Public Notices DIV. CAV Xr REGT CHRISTCHURCH REUNION SATURDAY. OCTOBER 10. 1981 MEAL AND SOCIAL EVENING 7.30 p.m.. Shirley Boys’ High School (entrance Averill Street. Shirley. Christchurch) Members, wives and ladyfriends welcome. Telephone Jim Wilkinson 857-387. 41 Averill Street, or Mrs Mary McNabb 326-846. 2/20 I ongfellow Street. Christchurch. $4 single: $8 double. Bring Your Own. Please advise Jim Wilkinson or Mary McNabb before September 30. for catering, finance and general arrangements necessary. CREATIVE DRAMA CLASSES 3rd Term Enrolment Saturday. September 19 Peterborough Art Centre • THE GLASSHOUSE " 8-12 years 9.30 a.m. to 11 a.m. 12-16 years 11 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. Contact Phone Gov. Bay 851 and Canterbury Theatre School 50-596. DAVID.BARKER M.D.S. (N.Z.) F.D.S. R.C.S. (ENG) Has commenced part-time private practice at the SYDENHAM DENTAL CENTRE. 447 COLOMBO STREET. PHONE 67-429 for appointments ELLESMERE POTTERY EXHIBITION WILL be held in Leeston Council Chambers. Friday, September 25. Starting at 11 a.m. to Sunday. September 27. 4 Our theme is “Ellesmere from the mountains to the lake" and Jane . Maxey ol Southbridge is our guest potter. There will be an entrance fee of 50c. The proceeds will be donated to the Ellesmere District Nursing Association. EQUAL PARENTAL RIGHTS SOCIETY (N.Z. INC.) NEXT meeting Tuesday. September 15. Tower Common Room. Arts Centre (beneath the Clock Tower). Worcester Street at 7.45 p.m. New members welcome. Inquiries P.O. Box 12-092. FAIR ST ANDREW'S ANGLICAN CHURCH 229 HOON HAY ROAD TODAY. SATURDAY. 12th. AT 1 P.M. Fancy Dress 2.30 p.m Handcraft display, spinning demonstration, and usual stores. FIRST AID THE Red Cross Society will conduct 2 Adult First Aid classes in the Lady Wigram Hall. 33 Cashel Street, commencing Monday. September 14.10 a.m. to noon and 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Cost inclusive of manual. $lO. To enroll please ph. 798-158. FLEA MARKET FLEA MARKET CALEDONIAN HALL Kilmore Street EVERY FRIDAY EVERY FRIDAY 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Stalls. 61-607 GRETA VALLEY TAVERN DUE to alterations to our kitchen we are unable to provide meals until Monday. September 21. We regret any inconvenience this may cause to our customers. HANMER STATE FOREST PARK ADVISORY COMMITTEE NOTICE is hereby given that the current term of office of this Committee will expire on February 28, 1982. The Minister of Forests proposes to reconstitute this Committee. pursuant to Regulation 3 (1) (c) of the State Forest Parks and Forest Recreation Regulations 1979, and appoint no more than 10 nor fewer than four persons to the Committee for a term of three years expiring Mar th 1. 1985. The Conservator of Forests. Christchurch invites written nominations of persons with qualifications appropriate for appointment to this Committee are invited from individuals and organisations for vacancies on this Committee. The Hanmer State Forest Park Advisory Committee is composed of the Conservator ot Forests as chairman and nine (9) individuals appointed by the Minister of Forests. The function of the Committee iss to advise the Minister on the management of the park. Recommendations for appointment are made to the Minister on the basis of the personal- knowledge, experience and expertise a nominee is able to contribute to the management of the park in terms of the Forests Act 1949. Regard will be given to people who have demonstrated an interest in the enjoyment and use of forests and particularly of the Hanmer Forest Park. Nominees should have a wide appreciation of the multiple use values and management of forested land and the place forest parks have in our society. Nomination forms indicating the information required can be obtained from the office of the Conservator of Forests. Christchurch (Tel. 791040. Mr Biddington extension 823). Applications close with the Conservator of Forests. P.O. Box 25022. Victoria. Christchurch. on Monday. October 5. 1981. J. W. Levy Conservator of Forests
Page 33 Advertisements Column 4
Press, 12 September 1981, Page 33
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