Car Parts and Access TYRES r-'irvads and mas wheels. I'onuict. Vaiuc Tvre Company tor best value'm ' town. 66 Bellvi’-w Ave. Papanui. Ph. 529-091. Also open Sundav morning. TYRES. South City Tyre Ser- . vice. 145 Colombo St. al! size recaps, no casmss required Also 165 X 13 recap radials m 4W and aqua jet patterns. $45 each plus i-asinc. Ph. 35-lI7K. ; TYRES, 4 205 7(1 x 14. new SB5. 4 750 x 14 $2O. 1 155 x 13. new S6ii Mazda 323 s.w. towbar S.<o Phone 831-129 i TYRES 520 x 14 S2O to $;l5 each Ph 383-213. TYRES 525 x 16. $2O to $35 each : Ph. 383-213 TYRES 650 x 13. 640 x 13. 525 to i $35 each. Ph. 383-213 UPHOLSTERY to sml most makes. Models ch.-ap at ‘ , SIMU Motor Services. 3:35 Lincoln Road, open S.U. ‘ morning. VALIANT. APS. now wrecking , Rex Russell, ltd. 2i.i Ravmond Rd. Ph. 8141-130. VALIANT APS wrecking, al Kaiapoi Car Spares, ph. 6510 Kaiapoi. VALIANT APO wrecking. Good motor, box and mit. Jus' arrived. Ph. 41-81)9. VALIANT A.P.5, all parls. gear- , box. diff.. body part.-, etc. 1) and O Ph. 793-8:16. VALIANTS, APS. AP6. VC. Viand V.I cars and wagons, wrecking. Ph 841-131.842-364; a.h. 8:10-743. VALIANTS. VE. VF. VG. VII wrecking. 225. 245. 318. V 8 motors, auto and manual., just arrived, all parts. Pli 482-428. VALIANT VE and VG wrecking . at Kaiapoi Car Wreckers, pli. 6510 Kai. VALIANT VE 1968. wrecking Good motor and manual : - gearbox. Ph. 499-544 ; VALIANT VJ dismantling now S.I.M.U. Motor Services. 335 • Lincoln Rd. Open Sat. morn- - ing. VANGUARD Pl. 111. 4 cylinder and 6. All parts, good motors. ■ gearbox. D and O. Ph. 793-836. - VAUXHALL FB. 1963. now i wrecking. Rex Russell ' Ravmond St. Ph. 890- 30. ; • VAUXHALL L.I.P. 1952. wreck- 1 ing. All parts. Phone 843-11-19. VAUXHALL PA. 1958-62. some ! ' parts sell. Ph. 856-317. VAUXHALL PB and PC new ; stock, just arrived. Ph. 43-613 : ' VAUXHALL PB and PAX all 1 parts, good 2.6 motors guar- : anteedi gearboxes etc. I), and O. Wreckers, ph. 793-836. VAUXHALL PB 2-6 motor guar- ! anteed. S2OO plus gearbox. ' . etc. D and O. Ph. 793-836. VAUXHALL PC and PB wreck- ; ing. Ph. 841-131. 842-3 M. a.h i : 830-743. I VAUXHALL PC. 1967. good 3.3 : motor, just arrived in at I : .Super Parts. Ph. 849-582 or ' 843-168. VAUXHALLS from 1954 to; 1967. ; wrecking al . Kaiapoi ’-Cur i Spares, ph. 6510 Kaiapoi. I ■ VAUXHALL Victor 1958. wreck- i ing. Good motor and gear- 1 . box. Phone 843-049. I 1 VAUXHALL Victor 101. all parts. | motor, diff and good body parts. Apply 6 Corhamptson ' . St, Aranui. I ‘ VAUXHALL Viscount 3.3. wreck- i . ing. Islington Auto Wreckers. I ' 594 Main South Rd. Pli. 498- I 579. open Sat. 9to 12 p.m. I . VAUXHALL Viva's HB 3 wreck- i ’ mg al Kaiapoi Car Wreckers. > pti. 6510 Kai. ' . VICTOR! 101 all parts sell, motor, I ‘ gearbox, dift, body etc. D. and ; O. Wreckers, ph. 793-836. ■ VICTOR 1111. all parls. Bromley . Auto Spares. H7A Maces ' Road. ph. 841-622. VICTOR 101. 1966. dismantling at Ravcroft Auto Spares. Ph 798-427. VICTOR 101. 1965. estate, un- . damaged. 4 speed box. just I arrived in at Super Parbs. Pti. ' ' 849-582. or 843-468. i VICTOR 1600 o.h.c. good motor i and box. undamaged car. just, j arrived in at Super Parts. Ph < 849-582 or 843-168.' VINTAGE car. antique brass : lumps Ph. 584-788. t VINTAGE Packard rear trunk wiiti original name plate. ; sell. Ph. 327-225. VIVA HB. 69. wrecking, excel motor, box and du t. .ill parts. . Just arrived. Ph. 11-81)9. « ■ G 9 H VIVA HC. now wrecking, will) Datsun motor and gearbox : fitted. Central Auto Wreck- i ers. pfiune 43-938. 30 Lowe j Street, ! VIVA 1970. 1 door HB wrecking. , Ph. 799-070. Christenson Auto 1 Spares. 240 St Asaph St. ; VOLKSWAGEN Professional car ■ wreckers, dismantling this ; week. 1967 1300. 1963 120(1. i . shortened chassis complete. ; Randall Panel Beaters. Re- I pairs and Used Parts I Specialists. 3618 Tuum St. ' VOLKSWAGENS, leading car ; . wreckers have dismantled over 300 beetles from 1954-73. Randall.Panelbeaters. Volkswagen repairs and used parts Specialists. 3618 Tuam St, Pn. ' 66-473. D VOLKSWAGEN Variant. 16001, I t spares now available, good i t engine. SIMU Motor Service, j 335 Lincoln Road, open Sat. I 1 morning. 1 • VW Beetle 1500. damaged. 1970. 1 t Previously Al. 45.000 mis. Ph. 1 525-821. i | VW cars wanted fur wrecking. . ; any model or condition. For i top prices consult (lie VW ' Specialists. Storer Motors. : Phone 583-371 or a.h. 888-808. ' WS I VW engine sell. 1200 and 1300ec. both recently recond, some body parts available also. Ph. ; 486-151. VW exchange fully reconditioned motors. Fur personal ; ■ service call Storer Motors. We I will also build performance I motors to sun. Phone 583-371. i WS | VW floor pan. excel, cond. sno. i 1200 motor parts. Auto Sal- i vage. Ph. 66-806. a.h. 558-671. ! VW parts tor sale, new and . second-hand. Cail Storer Motors. 196 Waimairi Road. ; phone 583-371. WS 1 VW Sales and Service Centre. 59 Ferry Rd. ph. 50-703. Sole agents for high performance parts and Baja kits. VW Brazillian parts. Compare our prices. HS VW Terra truck, nbreglass bodied, flataeck. in need ui repair. Cheap. Pl). 525-821.
Page 29 Advertisements Column 10
Press, 12 September 1981, Page 29
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