Tenders ACCOUNTING MACHINE 1978 NCR 299-201 with Magnetic Ledger attachment. Programmed lor Debtors and Private Ledger. Fully maintained under Service Agreement since new. Tenders close Wednesday. September 30. 1981. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Please post tenders to: P.O. BOX 13128. CHRISTCHURCH. CHRISTCHURCH CITY COUNCIL REPLACEMENT PLANT FOR CITY ENGINEERS DEPARTMENT WRITTEN quotations are invited for the supply and delivery of the following plant and vehicles:— One Only Air Compressor (Quotation No. W873 81/82). Three Only Plate Compactors 70-80 kg weight (Quotation No. W874 81/82). Three Only Wheel Tractors 3540 kw (Quotation No. W875 81/82). Two Only 3 cubic metre Tipping Trucks Contract “A" Cab and Chassis. Contract "B” Body and Hoist (Quotation No. W877 81/82. Copies of the Specification are available from the City Engineers Department. Second Floor. Civic Offices. 163-173 Tuam Street. Christchurch. Quotations close at 4 p.m. on thursday. September 24. 1981. J. H. GRAY. General Manager and Town Clerk.
Tenders 0 HOUSING CORPORATION OF N.Z. HOUSING CORPORATION OF NEW ZEALAND THE Housing Corporation of New Zealand calls tenders for the erection of the following Ministry of Works and Development houses for the Clutha Valley Development at Cromwell. Contract: 9/12007/340/80 - 6 units 9/12007/340/81 - 6 units 9/12007/340/82 - 6 units 9/12007/340/83 - 6 units Plans and specifications are available from the Corporation's office. Ist floor. John Wickliffe House, Princes Street, Dunedin, where tenders will close at 4.0 p.m. on Tuesday. September 29, 1981. Tender envelopes to be clearly marked “Tender for contract . . .” showing the appropriate contract number. New Zealand Electricity A Division of the Ministry of Energy TENDERS FOR PLANT HIRE FORKLIFTS DIESEL TANKERS THE Ministry of Energy. Electricity Division invites tenders for the hiring of forklifts capable of lifting 3000 to 10.000 kilograms and mobile diesel tankers of 450 to 1000 litre capacity for its transmission line construction in Otago and Southland.
KAURI TENDERS ARE INVITED for a quantity of used Kauri. Sizes: 170 x 20, 290 x' 30. 100 x 60. 295 x 25, Average length 2.5 m. Can be viewed at:— T. J. EDMONDS, LIMITED. 375 FERRY ROAD, Tenders close October 10, 1981. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. /JX Ministry of Works x±/ and Development NEW ZEALAND CLUTHA VALLEY DEVELOPMENT CLYDE POWER PROJECT CONTRACT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE CLYDE DAM INVITATION TO TENDER TENDERS ARE NOW INVITED from suitably experienced contractors for the construction of the Clyde Dam on the Clutha River near Cromwell in the South Island of New Zealand. Those firms or associations of firms who have already formally registered their interest in tendering will be issued with tendering documents and need not re-apply for them. Other prospective tenderers who have not previously registered their interest for the work can obtain documents from the address listed below. Documents will not be issued to any prospective tenderers after Friday, October 30, 1981. Tenders are to be submitted in accordance with the conditions of tender contained in the documents and will close at the following address on Tuesday, January 26, 1982. at 4 p.m. The Secretary, Tenders Board. Ministry of Works and Development. P.O. Box 12003, WELLINGTON NORTH. Telex NZ 3844 It is expected that the contract will be awarded about March 1982 and completed by mid 1987. The contract will comprise consolidation and curtain grouting, construction of the 75m high concrete dam and contiguous spillway, supply and installation of steel penstocks and installation of gates. Approximately 650,000 cu m of concrete are required. Diversion of the river and bulk excavation of the foundation will be carried out by others and the powerhouse constructed in parallel with the dam by separate arrangement. Cableways, tower cranes and batching plant will be available on site. Overseas firms tendering for the work should do so in association with one or more New Zealand contractors experienced in major civil engineering contract work in New Zealand. The Government wishes there to be a maximum use and development of New Zealand engineering and management skills on this contract. The work will be funded by the Government of New Zealand and the contract will be governed by the laws of New Zealand. SALVAGE SALE BEFORE WE demolish the buildings, on the corner of Colombo/Gloucester St, Masonic Hotel, and Arnold and Wrights, the following main items are offered for salvage. Stainless steel urinal, main staircase to hotel, shop fronts to Arnold and Wrights, stain glass windows in hotel, hotel doors etc.. Expelairs. PHONE KEITH GATFORD, INDUSTRIAL HOLDINGS, 62-123. TASMAN ELECTRIC POWER BOARD SALE OF HYDRO ELECTRIC PLANT TENDERS CLOSING with the undersigned at 5 p.m. on Friday, November 27, 1981, are invited for the purchase and removal from site, of three hydro electric plants which are now surplus to the Board's requirements. Brief details are as follows — ARUIA FALLS - Double runner Francis turbine. Generator output 150 kVA at 2500 volts three phase: operating head 8 metres. Speed 1000 r.p.m. BROOKLYN - Single jet undershot Pelton wheel. Generator output 312.5 kVA at 420 volts three phase. Operating head 293 metres. Speed 1000 r.p.m. WAIKOROPUPU (PUPU) - Twin jet Pelton wheel. Output 250 kVA at 400 volts 3 phase; operating head 107 metres. Note: The stator windings on this generator have > been severely damaged by a short circuit. Further details of these plants and the conditions governing their purchase from the Board, may be obtained from the undersigned by forwarding a refundable deposit of S5O. Inspection is by arrangement with the Chief Engineer who can be contacted during business hours by telephoning Richmon 8099. or after hours Richmond 8663. Tenders will be accepted for one or more stations and the envelope containing the lender must be clearly endorsed "Tender for (Maruia Falls. Pupu. or Brooklyn)” as appropriate. The highest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. < J. C. ROGERS. General Manager
Page 34 Advertisements Column 4
Press, 12 September 1981, Page 34
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