Noon forecast
General forecast: Fine over most of the South Island, with showers clearing from north-eastern districts. District forecasts: ; Canterbury:'Areas of drizzle .in the north gradually clearing, otherwise fine, with light winds.
Nelson, Btiller, Westland: Fine, with light winds; cool by day with frosts tonight. Marlborough; Cold southerlies about the coast, decreasing slowly, with showers dying out; light winds inland: mainly fine. Outlook: Mainly fine over the South Island.
Observations taken at the Meteorological Office. Christchurch Airport. yesterday. Barometer: 6 p.m. 11 p.m. Millibars' 1925.6 1025.7 Temperature: deg. Maximum (to 6 p.m.) . . 7 Rainfall: mm. 9 a.m. to 11 p.m Tee. .To dale this month. .... 38 To dale this year 300 To date last year. : ... . -192 . Average, to date. ... . . 361 Average lor July ..... 55 Wettest'July (1977). •. . ' 181 Driest July (1067). ... .5 Sunshine: hrs Yesterday 0 hr Oil min ■ To date this month. ... 53 To date this year. .... 1020 To date last year. . . 1013 Average for July .... 122 Humidity: Per cent at noon 92 Per cent at 6 p.m. .... 95 Temperatures and rainfall for the 24 hours to 9 a.m. yesterday: Maximum 8 deg. minimum - I. deg. grass : 2 deg. rainfall 3 SUN, MOON. AND TIDES Sun-Today: Rises. 7.56; sets. 5.15 p.m. Tomorrow: Rises, 7.56 a.m.: sets. 5.15 p.m. Moon—Today:' Rises. 5.13 p.m.; sets. 7.40 Tomorrow: Rises, 6.14 p.m.; sets 8.26 a.m. High tide at, Lyttelton—Today: 4.10 a.m. and 4.35 p.m. Tomorrow: 4.55 a.m. and 5.21 p.m. (Akaroa. subract 45min; Port Levy, subtract 30min; Ashburton and Rakaia, subtract 25min;, Lake Forsyth, subtract -60 min: Kaikoura, add 17min; Kaiapoi and Sumner, add 30min). Phases of. Moon Fullmoon: Today, 5.p.m, ..... Last quarter: July 24, 10 p.m. New moon: July 31, 4 p.m.
First quarter; August 8. 7 a.m. NOON WEATHER Auckland: 12deg.. showers. S.W., 15 knots. Wellington: 6deg.. rain. S.. 20 knots. Christchurch: 6deg., light rain, ■ S.W., 10 knots. Dunedin: 6deg.. fine. N.E., 10 knots. WORLD WEATHER Minimum and maximum temperatures in the main Australian cities yesterday were: Adelaide. 7. 19; Brisbane, 10. 20; Canberra. -3, 13; Darwin, 22, 33: Hobart. 9, 14; Melbourne. 7, 15; Perth. 10.18 (noon); Sydney. 7, 19. Minimum and maximum temperatures in the main cities of the world, in the last 24 hours were: Amsterdam. 12. 28: Athens. 22. 32; Bahrain, 31. 44; Bangkok, 26, 32: Barbados. 24. 30: Beirut. 22. 28; Belgrade. 17. 26; Berlin. 15. 21; Bogota, 6 16: Brussels. 14, 20: Buenos Aires, 14,18; Cairo, 22, 37; Caracas, 20, 28: Chicago, 20. 28; Copenhagen, 13.18; Dublin. 12.19; Frankfurt. 14. 23: Geneva. 11. 23; Havana. 25. 32; Helsinki, 15, 20; Hong Kong, 27, 31: Jakarta, 22. 33; Jerusalem. 19. 30; Johannes- ■ burg. 2, 17; Kiev. 19, 28; Kuala , Lumpur, -24. 34; Lima, 14. 18; Lisbon, 25. 40: London. 16. 23; Los Angeles. 20. 34; Madrid. 18. 34; Manila. 23, 32: Mexico City. 13. 18; Miami, 26. 31; Montevideo. 17, 20: Montreal. 18, 20: Moscow, 18. 30; Nassau, 22. 32; New Delhi, 25. 29; New York, 24, 29; Nicosia. 23. 40; Oslo. 12. 18; Paris. 15. 23: Rio. 14, 30; Rome, 19, 30; San Francisco, 14.- 28; San Juan. 27. 33; Santiago. 6. 11; Sab Paulo. 12. 25: Seoul, 21. 30; Singapore. 22. 30; Stockholm. 12, 18; Tel Aviv, 22, 32? Tokyo. 24. 32; Toronto. 14. 28; Vancouver. 12. 20: Vienna. 16. 22.
Noon forecast
Press, 17 July 1981, Page 20
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