Public Notices f U/ \> HINDS POST OFFICE NOTICE is given of the intention to convert the Hinds Post Office to Non-Classified status after the automatic exchange comes into operation on September 16. 1981. The office is to retain permanent status with no change to hours up to and including September 18 and convert to Non-Classified working from Monday, September 21. At that time the hours of attendance will reduce to 9 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. Monday to Friday inclusive. There will be no alteration to the range of transactions undertaken by the Hinds Post Office. However, from the date of the conversion. the Saturday inward and outward mails will be cancelled. HOUSE PLANT PARTIES ARE FUN JUST make up a group of 10 to 12 friends and you can get house plants free this way.' Ring now and arrange an appointment, 384-628. or 382019. WS LINCOLN RUGBY FOOTBALL CLUB PUBLIC notice is hereby given that the next meeting of the Lincoln Rugby Football Club, to be held in the upstairs lounge of the Club rooms on Monday. September 28, 1981. commencing at 7 p.m., will be a special general meeting called to discuss the adoption of a club constitution. R. L. FOWLER. Secretary. LYTTELTON CLUB INC. special General MEETING At Clubrooms SUNDAY. SEPT. 20. 10 a.m. Agenda: Building Extensions. MEDITATION THE SOURCE OF HAPPINESS A FREE INTRODUCTORY LECTURE ON SIDDHA MEDITATION WITH SWAMI DHARMANANDA Tuesday. September 15. at 8 p.m.. Centre Gallery. Arts Centre. i Information: Canty Siddha | Yoga Centre. Phone 597-604. j campbell centre MEN AND SEXUALITY COURSE Starting Wednesday, September 16, 7.30p.m. - 9.30p.m. Six weeks. RELAXATION COURSE Starting Tuesday, September 15 10.30a.m. -11.30a.m. Six weeks. For enrolment phone 67239. MRS MAVIS ILLI?’ THE Executors of Ruth Daties. Belws-y-Coed. N. Wales wish to contact the above once of 57 Hawber Street. Wellington, daughter of Dr and Mrs Barruclough or her children who may benefit. Would they or anyone knowing them contact tile Executors. MIDLAND BANK TRUST COMPANY LIMITED. 270 High Street. Bangor, Gwynedd. LLS7 IRY, UNITED KINGDOM. NESTLE SUPERDRAW SWEEPSTAKE THE Nestle Company (New Zealand) Limited would like to congratulate the winners of the Nestle Superdraw Sweepstake competition and thank all entrants for making the competition a success. WINNERS Toyota Starlet, D. C. Humbey. Hastings. Video Cassette. M. S. Greig. Auckland. U/ < - J NEW AUTOMATIC ! TELEPHONE EXCHANGE HINDS AT 10 a.m. on Wednesday. September 16. 1981. the Hinds manual exchange will be replaced by an automatic telephone exchange. All Hinds exchange subi scribers will have a telephone i number change. Supplementi arv directories containing the : new numbers have been distributed to subscribers in the Hinds telephone exchange area. All other telephone subscribers. when wishing to call Hinds subscribers, will need to obtain the new telephone numbers from Directory Service until the new Christchurch District Directory is distributed next year. To assist in a smooth cutover. all subscribers are requested to refrain, except in an emergency, from putting calls through the Hinds Telephone Exchange between 9.45 a.m. and 10.15 a.m. on September 16. 1 1981. i Members of the public are I invited to a ceremony being i held there to mark the occa- ■ sion. The ceremony begins at i 9.15 a.m. in the Hinds Centen- ' mal Hall.
Page 33 Advertisements Column 6
Press, 12 September 1981, Page 33
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