms. Graveston’s Syd. Ph. 64-939. also open Sat. 9 to 4.30.
Page 35 Advertisements Column 5
Press, 12 September 1981, Page 35
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