Public Notices NOTICE CALLING FINAL MEETING IN THE MATTER of the Companies Act 1955 AND IN THE MATTER ot Harrison and Davies. Ltd. tin voluntary liquidation) (1) NOTICE is hereby given that the final extraordinary general meeting of the above company will be held at the offices of Messrs Wilkinson Wilberfoss. Chartered Accountants, 7th Floor B.N.Z. House. 129 Hereford Street, Christchurch, on Wednesday. September 30. 1981, at 10.45 a.m. for the purpose ot having an account laid before it showing how the winding up has been conducted and the property of the company has been disposed of and to receive any explanation thereof by the liquidator. (2) NOTICE is hereby given that the final meeting of the creditors of the abovenamed company will be held at the offices of Messrs Wilkinson Wilberfoss. Chartered Accountants. 7th Floor B.N.Z. House. 129 Hereford Street. Christchurch, on Wednesday. September 30. 1981. at 11 a.m. for the purpose of: (1) Having an account laid before it showing how the winding up has been conducted and the property of the company has been disposed of arid to receive any explanation thereof by the liquidator. (2) To resolve pursuant to Section 328 (1) (b) of the Companies Act 1955 how the books, accounts and documents of the company and of the liquidator are to be disposed of. DATED this 10th day of September. 1981. C. E. TURLAND. Joint Liquidator. N.C.F. KAIAPOI. LTD A contractor has been engaged to clean ponds at the company’s effluent plant over the next month, and management apologise for any nuisance that may occur under certain conditions. K. PEARCE. MANAGER. 11/9 81 N.Z. ACADEMY NATIONAL DANCING RAFFLE Drawing postponed until September 25. Results October 5. ORMA SMITH. Organiser. MORE [e SLAUGHTER £| \ VHOUSESy J LIJX IT is wiser still to regard it as a social duty and an individual privilege, to treat other living beings, however they treat you. with understanding, patience and mercy. STC OPOSSUM FIELD DAY SPEAKERS on the Industry, Ranching. Animal Health. Skinning. Venue: Rod Bird’s property, George Street. Springfield (Highway 73) Time: 1 p.m. Date: September 12. 1981. N.Z. Fur Producers Association. PICK YOUR OWNGOLDEN DAFFODILS I P’S spring time at Hadstock Gardens, and millions of our famous giant golden daffoldils are now in full bloom ready for you to pick your own at $6 per bucketful. Follow signs from Ellesmere Bridge on Springston Leeston Highway. HADSTOCK GARDENS Phone Springston 784. PREMIX TOP grade Premix for sale. Exyard or delivered promptly at competitive rates. KEVIN BLAIR CONTRACTORS, LTD, Phone 841-928 or 841-943. STC RISINGHOLME COMMUNITY ■ CENTRE Third term commences. Monday. September 14. A few vacancies in :- Enamelling, floral art, patch work, woodwork. Phone 327-359, to enrol or. to enquire. Hours:- 10 a.m. to noon. 2- 4.30 and 7-9 p.m.
® WEINGUT WsffiW SEIFRIED % HF LIMITED NELSON MAKERS OF A WARD WINNING TABLE WINES Would you like to buy your wine at VINEYARD PRICES with FREE DELIVERY TO YOUR DOOR IN CHRISTCHURCH? WHITES Muller Thurgau $3.30 White Autumn $3.30 Moutere Reserve $3.30 Sylvaner $3.30 Sparkling Sekt $3.30 REDS Refosca $3-30 Pinot Noir $3.30 OR PREMIUM SELECTION Rhine Riesling $3.80 Gewurtz T raminer $4.50 Pinot Chardonnay $4.50 Sylvaner Ice Wine $5.00 Gewurtz Traminer Ice Wine... . 57.60 Choose your wines from these varieties. Carton lots (12 bottles) freighted to your Christchurch street address, on receipt of order with payment, -by Newmans Coachlines/Brambles. Special group buy discount - 1 FREE CASE with every 12 cases ordered. Post your order, plus payment to WEINGUT SEIFRIED LTD P.O. BOX 18, UPPER MOUTERI NELSON.
Page 33 Advertisements Column 7
Press, 12 September 1981, Page 33
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