Tenders ® New Zealand Forest Service AERIAL APPLICATION OF BORON FERTILISER ASHLEY STATE FOREST WRITTEN tenders are invited for the aerial applicaton of boron fertiliser to the following areas within Ashley State Forest (Okuku Block) at the rate specified hereunder. LOT 1: 362 hectares at 36kg Neobar/ha (13 tonnes). LOT 2: 154 hectares at 25kg • Colmanite/ha (4 tonnes). This work is considered more suitable for a helicopter fitted with a “sling king" spreader. Operation is to commence on October 2. 1981 and be completed by October 19. 1981. Tenders must state a hire rate per hour with any positioning charge to be stated in total as an extra. The contract will be on the standard NZ Forest Service form FS D 43 which must be signed within 14 days of acceptance of tender and before work commences. Intending tenderers are invited to inspect the areas and should arrange this with Forest Ranger R. G. Waldron (phone 8015. Rangiora) from whom copies of the schedule can be obtained. Tenders are to be in a sealed envelope clearly endorsed “Tender for Boron Fertilising" and close with the Conservator of Forests. New Zealand Forest Service. P.O. Box 25-022. Victoria. Christchurch at 1 p.in. on Friday. September 25.1981. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. (3ft New Zealand ML/Forest Service AERIAL SPRAYING ASHLEY FOREST WRITTEN tenders are invited for aerial release spraying of 150 hectares of P.radiata w’ithin Ashley Forest. Tlie work is suited only to helicopter operations. The work will be performed on an hourly hire rate and this rate must include any ferry charges involved. Operations to commence from October 2. 1981 and be completed by October 9, 1981. Water and chemicals will be provided but the contractor shall be responsible for mixing and loading. The contract will be on the standard NZ Forest Service form FS D 43 which must be signed within 14 days of acceptance of tender and before work commences. Intending tenderers are to inspect the areas and should arrange this with the On'icer in Charge. Ashley Forest (contact Forest Ranger R. G. Waldron), telephone 8015 Rangiora. from whom copies of the schedule may be obtained. Tenders are to be in a sealed envelope clearly endorsed “Tenner for Aerial Releasing" and close with the Conservator ol Forests. NZ Forest Service. P.O. Box 25-022. Victoria. Christchurch at 1 p.m. on Friday. September 25. 1981. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. ®New Zealand Forest Service AERIAL SPRAYING OMIHI FOREST WRITTEN tenders are invited for aerial control spraving of nassella tussock over approximately 90 hectares within Oimhi Stale Forest. This work is considered more suitable lor helicopter operations. Operations to commence at some stage during October dependant on the growtn development of tne nassella tussock. Water and chemical shall be provided by the owner but the contractor shall be responsible for mixing and loading. The contract will be on the standard New Zealand Forest Service form FS D 43 which must be signed within 14 days of acceptance ot tender and before work commences. Intending tenderers are invited to inspect the areas and should arrange tins with the Officer in Charge. Omihi Forest (phone 708 Waipara) from whom copies of the schedule can be obtained. Tenders must state a price per hectare with any postitioning charge to be staled in total as an extra. Tenders are to be in a sealed envelope clearly endorsed “Tenner for Nassella Spraying" and close with the Conservator of Forests. New Zealand Forest Service. P.O. Box 25-022. Victoria. Christchurch, at 1 p.m. on Friday, September 18. 1981. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. (O ALLIS CHALMERS HD2I Crawler Traci or with blade and rippers WRITTEN tenders are called for the above machine oliered on an, as is where is basis. Machine may be inspected during normal working hours at Clyde Industries (NZ). Ltd. 38 Waterloo Road, Christchurch. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders addressed. Tender for Dozer. P.O. Box 11-104. Sockburn. Close 5 p.m.. on Friday. September 2‘. Conditions of Tender are available Irom the above. AUSTIN 8. 1947 WRITTEN tenders are Invited for the purchase of tlie above vehicie. Genuine mileage 33.000. Inimac. original conn. For details phone 899-613. Tenders close 3 October. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. BUSHMAN REQUIRED for production bin 8 acres of Douglas trees. Belfast 8879 or 24077 Oxford a.h. , CAR GARAGE TWIZEL TENDERS are invited for the purchase and removal “as is. where is" of an aluminium car garage, situated on tne property of 39 Mayburn Road. Twizel. Approx, size 29ft x 3011. Tenders wul ciuse at 5 p.m. on Monday. September 21. 1981. and snouid be addressed to tne undersigned from whom further dO’ iails can be obtained. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. J. M. SMITH. Property Management Consultant. P.O. Box 216. ' TIMARU. Phone 83-626
Page 34 Advertisements Column 5
Press, 12 September 1981, Page 34
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