Car Parts and Access VW wanted wreck, am model, any ronri Top pm - p nd. Auto Salvage Pn 6». Siri. l b .555-t>7) VW >3W. lOli.p. motort i.b excel cond. S“ll:>-S.)95 FulU guaranteed. AW" Salvage. Pti 66-Biri. a >1 ..,..a-c;i VW 1962. wrecking m xt week. Recond. motor. Rex 1 td. 211 Ravmond !?>t I'h 890-130 VW nV battery new eon.! VW 1.500 carberettor tor xile l'!i 62-5)5 VW 64. undamaged, arrived to wreck, excel. 12rt> motor. 1! r par’s Auio Salvage. I ll 60Siiu. a.h. ;>.SS-6'tl WANTED: side draught webb-r carb jii.l maniiC'id tor Mun. WANTED i' ,'>r 2 tyres nt $ inc!, mags l'!i s.q.S.SS WANTED, mi and iWO Morris Austin Cylinder beads i.r cmnt'le’e motors Phone S'.ti Gmara'ii.i WEBER carb FCt> 2$ 36 sell. Brand new Si9il Ph 63-354 WHEEL alignment, tor i.’trst Repco FlecTonie Service at reus raws contact Value Tvres. 66 Bell'.iew Ave. I’ ;p.inin Pli. 529-9'l) tor appointment and save on tyre wear Also open Sunday morning WHEEL alignment including lull camber and castor adjustments on Cornnas. Toyotas and ail "iber cars w’uii fixed type suspension We .ire tiie professionals, using compu'rTised gear and guaranteeing ail work Hornby Tyre Service, enr Smarts Rd ~nd Chestnut Ave Ph 196-','72. ('pen Sat morning i> WOLSELEY 1300 auto. 1970. wrecking. Islington Auto Wreckers. 594 Main Somfi Rd. Ph. 198-579. Open 8 ill to 5 p.m. Sat. 9. to 12 p in. WOLSELEY 1560. 1961. godd tioily. needs engine, gond tyres, soil as ;s or will wreck I'll. 796-18'1. or 33-998 a h WOLSELEY i'i 60 now w recking Kex Russell. l td. 20 Havmoml Rd. Ph 89'1-430 WOLSELEY 16-60 now wrecking Very good motor. Central Auto Wreckers phone 13-938 30 Lowe Strefo. WOLSELEY 6 ill! wrecking, all parts must go. Ph. 796-186. or 33-99,8 a ii WRECKING. .Vauxhall FB. privately. all parls cheap, no motor or box. Pli 891-513 WRECKING. 1954 Hillman with overhead vaive motor, the lot 81211 Ph. 252-219 ZEPHYR Mark 111 station waggon. 2 complete units Sei! Silin I.) and O Ph. 793-83 u ZEPHYR Mark I. 11. ami HI. just arrived to wreck 1) and O I’ll 793-836. ZEPHYR Mk lit am! 11. good motor, gearbox, dill etc H and (.). Wreckers, ph. 7H3-836 ZEPHYR MKIII motor, gearbox, good condition, new elutcli assembly, motor needs rings Also Vanguard diff. I'll 39253 or ,189-671. ZEPHYR Mk HI. 1964 .Just arrived m at Super Parts. Phone 849-582 or 843-468. ZEPHYR MklV sell. Good body wiili or without recond motor, and gearbox .Cheap. Pti. ,894-991. Sun ZEPHYR Mk 2 and 3 and 1 All par's. Ph. 487-692. ZEPHYR Mk 3 motor, good cond Ph. 799-071), Chrisletisun Auto Spares-, 240 SI Asaph Si ZEPHYR Mk 3.4 cylinder .vreck- ■ nig. good motor. I'ux. tvres PH. 199-544. ZEPHYR, Mk I. arrived for wrecking, recond:! ueied .< lure motor. I’h. 841-131. 842364 a.h 830-713. ZEPHYR Mk 4. auto, 1970 wrecking. Ph. 60-677. e-5 Brisbane SC ZEPHYRS. Mk 111 ami Mk II wrecking Pil. 388-202 STC ZEPHYRS Mk 2. 3 and 4 wrecking at Kaiapoi Car Spares, pii. 6510 Kaiapoi. ZEPHYR 13m wide wheels, with 215 X 13 tvres. $45 pair. Pti 383-213. i ZODIAC Mk ULarrived to dis- : mantie al .Ford. Auto Spares. I ' Pli. 842-319'. 1000 c.c. Miiu.mignw and auto. ! done 58.000 miles, sell, can be iieard running and driven will split. Otters .<BB-708. 13in racing tyres, goon cond. on wide .rim.s. 2 oniv $BO o.n o Ph. 896 - 738.
A-ONE AUTO WRECKERS 61 Gasson St Ph. 795-719 72 MAHINA H Frontal 76 A VENGFR 32.i)(iukm !• rental 7U HOLDEN Hit 25.1 auto undamaged 74 A TRIUMPH 2'JUU burned interiur 71 VICTOR SI. 3.3 161'0 13) 73 HQ HOI.DEN 70 HT HOLDEN S.W. undamaged 67 HR HOLDEN S.W. 71 ZEPHYR i2) 65 CHEV Impala 69 HB VIVA 4-door 71.) HB VIVA 2-iloor 68 AUSTIN 18(10 (2) 69 ESCORT'f) 66 WOLSLEY 111) twin raro> etc. Plus many more GM mak'-v ■and models. A good range "i motors and gearb"W> CARS WANTED 193:>-1975 ANY CONDITION TOP PRICES PAID. 219 KIL.MORE STREET (Opp. Fire Station i Telephone 61-755 NEW TYRES RETREADS USED IVRES T YRE VL’I.CANISIN't. V. HEEI. BALANCING MAG WHEELS ' AR BAITEKIIS PLNCICRI. P.EPAiKs Huurs 8 a m to 5 «i pHi Sutiird.iv '.i a in to 12 noon STC Eacksl YAMAHA j TYRES LOWEST PRICES IN TOWN Commuter Road Bikes Trail Bikes Motocross Road Racing CALL IN TODAY 9.00 a m. - 12 p.m. The Yamaha People JACKS YAMAHA 250 DURHAM ST Ph. 67-432 LMVD STC
Page 29 Advertisements Column 11
Press, 12 September 1981, Page 29
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