- Public ~ ! ' NOTICE OF ELECTION NOMINATION OF CANDIDATES, AND CLOSING DATE FOR • NOMINATIONS COUNTY OF WAIMAIRI I HEREBY give notice that daring the period commencing -on Monday, the 6th dav of October, 1980, and ending with Saturday, the Mth day of • October, IBSO, the following elections will be held: i 1. COUNTY OF WAIMAIRI ELECTION OF "■ .•COUNCILLORS The ejection -of OJ<E COUNCILLOR ' for each of :; the Ridings. ■ of; Belfast, [ Marshland, Middleton, Papa- ' nui and -Styx. The election of ■ TWO COUNCILLORS for • .each -of -the Ridings of: ■' Avonhaad,. Fendalten, Hare- , wood and Wairarapa.- \ ’■ 2. NORTH CANTERBURY ■ HOSPITAL BOARD The election of ' TWO ; MEMBERS to represent the ’ ’County of WaimalrL 1 .3. NORTH CANTERBURY CATCHMENT BOARD The election of ONE MEMBER to represent the County .. of Waimairi. ij 4. CHRISTCHURCH !r DRAINAGE BOARD il WAIMAIRI SUB-DISTRICT The election of THREE MEMBERS to represent -that: part of the’. County of .Waimairi within the Waimairi; Snb-District. . - 5/ Lyttelton harbour The electtm ; «f'4>NE NEM- ' BER "to -represent the Com-' Mned District x>t the Borough of 'Erecarttm-and the -County■of Waimairi- . I .' .i r t CHRISTCHURCH .i ■ TRANSPORT BOARD NORTH-WEST SUB-’ DISTRICT ’
The election of TWO MEMBERS ’ to' represent the . Combined Sub-district of the. Borough 6t filcbarton and ; that part of the County of Waimairi within the NorthWest Sub-district. NOMINATIONS of Candidates must .be in my hands at the address shown below . not later than NOON ON - THE FIFTH DAY- OF SEPTEMBER, 1980. Each Candidate must be nominated on the prescribednomination paper, which is obtainable from "the Council . Office,- Jeffreys TtOad. Nominp ations must'be accompanied e by the'prescribed deposit of y S3O-' ■ ’ 1 S DATED at Christchurch this- », 25th day of August, 1980. > • J. RETD, ; ' ' Returning Officer. . Corner Jeffreys end Clyde Roads, i Fendalton. I CHRISTCHURCH. 1 -MT RICHMOND STATE • FOREST PARK ADVISORY -COMMITTEE ■ ’ THE Minister -of Forests pro-. poses to • ■ reconstitute this committee, pursuant to Regu- . lation -3 <1). (£) of the -State Forest .’ Parks and Forest Recreation Regulations 1979. and i appoint no more than 10 nor i fewer than four, persons io . the Committee -for a term of three -years expiring March 1,1984. The term ef office for aH current njembers will «expire -on February 28, 198 L: ■ ; The Conservator of Forests, Nelson, invites -written riorh- . inations 'of persons with qualifications appropriate for: appointment. ‘ to ' this -oommit- ■ ■ tee. from individuals and . organisations for vacancies , bn this committee.' The Mt -Richmond State . Forest Park Advisory Committee -is composed of the ; Conservator of Forests as Chairman and nine (9) individuals appointed bv the Minister of Forests.. The function of the committee is to advise the Minister on the Management of the perk. , " Recommendations for appointment ■ are made to the Minister on the basis of the personal knowledge, experience and expertise a nominee is able to contribute to the management -of. the Park in terms of the-. Forests ’ Act, 1949. Regard will be give# to people -who have demonstrated an Interest In the enjoyment and use of forests and particularly' -of the Mi Richmond State Forest Park. Nominees Should have a -wide appreciation of -the multiple - use values and management of forested land.and the place Forest Parks have in our society. Nominations musfbe on the . approved nomination form : available from the Conservator of Forests,- Mbnro State Building. Nelson.' or the N2. Forest Service Offices. Nominations: close with the Conservator of Forests, Box 140. Nelson, on Friday, October 10, 1980. ■ ’- P. W. MAPLESDEN, ' -Conservator of Forests. « WS6 J-'-V ’ SUPPLEMENTARY COUNTY ELECTORS ROLL NOTICE is given that the Supplementary Roll of Electors to be used at the elections ’to be held on October 11, 1980, will close at 4 p-m. on Friday, September 12, 1980. County residents are advis ed that enrolment is compulsory for any person of, or over, the age of 18 years, and who has resided in NewZealand for one year, and has been a resident in the County for not leas • than three months and is not automatically enrolled as a ratepayer by having his/her name first on the rate ■ assessment. -Rolls may be inspected- at the following places during the times listed. Enrolment ‘ forms • can also be obtained at those places. (a) County Offices. .149 Main South . Road—Monday to Friday.* 8-39 a.Tm-4.30 p.m. (b) County Library. Goulding Avenue — Saturday. 9.15 a.m.-12.15 p.m. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, 10.15 a.m.-3.15 ' pan.; Thursday 10.15 aan.-9 pan. • Friday. 10.15 aan;-8 p.m. (c) 1 Halswell Public Library— Mondav to Thursday; 3.13 p.m.-5.15 pan.; . Friday, 12.15 pan.-845 pan. ; -B; : L-MOOAK. County Clerk.
Page 29 Advertisements Column 6
Press, 3 September 1980, Page 29
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