Public Notices Public Notices COME AND HEAR DEREK QUIGLEY JIM McLAY / ' Jaw » X < w. OP \ tfcA. z . ■ 1 NEXT FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18. at 8 P.M. HON. DEREK QUIGLEY and HON. JIM McLAY will adddress a Public Meeting at the St John’s Ambulance Hall. RANGIORA. EVERYBODY WELCOME ZF N4TION4L RANGIORA ELECTORATE Authorised by J. Gerard. Chairman. HAGLEY HIGH SCHOOL COMMUNITY LEARNING CENTRE 510 HAGLEY AVENUE TERM 111, 1981 DAY CLASSES PRE-ENTRY CLASSES IN ENGLISH AND MATHS: For those wanting to return to school who feel they need to work on one or both of these vital subjects before joining a school class. MANDARIN CHINESE (For Chinese speakers) HOBBY AND GENERAL CLASSES CREATIVE WOODWORK (New Course) How to use the System (To help the ordinary citizen) Budget Cooking, Clothing and Dressmaking, Home Handiperson, Home Decorating, Hairdressing (Beginners), Machine Knitting. Basic Machining, Art for Fun, Landscape and Still Life, Music Appreciation, Music Instrument and Singing. Embroidery, Silkscreening, Woodwork (Beginners), Typing, Introduction to Religious Studies, Enjoy Keeping Fit. REMEBER OUR CHILD MINDING AND OTHER FACILITIES FOR ADULTS EVENING CLASSES MUSIC Classic Guitar, Violin, Viola, Cello, Double Bass, Clarinet, Flute. HOBBY AND GENERAL CLASSES Drawing and Life Studies, Basic Cooking. Cake Decorating, Cane Work, Car Maintenance, China Painting, Dressmaking, Embroidery, Folk Guitar, Floral Art. Gardening and Horticulture, Gournet Cooking, Haircutting, Jazz Dance, Leather Work, Photography, Slim and Trim. (Ladies Keep Fit), Woodwork (Beginners), Woodwork (Ladies). Woodwork, Yoga, Home Landscaping, Machine Knitting. COMMUNITY CLASSES Jointly with Christcurch Parents Centre Inc. Ante Natal. Adoption. Parents of Toddlers. Parents of 5-12 year olds. ENROL NOW Enrolments taken now for all classes at the Community Learning Centre Office. 9 to 12 noon. Monday to Friday. 6 to 8 p.m. Monday to Thursday. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION Phone 793-090 J SKiWS |edmonds| PAY CASH We go anywhere, anytime to pay cash for your skins. EDMONDS GAME Phone Collect, Ohoka 638. TAIMEX TRADING U.S. FUR DIVISION TOP PRICES OPOSSUM SKINS. Phone:--Rod Knox. 324 M Palmerston. —Russell Kemp, 859 Loburn. —Roger Perrin. 152 S Kaikoura, —John Young, 80-598 Nelson. -John Smith. 6589 or 7842 Greyniouth.
Page 33 Advertisements Column 3
Press, 12 September 1981, Page 33
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